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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Without daily meditation every morning, one skips right past the obviousness of how easy the actuality is. Effortless. You want, because you experienced. ”I would explore consciousness through psychedelics and explore the earth by travelling, and be in a loving intimate relationship. And just be.” Hells yeah to that. You feel that HELL YES or not man? In you. You feel the HELL YES in you? .....Like an invisible first step on the slip & slide of thought...then the self referential thought story kicks in... ” I could do a lot of things but none of them would mean anything. Really. “ That’s conditioning. The “ I “ who needs meaning, so it’s valued, important, meaningful. More thought stories, on the back of that opened door of believing the thoughts... If my life is imaginary, then I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I don't see the point of contributing to the world, an imaginary world, and an imaginary contribution by an imaginary being. Look, hear, feel. This is indeed it. Create. That’s what an infinite being would do. Be free to create, together. Let it be obvious. Allow all that you are wanting to create, to come into your life. This reality literally simply becomes what is focused on. It’s so magic - we’re like “magic?”. But this has unequivocally been the actuality, the case, the evidence 100% of ‘your entire life’. Never has a thing been outside of your focus, awareness, love, consciousness, wanting. Never once. Gonna call bs on ya here...♥️ Life feels like a MMORPG at this point and everything seems ridiculous. It that what you do when you know it’s just a video game you’re playing and you’re actually 100% safe sitting on the couch? You turn on the game, and then just sit there and say “oh, there’s nothing worth doing here”. Daily morning meditation is priceless. But even this reconciliation does nothing. Reconciliation Is a thought, a thought is not an individual entity, and can’t be said to “do”. But here, in this game - you’re absolutely free. And you have wants. If you’re truly genuinely unaware of your wants, write out a list of what you know you don’t want. But, imo, this is as clear as consciousness: ”Explore consciousness through psychedelics and explore the earth by travelling, and be in a loving intimate relationship. And just be.” Fucks sakes man. That’’s your adventure & metadventure and it’s beautiful all on it’s own. It is it’s own ‘meaning’. Take it! Take the adventure! If “the slate wasn’t wiped clean”, you’d be stuck in determinism. But you’re not. You’re free. That’s unexplainable. Try as you may. In hope it helps by cutting through the bullshit thought stories, to the love in living...I’ll send you some pics from the world. ?
  2. It is good to recognize relativity in the first thought.
  3. @Florian ohhhhh but you did. ??♥️♥️♥️♥️
  4. @Florian Everything discovered by you is discovered for the very first time. Don’t allow a thought to rob you of cherishing this. “Is the human experience basically a path in infinity that is walked by loving the details of it and is over when every detail of this path has been loved by the human?” If you are on vacation, and ask, “what is the point of this being on vacation?”. There’s no point, outside the experience right now, of the vacation. Now, is always such the vacation. The point is now. Enjoy. That’s it. So, now, create the life you most want. Goes by in a blink. (Not really).
  5. @Annoynymous Meditate letting the thought stories (suffering) go - first thing everyday before the thought stories have momentum. What ‘hangs on’ identity / feelings wise - write about the feeling (not the thought / story) on paper to let it out. Then notice how you reconstruct suffering by believing thoughts again. (Of past, future, & self) To create, then resist (“escape”), then recreate, then resist, the recreate, then resist.... Just watch that pattern, and ‘get behind it’ by awareness of how you’re creating the suffering. Truth = suffering. Trying to escape truth while trying to realize truth is a hamster wheel. Truth = understanding. Whatever thought story arises that there is something to understand, is itself Truth. Suffering can’t be ‘escaped’ while one is making it the object (and one the subject by default). The ox isn’t killed. It’s ridden blindly. Invisibly.
  6. “Sad but True; There are no illusions. You're just unable to accept yourself.” Would you tell your kids this? Are we not? ♥️ @ivankiss
  7. @Nash “If you aren't conscious of something does that mean it doesn't exist?” What is nonexistence? (You are referencing what-doesn’t-exist.) There isn’t a thing to be conscious of to begin with.
  8. @Leo Gura Impossible miracle indeed. ??♥️ ? @EternalForest Knowledge is an appearance of you within you, not something added to you. Notice everything you know, is within your awareness. (You’re awareness & “it” is awareness). It’s that it is so painstakingly obvious and impossibly true that it is missed.) It’s not possible to ‘reject all knowledge outside of yourself’, cause there isn’t any, just a thought that there is. Like the thought, ’the other side of this wall’. It is a zero sum game, and psychedelics are exactly the same as the knowledge. All things are possible - look around, this is that ! Nothing isn’t rejected. It’s self recognition, love.
  9. @Highest It really is all done. When purification arises, let go & have a good cry. No need to make a plan out of it. Even ‘being myself’ - that’s done. You’re you! Ya got no choice, and there’s no one better to be. Done ”There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle.” - Robert Alden That quote always reminds me that what is most powerful - is a single thought of what you want. Today, be done. Tomorrow, dry erase board. One candle at a time. Easy. Effective. Enjoyable.
  10. @Highest ?? Ordinary is Good. If I might sir...keep it simple. Step one, Let Go. Just let go man. God’s got you. Sooo got you. You don’t need any fixing. Take your mind off all this, let it go. We’re just kids really. Step two, tomorrow, pick up a dry erase board. A big one. Ideally, double sided, on wheels. It’s done my man. It’s done. You did it. Truly, really. All gonna change from here on out. You’ll see. ♥️
  11. @Highest It’s done. You’re done. You have enough of what you don’t want for a hundred lives. Now it’s about what you do want - which is easily derived from what you don’t want.
  12. @Highest Everything is ok, you’re ok. All is awareness, and Good indeed. So Good! This, has nothing to do with anyone but you & God, and you’re perfect man. You’re perfect & good to go as is. Acting, becoming, ‘the dark side’, these have nothing to do with this. It can not even truly be said there is a mess.
  13. @Highest That was ‘the work’. It’s done. You know what you don’t want. Congrats. There’s nothing to leave behind. The key is of course bringing source, your internal guidance, along every step of the way. You can become exactly what you want to. You can do & experience exactly what you want to in this life. You most certainly can change what you see, it’s always up to you. That you see things in such a way which surely doesn’t resonate with you, is all the evidence you could need that it is not hard, and it does not take years.
  14. @Highest All that is needed is some fine tuning of thoughts, feelings, and our unconditional source. You have experienced plenty of life, and you know plenty of what you don’t want. That was all of the work, and it is done. Congrats, and well done. Seriously. In aligning, in the fine tuning of the inner game, emotions are no longer created relative to circumstances, events and relationshipS - but rather, relative to your desires, and the source within you, which wants everything that you are wanting, for ‘you’, unconditionally. Sounds too good to be true sometimes, but the miracle is that it is true. This has nothing to do with anyone else, though at times it certainly seems so. It has only to do with your relationship between ‘you’, and source. It doesn’t matter if you screwed up, it doesn’t matter where you’re at, it doesn’t even matter what beliefs you may or may not be holding, and It’s never “too late”. When you are waking up every morning to life unfolding in the direction of your wanting, your desires - there simply are no problems. What was previously defined and experienced as “problems”, magically becomes the means, opportunities, situations and people by which your life’s dream is manifesting. You’ll wish everyone well in their endeavors, appreciating wherever they’re at on their path, sharing in the love.
  15. @Bryanbrax Answer the call of your own intuition. We can say nothing more influential.
  16. @Bestversionofme ...and every animal and insect on this planet face palms.
  17. He is but one of our best actors in the cosmic game of Serotoninluv , still afoot.
  18. @skywords I feel the inconsistency of my humor is perfectly consistent. Maybe you’re thinking there’s a right or best paradigm. But you are the ineffable infinitude aware of thought (paradigms). In my sessions I often find webs weaved by the foundation of a belief one could be understood, and that one needs. Truth is Love. Nothing more, nothing less.
  19. @skywords It was a joke, in line with the theme of thread. ??♥️?
  20. @Bestversionofme When you drop your belief that sexuality was ever black & white, that duality in your world experience disappears. It’s all grey, and it’s all good. There’s no justification for self judgement. No need to search for it.