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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. ⬆️ created in a lucid dream ⬆️ “Nonduality”. Lol. You’re hilarious! ⬆️ created in a lucid dream ⬆️
  2. @Guided Obviously you are the author. Are you telling the story you want? “If you are seeing the movie, you are inherently seeing the screen!” - Rupert Spira If you are feeling sadness, then are feeling Love. Love is the creator, the author, of sadness & sorrow. “First time you feel it, it might make you sad Next time you feel it it might make you mad But you'll be glad baby when you've found That's the power makes the world go 'round” - H.L.
  3. Of course it will. The two are the same. I know you’re awesomeness. If I think anything to the doesn’t feel any better to me than it does to you, because truth feels great. You’re awesome.
  4. No problem .... just the perspective there is a problem. The true self can never change nor disappear, and anything “you” worry about - notice, you are holding it as “separate” from, “you”...thus creating “something” to worry about. Keep doing the work. Get help on your techniques, and finding what the best practices for you could be. “I’m what’s aware of this”.
  5. @Pilgrimage of Self Take a few minutes, and though you might not believe any of it...make a little game out of writing that again, but just write every sentence from the opposite perspective. It can be helpful in uncovering that what is at play here is perspectives, beliefs, like you said, you are not a victim. Couldn’t agree more. Often, when I see beauty, I think of you.
  6. Don’t know what it is, but this one goes with that one. Lol
  7. @seeking_brilliance Mind sharing your most recent dream? Just leave out what is derived of thoughts, perception, and sensation. I just wanna hear the rest...the other stuff. That differentiating other stuff. I’d also love to here what’s on your dream board...what you’re creating of this. Rather, what you’ve become conscious you are creating.
  8. @seeking_brilliance A dream within a dream might be redundant and self resolving.
  9. By cutting my words where you did, you construct an impression of nihilism. By not editing mid sentence, you see that the intention is the opposite from what you’re implying. This is good to notice, for the sake of the depression, in the sense, noticing your perspectives, actions, behaviors, etc, might have something to do with how you’re feeling, right now. Sounds good to me Also notice there, you’ve covered your perspective from yourself, by implying it’s my perspective. When you read the words I wrote as a whole, you can see this. Again, I’m mentioning this with the intention it is beneficial for you to see how you’re recreating the discord (depression). For sure...define purpose. If healthy ambition is important to you, maybe incorporate it into your life purpose. One cannot be present and enjoy the ~Now~ if he or she has, for example, clinical depression. It's not as if it's possible "cheat" life by accessing ~the Now~ and all one's problems will be solved. Indeed. Don’t cheat. Inspect, “do the work” so to speak. When a thought doesn’t feel good, listen to the feeling...and inspect the un-truth in the thought or perspective. Is it really a duality...a ‘rather’? They seem the same, as that good feeling there, that planning, is transpiring, now. Sounds good to me. Not even sure what it is you’d be rushing. Feeling better, ...maybe? Not sure. Glad to hear you got the help you needed. I’m a big fan of utilizing all resources available. Sounds like you’re doing great. I believe a point will come for you where you get a laugh out of thinking you ever were not-now. ♥️??
  10. @seeking_brilliance If you are lucid dreaming now, will you have non-lucid dreams anymore while sleeping?
  11. A happy, judgement free one, full of self-love and no belief in need or judgement. On the mod side... please be careful with statements like these as someone could obviously be offended.... I get it, you’re talking about yourself, just a head’s up.
  12. @Buba Gay is no problem. Judgement is a ‘problem’...or at least, one who is judging self / other, and has not yet realized the judging is the suffering, “has a problem”. Without judging yourself / gayness / being gay / gay people...there’s no problem. Some people seem to like the suffering in a way, for a while, or at least believe they’re getting something out of it. Read up on line on how to realize / let go of judgement. Also, find a good therapist and have a look at potential roots to this in your past / childhood (the judgment, nor being gay)
  13. @OmniYoga Yes. It’s not typically possible for someone to in the literal sense, stop thinking. In returning attention to breathing from the stomach, the body responds in a great many ways, and thoughts are no longer receiving attention. Overthinking fizzles out as it was not the natural state to begin with. When this outcome is not experienced, writing about feelings is ideal. Unresolved feeling keeps the thought wheels turning (thought trying to resolve feeling, with more thought).
  14. Take a step back, behind the perspective. Notice you are employing / creating / believing that duality. I don’t believe it. In the personal sense, I do not believe that duality. You don’t have to either. Once you don’t - no problem, no guilt is possible, because you realize you were creating it / imposing it / believing it. If you want to help people self realize, best not be the bringer of dualities & guilt. There are no ‘sides’ to take. This plays out only in the belief that there is a duality. Which there isn’t. (Not to imply you were supposed to know this, but this is when you realize how sneaky thought is / how important perspective is)
  15. @Jahmaine Maybe purpose, recognition, greatness, mastery, practicality and benefits weren’t on his mind at all. Just speculating of course.
  16. @Chilli Awesome....yes...aaannnnndddd...the map is literally the territory. Lol. SOOOO sneaky!
  17. @Chilli What if we say it’s a ‘fox” (instead of an ox)...and ‘you saw it’ a testament to how sneaky the fox is. One second later, and a thought of separation is believed. You - saw - it. (Twoness). How sneaky right? Immediately conceptualized / duality-ized.
  18. @Bill W Wanting X....doing this Y again though....not yet seeing how x is leading me to y. It is.
  19. You didn’t. Infinity / God is unlimited, can “materialize” / “instantly manifest” anything...using only itself / infinity. However, infinity is consciousness, and fully knowing of such, every thing “materialized” is not any ‘thing’ materialized, but rather known as itself. So, you did the only thing you could do, to experience. From the perspective of that question, yes, the reason is because you’re infinite. All people, objects, circumstances, situations, definitions, etc....all arise simultaneously as the body mind / perspectives themselves. You can derive purpose, sure, and you are creating it of yourself, for yourself, by yourself. @Javfly33 One single linear stream of one-at-a-time arising thoughts - in appearance. One thought is “my mind”; believe that thought, or don’t. Another arising thought, “my body”, “me”, “I”. In any case, you are the awareness, aware of these thoughts. When thoughts are no longer believed....’awareness is aware of awareness’. This is already the case - as thoughts are nothing more than awareness.
  20. Right on. The yin & yang symbol...nuts how it’s all “right there”, takes nothing, yet so much, to see.
  21. Yes. He’s using memory / dogma, you’re using the idea of ‘you’. You’re fine man. Lot of relief and ‘progress’ in understanding and seeing first hand how you’re creating the suffering / basically short changing yourself out of the awesomeness & Goodness.