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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Only your existence. ? (Minus the insistent label of “Leo”.) Love you man. Maybe there’s just no such thing as a ‘perfect enlightenment’...? Liberating, no? ♥️??
  2. Cart’s before the horse. ? You’re believing your thoughts that there’s a Sadhguru, etc. If “Sadhguru” is a word you learned...what is that ? What is Sadhguru without your labels of Sadhguru, human, man, enlightened, guru, etc, etc...? What is Jesus but a story within your story? What did he tell you but this exactly? How do you know he is not you, telling you?
  3. @Bazooka Jesus Something come to mind you’ve been wanting to change, or get started on?
  4. @thetrut11 If you made men & women out of legos, you could see that what’s ‘there’ is actually legos, and your thought “man”, or, “woman”. Replacing legos with awareness, you might see the relative & absolute view in this analogy.
  5. @Elisabeth How does that thought feel...Great or not great?
  6. @Chintan desai Depends where you go & who you see, but my experiences with Reiki sessions and the classes have been chalked full of learning, healing and mystical experiences. The first session, the woman sweat through all of her clothes and the power of the building went out until I left. ??‍♂️. In the classes I experienced ‘thought block downloads’ of entire past lives simultaneously with other people, mediumship / communications with deceased people, and metamind imagery which conveys / contains a bunch of intellectual & emotional intelligence in a symbol. The classes & experiences pushed my intuition through the roof and was a big part of discovering & experiencing channeling. You might consider trying a few sessions to experience it for yourself, trying psychedelics, and then see if taking the classes appeals to you. If you do, hopefully you’re lucky enough to find a facilitator like I did. Lady changed my life really. Amazing stuff. Good luck to you. Also...similar to realizing the pointer of this quote “When they find it, they will not say here it is! Or there it is! As the kingdom of heaven is within you” upon awakening points to the literal realization that the universe is transpiring within you........this quote “Again, I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.” just blew up in the best possible way. In one of the classes, the entire group would do Reiki for one person at a time...and the experience was full of visions and entire body bliss blowout on par with a 4 gram mushroom trip.
  7. God doesn’t, and God isn’t.
  8. @Romer02 What you bring fully into awareness, you transcend. It’s not a becoming or not, but a becoming aware of or not.
  9. @SBB4746 Might sound ‘out there’, but when you get a dream board full of what you’re wanting in front of you, after awhile a different perspective comes into focus. It’s much much easier to see the bigger view all at once, and much easier to enjoy the day to day & minute to minute, knowing it is headed the way you want to be headed. This feeling also makes things like diet & fitness, and even relationships virtually effortless. Off the top of my head, self employed electricians around here have a two week wait list demand, write their own schedules, and charge around $150.00 an hour. Just a hypothetical next step, but maybe one that reveals a lot about starting & owning a business, different views & mindsets experienced from working for yourself, etc. Maybe that leads to hiring someone, maybe starting a new, or second company. One step at a time is always doable, knowing what you’re wanting inspires. Less of a ‘starting over’ view, and more of a next step in the existing continuum is seen possibly. Maybe starting over fresh is best too, just some thoughts.
  10. @VeganAwake Great video. So clear. Not sure he got that Jesus quote right though.....? Also, curious on your take...and this is picky..but, he’s kind of implying the ego is an entity of it’s own, rather than just the believing of the thoughts, as awareness. Might just be for the sake of communication.
  11. So fragile indeed, that just in speaking the true name, it is broken. Reconnect with silence, in nature, in modality, in meditation, in your way. All comes & all goes within you. All is well. Every moment is a new beginning, even more so, no beginnings, no endings. From silence, a single step, and that is enough.
  12. @OmniYoga I sort of want to yes, but no. You could never be aware of it, as there is only awareness. Aware of, awareness.
  13. @Elisabeth ♥️ Wanted to add something...and it sounds terrible, sorry. Taking a shot at a deeper place... Bringing your story with you insures the continuance of it. Telling the new story, the only-what-you-want-story, is unstoppable. You might be thinking...’but it helps if you’re making a post about where you’re at so people can ....yada yada yada. That is what I’m pointing to. As literally as it can be heard. Zero thought, of zero story of ‘ol, is what I’m saying. If you have to fill out a form, and it takes second to remember your name, that’s not really a problem. The fifty pound vest that is the past, the identity, the story of ol, can be dropped. It’s so incredibly powerful. It’s kind of rude to say obviously, but it’s kinda very helpful in a ‘seed’ sort of way. (hopefully ?)
  14. @OmniYoga That is awesome. I have a four dimensional liquid crystal emerald tablet from Thoth which illustrates it so darn clearly, but I am unable to post pictures, so.... Maybe make a blank circle...and anything whatsoever that comes up in any way, hows, whys, what’s, etc...”Everything”........that “Everything”, no matter what it is... is “in the circle”. Or as Rupert says, “in the movie”. The circle is ( “is made of” ) what’s outside the circle (Infinity). Literally, so much the very same, that there isn’t an inside / outside, nor anything other than seems like it though, it seems like one is “in the circle”........because you’re actually that amazing. Seriously. You’re so amazing, you can’t comprehend it. That is “the problem” lol. You’re too amazing. Or..another perspective.....there’s not being ‘inside a body looking out’ at a room....the body & room, the air, the space, are awareness / consciousness / pure unexplainable infinite Being, transcendent of all explanations, it is itself - all explanations (“what all that is, is made of”). You are quite right that this can not be grasped. It can not be explained or communicated. All are “pointings”. All that “needs” to be grasped, felt that there is something, there is a moon. Something more than meets the eye, so to speak. Then, in large part, wouldn’t you have to admit that it’s a matter of how and how fast does one what to ‘get there’? There’s not really a shortage of ways to ‘get there’ (realization) given just a few days, or even a few hours.
  15. @Guru Fat Bastard ? Cheers to that. That tongue can most definitely not taste itself. Lol.
  16. @HangOn The intention was more of an ‘at ease’, than implying anything was ‘unwarranted’. Glad you tried it and know. I guess I could have just said, take it and see, it’s no big deal.
  17. The belief at play is that there is a my perception - of - reality. (Subject-Object relationship) You are the whole of reality, which an appearance of “a reality” (universe) is within (rather than you are in a reality, which is a separate ‘thing’ that a separate ‘you’ is ‘perceiving’. “The current experience of life” is the appearance within actual you...though it appears that a you is in a “reality”.
  18. @HangOn As you said, it’s situational, you have to try it. From my’re thinking of it as if it was a psychedelic, or something of a more significant event. It’s subtle. Talk to your doctor before trying any nootropics too.
  19. @AryaBhata Between the knowing & feeling of your profound gifted ness, and what you are labeling “depersonalization”.....something transpired. What was it? (That something could have been something in the past arising now also).
  20. Careful not to turn the learning which is on your path to what you’re wanting, into a ‘qualification’ carrousel of thinking. ?♥️ Something you might your aim to help people psychologically deal with life, or to see prior to / beyond all psychology, so that they are liberated and create the life they actually want. Can thinking resolve thinking? Do you want to liberate and love....or “be a life coach” - “be a psychologist”.