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Videos & thinking does not equal development. Experience teaches. Suffering teaches. Loving without is the suffering which directs to the love within.
@WaterDroplet--00 There is nothing you need do. It is the potential doing, what could be added, which stands to thwart. In understanding you are both already entirely free, unattached, with no obligation to each other whatsoever - you are readily friends & lovers. An ounce of possession in the mind spoils. Your interest in her will naturally deepen, without needing to be understood, with out attachment.
Nahm replied to SoonHei's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
“Separation” is a belief. A thought. A filter, a veil - a veneer, overlaid upon pure pristine spontaneous ineffable consciousness. There is no such thing as a thing, as finite. So infinity, consciousness, must forget to experience other than itself. In forgetting, appears experience. Of forgetting & experience, an idea of who you are is created. The idea of who you are created an idea of God. God created itself, or rather, the idea it is something else - something, “separate”. “Separation” isn’t an actuality. It’s a punchline. That is what you did. The idea of you = suffering. @SoonHei Delightful post you love drunk hippy. I thought I loved someone! What a delight. -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Because the scale was tipped to perception & thinking, to compensate for a lack of feeling. Perception & feeling & no mind = bliss. -
Nahm replied to Forrest Adkins's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This “ego” doesn’t get anything out of meditation, meditation gets the ego out. The doer doesn’t care much for the stopping of it’s doing. Effortless living, your life’s dream unfolding wonderfully, emotional mastery, no mind, non reaction, bliss...the ego see’s this stuff coming a mile away. “Why would I meditate”. Dream board’s great for realizing preferences far more worthwhile, inspiring, & satisfying than a story on a screen. This actual story on a screen is a pinch superior imo. This story you’re actually creating. -
@Hansu For sure. “Words don’t teach”. Try a reiki class. ?
It’s just about one thought. That’s it. Letting one thought go. We’re only ever working with one thought. The one thought arising right now. Regardless of it’s content or implication, Regardless of where it is on the script, or what it implies about the movie - it is one single thought, now. That’s the entirety of human thinking. One thought, now. No size, no shape, no levels, no form or properties at all. Just an impartial micro-essence that comes & goes. Seems to anyways. It’s funny to imagine God saying just one single thought at a time, there’s no way that could get out of hand. And it’s like giving a kid a flint pebble and he burns half the city down. Letting one thought go, we’re liberated of reaction to it, free to put attention on a thought that feels good, one about what we want. Feeling always delivers. What feels good to you + your attention on it naturally leads to more. Somethin’s gonna happen next anyways, mind as well be conscious of it. Also feel free to let thought go all together, and just be, eventually these are known as one in the same. The wind doesn’t require a blower, choice doesn’t require a chooser, ‘doing’ doesn’t require a doer. Reality is unconditional in regards to creation, and yet there is a source. All we see are parts, yet we don’t see any parts, ever. Use feeling & awareness to feel each thought. Apply the source, to the thoughts, and the extraordinary is revealed in perception (and of course feeling). Nothing is needed of you for that, nor do you need anything for that. Let go of one thought 24/7, stomach breathing is great too. It’s inherently a conscious body scan. In the momentum of letting one thought go, new thought arises with more connection to feeling, like intuition. With more letting one thought go, new ways of seeing arise with perception. Changing a pattern, or the thought choice pattern, little by little is one way to become conscious of a habit. Then it’s no longer a habit. Arguably preferable if the habit has been made into a mountain, if there is already moment of thought-marriage. Some rip the band aid off, and some peel it slow, both converge at consciousness. There is no process towards a want. The end result is being used as a condition to happiness while on the journey. Nothing needs to be done. Want is automatically felt, derived from unwanted, from experience. We are creation, experiencing, creating, expanding. You’d have to admit, the playground of choice is vast. Preferences naturally arise. There’s so much to create. To wait to let go, is to unconsciously create - the experience of waiting. ?? Precisely when one entertains they’re ‘unconsciousness’, there is the realization of consciousness. There isn’t an object which is absolutely a certain way. What it is is what you’re thought, perception & feeling is allowing.
@Hansu Congrats on the exercise & weight loss!! That’ll do it Self-Love is infallible ♥️
It seems like the thinking “I have a porn addiction”...and so “I need to quit porn” is perfectly logical, and I guess it is. But when scrutinized, there is no such thing as the absence of a thing, so technically “quitting porn” is still focusing on the thinking about porn. Likewise, “addiction” reinforces the sense of “me”, and the ego strongholds onto that sense of “me” to make it real, which it is not. So that adds another layer of still thinking about the porn, just flipping it to the identity as the one who has ‘the addiction’. Another course of thought, is since everything is changing anyways...just slowly but surely, change what you do with your time to something else. Preferably, a dream board full of things you actually want. Very soon, if not immediately, you’ll know, and be ‘doing’ a handful of things you want more than porn. A day will come where you literally won’t be able to remember what “addicted to porn” actually felt like, because you’ll have expanded consciousness by letting the old thought relationship, attachment, and identity, go. You’ll be feeling so good all the time, that you won’t even really have time for something you actually like less, than what you’re doing with your life. The life’s dream you are creating. There’s no better feeling than lost in love with reality. In that light, it’s almost as if at present, you’ve made an enemy of reality. Something to strive & strife against - rather than change.
Nahm replied to Raptorsin7's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yeah. Thought, perception, sensation, that each one is The One & there is no objective reality. The “how” that’s accomplished can’t be thought or said as ‘reality’ and ‘thought’ arise in appearance simultaneously. It can most certainly be shown / revealed though. Even then, especially then, regarding the “I am”...I hear ya, it’s a thought, and it’s a sense...but awareness is aware, consciousness is conscious, you are you. -
Nahm replied to Raptorsin7's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Indeed there is. ♥️ -
Nahm replied to Raptorsin7's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The ego isn’t in thoughts it’s the universe. And it isn’t. -
Nahm replied to aklacor727's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@aklacor727 ?? -
@Maximo Casas You got thoughts, perception and sensation. That’s it. You’re weaving a second entity of them, on the backs of other separate entities.
Nahm replied to Forrest Adkins's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, relative, the movie. -
Nahm replied to aklacor727's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
‘Goals’ are thoughts. Useful in creating your own reality when properly aligned with feeling & source. Want for the feeling, the aliveness, the ride, the journey, the adventure of creation - not to attain, not to feel better when. Love is always Now. No thing is better than love. No thing is outside of Now. Maybe forget “goals” and it’s potential pitfalls of connotation, and just write everything you want on a dream board, and enjoy the non resistant ride of it coming. This is a miracle. “Goal” is a thought. This manifests - becomes what you are wanting. This has always been the case. Enlightenment reveals there are no ‘problems’, as all is you. However, by simply taking your “problem”, and writing it’s opposite on your board, you begin to see for yourself that a “problem” is just a label placed on the coming of the very things & experiences you are already wanting. All thinking is relative and therefore not to be believed or identified with. Thoughts are themselves absolute. There is only absolute. It’s like building something out of Legos designed to help you find Legos. You are made out of happiness already, it can never be found, you’re free to build whatever you want out of your Lego self. -
@Meraki The inner child has been kicked around quite a bit for so long, the Truth within has become unrecognizable. You are so much more than appearances have led you to believe. Some understanding of why people project To actually defend, and how to know your true self and not get sucked into other people’s’ stories when they express their ignorance would go along way. In kind, seeing the falsity in these narratives liberates you of them. Appearance is entirely relative. Overthinking & under feeling - ignoring the voice of the inner child - won’t feel good. This can most definitely be turned around. It’s never going to settle, if identifying as the body continues being reinforced with thoughts. It’s always in change, while the eternal & perfect self (you) never changes. When there is emotional pain, unbeknownst to us, awareness is imbalanced, disproportionately shifted away from feeling almost entirely, to perception and thinking. Overthinking distorts what is perceived to compensate for the lack of feeling. You meant to have lots of amazing feelings, and the good news this is within you to be tapped into. Many false narratives can be let go. Thought overcompensates for the lack of feeling, and weaves stories about who you are to make sense of it. But of course, this never works, never “makes sense”, as sense is sensation, feeling, and more feeling is what was needed from the get go. More love. So it’s not your fault! It’s created in total innocence. And you can reconnect with a proper understanding of thought, sensation, and the source within you. Creating emotions based on the experiences of the outside world and identification with the body will never feel great. It is imprisoning. You can come to understand this, and feel amazing unconditionally. This clarity is the light, and it is accessible equally for everyone of us. What we all too often label as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, “something‘s wrong with me”, etc... is a complete misunderstanding of ourselves, and the functionality of thoughts with feelings. This results in the absolute unconditional love that we truly are being entirely misunderstood and shuttered up. The inner being is not going along with terrible self referential thoughts - because they’re not true! You’re so unthinkably awesome that it feels terrible when you believe these negative things about yourself. The absolute love you are + tons of thoughts to the contrary = chronic suffering...because you’re awesome, not because anything is “wrong with you”. How you look is relative...beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This suffering is indicative of overthinking, trying to make sense with thinking, of what can only feel better in feeling. Sometimes we learn a really deep environmental / micro cultural defense of judgment. This can be understood and let go. The belief in need & judgment is the foundation of this suffering. When there has been such chronic unwanted feelings in the body for so long, it feels at if it must be justified & validated, which perpetuates the suffering. It can be very tricky. You can become free of this suffering. You can understand the past and transcend it with presence of now, and enjoy the amazing future it’s naturally leading to. Alignment of thought, feeling, & source will change everything. If you want to talk anytime, just let me know.
Nahm replied to TDW1995's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 Omg yes. ?? The truth in that is clearer with every passing day! -
Nahm replied to bensenbiz's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Rasheed This one might be taken in a new clearer light. ?? -
Nahm replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Path progression / understanding wise...infinity + ‘understanding’ superposition = everything is nothing, as nothing is everything, comes to mind. -
Nahm replied to bensenbiz's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Raptorsin7 Not really sure what you mean. -
Nahm replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Highest An image comes to mind of ‘where you’re comin from’, as an ascension which once transcended, what is attained is effortless permanent residence in the highest possible state. That accurate of how you size this path up? -
@Maximo Casas That’s the best thing anyone can be. Put all your attention into perception; seeing, hearing, feeling the body. Feel the breath, the air on your skin. Let your eyes relax taking in sight as a whole. Listen in to the sound bed of silence underlying all of sound, feel into the sound bed, feel into the hearing, and feel into the seeing. Attuned in perception, there’s little thinking, and everything makes sense.
@Bill W Meh. You’re exactly where you should be. Luv ya. ??
What is non-duality without that belief about it?