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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Javfly33 Now take away “I’m”...and “Isness”. Notice how sneaky it “go” and “go”...but obviously you are always here. Such is the “grasping” & surrendering. Yet, who surrenders. Delightful post man. ?? Busting through some paradoxes might be ideal timing. The mind is subconsciously driven by the apparent underlying unresolve, which keeps that subtle “grasper” at play.
  2. @Javfly33 Maybe consider “I am” the spoken, for-the-sake-of-communicating, “name” for Isness. And now that I’ve referred to “Isness”, consider that a linguistic “name”. Hopefully you see what I’m pointing at. By grasping, it slips away.
  3. @King Merk Indeed. From that article... “Maybe you are all just a figment of my imagination”... Notice the monologue is of self referential thinking. What if the author inspected to see if it is he / she which is the figment of imagination? Inner monologue would soon run it’s course. (Samadhi) Like Byron Katie says, inspect every, single, thought.
  4. Don’t “wait around” for someone else. Go an see. Try 5 - 10 psychics. Research to choose which ones. It’s both fun & eye opening. Try some Reiki, etc also. You might be underestimating the subjectivity at hand. Truth is all things & all thoughts. The “evidence” and “counter evidence” is itself Truth. The appearance, taken at face value, is that convincing. Incredibly deeper probing is necessary. It wouldn’t would be filtered through that person, so to speak. If that person takes appearance as the end all..... ..then they would reinforce their existing beliefs unknowingly, for lack of inspecting them. Other people, the field, the review, the work, the test, the hypothesis, the comment....all The Truth, much like a car & house in a dream you have, appear to be a car & house...but when you wake up in the morning, it’s clear what they actually were...”dream”...Mind. Open mindedness can be aided by ‘the shoulders of giants’, but Truth “known” or “not”, is a one player game. No one can tell you, or prove it, etc.
  5. You can certainly not hang around with some, with or without judging them. What they do / say is theirs. What you think of them, is yours. A “monk” who sees someone through judgement...has nothing to offer.
  6. @Schahin Really sorry to hear, that is terrible. They don’t know who they are. Infinite can not know the first “Act” of living / experiencing, is forgetting who one actually is. As hard as it might be to hear, judging them is not helpful. I would continue pushing for resources, agencies, people who care about such atrocities.
  7. @Schahin Totally understandable, and I do wish it were that easy. If I say they do not suffer, or I say they do still don’t know, and they’re still in the same situation. Tethered to a chair for weeks..? Have you reported this? Are there laws against this there?
  8. @Schahin Realizing you are everywhere is duality (thought). You, would be nondual. Everywhere, would be nondual. You + everywhere = 2. I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here at all, but this is key to the answer of what you’re asking. As to if you are awake or asleep, so to speak, and if you are creating with the highest intelligence in every single moment...that’s up to you. What difference would what I have to say make really?
  9. @Martin123 Oh, sorry. Must be regional. I thought it was in the Illuminati / Mason class. ?
  10. You realized you are God and you are everywhere....with the exception of there still being subjects and objects...? Sorry, that seems like opposites to me. Maybe I’m missing something. You’re still communicating here in subject object relationship. Nonduality the real reality (1)...God (2) control of everything (3).
  11. @Martin123 Me too. Sometimes I wonder if it was called “The Cryers Club”....and some Fryer guy intervened.
  12. It’s more a matter of expanding your mind / self discovery / open mindedness. You’re going to drive yourself nuts overthinking. ?? “Is God in control of everything.” Is God (1) in control of everything (2). Since you are aware you know you are God, then nonduality (not-two) isn’t a mystery, yes?
  13. You got me so good. Right in the feels. God bless you, infinite love & light forever illuminating your path. Great share & thanks!!!♥️??
  14. @Mattie Don’t get me wrong, I love him, Richard Dawkins too. You can not prove anything to be true. You are creating all of reality, there is not an exception, there’s no opportunity to “prove” anything in actuality. Simply put, open your mind, go visits a few psychics...many steps later you’ll see you were creating all of it. Or, alternatively, as I was eluding to, you’ll fully realize this upon your “death”. Why pass up the perfectly designed metadventure though ??‍♂️.
  15. @Sahil Pandit All is well, it is judgement which is “toxic” (simply false). Inspect the direct experience, of the thought (separative / judgmental / Twoness) and how it feels (your true nature, Oneness). @mandyjw ?
  16. @Matt23 Be honest with yourself. The rest is effortless.
  17. @Forrest Adkins As Mrs. Williamson says...(heavily paraphrasing here)’s how fucking awesome you are, your intrinsic potential to live the life of your feel how you want to have everything you want to have...which the fear is of. Not made up notions of things, darkness, etc. The most effective approach in my own experience and in talking with others, for depression, is to see how you are recreating it moment by moment, with belief & perspective. Nothing of anxiousness or depression can continue, once properly investigated, because it’s totally fake, bullshit, being made up. This is The Good News...Truth.
  18. I picture him moments after dying....”Ohhhhh...I was creating it. Makes total sense now.”