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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Yes. Done. End of story. But now you’re thinking...... No. It is not possible to remember yourself. You are what is aware of the memories. Memories are thoughts. The thoughts literally, actually are you. If you believe them, you’re believing the content, thus missing you are the awareness of the thought or memory.
  2. @Tony 845 Want scrutiny / suggestion, on that last 2%?
  3. Yes!! Notice how fast you went back to self referential thinking. See it as a punchline. Why is it funny.... Unless you can figure out some way to not be’re all set. If a thought arises...that there is a problem...simply ask..who’s aware of this thought? You are! Awareness is aware!
  4. Think in terms of transition. Is my 8 year old daughter dependent on external circumstances? Hell ya she is. She ain’t getting an income, heat, electricity, food, etc any time soon. Why is this not a problem for me? Love. She’ll grow up though. She’ll become independent. She’ll move out. Likely, she’ll have kids, and they will be dependent on her. How beautiful is this? Do you see? How beautiful, are you !!!
  5. I know you know! You don’t believe that, you don’t think that, you know that...and I know you know that! It does sound too good to believe, too good to be possible....but love is the truth. Not any thought. Love is the truth. This Love is you. Anger is not negative! That is judging. It’s love. Why does it feel so terrible to not love? Because you are love. Because love is the truth. When angry....”how does this feel, good, or not good”. Not good. What am I holding judgment the world? Where do I find this judgement? In my thought, my perspective. Why doesn’t it feel good? Because judging =, and other. Why doesn’t that feel good? Because it’s not true. How does this relate to me? You’re the truth. The truth is love. You are love. Why doesn’t that feel good? Because it’s not true, and I know this.
  6. @tsuki Nonexistence is a write off. It exists, because you’re creating it. I’m saying you don’t have to do such things which do not feel good to you. Also, if it doesn’t feel good to someone else, you can not be surprised by this, as it didn’t feel good to you either.
  7. Pretend I believe in unicorns, and you ask me if they’re necessary. You wouldn’t. You’d say, “what unicorns” ?
  8. This is because there’s actually no such thing as “negative emotions”. They aren’t “identified”, they’re created with judgement of self or other / Self. This is a call for inspection work. ??
  9. Someone made a movie once where there was no such thing as suicide, but it tested so poorly with audiences that it was never released.
  10. Yes. I know them because I saw them, as I also held them too. When we talk tomorrow we will inspect this and you’ll be right as rain. Too much ‘gets in’ when trying by typing. That will make sense tomorrow. We’ll clear that up too. For now, notice the feeling of irritability/pessimism, has an ‘urgency’ or ‘get up and run’ type feeling with it, an ‘avoid’ type of feeling. Then the depression/shame/guilt/fear feeling compounds it. Which denotes the length of time it’s been going on, which more actually denotes a high number of repetitions of... thought arises, doesn’t feel good, isn’t understood, is avoided somewhat subconsciously, adding confusion, and cycles back into the feelings on the lower end of the scale. What can happen in a conversation simply can’t be matched with text like this, but you will read this in hindsight (your comment) and it will be totally clear to you. Knowing we’ll be talking a nutshell here...Reflect on, what have the efforts to feel better been? What have you tried to do to feel better, how much time have you spent on it? Where is it? How much does it cost? What is the proper dose, of feeling good?
  11. @Buba The feeling, that terrible love, telling you that those thoughts about yourself are not true, at all. In continuing to believe the thoughts, you continue to feel terrible. The instant you let the thought which does not feel good to you go, you see what I’m saying. You instantly feel relief. Continue as such, and that relief becomes a release. Cry it out, punch a pillow, pound the clay, whatever, but express it. Continue as such, and you’re on your way to the real, actual discovery, that you are the greatest possible being that could ever be. You can not think about yourself in a way which does not feel good, while being surprised you do not feel good. Wisest words ever uttered...”maybe I’m wrong about this”.
  12. @Amit I want to acknowledge that it very much seems to be the case, and that I feel for you. “Where you’re at”, is not a fun place or time. There is this which gets referred to as awakening, enlightenment, etc. Obviously as you’re on the forum, you’ve heard of it. This could be the turning point from the “unawakened” “unenlightened” paradigm, taking the ‘turn’, the first step, into the new paradigm of what is pointed to by the word awakening. Having said that, what you said, as true and accurate as it does seem, it is not at all true. Further, unfortunately, you will continue to feel as you are until you see this. I want to help you see this.
  13. @abrakamowse In the sense...someone could have the thought “thoughts are not important to creating reality”. Relative to truth, they would have believed a thought, which was nothing more than a cover up, or write off, and it ‘wrote off’ all thoughts. They could live the rest of their life in suffering, never realizing what transpired. Likewise but somewhat opposite, some could believe the thought “nothing”, and conceptually “get it”, but the thought could be the write off, and they never know Nothing. People use the word nothing, all the time, all over the place, never inspecting. Total write off.
  14. @Amit Thanks for sharing, all very relatable btw. In looking at what you wrote there...take a minute to look at what of it is thought, what is perception (seen), what of it is sensation / feeling. Then, once located, where is the fear? Is it in thought, perception, or sensation / feeling?
  15. @Serotoninluv Funny how the superposition is orgasmic. Where science & spirituality come together.
  16. Right on. Go into that store. What’s a ... “fact”? What’s a double negative?
  17. @Anton Rogachevski We might experience honesty differently.
  18. That makes it easy. Just say, I don’t know. Otherwise, you’d be sharing / adding, a belief. Which I suppose if fine, if that’s your aim.