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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Robert Leavitt Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. ??
  2. @Llight You’re creating what you’re calling feeling, security, as well as emotion. It’s not separate, making it possible to “command you”. It may seem like it. There simply is no ‘final awakening’ or ‘enlightenment’. Nonetheless, I deduce my comment was unwelcomed, no worries, I wish you well on your path.
  3. Contemplate what that is. Scrutinize for subject-object false thinking. Such as, a first thing (person) could be controlled by a second thing (emotions). Such is the pointer, “nonduality”. Notice emotions are not separate. Control is a thought, an idea / belief. So is “enlightened people” btw. That emotions are something or could be something to “conquer” is a false perspective, and “makes an enemy” of emotion in belief, leaving a constant “goin against the grain”. Let go of this notion of “enlightened people”. That is not a real thing, at all. It’s more or less, working against you, because you hold a yet inspected indirect belief that you are not. You are putting people above yourself, putting them on a pedestal so to speak, subtly demeaning yourself. This is a form of ruminating. Instead, inspect your own beliefs. No, they are not. You have never experienced that anyone else is experiencing emotion. I’m not saying it is not a reasonable, logical deduction. I am pointing you to inspect your own direct experience. This reveals an entirely different actuality, from your existing beliefs. You could believe the story of Peter Pan and Dumbo too, and that would also be an idea in your head. But where would that get you in self realization? Look to direct experience, rather than believing stories (your own thoughts). ♥️
  4. Get tight on your inspections. This is a false assumption. You have never once experienced what anyone is thinking. Upon inspection and realization of this, much overthinking is reduced, much freedom in terms of feeling & living in joy is ‘gained’ (revealed to be actual). Your statement subtly mentally ‘places’ problems, worries, disappointment, etc, in “an outside world”, but you are creating them, and you can inspect and see through them, as they are perspectives. Every time such a perspective arises, feeling tells you this. Listen to feeling, and be willing to let the thought / perspective go. Seriousness was learned from interpreting and identifying with the suffering, deflection, and projection of others, as “serious”. Write about feelings on paper. Trace it back. Perhaps you were raised in a ‘serious people environment’, and you currently still believe serious = reality, rather than seeing that it is only a perspective they were choosing from a place of fear, you are choosing also. Take time each day to express on paper in sincerity, this helps dissolve seriousness. It can also be extremely effective to “be what you are trying to inspect”, as in.... spend a few minutes each day trying to be as serious as you can. It tends to reveal the facade of it, sort of by poking fun at yourself, ‘charactering yourself’, resulting in hilarity breakthroughs. Keep a straight face, and “be super serious”. You’ll find, if you’re already pretending to be serious, but don’t realize you’re pretending...pretending on purpose can uproot / reveal it. Responsibility..... Reframe this as your own perspective rather than “of the world”....response-ability. Be aware of the almost-light-speed of reactionary thinking, by observing it. Begin slowing down, taking a few seconds, and then respond. Your ability to create response will go through the roof. Then, if you are being serious, you’ll be well aware you’re choosing to...and because it doesn’t feel sincere, you won’t anymore. The “trick” of realizing you are the creator of your reality, is not so much to begin doing it, but to scrutinize in this manor and inspect, realizing that you already are. Watch out for write off’s like “subconscious’. Whatever you think that might be, inspect it, become conscious of it. Allow awareness of the immense effort that attitude requires, but more importantly, simply notice it does not feel good, and has never resonated with you. Another “practice”, have someone slap you across the face a few times. Might sound ridiculous. Might be ridiculous. That’s why it works though.
  5. @Buba You are already the true self. Like I said, do some inspection of any arising thought or belief which feels less that awesome, by writing about it on a pad of paper. Don’t fall for the pattern of distraction from doing this...such as continuing to talk about doing this. Actually do it.
  6. Please be more mindful of the racial terms sir, even when personifying the ego. Thanks.
  7. @Buba The ‘false self’ is just ideas & beliefs, not a a self or object which is destroyed, but yes, as falsity is seen through, there are emotional releases which are wonderful. Also, I wouldn’t say ‘true self appears’, it’s always there, the awareness aware of the false ideas & beliefs.
  8. @SoonHei Love you. Can’t add words to that. Can always add love though.??
  9. Intuition is synonymous with now. You are never without it. It is not duel, so thoughts of controlling it or not, it being on demand or not, would have to be released. Shift attention from thinking, to feel into feeling, that is the source of intuition. Then feel into the source of intuition, it is even more not duel and unconditional.
  10. @Buba Inspect beliefs, and writing about feelings.
  11. What somebody says can be believed, or not, and as such, easily forgotten. Dig into the work, and find out, unforgettably.
  12. @Buba When you resume the habitual thinking of old, that is suffering. Read this thread a few times...notice the tendency to go back to that old thought pattern. In becoming conscious of this, you become conscious, of “going unconscious”...and that is the beginning, of the end, of this suffering.
  13. It already is. There’s a lingering line of thinking about what is outside of awareness. But it’s just a thought, within awareness. All is within awareness. Awareness is all. “The other side of that wall” a thought, within awareness.
  14. These are thoughts which became beliefs, and are now just distinctions by repetition, habitual. Inspect them amply and they lose their meaning & repetition. Likely feelings will release in the process...feelings which were suppressed and are subconsciously fueling the thinking. Become conscious of them. Consider would it feel right now if __________ (fill in the blank with the opposite of those thoughts). Same here. There’s nothing but wholeness & wokeness, a thought to the contrary must be believed for this not to be, and that thought can always be inspected and scrutinized, unveiling it’s apparent validity. Ultimately this uproots the identity...the belief in a who or a second self ...”the bringer”. Rather than believe the thoughts “work”, “clients”, etc...go prior in your inspection, you’ll see those are thoughts, not direct perception. This thought feeds that repetition. “Need”. Give’s apparent life to something that does not exist. Then creates a false dichotomy using time, which is also a thought. Let the ‘idea’ go, and return to perception & feeling. The sneakery of thought is uncanny. ? Thought of ego survival is keeping the ego “alive”. Notice here too, there’s assumption distinctions made, ‘integrating’, ‘other aspects’, ’requires much’, resulting in the experience of ‘need to integrate’, ‘other aspects’ & ‘requires much’. You’re painting perception with thought, and then the produced painting if you will, is what’s being asked about. Inspect the action of painting instead. Notice when you are painting it (perception and or feeling) & refrain from doing so instead - go 100% perception & feeling, so to speak. It’s not about ‘aspects of life’ (already painted / tainted), it’s about the emotional purification of you / how you’re seeing it, for having mixed thought & perception. Inspect the “pressure” and you’ll see through it. It is not a force of an outside world, it’s a deep belief which is a repeated thought, but deeply & repetitively believed, ...seems like it’s the perception. But perception is pure and meaningless without added thought. A simple practice for that is looking at your hand, and being more & more aware “hand” is a word that was’s a thought. Look at ‘your hand’ without the identity. “Go back and forth” from aware of the thought as a thought, and that as that. (“The hand”). Or, keep repeating while looking at it - “ ‘hand’ is actually a thought”. It’s sneaky, but watch these a priori beliefs, before rolling into the next thought which this is foundational too. I & my are red flags for this. It reveals repetition yet to be inspected of thought & perception entangled, or, subject-object thinking which veils. It’s such a nuanced paper thin veil, it goes unnoticed, and therefore requires slowing down, and inspecting. Catch yourself inspecting the after thought, or after effect, and instead inspect the root belief. For example, rather than questioning what you need, question the belief in need. Writing about the feeling which is being utilized to not let go can be very eye opening and most helpful. The ideal, is triggering a cathartic emotional release, typically followed by Understanding / ‘breakthrough’. Write about it until you realize that you are creating the resistance. It is not inherent, or a’re recreating it. Spend a day in do nothing, observing, nature is ideal. Look for the observer with extreme scrutiny and that duality will collapse. Remove the mushroom “answer”, and inspect “the question” (the repetitive thoughts). Or put another way, instead of using mushrooms to be without thought, spend some time inspecting them. You’ll see right through the “validity” that you’ve been giving them. (I say this to you, so to speak, knowing you have had ample trips already, and that itself / alone is not ‘getting it done’. ♥️ . Not to imply you shouldn’t in the future btw, but rather to catch your inspection work up to you’re ‘trip level’, if you will.) After amply doing so, trips reach a new level too. It’s only possible for this to continue to be a hurdle by believing the repeating thoughts. In perception & feeling, where are these narratives? ? Awake or not, is actually self referential thinking. It’s that sneaky. Inspection, release of emotions, and the duality of self & other collapses eventually (now) in self-love. At any point...but my guess would be in a future ‘next level’ trip...for having done the inspection / emotional release ‘work’. The “conversations with customers” is revealed to be impossible pure magic.
  15. @Mafortu It’s kind of about bustin out of the matrix, being the beauty that is. I was picturing billiesimon twirling in the hills, arms extended, carefree. Lol
  16. @billiesimon “The hiiiiillllss are aliiiiive, with the sound of muuussiiiic’ ?♥️
  17. @Buba The belief is that there is ‘worth’. The secondary belief is that you are not worthy. That, is how that, feels. A child who’s worthiness has never been in question, has no question of her worthiness. With a paper and pencil, & the intention to do so, you can write about that feeling, and uncover the belief. “Value”, is itself, a condition.
  18. We’ll only know from some feedback, if it’s experienced. @mandyjw ...crying...c r y......see our why.....♥️
  19. @Buba In that context...there are some bogus beliefs, which cause one to believe they must do, act, accomplish, be valuable. Beliefs are just beliefs though. So what comes to mind, to the question...what led you to believe you are not valuable?
  20. @Swagala Keeping in mind what is currently held as foreign to us, once inspected paradoxically reveals more of ourself, as the paradox collapses... Let go of the focus on the forehead in the connection you experience. Instead, focus intently on only the palms of your hands. Notice palms up (after some number of minutes into meditation) with focus - awareness in the body moved to the palms - it begins to feel like you are holding energy, like a weightless ball in each hand. Then, put your palms facing down, go into meditation again, and focus into that same energy in the heart. When you establish the feeling of it in the heart, like the balls of energy in your hands / palms, then ‘move’ the awareness from the heart, to the palms, connecting, or, re-membering them. Just an opinion here, of course, listen to your intuition, but I believe there is a paradox & awareness within the body at odds, at play. Once you’ve established the connection with palms and heart, and can feel the connection with more ease, without having to ‘get there’ with palms and then heart, when you feel that merridian as one, do the same with the souls of your feet & heart. With practice, you’ll feel “the cross” of meridians as one, and the forehead ‘situation’, for having let it go all-together...well, you’ll see, and I think you’ll like it. A lot. In that ‘alignment’, you might also mentally repeat the mantra “I am the focus”.
  21. If you are aware of value, you are prior to the idea of it. When the thought of value arises, let it go by acknowledging this. What is can question value, value can not question what is. You are what is. Truth, looking for truth in value. It could never be found, like a flashlight looking to the illuminated wall for a bulb, it already is. Inspect, see the conditions, illuminate them.