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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Meditationdude If you know someone who’s up for this, it could change this facet of experience for you in minutes. Have someone sit in front of you, who prepares by understanding they are serving a role for your healing, and are not to react or speak in any way. Then, let it all out. Then reverse the roles, and have them say the meanest most degrading things they can possibly think of to you...while you simply sit in complete nonreaction. Sounds nuts, but you’ll feel amazing after and this will never be a problem for you again. This flavor of anger is in defending a self one thinks is there. With the exercise, you move through that, and see there was no actual need to defend.
  2. @RevoCulture There isn’t a second self which gets self realized. Self realized is realization of who one actually is. In the same sense, ‘figures’ don’t self realize. What seems like a separate person or figure is Self already. If one is cynical with themself, they’re believing self referential thinking. Or rather, they’re mistaking thought about a self, for their self, which would imply they aren’t self realized. If there’s anything ‘wrong’, the ‘wrong’ is only in one’s own perspective. One of the ‘facets’ realized upon self realization, is that there’s really no such thing as ‘exclusion from being self realized’. It’s not an attainment a second self acquires, it’s being, without the beliefs like ‘wrong’ (judgement) and ‘people who are excluded’ (separatism). A more simple way to state this, is when “you” self realize it’s clear then that everyone and everything already was. No, there’s no particular way one ‘should act’. In accordance with love / truth is great, but can’t be said to be a ‘should’ as that’s in perspective also (judgement). ‘How does a self realized person act’ is also a conflated, sort of misleading question. Are you self realized, or are you experiencing a person acting (the reference to another person), might be a question to explore. Also, Leo’s Authority video might be spot on timing.
  3. @astrokeen If the practices aren’t consistent and enjoyable, there’s probably something worth inspecting. Inspection work is inspecting each thought / perspective. I’d describe it as open mindedness, focusing, tuning in, feeling into it, & applying reason & scrutiny, rather than circular intellectualizing. “The ego” will not want any part of this, initially. Only initially though. The more it is done, the more relief found and the better it feels. In a way, the intellect is being utilized to reveal it’s deeper, whole nature of which it appears to be a part. In the spiritual sense, you might say it’s using the light to shine on the source of itself. It’s liberating, as it loosens & frees identifications along with the perspectives. In this emptying, more illumination can enter, if you will. We realize why we held a perspective...most often, one we didn’t know we were holding. Perspectives in the vein of “that’s just how the world is”, or “that’s how I am” can run deep & unnoticed, and in kind they’re all the more freeing to realize. This usually triggers great emotional release, followed by lasting clarity & a quieter mind, and intuition & insights. Some other ‘clues’ from this thread, and only you know if this is helpful or not... “what people here seem to experience without great effort”...If I was over emphasizing ’over-believing’ efforting, it would seem like others were doing too little, but it would elude me if I hadn’t inspected my belief / perspective in effort. Also, if you are feeling desire, yearning and urgency...I would listen to that feeling vs deducing it as an obstacle. That would make sense, but much further down the path. For now, it strikes me as a sort of selective listening.
  4. @Meetjoeblack How do you figure you’d feel, if you were wrong about everything. Would you lean towards anger, or relief?
  5. @astrokeen What would the progress from practices look like? Asking because I suspect meditation is being ‘lumped in’ to things-of-effort in life, dualizing life / spirituality... rather than revealing the effortlessness that is already the actuality of life, realized by the falling away of narratives, typically via meditation. Or more simply put, a narrative or two unnoticed can shape experience a lot. Also, have you done inspection work?
  6. @seeking_brilliance YouTube...double slit...quantum erasure...& John Hagelin / S.A.N.D. Eye opening stuff. That’d be a good start.
  7. @RevoCulture When you are self realized, you see there are not people. It’s all Self. Who would you be cynical to? Your Self.
  8. @Urgency That’s a juicy paradox you’re tapping into. It does initially seem like there’s a belief, or perspective to add so one arrives at this truth....but it’s the opposite.
  9. @seeking_brilliance All of those perspectives are thoughts arising, one at at time. None of them are true. Quantum mechanics, imo, is useful for understanding what a perspective is.
  10. @Bazooka Jesus Maybe I’ll get lucky and a clown will come by.
  11. “negative energy, low/high-vibration” Negative energy is a belief. Vibration / relativity reveals this. You can listen, or not listen, but there’s no shortage of the ‘being told’, it is the fabric of reality. All terms / words are dualistic...finger pointing to the moon. They only make sense from the nondual perspective, as the relative perspective is illusory. This is what the relativity, is relative to. That wether you care or not is the question, and wether we care is an abstraction, is another pointing to absolute. It’s a pointer, for you. You’re looking at it as a way to size up / judge, other people. When you notice how that feels, you experience precisely what you’re taking about. No. That’s conflation. Infinity can’t expand, your consciousness can expand, until it is fully realized that it can not. This is because you are a limitation of consciousness, experientially.
  12. @Neph Like if you are sitting in a room alone watching a might seem like there are other people in the room, but that’s not other people, that’s a movie. It might seem like there are other people in a dream, but it is the content of the dream, not actually other people.
  13. You’ll experience more of what you focus on. Just start meditating. You’ll be glad.
  14. Have you ever known of a dream outside of you? Is your experience of a dream the same as your experience of someone else’s dream? When you wake up, where are the other people? Are there really other people in your dream?
  15. What if you are not a separate self, as in...what if what you’re believing is something other than you, is not actually. Like “my mind / consciousness decided to troll me”. If you are not a separate self... separate from ”mind / consciousness”...then simply....thoughts arose. You, actual you, which is not, as in - mind / consciousness -....nothing happened to you. You’re fine. You were fine the whole time. And where as you say “I remember my consciousness being unstable, shaky wise, trying to zoom out of the body”...if you are not a separate self, then you are the consciousness you’re talking about. Because you are the consciousness, the awareness of - you are fine, & you were fine the whole time. Likewise... “ my heart rate was pacing with fear blood pressure”. Listen to that, listen to how you feel...and let the thoughts, which are in discord, which are not true (the separate self),...go. Yes, mind is the last stop, the most fundamental, the ground’s you. It’s also Love. In continuing to repeat the same perspective, that you are a separate self...separate of mind....separate of consciousness...separate of awareness.....what you’re perceiving is shaped by this perspective. In this way, though it is going unseen and transpiring quite this way you are believing you are a separate self. In that perspective, there is of course much fear. A separate self is temporary, separate from source, and lives & dies, etc. Feeling is YELLING this truth and there is still a refusal to listen to how you feel. Nothing is ‘because of the anxiety’. In ignoring feeling, and believing thoughts rooted in the perspective of separatism....when that does not feel good....rather than considering the thought / perspective is simply not accurate or keep believing it is. To keep believing it is - you label the Love....”anxiety”. It’s not anxiety, it’s Love, and it’s always True, always accurate. Love yourself in as many ways as you can think of. Let thinking which does not feel good to you go, in any healthy productive way you can. Meditation, a therapist, a book, a friend, modalities like reiki, massage, etc, etc. Are you seeing the perspective at play there.....that you are a “separate self”....the ‘self’ which has to ‘face’ the ‘darkness void’, the ‘troubled nights’, the ‘paranoia’, the ‘soul rape ambush’...that needs ‘defending’. The reason it is difficult at night is because of the story....nothing actually changes when you turn off the light. Nothing actually happened or happens to you in this scenario. You were fine the whole time. In the plainest sense....did you encounter the ‘darkness void’, whatever you were paranoid of....did you actually encounter that, were you ‘soul raped’? No, of course not. It doesn’t have anything to do with awakening really. It has to do with doing what’s actually satisfactory to you, in terms of clearing your conscience. I’d say your feelings which you are communicating mind it very much. Nothing=Infinity=You. Self is not illusory...the concepts are. Concepts about you being separate from consciousness, awareness, mind, love.....that is illusory. It’s not awakening. It’s the opposite really. It’s believing thoughts, attaching to concepts, identifying as a separate self, not listening to feeling, labeling things as the catalyst / culprit. That right there is honesty....and you can tell by how it feels great and relieving. Stay focused there, more & more of that. And right back to believing concepts. There’s no such thing as a mundane life. Life is an inexplicable miracle. “Mundane” is a concept. It doesn’t feel good, because it isn’t accurate or true, so let it go. “My ego”....perspective is not going to feel good either. When you focus on that perspective, as if you were a separate & helpless does not feel good. That doesn’t feel good either. Writing about feelings is a great was to develop / extract emotional intelligence & self honesty.
  16. If you’re asking in the ...actually what is it... sense - it is, actually, you. There is not a ‘second ago past’, nor a ‘second from now future’. Just now / you, creating, using you. The body is never awake (or asleep). Go with awareness, so to speak. Memory is awareness. Vision is awareness. Being lucid, understanding, ‘getting this’...all awareness. In inspecting...the premise ‘this is a dream’....’that is not a dream’...breaks down. So everything that followed it no longer is something to be resolved, as it was just content, built on a premise, which having been inspected, disappears.
  17. @seeking_brilliance You don’t need to have an awakening, there has never been an experience of the brain producing dreams. There is only the holding of the belief that it is. In a similar sense, one holding the belief that the body produces awareness, doesn’t need an awakening, there is only to examine the belief and see through it. The spoon is bent by no longer believing there is a spoon. It is you which bends. Some people call a dream reality. Some people call reality a dream.
  18. It’s that it’s all a dream, that the simplicity is missed. A dry erase board from Office Depot. Who’d have ever guessed? “My reality is a dream and I am it’s dreamer” - not John Keats