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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. The flesh of magic mushrooms can cause nausea and also skew thoughts. Chocolate (sugar) and other ingredients added can be like gas on that fire. When I was single digits I had high fevers sometimes and I’d hallucinate. Sometimes there would be two foot long insects climbing in & out of the kitchen cupboards. At first it did freak me out. By all measures they were as real as could be. I think it was the second time that I was really screaming to my parents about it. All they could say was that they couldn’t see them. So even though they were opening & closing the cupboard doors etc, I was aware my parents couldn’t even see them. Then it dawned on me, these insects aren’t seeing me either. They had zero interest in me. I actually remember it ‘clicking’, why am I even thinking about them. Why am I believing it’s a problem, when they’re just insects, doing insect stuff.
  2. @EmptyVase Nothing that can be summed up in a comment, sorry. Or even in a conversation really. If I tell the truth, that I gave me up long ago to be them, or that I help seeing from the ‘inside’, it just gets vague & cryptic sounding.
  3. @Intraplanetary Wise words indeed. Sometimes belief can actually be beneficial as well. Always up to you.
  4. It’s not contradiction, it’s lemons. Some people are fine with lemons. Allow them to be. You want lemonade. Make lemonade. Take your list of lemons and write the opposites, everything you do want, on a dreamboard, and indeed it shall be. The current mindset is resistant to this and therefore will not do. It can be let go in recognition of how it feels. Happy to help but in truth no understanding is needed.
  5. @Intraplanetary Other than you’re confused and want to feel better, why do you need to understand?
  6. @Iesu Dogmas; Solipsism, Mormonism, Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. All traps.
  7. @Intraplanetary If seeking truth, gotta let go of all isms. Don’t justify. Don’t rationalize. Don’t conceptualize. Don’t intellectualize. Definitely don’t believe “I’ve got it”, and in kind, “I’ve been told it and now I just need to figure it out”
  8. Follow through, and also acknowledge when thought simply will no longer do. Questions & answers are thought activity, like balloons. Even balloons are resistance for helium.
  9. @ertopolice What is a real conscious potential date to you?
  10. Experience & preference is workin. ?? You now know with more acuity what you don’t want and what you do want. What you more so want is already on it’s way. Line up focus with it, and receive & enjoy it (him lol). ?
  11. It’s like looking everywhere for your car keys and when you finally find them there wasn’t a you & a car keys.
  12. Like to start a thread to be added to with any healing modalities you’ve experienced, and a recap of how it went for you. This show, The Goop Lab, is an excellent introductory first look at a few of the modalities available, from shroom trips, to mind over matter (“The Iceman”), to the release of shame, and befriending of your vulva, with some ground breaking footage and insight of Reiki. It covers lightly, a nice sampling of the spectrum out there to be experienced, and the healing via the inner Kriya, your choosing, to heal. I’d also like to offer to answer any questions that someone who has yet to go explore the world of modalities might have, as I have experienced just about all of these. This stuff is very ‘judgement’ or ‘ego’ triggering, especially for anyone yet to reach deeper levels of self-honesty & self-love...ideally, that is who is reached, and considers this new world of possibilities. Take a minute to read the reviews of this show, and see the ego, the defensive walls, see the critic, unfortunately, yet to heal. Again, please keep in mind, the ‘beef’, the judgement, comes from the ‘yet to heal’. See this. Then see this within, and ...heal..yo...self. ♥️ Addition: A Long List of Modalities to go and experience.
  13. @Terell Kirby Shoulds are the output of thought attachment to meaning, purpose and value. Wars are made of these. Thought attachment seems complex, reality is not even two.
  14. @Terell Kirby Cessation can not be thought, as in thunk. Only the ‘direct experience’ will do.
  15. Idealism of value is the lens of the separate self. This is what we’re already doing, and why there is war etc. Psychedelics stand to orient our evolving if you will toward transcendence from this, not to this. There is no meaning, purpose or value, but thought attachment makes it so. Psychedelics won’t do.
  16. Third option, non-aversion, inspection of beliefs, quite mind in meditation, understand emotions. Actually ‘works’. ?? Acquiring Siddhi’s is a gross misunderstanding.
  17. It’s the ‘seems to me’ aspect. The ‘me who is awake’ is self referential spiritual ego. The ‘claimer’, ‘haver’, etc of wakefulness is monkey mind, or, the ‘separate self’ of thought activity. Psychedelics are experiential and can only reveal glimpses of cessation. Cessation is eternal.
  18. @JayFueel It’s not that there are two which are one in the same, it’s that there are not two. Buddha, “empty your cup”. Jesus, “make fertile soil”. Rupert Spira, “Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything”.
  19. Hate it? These ups & downs?