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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Perhaps not opposites, but related. Like an ocean...and it’s steam arising from itself. Infinite ocean...steam appearing to be finite. Or, waves...”particles”. If reactionary thinking is yet discovered, then yes. There’s no getting around that. If only everyone would acknowledge it. (Within) ??‍♂️ That is one to scuba all the way to the bottom on. Inspect the inner workings. Writing it down, and then writing the complete opposite, is most helpful. The mind makes sense more readily of what is visually seen, than what is ‘floating around’ in / with, potentiality. As Leo is known to point out, Radical open kindness is key. For example, it is worth considering, that you don’t create feeling, such as you could create an object out of legos. Also be sure to make darn sure there is such a thing as a “negative feeling” at all. It could be an assumption...until enough inspection is done. You gift find ‘heavy’ to be only subjective. When my son feels the sweetness of the air on the first days of spring, he inherently, without thought, is appreciating it. When I buy him an action figure, he feels gratitude towards me for having done so. What is the nature of this? These are one in the same. Two occurrences, of the same thought-feeling relationship. Human thought is the sneakiest phenomenon in the entire universe. You, are the sneakiest being in all existence. Not the proverbial you, not the linguistic you - I’m saying you Ethan, you are the sneakiest. ? To simply let them go, as they are not creating anything. You’re a creator, much more than “a human”, so to speak. Yes, a thousand times, yes. A single tear can change the world. Yes. Nice! Yes, and there’s a deeper dive available there too. It is not coincidental you have two lungs, two eyes, but one heart. Can’t take even the simplest thing for granted on the path. The path is itself the simplest thing. So painstakingly simple in fact, it can’t truly be said to exist at all.
  2. @Ethan1 lol. Awesome. No, I see you are not being rhetorical. From my view, you’re so at the ceiling of knowing, and the cusp of Not Knowing...that honestly, it messes with my mind in very joyful way. Can’t really explain it, but I believe you’ll know what I mean soon. Love your scuba analogy. Also, if you don’t mind me saying, your clarity and humbleness is so refreshing. Comes right out the screen, so to speak. Imo, that is the mark of the seeker who seeks Truth, simply, only, and directly for a love of Truth. I see this as a divine calling, of a path which you need do nothing about, as you are already on it with ease. There’s an interesting paradox of paradigms at play here. There are of course exceptions to this, such as @Serotoninluv (edit: and now that I think about it, all of the mods here)..but generally speaking...the more one studies and works with areas like engineering & physics, the more they know about it, and the less they are seeing what is actual about it. I believe anyone who stares at a rock long enough, Sees the rock as it actually is, and therefore, awakens. Unless of course, this person is a geologist. Then, identity is involved, income, reputation, accolades, etc. Many potential, but not inherently existing, filters are invoked to be seen through. Likewise, using the rock analogy for reality itself, there is seeing reality more for what it actually is. As they say, “enlightenment is only the beginning”. From there, insights coagulate just as there is the ‘connecting of dots’ with thoughts forming ideas & concepts. But insights are different, as they are illuminations of Truth, rather than “reality”, or, the Truth in reality. There are “further enlightenments” beyond enlightenment, a seeming paradox of wether awakening is binary or infinite, and it is both, experientially & actuality wise / speaking. I believe what you’ll be finding, given your trajectory (which is a delight btw) is there are “orders” or “levels” or “magnitudes” of experiential consciousness, which can’t truly be labelled, but for communication sake, I refer to the coming revelations of the specific nature of your contemplations and inquires as, cosmic consciousness. That is, first the understanding of the most fundamental nature of reality, and then ‘everything changes, and nothing changes’, and these things you, entropy, chaos, thought, emotion... all actually make a most joyful prefect sense. You’re no doubt employing a graceful delicate balance of analytic & feeling, thinking. To you, this might be so ‘just how I am’, that it’s tough to even notice. You might consider...where’s the sun’s energy coming from? Another contemplation might chaos in reality, or the nature of the mind of the observer? And...maybe the double slit reveals another, third perspective.
  3. The relative, ‘per person’ or ‘one off’ nuance of this topic is so sensitive that I couldn’t possibly give enough disclaimers to ease the potential triggering, upsetting and offending of people. It is very very much for a one on one conversation, vs the function & visibility of a public forum. Let me get that out of the way (hopefully) to anyone reading this by acknowledging I am crazy, I don’t know what I’m talking about, and I have zero accolades, certifications or accreditations to be talking about this,... and let me be upfront that I honestly don’t care about this type of “problem” either. If it’s useful, great. If it’s not, great. That said, there is a category of diagnoses when someone is clearly struggling with health & well being where doctors are, in the literal sense, unable to find and be able to visually see, as in point to, the issue. It’s symptomatic of the scientific / identification paradigm, and is slowly changing. Cancer, for example, you can see it using technology, and you can track it and deduce information. Some other “medical” issues, are not medical issues, but because we are where we are in history / evolution so to speak, there is a dramatically (imo) overly-broad-stroke of going to a doctor for everything...and because the average doctor is not enlightened, but instead completely identified... rather than continuing to probe in a ‘all my attention being given to this unique one of a kind individual’ style, until they do find what’s going on....instead, labels are created. It’s lazy, basically, but it’s consciousness, and it’s entirely innocent at the same time. The intention of these labels is to diagnose so we can move to treatment. But, it’s important to acknowledge the “diagnoses” is being created by the doctor, wether they’re aware of it or not. Again, with something like cancer, it is visually speaking, seen. Down the road, I believe what I’m suggesting here will also be seen with things like the sense we currently have the technology & consciousness to see some of the momentum and relativity behind it, still, when the one diagnosing & treating is limited by identity, pressure, money, reputation, etc, the entirety of the patient care is extremely limited as if it was a second thought. There is not as deep of a dive into looking at the nuance of a big enough picture, such as the person’s childhood, psychological environment, internalizations, habits, relationships, identity, and most importantly the understanding & lens that they are the creator of reality. When these are taken into account & understood, the conversation is entirely different, and beliefs begin to surface, and truth begins to heal. That is, one begins to heal one’s self, by letting go of what they did not realize they were ‘carrying’. I might be over doing the disclaimer factor here, but in a nutshell...most often one begins to realize they have been believing facets of experience are reality, as in, “of the outside world”, when in fact they are just deep, deep, beliefs about reality. Also, in fairness to any medical professionals that might read this, not a one of us can or should ever be expected to do, what Love can do. But the “paradox” of course, is that we all can.
  4. @Ethan1 I’ve never seen someone closer to a breakthrough. ??♥️ Or, your post is knowingly rhetorical, I can’t tell and it’s very funny.
  5. @mindcentral Grow up in a household with a chronically stressed overbearing person, or stress filled situation for years on end? Have any major accident, unexpected death...?
  6. @pangolin This sounds like why people are here, doing the work, etc. I’m not saying it’s not a disorder, but have you tried meditation, yoga, inspecting your thought & emotions, etc? @pangolin
  7. That’s a rough & silly belief. ?? Get to the feeling good of the wanting, by rooting out thoughts that don’t feel good. You want it & it is coming. Get more clear of what you want, and more clear of believing thoughts about doubt, etc. Inspect.
  8. @SBB4746 Thanks. Right on. It’s ‘getting you ready’ for what you’re wanting more, imo.
  9. @Ethan1 In being mindful of how far down the rabbit hole you’re wanting to go...inspect what you’re contemplating, directly. If in perception, let’s say you see a wall in front of you. Now, if you add a thought....”I’m grateful for that wall. It’s sheltering me, helping me stay warm.”.....feels good. Does the wall feel good? No, the thought feels good. Does the perception feel good? No, the thought feels good. Why does a thought feel good? Because it resonates. All thought is dualistic, up & down, left & right, this & that....what all thoughts resonate not relative. That’s takes us to the brink of the rabbit hole. A contemplation on the brink...what’s the feeling difference between gratitude...and appreciation? What’s the source of the that there is feeling. The thoughts are chosen in accordance, or in discord, of feeling. And that ‘comes out’ as the attitude. In accordance, great discord with, not so great attitude. A good question might be, why chose the thought which is in discord with feeling and results in kind as an attitude that also doesn’t feel good? Then complaining looks like a loop, which someone does not realize “they’re in”...except by the they are creating no matter what...just not realizing how suffering is created, yet. The ‘loop’ would look like...chooses thought in discord with feeling...doesn’t feel good & attitude reflects this...other people resonate or don’t exactly in the person has unpreferable experiences....because of their “bad” experience, they assign meaning to the outside world...”bad”....then thoughts in kind are chosen....and this repeats. To break the loop, feeling is listened to, rather than ignored. Good feeling thought is chosen. For someone to break the loop, with feeling...moving from complaining to appreciation is ‘clean’, ‘easier’ as it goes directly to feeling. Gratitude, is just a bit different.
  10. @Ethan1 Ya, on the same page. There’s no escaping that one is creating, just a matter of consciously or unconsciously. Even ‘interpretation’ is kind of gratuitous.
  11. @Ethan1 Excellent thread man. From my experience, the difference is where meaning is ‘placed’. One who knows they are the creator of meaning doesn’t complain...doesn’t see that way. For many, meaning is so convincing it appears to be ‘out there’, objectively.
  12. @jimwell lol! I know, there’s the matter of realization (sorry)...but it couldn’t be simpler than realizing it’s your thought.
  13. @LfcCharlie4 I agree. Can be useful for sure.
  14. @Elisabeth Ya. Trust is such a sneaky thought. Like it’s ‘supposed to’ feel good, but it’s actually separative, given the direct access of feeling, and the relativity to each thought. Feeling in never wrong.
  15. Crazy-awesome how feeling what you want, becomes doing what you want, & leads to more of the same. She’s already coming. ??
  16. Lovely post indeed. I can relate. I swear it’s quickly becoming every company’s brand.
  17. @ethanb121 Been doing these skype calls for a couple years now. Never know what will arise. At this point, I have talked with murderers, molesters, pedophiles, people ‘clinically’ lost in psychosis, as well as many people who were victims of those phenomena. I’ve also been doing what you might call long distance Reiki, or Shaktipat (you also might know of this by the “brand name“ “RASA”.) The feedback has been that it is good, and it is helpful. Here for ya, if you’re interested. No magic wand, just love, willingness, and helpfulness. I wish you well and feel for you. Believe it or not, ‘this too shall pass’. I don’t charge btw. People donate if they are inclined.
  18. @tenta Well me, you and him and we already got three.
  19. @Ampresus What’s the goal for? It’s a thought, and underlying it, is a belief in feeling better upon achieving the goal. Exercise in and of itself feels amazing. Happiness is only here, now. Happiness is always readily available, always here, now. Dropping body fat % is wonderful, amazing feelings, crazy awesome clarity....and the doing of it is equally enjoyable, the journey of it is just as sweet, lovable and enjoyable, as the outcome. Just a elliptical (with resistance settings), a phone, wireless earbuds, and an iPad...rock your tunes and your body while reading your nondual theory or what have you...brain absorbs like crazy in such a state...and the body releases stuff wonderfully in second, third, fourth winds. Motive - ation reveals Inspire-ation. Response-ability and loving it goes through the roof.
  20. @Dylan Page Lots of billionaires counting on that very perspective.
  21. @Bazooka Jesus My man, you just steam rolled my question! ♥️ Take that throat off the past and what’s it got to say about the future, what are you wanting, what are you creating?! ??☺️