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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Florian How’s the clean diet, fitness, etc? Also, are you believing thoughts about yourself, or no? Do you meditate, write about the feelings that arise, put what you want on a dream board?
  2. Meditation is the un-serious, the un-rigorous. The trouble you’re experiencing, is in your approach, your perspective on meditation. You’re vibrationally creating what you are thinking & believing. Think about it this way...are you going to realize inner peace by being serious enough, rigorous enough? Take it “seriously” -that you do meditate every morning & again in the afternoon, but the practice itself is letting go. A thousand times, thinking will try to hijack the practice with worries & concerns, a thousand & one times - you let thoughts go. Allow the meditative state to carry over into your living. Not the other way around.
  3. I don’t. Yes, of course. What are thoughts?
  4. Love is one, thought is two. Love is thought. Love is thought itself, and so can not be thought. Just as the seed is the tree, and the rain is the ocean, love is a conscious choice. Love is inescapable, love is every escape.
  5. @Derek White Is there only relativity?
  6. You know falling asleep and you know waking up. Direct experience is so clear, that it appears tricky.
  7. @Matt23 I think if you sleep on it, and then maybe read it once a day and look in direct experience, it will “click”. cheers!
  8. @Matt23 Great inspection work. To break up the duality more, notice there is unidirectionality, while there is also not. You can think of what’s seen, but can’t visually see thinking. Aware of thoughts, you can not think awareness. Being aware, there is not awareness of being. The phones believe they’ll die when no longer able to receive the wifi....and they of course then realize they are the wifi. There was only wifi the whole magical time.
  9. Much love man, but....why would you get on saying you are something which you honestly know you are not? Isn’t that akin to what got “you” into the path to begin with? Go to the user account / profile of @Faceless...and read every post. I can virtually garuntee one of the greatest aha moments experienced thus far on the path.
  10. @Amilaer--- The first step was the acknowledgment of our own unconsciousness. (To ourselves not each other - that’s ‘act two’) One would never consciously choose to feel “bad”. So if one is frustrated, angry, blameful, etc, etc - one must acknowledge to one’s self, one is unconscious - and there is something to become conscious of. We are not designed for bad feeling, inherent in the obviousness of - does not feel good. Initially, it is a bit uncomfortable to realize we can be living, walking, talking - unconscious. Emotions, like jealousy, anger, etc, help us realize this, like the touching of a hot stove and the burn for having done so, and more so, the burn of continuing to do so. The second step was “sitting with it”. Getting super pissed, and then rather than weave each other into the “story justifying the feeling” - we’d simply STOP & shut up...and go in another room, and “sit with it”. Get’s easier, and clearer every time it’s chosen consciously. In the sitting, we are inherently practicing nonresistance. In nonresistance, source’s messages are easily received. We begin to realize it is our perspective which we are believing, which brings about the anger, rather than what is. Inevitably, upon this ‘clearing out’ of misunderstanding, and the arising of understanding...the message of source is more and more readily known, without the rollercoaster, and without any need to go and ‘sit with it’. Everything changes. Who’d have guessed what I most wanted, is the replacing of the tv my 9 yr old son through a toy hammer into, together. Touching up the paint chipped off every corner in the house from two kids and their hoverboards - together. The “mundane”, in nonresistance, is truly pure ineffable magic. “Who’s joining who in the magic” is one of my favorite questions for the kids. Healthy eating, exercise, goals, dream boards, love - together - ineffable. ♥️
  11. Mysticism fits into logic like a dozen eggs into a thimble.
  12. @Dlavjr ???? ”Fear” is a word created to describe how we feel about stuff, having forgotten there is only Love, and no “stuff’. Anything sufficiently inspected, what a thing is (including fear) but our own projection of what is. When we see through fear, we’ve assimilated it, in now knowing it as our self, our own being. This is why, when overcoming fears, we feel bigger, fuller, larger, more whole, unstoppable, ultimately realizing our true immortality, and the full circle shocking obviousness of it.
  13. Before meditation, I was a nervous anxious and panicky wreck. But I was also motivated about my goals and excited about life--nothing would make me happier than to see the items on my to do list completed at the end of the day. As I started to learn how to meditate from some Buddhist reverends I gradually cultivated a calm and balanced mind, anxiety and panic soon became things of the past. However, I feel my motivation for my life purpose took a hit. Life no longer seems rewarding to me, I feel like I lost a dimension of happiness and experience because of mediation. I'm conflicted because because meditation was the best remedy I ever tried for panic and anxiety. On the other hand, I'm no longer inspired by life. I feel like I accidentally deconstructed the positive psychology I had before--I'm not sure if I can have that same positive psychology again while being a practitioner. I'm struggling to motivate myself to do things, which is foreign to me, I've been action oriented for the past 6 years and this has served me well and has been a source of joy and happiness for me. When thoughts about yourself that do not feel good are repeated and believed, conditioning is created. Conditional happiness. This was “remedied” by feeling good about yourself, creating an idea of self worth, derived of what you accomplished. Meditation quiets the mind, and this relatively speaking, feels better. Then purification empties these suppressed emotions from the body. Unless we believe the practice of meditation is causing the feelings - conditioning arises to empty out. The meditation was working just fine. The emotional releases were thwarted by the choosing of resistant thoughts about the meditation, rather then continuing, and seeing the root is thoughts about yourself which never did, and still do not, feel good. The body is responding in kind, and is always attempting, always at the ready, to purify those repressed emotions out. Even the positive of psychology is not ultimately satisfying, as it is still an attempt to feel good, via thought. In truth, you are Good, and a single thought is not needed to feel as such. Analogously, it’s a bit like you’re having trouble walking without the crutch of positive psychology - entirely missing that you can ‘fly’. This exemplifies how sneaky the mind can be, in dependency (attachment) to thoughts. “Action orientation” is great. Inspiration is greater. Have you experienced this before? This is interesting, as I feel like I'm already dreaming big dreams, the dreams were big enough to pull me through a bad day, they were big enough to pull me through a bad month, and big enough to pull me through a bad year. They were compelling and I still haven't reached them yet. I've had a real health challenge since 2005, and I was compelled and motivated by doing all I can do to live a normal life which is possible but really difficult. I have things right now at this moment, that I dreamed of and prayed for dearly, yet I'm not estatic, happy, grateful, and inspired to do more. This is a red flag for me. My goal has always been to recover my health so that my lungs can function normally again so that I could sing on the stage of the metropolitan opera at the very least as a chorister. I know people who have this job, and when they heard me sing, they knew I had it in me to be a professional opera singer. This illness has left my body de-conditioned, but in this season of my life I'm doing rigorous exercise comfortably while on the path to getting reconditioned again, and yet I feel no energy and enthusiasm for what I do and the direction I'm heading in. Meditation did bring this depression about but I can't let it go because of the good benefits it's brought into my life--and yet at the same time I'm tired of not feeling fully alive. Yes. This further denotes what I’m hearing here. The dream fills you with intrinsic drive of inspiration, right here now - yet the choosing of thoughts leads to the perspective of bad days, months, years. The contrast, or “challenges” of life are what bring more of the Self forward. Self is the greatest, and only true, happiness there is. By judging the contrast, we miss out on this most divine experience in living. Prayer is a tricky thing, and can sometimes be used to reinforce happiness being dependent on outcome. Praying for the changing of circumstances, so there can be happiness, might be feeding into the refusal to rise above the contrast, again, bringing Self to the ‘challenges’. I’d be looking to all available resources, from therapeutic to energetic release, to allow the body to purify. “Feeling no energy and enthusiasm for what I do” - is “Choosing thoughts which do not feel good to me”. This is the root of the “depression”. This is what depression is. One can not choose self referential thoughts, which do not feel good to one - and still expect to somehow feel good.
  14. I find that "I" am always trying to solve my problems. I am consistently thinking about how to improve my life. I think about lists, I think about what i really want to do each day. Aside from structural aspects of my life like school, I am constantly just thinking about how to improve my life and be happy. But if i really think about it, I don't really know what to do because if I did then I wouldn't be seeking happiness. Is there another part of my experience that I can look to on a daily basis for advice how to improve my life? I've heard that people must learn to trust their intuition or their "gut" as they progress deeper into this work. But I don't know what my intuition is saying to do, or i'm repressing the intuition. Is there something in my direct experience that I can turn to for inspiration on how to solve goals, other than more thinking? “Can we trust the “ I “ thought? Imagine asking, “Can we trust the cars thought?”, “Can we trust the refrigerator thought?”. There’s no need to use the lens of “trust” with thoughts. There’s no such thing as a “true” thought, all thinking is inherently dualistic. Paint on a pallet, is not considerable in terms of trust, but is to create with. Thoughts are to choose, to create. In this light, the intuition naturally shines, as it is the connector, if you will, between feeling (of source) and the choosing of thoughts. The absolute & unconditional never wavers, and never leaves you. It is because the source of you is infallible and unwavering, that you can feel the resonance of each relative thought. The ‘design’ / situation of / actuality of creation is beyond brilliant in this sense. Don’t look to trust the thoughts....don’t even look to trust the feelings, or even the source of feelings & intuition - simply notice the actuality that there is feeling, that there is sensational guidance - always - within you. The metadventure is far better than an asking of faith or trust - you are directly connected, 24/7. Ime, the full life, the “life in full swing” if you that of meditation, journaling feelings for expanding emotional intelligence, and getting out / clear of what you don’t want. Then, you know more clearly what you do want, and you can write it up on your dream board (holon). By tapping into the source of the wanting, you are tapping into the intuition and the source of infinite potentiality within you that all is flowing from. Try to notice this is already the case. All of your choices literally led to this, to you reading this, now. What will come into / through this now - next? You might say a seeker, is a yet realized creator. A see’r of “problems”, a yet realized creator / creation / creating. In the choosing, in the knowing of the choosing of the unfolding of life - that you are creating with choice, with the choosing of thoughts in accordance with source...that is the greatest 24/7 thrill ride imaginable. It is not about the arrival of the objects of desire, it is about living full of desire now. It’s not about the products of your creating, it’s the visceral feeling - to be alive! To be here! If you’re perhaps taking reality for granted, stop and contemplate the depth of not knowing. This is impossible. The mind loves loves loves to pretend it’s all “reality” & “normal” earth / human “stuff”. Uncover the beliefs, one at a time, and you’re uncovering your more passionate desires, your more unique wants, creating the greatest life imaginable. The now is for the receiving of what you’re wanting, truly a miracle of experience. With proper meditation, journaling, and dream boarding...there’s simply no time, cause, drive, or need - for ruminating. There’s just far too much interest, far too much to create, far too much passion & desire. When you can make a choice, and let go of resistant thoughts, there isn’t anything to think about. “Improving life” is impossible, it’s perfect. “Improving” = more of what you are wanting....derived of all your experiences up to this very minute, knowing what you don’t want, knowing more then what you do want, intuition, feeling, and choosing. The entire universe is designed as such - around your choice. It’s hard to notice, due to the cosmic entirety of your whole creation. Look around you right now...what is there....not as a result of your choosing, your creating?....not a single thing.
  15. @Dlavjr Feel directly into the fear. It is not what the thinking thinks it is. That is being “written off” by repeatedly believing there are two of you; the Self & the ego. You’ve never experienced being two, only ever One. Bring attention to what you have thus far in life been inattentive to - the acceptance of such ‘write off’ thoughts. Inspect them, thoroughly...rather than just saying “oh, it’s my ego” and calling it a day. It is not “the ego” which is “let go of” is the unconscious repeating of the thought pattern, that there is an ego, which is surrendered. In such case, in removing the ‘write off’’re “listening” to feeling, intuition, conscience - than an arising thought....”ego”.
  16. “Can we trust the “ I “ thought? Imagine asking, “Can we trust the cars thought?”, “Can we trust the refrigerator thought?”. There’s no need to use the lens of “trust” with thoughts. There’s no such thing as a “true” thought, all thinking is inherently dualistic. Paint on a pallet, is not considerable in terms of trust, but is to create with. Thoughts are to choose, to create. In this light, the intuition naturally shines, as it is the connector, if you will, between feeling (of source) and the choosing of thoughts. The absolute & unconditional never wavers, and never leaves you. It is because the source of you is infallible and unwavering, that you can feel the resonance of each relative thought. The ‘design’ / situation of / actuality of creation is beyond brilliant in this sense. Don’t look to trust the thoughts....don’t even look to trust the feelings, or even the source of feelings & intuition - simply notice the actuality that there is feeling, that there is sensational guidance - always - within you. The metadventure is far better than an asking of faith or trust - you are directly connected, 24/7. Ime, the full life, the “life in full swing” if you that of meditation, journaling feelings for expanding emotional intelligence, and getting out / clear of what you don’t want. Then, you know more clearly what you do want, and you can write it up on your dream board (holon). By tapping into the source of the wanting, you are tapping into the intuition and the source of infinite potentiality within you that all is flowing from. Try to notice this is already the case. All of your choices literally led to this, to you reading this, now. What will come into / through this now - next? You might say a seeker, is a yet realized creator. A see’r of “problems”, a yet realized creator / creation / creating. In the choosing, in the knowing of the choosing of the unfolding of life - that you are creating with choice, with the choosing of thoughts in accordance with source...that is the greatest 24/7 thrill ride imaginable. It is not about the arrival of the objects of desire, it is about living full of desire now. It’s not about the products of your creating, it’s the visceral feeling - to be alive! To be here! If you’re perhaps taking reality for granted, stop and contemplate the depth of not knowing. This is impossible. The mind loves loves loves to pretend it’s all “reality” & “normal” earth / human “stuff”. Uncover the beliefs, one at a time, and you’re uncovering your more passionate desires, your more unique wants, creating the greatest life imaginable. The now is for the receiving of what you’re wanting, truly a miracle of experience. With proper meditation, journaling, and dream boarding...there’s simply no time, cause, drive, or need - for ruminating. There’s just far too much interest, far too much to create, far too much passion & desire. When you can make a choice, and let go of resistant thoughts, there isn’t anything to think about. “Improving life” is impossible, it’s perfect. “Improving” = more of what you are wanting....derived of all your experiences up to this very minute, knowing what you don’t want, knowing more then what you do want, intuition, feeling, and choosing. The entire universe is designed as such - around your choice. It’s hard to notice, due to the cosmic entirety of your whole creation. Look around you right now...what is there....not as a result of your choosing, your creating?....not a single thing.
  17. @Amilaer--- I get where you’re comin from, but they’re more propellers, less anchors. More inspired by / because of them, than in spite of them. Yes, wife is aware she’s on the path as well. We’re aware we are individually on the path, so to speak, and in it together, as well. It is wonderful having such support & partnership in all aspects, notably the spiritual aspects. We are also aware we create our own reality, and are co-creating, and it’s safe to say, this is the greatest joy of our lives. Simply even just ‘holding space’ for each other, so one can talk, and clarity arises in the awesome. There is much to be said about ‘getting there’, and if I can be of use on anything in that vein, just let me know. There’s a link to my website below. Thanks
  18. @LfcCharlie4 The actuality of this is the “how”, the full circle, “Cosmic Consciousness”, so it is potentially relatively very controversial, and no one who knows talks directly about it. The Multiverse / Many Worlds Theory, M Theory, The Copenhagen Interpretation, superposition & entanglement are all pointing to the same actuality.
  19. What’s “seen” doesn’t have any meaning. Human brains are the only “place” meaning “exists”. To arrive at satisfaction of the question, is what is seen’d have to realize there is nothing being seen, so no thought about it could be true. A thought about nothing, is something, not nothing. Nothing actually does exist. Imo, that was Einstein’s point. By writing the theory of relativity, he made himself the greatest mindfuck of all time. He proved everything is relative to you. (Including Einstein). He wrote the theory of the cosmic joke. Innocence can not be lumped in with “meaning”. How innocent are you right now? How could the duality of thought ever capture this, when it’s being created of it?
  20. Yes, you are limiting by believing thoughts, thus creating the frame, the lens. Love loves the identity game, loves the running, loves the suffering and loves the surrendering! Love loves every possible experience, every attempt to escape actuality, each & every such expansion of self, love, self-love . Run faster! You will get there! You can outrun yourself! Run run run!!! And the runner is only more deeply known, and more deeply loved. Awareness only of thought, perception, and weaves the infinite stories. Awareness does not know the objects, only the thoughts, sensations & perception..inseparable of the knowing of them...awareness knows, is aware of, only awareness. This illusion of becoming, of getting to. If you are radically open minded, realize you are not, and the walls start to actually break down, the separate self begins to crumble in truth love. Trade routine habitual thinking for healing modalities of all kinds. Trade television for new experiences, appointments with psychics, healers, mediums, reiki, etc. Trade unwanted patterns for healing, meditations, new affirmations of well being. Trade wandering rumination for the concentrated power of appreciation. Trade the fantasy of there for the ordinary actuality of the peaceful magic of here. Trade what you would and could be, for what you are. Trade aimless seeking for on purpose healing. I was the runner too, but I ran to love - and the realization actually began... no past to run from, no future to run to. Only this now, which all appears to come & go, where I have been creating all along, where I have been the creation all along...and I saw the unconsciousness. It’s taste was horrid & disgusting. The essence of waste. Only the unconscious believing of thoughts, and the suffering stories of. Trade the winner of tomorrow, for the peace of now, the cunning for giving - and love is won. Trade involving others in your plights, for solo retreats alone to see through them. Trade culture for self, roles for actuality, thoughts of “then” for nothing, now. Unwittingly trading fear for love, Give yourself to Self.. now never comes, never leaves, never goes anywhere. Trade the identity of all that’s amassed, down to the habits & person, for nothing, just to see what it is. Run! Suffer! Straight into love. Discover your power in creation - create maximum suffering! Believe all your stories of you! You are the helm. Worry! Stress! You’re running into the arms of your love. You say I am frustrated, and you are. You say I am running, and you are. You say I don’t know what I want to do, and you don’t. You say I am running, and you are. You say I am love, and you are. Look to your past, having led to this, to exactly, precisely this, and see the power of the slow moving momentum of choice. Worry not, you can make a choice. Ruminate not, you can make a choice. Even an instance of lightening, has nothing on gravity. Slow, steady, gentle, unseen momentum. A castle is the illusion of grains of sand, and cells the person. You are the awareness of. The love of. While you run to love, love runs to you. Run!
  21. @danilofaria Let go of “valued or flawed”’s to fill your life with Love. Love is the great mirror. @exhale Can’t be said much clearer. ♥️?