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Nahm replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Inliytened1 There’s not even “consciousness”. ♥️ @VeganAwake Or “This”. ♥️ -
@Flowerfaeiry Beautiful. ?? “All criticism is untenable”
@kag101 Awesome. So great to hear. ♥️??
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Authority, power, & wisdom...undrinkable desert mirage. -
Nahm replied to Jahmaine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Feel the feeling, rather than believing the thoughts, at the expense of feelings. If you don’t feel good, you’re still believing a thought about “you”. There are many ways to uncover & realize the falsity of the thought. -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Yes. -
@Hansu You are not messin around! ?? On the Reiki, I’d attend the classes in person, vs online. Sounds like it’s coming along pretty naturally. Nice. After a while of ‘moving the awareness around’, then ‘spread’ / feel it through the entirety of the body / the body as a whole, then let it go & feel the ‘weight off’ of it. Try it over and over, going deeper into the relaxation of it. When relaxation gets ‘down to the bones’, in the feeling sense, there’s a subtly nuanced & different, awesome feeling. Maybe. I’d just feel into it. In the sense, the pain is made out of the same substance as anything else. It tends to come apart / release & relax with feeling. Not for everyone, but it sounds like it’s working for you. This sounds on the thin line of what happening with the body, and what happening in the experience of the body. It sure does sound like you’re tapping into a gift. Maybe take it a step further from letting go, and ‘send love’, similar to ‘moving awareness’, feeling it slowly ‘moving in the body’. Similar to what you mentioned...’move’ the pain to the other foot, and fill the ‘emptied foot’, focusing on the loving goodness feeling in the foot. The body can do pretty amazing things for pain when you’re doubling down on the well being & self-love as you are. Godspeed, and best of luck with the MRI & dr visit. ??
Nahm replied to actualizing25's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@King Merk Well said. @actualizing25 Life is an adventure. Deconstructing reality, beliefs, etc...to ‘get to’, or realize the truth, is the metadventure. Some people simply are not interested, some people are very interested. When one realizes the true nature of self & reality, one can not help but be in love. -
Nahm replied to Autumn's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Not your idea of it. Consciousness = reality. What’s in front of you right now is consciousness. Phones just believe the wifi is theirs. -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Does this thought feel good, “I have to control my future” ? Why doesn’t that thought feel good? Does this thought feel good, “I need to get a job” ? Why doesn’t that thought feel good? Does this thought feel good, “I need to self actualize” ? Why doesn’t that thought feel good? Notice, I’m not asking about your story. I’m asking only about the thought. How each thought feels. If you listened to the inner guidance, the feeling, you wouldn’t even be able to blame your inner being, by referring to feeling as “fear”. It wouldn’t even occur to you, because you’d still be at “This is amazing”. Let go - of the thoughts - which do not feel good. Unless you are afraid of feeling good - there is literally nothing to fear. You are letting go of the very thoughts which do not feel good to you. The end result, will be feeling good. Let not-good feeling thoughts go swiftly, diligently - because you want to feel good - soon enough, it’s autopilot. (In truth it already is - there’s just a “claimer” & “blamer” in the way) ”My story” = Creating fear (ignoring inner being). What you seek is seeking you. Rumi (This is a reference to right now. Not a “future destiny with enlightenment”.) Write down the duality, the two opposite perspectives, of each of your beliefs: Control, future, and need. Of the two perspectives, choose the better feeling one. If you inspect and dispel the belief in a “future”, in “control”, and that you “need”...that thought wouldn’t even arise. ♥️?? -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is a story, created from connecting one-at-a-time-linear thoughts....which are completely non-related - together. This story, of you the human, the individual separate self, is resistance. The resistance to allowing everything you want into experience. This story, resistance... is suffering. A thought arises, let it go. ‘Tune into’ perception. See. Hear. Feel. Watch what ‘happens’ in perception. Scrutinize your belief in separation...do I really know I am perceiving objects? ...or do I know perception? “The kingdom of heaven, is within” Beginning of circle... “oh, ok. So meditate. Let go. Connect with this inner being, this heaven ‘within’.’” End of ‘circle’...”oh!!!!!!!!! This is heaven, ‘it’’ is all an appearance within me.” -
Nahm replied to Autumn's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Consciousness = Reality. -
Nahm replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Highest I believe if you spend some time on YouTube... ‘superposition’ & ‘Schodinger’s cat’ for example...something will click into place. Maybe ‘quantum entanglement’ & ‘quantum erasure’ too. Then maybe a contemplation.... ‘ There is no objective reality. ‘ And similar to the expecting an ‘answer’ of self inquiry... ’ how is this being done? How is “objective reality” being “pulled off” ‘. -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
”Is it wise to divide Spirituality from other aspects of life?” Collapse all. Nonduality, “not two”. Spirituality is an idea. Other aspects of life is an idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1YqgPAtzho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ztlIAYTCU “Grasp” those, and then let that idea go too. These are the fingers. What is the moon? -
Yes, of course.
Nahm replied to Butters's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s just Kyle, Stan, Eric & Kenny. Nothing to worry about. You must’ve been really high. I’d stay outta Randy’s stuff in the future. -
@kamekat Literally listening to Within You and Without You when you posted it. ?
Nahm replied to Jahmaine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Self discovery. ‘We came’ to get deeply sucked in, to get absolutely completely lost. It’s not a point, but a feeling which is a natural offset, pointing us back to purpose & creating. -
@Strangeloop What do you like about those? Who was influential to you?
@Hansu Oh no! Sorry to hear. What comes to mind from experience is weight, muscle to fat percentage, and balance. Bit of a shotgun approach, but hopefully something clicks or is useful. Short term... You mentioned the plank on the bed helped. Maybe a maximum firmness mattress, if you don’t already have one. Daily exercise is key imo. A few things to consider. During, and for a bit after weight loss, many small muscles are adjusting to the change in weight & how it’s distributed, specifically the back, as it was holding the extra weight of the front. This is a good thing, and it plays self out. One thing however to consider... if exercise involves weights / any strength training, you want evenly spread distribution. I had a major lower back pain issue for years, even though I was at a good weight and fit. I found that I had neglected the muscles area lowest on the back. Never even thought of it. I started doing a pretty simple exercise where I’m basically, from a standing point, lifting each leg up behind me. Like the opposite of a kick motion, but slowly. I used the resistance of about 10 lbs at first on a bow flex. You can google this, it can be done without weights, and lying on your stomach too. After 1 - 2 weeks, the pain was completely gone, and that was maybe 5 years ago or so. Never came back. So if you’re getting fit, make sure there’s a daily exercise that targets the area of pain. Also have a bone spur in my neck, got a neck weight thingy, and it fixed that too. It’s not perfect, but there’s no pain anymore. I definitely recommend bow flex. They’re simple and last, and old models which are great, can be found very cheap on EBay etc. Also, when exercise is done daily, the chemistry of the body changes. @Michael569 would know the details here...but endorphins, etc from exercising in the morning sure do seem to reduce pain all day. It also improves mood & outlook, which also (I believe) psychosomatically have a positive effect. If the pain is too much to exercise, a short term solution might be a steroid shot, with the exercise / fitness being the longer term plan. Seeing a chiropractor can help on a few levels. The manipulation overtime can significantly realign and bring relief. Also, if you find a good one, just seeing the X-ray, listening to their explanation etc, Brings a lot of finite awareness to the situation, and sometimes I think the biggest piece is just the going and doing something about it. The body likes that, so to speak, and response in kind with healing. A self-love fest. I would do some research on an anti-inflammatory diet for sure. Ime, sugar, bread, and any carbonated drinks just blew it up, and it would take days to get back to good. Take a while to get off such roller coasters but it’s worthwhile. The right nutrients, and eating without those foods, allows the body to divert energy to strength & healing, as it is not having to compensate for what is really imo not actually ‘food’ (sugar, bread, etc) The time of day that you eat could also play a huge role. I know it can be difficult, but try not eating anything after 8...or better yet 7. It might take a few days for the body to adjust to that but it can be a game changer. This could also aid in sleeping through the night, in addition to cutting caffeine off by maybe 2pm. This is ‘out there’ for some...but have you tried telling your subconscious you want this? I’ve seen this be very effective. Simply talking to yourself basically, and requesting the subconscious bring healing to the disc, and that the past is changed in kind. Longer term... Go get two or three sessions before you assess it. Then try out that reiki class. Reiki 1 is healing yourself. Powerful stuff. Reiki is arguably the most under-appreciated, underrated practice imo. The release of things emotionally / psychologically benefits the body, allowing more efficient natural healing. We all hold onto a lot, and get used to it, and don’t realize we are. We’re so naturally adaptive it’s nuts. It takes energy to do that though, and likewise, we adjust and don’t realize low bodily energy has this at it’s root. Reiki 2 is about healing others. This is the real mind blowing stuff. Love in action. Love & bliss through your body would be one heck of a change of pace, and you’d be without the pain. I’d think of it as when you give your self & time for the love & healing of another, as the universe would have it, you are filled with love & healing. But, and I know it’s cliche...the thought about reiki is nothing like the experience of taking the 2 classes. There is also Letting go, and moving awareness. Many people find a ‘clearing’ of specific pains, by tuning into the awareness in the body, right where the pains at, and ‘moving’ the pain to another location. It’s a risky thing to say, but, the pain isn’t really from the location it seems like it is, it is all mind. “Loosening up” the relationship between the mind which is where the pain is, and the body where the mind “believes” it to be, can reduce the pain. Meditation of course, specifically breathing & filling the body with the breath, as well as walking meditation can be very helpful. There’s a bunch in my signature link. Also, Yoga, holding positions and breathing, oxygenates & strengthens the muscle which balance the body, helping muscles acclimate to weight loss muscle / balance shifting. I don’t want to assume, so...have you went to the dr’s? Ideally a wholistic one. Again, the hearing, doing, loving your body, taking the time to go, as well as what the doctor recommends diet & weight wise could be helpful. The difference in pain and energy at a high weight compared to a middle weight, in terms of the median ‘healthy’ weights dr’s use as a reference is very significant. And then the difference in going from a middle weight, to the ‘ideal healthy’ weight (example 6’ tall male, 150 - 155 lbs - don’t quote me on that) can be a huge difference. There is a certain carefree-healing-body zone at the most ideal weight. 5 lbs more, and we’re back at the middle weight, with the body spending energy that was diverted to healing. Hope something helps here. ??
Nahm replied to blankisomeone's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@blankisomeone Great ‘work’. ?? -
@assx95 It is Good. Every flavor. How about that everything you want is already coming to you, and you can relax and enjoy the unfolding of it? Resistance? Acknowledge it. Allow all that you are waning. Want the Truth? Write it on yer dream board. Create the experience. Allow it. Was crowd surfing with this guy while he had a full leg cast on. Nothing phased Him, pure livin’. Pretty sure he ‘gets it’... I am the jigsaw man I turn the world around With a skeleton hand I am electric head A cannibal core A television said, Do not victimize Read the motherfucker, Psychoholic lies Into a psychic war I tear my soul apart and I Eat it some more I am the ripper man A locomotion mind Love american style I am the nexus one I want more life fucker I ain't done Truth is everywhere. ??? ?
@Strangeloop What’s three of your favorite things to use, do, experience, etc?