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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. When direct experience is inspected all narratives are dispelled. Otherwise it is just preference. Some would rather conceptualize (fear, deception, embodiment, states, form-identity, ego’s protection & survival, getting better at integrating, imaginary stuff, falsehood, conscious effort, prevention, etc). Some prefer to meditate each morning and express frustration, and then pessimism, boredom, and contentment. It could be said there is some truth in the former taking between years and a lifetime, and the latter taking a few minutes until there is no longer even a need to do so.
  2. @Raphael My opinion is agitation doesn’t have anything to do with spiral dynamics, enlightenment or insanity, but only understanding your actual experience. Is there also an inclination that things might not work out for you, as in might not go the way you’d like?
  3. @Raphael Oh yes it matters very much, very important. Nope, doesn’t matter at all really.
  4. @Vibroverse Same for dreaming. Great pointer, lousy assumption.
  5. @Vibroverse You don’t really dream. That’s impossible. Maybe you’ve taken a pointing as true and incorporated it now as an assumption.
  6. @Rahul 2paradox When did the stuttering first start? What is the memory which naturally came to mind when you read that question? How old were you then?
  7. @RMQualtrough That research is limited by and is a dualistic interpretation. It’s an opinion.
  8. @Preety_India Question just how authentic anxiety & social anxiety is, and inspect your belief in assertion to it’s ultimate end. It is, so to speak ‘rotten inside’, and yet it is you who is ‘keeping up appearances’. It’s not about mum, at all. Mum’s are just for loving. Also, you’re using ‘appearances’ when ‘illusions’ is far more accurate.
  9. @Preety_India There is no assertion. Who cares about any of this. Obviously liberation from anxiety is what’s relevant. You could find as many reasons for getting along as you are for not getting along.
  10. @Matt23 Namaste. @Preety_India What about once she’s dead? Will you be glad you didn’t allow her to eat, drink & be merry? Don’t you have a bedroom or something you could stay in?
  11. Just like reason (from inspection) reveals that was a belief… Inspection of direct experience reveals that is a belief (that there is a “Leo”). Also, reason can’t question per se because reason is a thought / belief (that there is reason).
  12. Technically emotion doesn’t get stuck or blocked in the body in any physical sense. The mind gets stuck on a discordant misinterpretation of emotion, disassociating via believing labels, and thus feels like there are two or split consciousness. (Split/two) A me (1) which used to but isn’t fully feeling the body (2). If this is due to trauma, it can be resolved via transmutation and realizing more aligned interpretation (specific to the current misinterpretation). Where there was the sense of stuck ness, there is now the feeling of flow / streaming.
  13. Don’t hold the energy in, specifically not in any way using any muscles. Doing so overemphasizes otherwise dormant / unnoticed sensations relating to the natural outward processes of the body like urination & arousal. You could also think of this as the body’s natural reaction to that belief / misunderstanding (to hold the energy in). In raising kundalini, energy is attracted (not held using any muscular activity at all) via singlepointedness and the breath. Imagine / focus until you feel a marble sized point at the base of the spine. Allow every muscle through the body to completely, deeply, relax. Then raise the marble using only the breath, feel energy attracting to that point, making the distinct marble sized point more & more specific & pronounced. Feel the point (‘marble’) slowly moving from the base of the spine to the top. Every few times you do the practice you should notice the spine feels ‘fuller’ (as in full of energy / life / chi / prana / etc) but the rest of the body is so deeply relaxed it feels like only a light - barely there subtle tingly sensation. When you ‘raise the marble’, it is only with the breath… from below the stomach, to the stomach, then diaphragm, center point of chest, upper chest, throat and up through the crown. Don’t manually use any muscles to do this, allow the breathe to naturally move muscles. It can be helpful to feel the air as if it were pushing outward slowly on the way up, through each of these areas. Notice where / when the involuntary movements were occurring… now the spine is straightening itself. Don’t resist the inclination to stand up very straight, or to extend your arms out fully to both sides and roll your shoulders back. This ‘opens up the area’ for the kundalini if you will.
  14. Because mathematical insight is appearance, while consciousness work is illusory.
  15. That is comparative thinking. The group think conjecture is ego death. You believe that. You never experience either. The confusion lies in state chasing, the belief you are in a state and there is another one which you could get to. Also group think, and conjecture. Instead of assuming, conjecture, state chasing, putting yourself down, etc, inspect.
  16. By how you feel, not by ideas, not by comparative thinking. You are seeking. It feels better to be earnest about this. You are already doing that. It feels discordant until you acknowledge it, then it’s aligned. That is aversion via spiritual ego. It’s focusing on concepts to maintain being ‘the one who is adept at traversing’ (traversing, concepts). This is thought attachment, believing thoughts, believing you are the knower (spiritual ego). That uninspected belief leads to the second belief of the separate self, the ‘understander’… the belief that there is a you & a reality (belief in separation), which you could understand. It is not possible to over humble yourself. Much conjecture & group think at play here. The blind leading the blind into pride, vanity & arrogance, via thought attachment
  17. Who’s struggling? Who realized this? Who’s art? Who get’s past it? Who’s hurt by this? Who spends years? Who’s perfecting anything? Who makes music and visual art? Who gets joy?
  18. The expression of jealousy in regard to people who align thought with feeling and thus experience joy, energy, passion, drive, power & vision feels better than unworthiness. Scale doesn’t work when you skip over emotions, such as from powerlessness to blame.
  19. Blame feels better than discouragement, not knowing feels better than believing opinions & conjecture.