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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Quite a few a priori beliefs are needed to believe death is actual in any way.
  2. References to the subconscious mind is the mind’s sneaky way of referencing to what one is unconscious (sub, below conscious) of, but is actually self referential thinking as what’s referenced is “outside of consciousness” (no thing is within, and no thing is outside of self).
  3. What appears to be the context of that, is only appearance. (Shortage, time, lives, doing, repeating). None of that is actually “happening”, as “happening” is also a mental projection upon infinity, which is itself infinity. Notice it appears you are moving your hands and fingers...but you can not pin point that you are.
  4. No, I mean from & between my parents in reference to my childhood. Grand parenting is entirely different. No, but I support them. I see distinctions between being, and the actions & behaviors of being. Also, yes, in the sense, none of the distinctions are absolute. lol. Zen devilry is like the Hulk realizing he’s just always angry.
  5. @fridjonk It is! So true. It’s like here’s what the colors look like through turquoise / nondual.
  6. @fridjonk Sweet! The last couple episodes bring it in pretty close to home man. I think you’ll love it. Then grab the tissues and check out Won’t You Be My Neighbor.
  7. @Florian Awesome. Keep in touch with me if you will, love to hear from you on the boxing future front. I love boxing. Next life for sure. Clean up that diet - emotional mastery & boxing will thank you.
  8. My parents were / are entirely subject - object perspective driven, dogmatic, and therefore in self-denial of their belief in judgement. So there are let downs, anger, outbursts, misunderstandings, not being understood, self imposed illnesses, yada yada...suffering. I’m well aware each of my kids are creating their reality, and that nothing I can say could be as effective as the feeling that is source within them. So I appeal to that. So, from on onlooker perspective, my dad was angry, and I am patient. (I’m not really patient, I just have seen through what it “is”). At the same time, I am only the way I am, thanks to my parents, while of course, I don’t actually have parents and I’m aware my kids don’t either. (And they do)
  9. @fridjonk Maybe you’ve reached a new place, where what you “classified” as your “comfort zone”, isn’t really what you find comfort in anymore. Might be one of those sneaky tricks you mentioned. You might be the peace, if you will...the comfort. There’s a lot of comfort knowing you can just decide.
  10. The Messiah. New series on Netflix.
  11. They certainly can. Relatively speaking, I had no idea I’d be doing the work that I am now. It was not where I was headed at all. I was just trying to find out what reality is out of curiosity. Honestly, I can’t even say I got a “life purpose” or even an idea. It was just - this is what’s happening now. I think this iPad came about the same way. Now of course, it’s obvious for me this is where I was always headed. Where did I even think I was going really. Lol. Sometimes in a solid trip, you feel the whole puzzle, and realize thinking was going only from piece to piece, not realizing how, or that they did, fit together perfectly already.
  12. @fridjonk What’d you find ego intelligence and devilry to be?
  13. @bejapuskas Yes. The difference in a nutshell is anger & patience, and we’re equal.
  14. @WelcometoReality ??♥️ It does seem so...“happiness” is keeping all the write’s off’s in place, my ego, my mind, my thinking, my childhood, my area, my culture, my brain, my life, my parents, my job, etc. HAPPINESS is what let’s them go. “Reaching” higher states.......meh.
  15. @danilofaria lol. Well, we’re ‘out there’. ♥️ Do you have specific questions?
  16. @Bill W You can pm me anytime ya like. I tried em all, to see. Nothing ‘stuck’. L-theanine was calming / relaxing. Pharma Gabba also. If someone is looking for a reduction in thinking, to “slow things down”, they work pretty well. (Loving this Bill...was more to the open mindedness, the ‘waking up’ ness I’m seein... trying stuff like L-theanine, not specifically about it ♥️)
  17. @Bill W Loving this Bill. ♥️
  18. God bless you for sharing that. So many people are needing exactly that insight. ??♥️♥️♥️
  19. When you transcend culture, there’s no inclination to remove yourself from it, because you’ve already transcended it. This is like saying I resolved my fear of spiders. Just gonna move to where there are no spiders.