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Nahm replied to Forrest Adkins's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Forrest Adkins Who would you actually be scamming? -
Nahm replied to Forrest Adkins's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Start with quieting the mind in meditation, and presence throughout the day. Stomach breathing consciously is ideal. Then contemplate in a specific “ask the question and then truly let it go’ manor. With practice, you find that in the having emptied of the question, the ‘answer’ or response indeed does arise. Practice this more. Overtime, it becomes clear there is not a ‘separate you’ / “the channeler”...just...you. Anyone can “channel”...it’s just “of” Now...while most seem to “be” in past and or future. Also keep in mind, it can just be a “scam”. But keep in mind, appearance, and actuality entirely, too. In the sense, do you believe your doctor, your teachers, your boss....are “not a scam”? How do you define “scam” and “not a scam”? Now notice, intuitively, you already know the answer, regarding “scam” or not. Not all “answers” are dualistic (thought). Sweet avatar pic btw. -
Nahm replied to Eternalcur's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Imagine a character in a movie sitting down and beginning to realize he’s been reacting - following a script, filling the roles of a character. And more deeply, the actor begins to realize he’s been ‘playing the part’ of a human. Upon further inspection, ‘he’ discovers who he actually is, and as such, is entirely free - always was. So he begins living the life he actually wants, free of ‘others thinking’, free of ‘self referential thinking’. “Sense”, is feeling...sensation. When viewed through the ‘what other people think’ or ‘what is logical & appropriate’ (collective beliefs) lenses...logic is misunderstood as ‘making sense’. “Makes sense” is feels amazing, or, the living of life which is full of sens-ation, in love of “living”. In this, new sense is “made”, siddhis, intuition, etc. I think this is because you’re looking at your experience from a one sided limited view. In noticing “you” are not “doing the walking” per se, you reduced your idea of you, rather than realizing your idea of you is just an idea, and never was actually you. You could say, relatively speaking to that reference, that actual you is the ground, the motion, the electromagnetic field, gravity, energy, etc. Rather than reducing an idea of you, inspect, scrutinize, actual you. What is meaningful...to you? Do that. Not so much “wrong”, just on the path, self discovering. The ego is made up. It’s a word used for where quantum meets atomic. A “line”. But there is no line there, it’s just where logic breaks down, where infinite wave appears to be finite particles. So in only thinking...this is where thinking breaks down. In feeling though...meaning & purpose are made anew, in the discovery of who you really are. Both are already unfolding perfectly as one. Enjoy the adventure of living, and the metadventure of discovery the true nature of self & reality. It’s truly the journey of a lifetime. “Play it out”...why do you want to achieve something? ...for the experience, & how it feels. There’s an a priori assumption of “how it works”...that you’ll feel better, when you’ve achieved more. But upon ‘having achieved more’...the great feeling, fades, and there is a new ‘thing’ to achieve, to feel the high again. You can see that without the assumption ‘I’ll feel better when’, is conditional living / feeling. Without the conditions, the greatest feeling, is now. If you think about it - there’s no feeling in a past or future. There simply is no past or future. These are thoughts, which only ever arise, now. Now, is when feeling is. Only, now. They don’t feel good, and you’re focusing on them. What does feel good for you? Focus on that, you’ll experience more & more of it. You have thoughts about what other people think. That is not actually what other people think. It’s what you think, that other people think. If there is ‘high worthwhile value’, or if there is ‘low worthless value’....it’s your own thought, your own perspective, your own belief. What feels best for you, what ‘lights you up’? That is actually valuable to you. Do more of that. Give some attention to your direct experience. Have you even experienced real and unreal ? Have no experienced existence, and nonexistence ? Thinking is quite sneaky. Ideas of unreal, or, nonexistence, are not the same as directly experiencing unreal, or, nonexistence...are they? Wherever you are, is here. You’re the one ‘thing’ which can never be lost. There is only the believing of thoughts (like Is am lost’), or not. You’re exactly where you “should” be, you’re where you are. Prior to thought, to judgment of it...it’s already perfect, and you can relax and enjoy it as such. Inspecting, contemplating, as you are, is “facing fears”. They’re all made up, so it feels wonderful to debunk them. Love is very funny in this way, and can be no other way. That is, to experience, you had to forget who you really are. What is the source of feeling...what is the value in terms of feeling and maximizing the living & the love experience, in getting all of what you want in this life on a dream board in front of you, so that it all begins to become clear, and in doing so, more & more enjoyable & effortless? If there is no separation, such as between the ‘thinking’ and the ‘feet walking’...what happens when you honestly write on the board, what you’re wanting...and let all resistant thoughts to it - go? -
@oMarcos Sorry to hear, it does sound like a rough past. If it is not ‘in your way’, then it’s not. If you do feel it is, how so? What obstacles are you encountering?
Nahm replied to mindcentral's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity ‘Sick’ would be # two. This get’s right to the two perspectives, and my disclaimers. -
Nahm replied to randomguy123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@randomguy123 What do you imagine it would be like if a reset button was pushed, & every and all symptoms stopped? Would they start up again? How? What would be the chain of events? Or would they not? Why not? -
@randomguy123 What if the blockage is the retelling of the story that you have a blockage?
@Einsteinonacid You don’t have to continue to believe what doesn’t feel good to you, nor do you have to let the past define or steer you in anyway. ♥️ In every case, you’re getting more of what you’re focusing on. If you want to make millions and have a beautiful wife, you certainly can. Focus on it, beautify it in your mind and heart. When a self defeating thought, which is not in alignment with what you want arises, let it go. Short of that, you’ll continue missing all the extraordinary ways what you are wanting is already coming.
Nahm replied to randomguy123's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Could you expand on that a bit? -
Nahm replied to Dlavjr's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dlavjr Very astute man. -
Nahm replied to StarStruck's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@StarStruck Try conscious or unconscious, rather than in control or not in control. Might be clarity & relief found. Assuming you would not consciously choose to feel bad...if the desire for control feels bad, acknowledge you’ve gone unconscious, and listen to the feeling. “Come back” so to speak by choosing a better feeling thought. When you’re feeling better, write about that feeling, explore it. Extract the understanding & release you seek from it. -
Nahm replied to Chumbimba's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Have you explored / considered that the environment & people in it were in discord with their feelings, and you learned this, but haven’t unlearned it yet? By unlearn it, I mean by gaining the emotional intelligence, and understanding why they were that way...how they suppressed their feeling, and acted out of ignorance. We learn to understand the world and our emotions, sometimes, in inaccurate ways. The emotional / self misunderstandings go unnoticed, and get labeled as attention disorders. Focus, or, attention, in most fundamental, and like many things on the path, is a matter of uncovering rather than adding more to. Maybe it’s an intuitive emotional response. (Speculating.) I’d explore that feeling. Nothing is “wrong” with you. The feeling is communicating something. Some of us grew up in environments which left us considering if we are right or wrong, good or bad...but we can get behind these circular beliefs by considering why we even started to believe in judgment in the first place. Understanding emotional intelligence & paradox could be the key to transcending, and “uncovering” focus & attention. Different things work for different people, but imo nothing’s wrong to be fixed. Just a misunderstanding about self & world to be understood. Then you move up the emotional scale and naturally experience more of what you are wanting to in life, and far less ruminating of thought resulting in what would be experienced as much more focus. I see focus & attention, from a meta-perspective of consciousness folding within itself to create experience. Focus is as inherent and natural as gravity. If someone said to me “something’s wrong with gravity”, I’d say we might have an inaccurate belief we could uncover. -
@Raptorsin7 @zeroISinfinity ???♥️. Sooooooooo sneaky!!! ?
Nahm replied to mindcentral's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I know right? It’s on it’s way. -
Is the speed of light a ceiling, a limit...or how All Experience can be? What isn’t light? What isn’t energy? Why do you suppose, you’re loving all this contemplation & inquiry? Why’s it have that good, reconnective, wholeness feeling? Reiki. Ray-Key. Light-Love. Go try it. ”In the beginning, God said...... (Swap “firmament” for “forgetting”, and it’s makes a lot more sense)
Nahm replied to Nate0068's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Right...that’s why there aren’t any. @Aaron p ? I remember a trip where my buddy and I stumbled onto the question....”wait...wait a minute.........what’s a “trip” ???? “ which, if memory serves, was followed by the revelation...”hold on, hold on....this means only volcanos are volcanic!...but they are volcanic!” Couple a’ geniuses solving the mysteries of the universe. -
* How I am creating emotions. Right under my nose! Have been since day one! Sneaky fucker. ???
Nahm replied to hikmatshiraliyev's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you’re laying down at night about to fall asleep, notice there’s a point where mind is still active, but body is going to sleep. Also notice in this phase, the mind sends a signal to the body, to check and see if it is asleep, prior to the mind going to sleep. Typically, this is experienced as an itch somewhere on the body. If you scratch the itch, the mind sort of says “oh, we’re still awake doin stuff”, and you stay awake longer. If you don’t scratch the itch, that is, if you don’t move...you will fall asleep. When you notice this, then also notice the opening & closing of the eyes, and the clearing of the throat, will not keep you awake like moving to scratch the itch will. In meditation, same thing. When the impulse to move around, or crack your fingers arises, relax, and don’t do it. Just as with going to sleep at night....in meditation, the mind’s signal of “move the body (crack fingers)“ is not answered with movement. So the mind allows the body to fall asleep. Keep attentive in meditation, through this “mind requesting the body move”....and not moving the body, phase. In meditation, the body will then basically, fall asleep. Then you’re into the much much deeper meditation, and have moved beyond reactionary thinking, becoming more conscious, more on purpose, into creating. -
If you continue to believe there are “negative feelings”....then you are continuing to believe thoughts which do not feel good to you...and blaming it on the feelings. Feeling is fine, no problem at all. Inspect the thoughts instead, in accordance with feeling. Listen to feeling. Realize the thoughts which don’t feel good, are thoughts which don’t feel good. Write down the thought which doesn’t feel good. Look at the emotional scale. Identify where that thought falls on the scale, how it feels. Then move up one, two, maybe three on the scale, and reconsider that same thought, in the light of the ‘higher on the scale’ feeling. Using that thought as an example.... How does it feel, in reference to the scale? I’ll assume it feels like Pessimism. Then, consider Hopefulness. Can you feel some hope... ”I could learn, I could inspect...and I can see where more awareness, and understanding...could lead to feeling better.” Then, consider Positive Expectation. Can you feel some positive expectation... ”Other people have done this, and awareness & understanding have worked for them. Matter of fact, awareness & understanding have always worked for me. Always revealed insights, always led to understanding & feeling better”. Then, consider Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness... ”This is going to be awesome. What I want most, is to feel good. It’s about time I gave this my full attention. I’ve noticed in the past that when I choose good feeling thoughts, and let go of thoughts that don’t feel good...great stuff happens....I know what enthusiasm feels like. I’m eager to continue feeling better and better” Then, consider passion.... “I know what I love. I recognize there’s some resistant thoughts that come up. I also know that doing what I love doing simply feels good to me. I can always let go of resistant thinking about what doesn’t feel good, and do something I enjoy. I can see how letting a thought go, and doing something I like, in and of itself, feels better. I know that when I do this, mind is cleared, without resistant thoughts and with a fresh approach, the passion in me always arises.” Then, consider Empowerment.... “I can do this. I can be patient, I can inspect each thought, and I can choose a better feeling thought, and I know feeling better is everything, and that everything I am wanting comes from feeling better. Thankfully, this up to me, and though it takes time, I can do this.“ Then, consider Love... “I know when I choose thoughts of appreciation, it just feels good. I know that at any time I want to, I can choose to appreciate, I can choose to do what I love, share love with others, and choose better feeling loving thoughts on my behalf as well. “
@Urgency Create a dream board.
@Alfonsoo It sounds like neither you nor your dad believe you’re under the weather. What gives?
Nahm replied to Spaceofawareness's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
“Methods to “remember” ones true nature when drawn back into the ego” If you inspected the thoughts instead of assuming they’re true, you would no longer believe in an illusory need to remember anything. That there is an ego, is a thought you’re believing. Believing that thought IS “the ego”. Inspect your belief which you’re referring to as “situations like this”. There’s no “situation like this”. All of the meaning, you’re creating. Then, trying to undo. If the thoughts are not believed in the first place, there’s nothing to undo...no need at all to remember any method. -
@Chintan desai Ya. Love’s crazy.
@pangolin Of course, wish you the best. ??
Nahm replied to 28 cm unbuffed's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@28 cm unbuffed Ime, once they’re being purified, gut wrenchingly barfed out of you...pretty sure that’s where the term ‘demons’ comes from. It’s like a damn exorcism. This might sound too easy, but, just set the intention. Something like “I’m done with the suffering. I want this crap to rise up, and get the fuck out”. And by God, it will. Takes time. Doing the inspection work, such as the Judge Your Neightbor Worksheet, can help a lot. Also, talking with someone who has already went through it can make it way easier (in a way) and way shorter. I’ve seen this stuff go on for decades believe or not, and be resolved in an hour. Sometimes honest, earned conviction just resonates in this way.