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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Scrutinize your own beliefs (birth, death, etc), see who the one believing is.
  2. Merry Christmas! Hope your heart grows three sizes today.
  3. @Schahin “True” as in, aware of this, or true as in it sounds true? Likewise, conscious, as in you are conscious, or consciousness, as in, there’s no you? Also, conscious, consciousness, aware, awareness...these are only fingers pointing. “The moon” is not these. Some actors are so Good, they don’t even know they’re acting. “If I intently shout at a dear family member and behave devilish, is it a conscious and intentional act of the higher self or is it the limited self that reacted unconsciously? “ In thought there is no truth found, only duality (twoness), as thought is already (made of so to speak) Truth. An attempt to make Truth out of Truth reveals it was already Truth. The ‘answer’ to that question can’t be realized then, in curiosity, or in thinking about it, as it’s not actually appearing, only in thought. There is no “limited self” & “higher self”, that also is duality (thinking). Such is the product of thinking rather than scrutinizing experience. Simply, you would not ever choose to feel bad. So when you do, it’s a good indicator that you were asleep... “choosing” unconsciously, isn’t choosing at all, it’s reaction rather than creation. You “slept through it”, if you will. Awake, feeling, rather than thinking...would you choose to “shout at a family member & behave devilishly”? Also, such is the product of beliefs. First, that you are separate. Then, in judgement of ‘another’. Then ( a hindsight justification) that there is someone else responsible, some “higher” or “other” self. Also, what is One, Infinite, can’t be said to be ‘all powerful’. And in case it’s helpful, the first act of every person, is consciousness forgetting.
  4. God sleeps through it. @Schahin When you realize you are consciousness, you’ve realized you are not a human nor a body. In kind, nothing ever happened to you. Beliefs of survival, need, assertion, simply fall away like snakes’ skin.
  5. Perception allows for the appearance of change, when thought adds a story to the appearance, it derives, time. It’s not that there is no time in infinity, and then there is this real world where there is time. Another thought, added to perception, is under. It’s most helpful to collapse this duality, by scrutinizing direct experience and revealing we’re never actually doing anything, but it sure seems like we are. In the “inner game“, notice thoughts which imply a narrative. Self, past and future. This reveals the true freedom of infinity, and that the only possible point of experience as all experience is relative, relative to absolute, is the absolute: happiness, joy, sharing love, togetherness. Being appears as a continuum, but is not.
  6. Can experience be dependent upon what it is inseparable from? Does experience require an experiencer ? If so - says who? What could be so magic that this could be the case? Yes, Nothing is real. But Nothing is not a thought about nothing. Nothing is Everything. Nothing is infinite being, love, intelligence, pure joy, bliss, unequivocally unattached to thoughts supporting falsities; absolutely free self-love. If the set up is a thought that nothing is “non existence”, or an absence of anything....the punchline is that is a thought. ”What’s” aware of that thought? Your thought of a thought, a veil to let go. Real doesn’t need clocks, black holes, white holes, paths & maps, and spinning totems. When all is let go... nothing.
  7. @Nemo28 Initially, when The Feeling is arising, any remaining against-self-perspectives will attempt to hijack Love, Infinite Intelligence. A bit unfathomable that a simply human thought could hijack infinite intelligence. How innocent are you - really. If it doesn’t feel amazing - let it go. Give the steering wheel of thinking, to feeling. Feeling is nondual. Clear. Intelligence. “Hell yes” or ”Aw Hell no.” Simple. Feeling. Finding Nemo...? ? ♥️ ??? ?
  8. Can’t stay in what you are. (Not two) The motive you want, which feels good, to create what you really want to in this lifetime. What you really want. The dream that takes your blood, sweat, tears, and brings every nuance of self doubt into the light. Can’t stay in creation either. “Destructing creation” is creating the experience of destructing creation. I am is indestructible. Creation is I am. You’re good to go, in any case. ♥️?
  9. Meditation every morning makes it easy not to go along with thoughts which don’t feel good and aren’t true.♥️ “Crawl before you walk”... pretty solid simplicity.
  10. What a beautiful soul. ☺️ I could sit here with you all day. ? ?
  11. @Shakazulu Eat from the tree of life.
  12. Wisdom is the unveiling of the simplicity, which imo you did here. The simplicity is that the perspective isn’t aligned with being. (Doesn’t feel good). We’re it not for the higher truth within you, it’d feel fine. Understanding why you adopted that perspective, why people do what people do, and then transcending that perspective will naturally come. Sometimes we use a circumstance or events to identify who we are, and it takes a while to realize we did that, and to let it go in the light of who we actually are.
  13. Yes. It would not be unusual to awaken to mindfulness prior to self realization. Like a knowing of oneness...prior to the collapse of all the duality of mind.
  14. @Nivsch When we believe thoughts and ignore feeling, we label this “ocd” or “anxiety”. Try all you want, you will not get rid of feeling. So let the thoughts which don’t feel good, go. The beliefs too. Then, you’ll feel great.
  15. @Nemo28 There’s no that either. All it’s must be denied.
  16. Of course. It’s just not a separate real. Yes. Awesome! ??♥️
  17. @Ika Sounds like you experienced no-mind, this now, ... being. A break from the narrative of “the doer”. Notice self referential thoughts. Write the statements down. Notice in the thought, the written statement...there are two of you. Notice, you’ve never experienced being two - just One. Notice then, how “things just seem to work out for you”, without all the self referential thinking. This universe loves you, and wants only happiness and fun for you. Allow ‘it’ to become what you are wanting it to. ”What you seek is seeking you” Rumi
  18. @Haumea2018 Nice. Reminiscent of the Buddha’s lotus “speech”.
  19. @Schahin It’s a thought, an idea, “imagining”. It’s an idea of a “how”. Like all words, it means, & ‘it’ doesn’t mean...whatever you think and believe, or don’t. ”How” is dualistic. “How X... Y’s” Nonduality - “not two”. God’s not imagining anything. Just forgetting. “Here I kind of try to wrap my head around these paradoxes, sure with a rational mind these paradoxes aren't too be answered but I hope to hear at least one satisfying answer which could explain it to some point.” This is how the falsity of a “you” is kept going. You can also let it go. ♥️ And the feelings, when you let go. Let them go too. ♥️♥️ “Wash yourself of yourself” ♥️♥️♥️