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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. The enjoyment is not in the beliefs, it’s feeling itself. Less thought story, is more great feeling. You’re feeling good about yourself, yourself is “itself” the greatest possible feeling. A thought about, is just that...a thought. Consider a tablet which “enjoys” the “good feeling” (which is wifi). It enjoys “it’s wifi”. Then one day it realizes the wifi does not “belong to” the tablet...but that the tablet, and all that is, is The Wifi. Then, the tablet is swimming in, breathing in, Love. (“Wifi” / ItSelf)
  2. @PenguinPablo This all supports the very story about you which feels terrible. Let go of the story building, and begin the one thought at a time, and how it resonates or doesn’t, with feeling. You are there. Not in a story about you, or who you are. Start a dream board, fill it with everything you want in life. Notice thought which arises resistant to all that you want, and inspect the thought. Use the emotional scale. Get creating this actual story, your life. In truth, you’ve always been creating it. This is more becoming aware that you are doing so. Read up, to fill gaps in understanding, such as The Six Pillar Of Self Esteem.
  3. There is no you. When a thought which doesn’t feel good arises, inspect it. Read up on deflection, projection, and personification. This will bring about some delicious purification / healing / insights (love). Make a dream board. You’re experiencing precisely what you’re focused on. Pull your write off out of your way. Starting focusing on what you want. More of what you want will arise in you. What you want = what feels good to you. Self actualization is the greatest feeling possible...get pointed in that direction. Just like if you want to go to a specific store, you get there by going. That’s just you judging them, which is keeping “the idea of you” going.
  4. @Jo96 Read about The Buddha, and his understanding of pain vs suffering. What you’re doing is ruminating. That is suffering.
  5. “Positive” is in feeling actually, rather than in the thought ‘ description. It the perspective or thought feels Good, it is Good. Seeing anything as good feeling, is recognition of “what is”, of our infinite Being. Preference is not judgement, it is creation. It is literally how your story unfolds, and how the entire human story unfolds. Right under our noses, we are all creators in this together, and all The One, dreaming within Itself. And again, it is Good. Yes, that “you” is the judgement / separation component. Flip the script.... Loving people is Good, understanding anger is Love, is Good, earning one’s way honestly, is Good, Happiness free of attachment to things or money, is Good. This is also described as recognizing the resistant feeling of a thought, spotting the judgement or falsity, and choosing the better feeling thought, the one that feels good to you. Btw, fill a dream board with these thoughts, and your reality does indeed become this. It is too Good to believe, one must experience this directly. The very same reality which will unfold as such, is what is saying this to you now (“me”) Right, you got where I’m coming from there. It’s all about the relationship between feeling & thought. After some time, some beliefs are kicked up, some purification transpires....after some time, there’s only positive / good feeling thoughts arising. You’ll reach a point where you literally have to remember the mental situation one can be in, because witnessing the choosing of a thought which does not feel good, becomes an experience to you (when you see someone do this) that seem very, obvious. Like seeing someone cutting their own finger off, it leaves you the heck are you doing that right now? The answer, is they are not consciously present right now, they’re “in” a thought story, trying to resolve beliefs about themself, and the world. But they don’t need to. Back then, that was actually happening so to speak, and to intervene was present Now with that situation. Now, as it’s just a thought, that thought, is judge mental of them for their ignorance. Might seem like it feels bad now, because of things which transpired then. But now is just that, now. A squeaky clean fresh start, always, perpetual spontaneous now, always free. If you are “bringing” the baggage of the past into this pure potential’s not going to feel good. Forgive. Imo, that is the most powerful word in our language. Forgive them for their ignorance. “They know not what they do”. It is precisely in that sentiment that Jesus, even hanging on the cross, was in the perfect peace of God. Remember, just prior to that, he thought God forgot about him - but he realized he had forgot about God. In forgiving them, he loved them, and forgave them of ignorance. You are innocent....and they are too. The body is infinite intelligence. It will purify itself. When I think “there even is evil to begin with”, I am judging myself, someone else, or “the world” / reality. It doesn’t feel Good, because the Truth is I Am That Goodness. It is me. Judgement, is simply me denying myself (as “other”, or “reality”). Crying is Golden in my book! Who would’ve ever guessed? Lol Rather than considering if anger is “evil”...question “do I even believe in evil?” This helps us see that we are actually, judging our self. Anger, is, in the most absolute literal sense, God. It sounds like there’s a lot of expressing & healing transpiring in the relationship, and that is wonderful to hear. There is also much to be said for me healing...her healing...and sharing the love which shines through in healing....with each other. My wife and I have a “rule” which sounds odd at first....we never, ever, apologize to each other. We realized there were these little cycles, of letting the other one have it, and later realizing “it was just my own shit going on there”. When you take away the ability to apologize later, things start clicking now. Overtime...this sort of “forces” one, to forgive one’s self, of what keeps “coming up”, and “coming out”, as anger. The aim is perfect clarity, that it never has anything to do with the spouse, only one’s self. Specifically...ones right now relationship....experience....of: thought, feeling, & source.
  6. @4201 Awesome. Perhaps think of the term The Cosmic Joke. It might help if you seem to only be recalling the set up. Pretty sweet punchline. That joke is best when recalling it in it’s entirety.
  7. She speaks the truth.
  8. @4201 What about the “he goes away and works on what he has seen” part? I wonder if that there’s nothing to know is getting contextualized in hindsight as understanding everything. It could be that you’re thinking the trips added something which felt great, and in a way they do, but a case could be made that it’s what they take away which is desired. In short, and in part, overthinking is ‘taken away’. Thought & feeling alignment can be very effective for the permanent ‘taking away’ of the monkey mind. That which they take away, beliefs, perspectives, paradigm locks, etc...inspection, healing, and practices also “take away”. All the wonderfulness experienced on the trips, any way you slice it, is you. You are the Goodness which is the Goodness. Just some layers to let go. With regards to the gurus & psych’s...who cares about their relative stories, their path, their way. Listen more intently to that which all of them are in perfect agreement upon. Hear more where or who they are right now. That is the same. Where they came from, what they did or didn’t experience, never happened anyways.
  9. @4201 I think you could step back, prior to the duality of should I or shouldn’t I by doing something healing for yourself. Any ‘modality’. If it’s on your mind, but you’re not feeling like you would like to be about it, address the feeling, how you’re feeling in general. Hit yourself with some well being. Soon enough the feeling will let you know if and when to go trip balls / get closer to God.
  10. @Peo What do your daily practices look like, and what does your inspection of self & reality look like? For example, for me it was daily meditation, at least once a day, and learning sciences & religions. QM’s, as well as visiting different churches, and trying out new things, specifically, played a key role. It is (imo) far more about this, and far less about the substance or dosage.
  11. @remember Yes, but that’s what “on one scale” pointed to (or the intention anyway)...that it’s that same ‘thing’ fundamentally at play. @Raptorsin7 Can some dots connect here...? Conflation...mixing spiral dynamics references with nonduality, or ‘the path’ references....? In ‘putting down the armor’, allowing for emotional is free of the prior held beliefs for doing the inspection work, which is Good, and feels Good, btw...yes? If I knew someone looking to feel good, to find “the zone”, to breathe more and more life into their LP... I’d tell em to do inspection work. As the “Good book” not eat from the tree of good & evil (judgement) instead from the Tree of Life Purpose. (Paraphrasing a bit there). *Not suggesting a dogma of Christianity. ....for good contextual measure perhaps.... “Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him.” - Muhammad
  12. This. Is. It. This is the inspection work. You totally know what it is now. Keep going....Do “they do stuff that makes you feel bad” the feeling actually only in regards, to what you are thinking about them? On one scale, “So I don’t associate with them”, is referred to as nationalism. See how this plays out? It’s a lose lose.
  13. @Raptorsin7 Nice. Awesome. That is the inspection work. Keep that dive going. Is there anything “wrong” with them being that way? Are they not doing their best, just like you and me? If you become aware of these distinction, these nuances, ....consciousness....and they do there any problem whatsoever? There is much, much deeper and nuanced feeling ‘below’ that “fuck you” (Made it black & white to communicate the point) Intuition! Discover the intelligence, in nuance, in feeling.
  14. @Raptorsin7 To use a thought to make a precise statement (not to “pick on you”)... The thought arises...”they are idiots”. Feeling says “nope. No sir” Intellect says “but I’m right though!”. Feeling says, “nope. Sorry, but no”. Intellect says, “ok, I’m wrong!”. Feeling says, “nope, super sorry but no sir”. Intellect says “why?!?!? What gives then!!!?”. Feeling says, “judgment...of other, & self”. Except feeling can’t “say anything” to there is this twoness, this “thinking”. By and large.....Feeling says “let’s not use this thinking for judging”......Thinking: “fuck you”. Feeling...”ok, does that feel ?” Thinking: “it’s beginning to feel like we’re in this together, as one”. Feeling...”♥️”.
  15. @Raptorsin7 Indeed. You might say that I didn’t mention cosmic consciousness or ‘getting there overnight’. It might seem like I did. To recognize what you used to do, and then judge them as idiots for doing it, does not feel so good. If my aim was the greatest feelings possible, I’d inspect that and likely be all the more compassionate, aka, ‘in’ Love, for having done so. You, were not, “wrong”. That, is self referential thinking in the sense, judging yourself. Nothing “wrong” with anything, or where anyone, is ‘at’. Only in the context of having said that previously..... ”I understand that you don't do any of this, but there is also a progression. I cannot go from where I am now to cosmic consciousness over night.” In a way, ya, you kind of can. Because there is nothing to acquire, nowhere to ‘get to’. There is only, in this regard, to surrender beliefs, judgements, of self & other. Because this is not a ‘doing’, it can be done, any time.
  16. @Raptorsin7 I sure hope you are not hearing what I’m saying as they are idiots, fake, or that there is any problem whatsoever with them or how they are experiencing. Also, I don’t experience in that way honestly, “afraid of calling people out”. Quite the opposite. Definitely not trying to “call people out”.
  17. @Raptorsin7 This video is a very insightful example of what we were talking about in your journal, the woman who was missing her underlying assumption about thought. If you first adopt the perspective, before you watch this video, of the female as the “guru“, and the male as the “student“, (for the first 1/2 of the video) it reveals all of what “I’m” talking about. Try to view it as if every single word he is saying is a write off, or, cover up, labeling, excusing, overthinking, over talking, etc. Because he is not inspecting any of this, one broad stroke label gets applied, that’s just how she is, and this is just how I am. Identification, the meta-cover-up if you will. Almost halfway through the video, at 5:50, you can literally watch her, in the protection of his idea of his separate self, actually label herself with a diagnosis created by someone who has no idea what they’re talking about. “This is a separate thing...just some thing that we found out”. “Thing”, in one’s thoughts, it’s one of the slipperiest write off’s. Notice it lead to “you have no ability to imagine have no mind’s eye”. Imagine how damaging group think could get from that one statement alone. People identifying with it, etc. As a relative distinction, yes. As a diagnosis & something to identify with, huge blunder. The difference between no mind and self realization could have been glimpsed, but Instead, they “group think” in their agreement to label her, a “condition“. Notice at 6:00, all of this begins to be “credited” to “a brain”, it’s not just a thought I’m’s “the brain”. “The brain” makes a great write off, but a lousy entity which is responsible for experience (because it isn’t). At around 7:00, there’s the “cover up” (beliefs) of time and space used. They discuss how she can’t see him “in her mind”, only when he is right in front of her. Is this a diagnosable anomaly? Or is it because they aren’t realizing there is a difference between perception “of something”, and a thought about that something? (Then of course, ultimately no difference). That is a fulcrum, if you will, because if thought and perception were inspected, the fact that there is no objective reality would be revealed. If that’s revealed, there’s no more separate self. “You might as well learn facts about things that do exist”, which she agree’s to “yeah, exactly”. They’re creating and sharing a paradigm. It’s adorable, but the suffering is not as cute. In his mistaking a thought for perception, fear is more present, efforting such as a need to remember accurately is increased, etc. She even gives him the message with “red”, then she succumbs to his arrogance of “knowing the facts”. Again, relatively speaking, he strikes me as a kind and intelligent person. This pointing is for you, to the “deeper” seeing that was difficult to put to with words in your journal. Hopefully it is kept in context (or all context entirely removed). Video wise, unfortunately all of this is written off with ‘brain’, not noticing it’s personifying, group thinking, suppressing, deflecting & projecting, and identifying. There is nothing “wrong” with any of it. It’s entirely relative to one’s own suffering and stubbornness vs willingness, to be on the path of love (truth) & fear (beliefs). Some would say (8:15 ish) that nightmares are an indicator, the “subconscious” telling you something, at the least. Not to say he is arrogant...but for the sake of seeing this, that is arrogance. It is a Good sense, this is Good to see & realize. Liberation only feels bad, if the feeling is ignored, and the rejection in thinking is believed. In the other sense, Nahm is a heartless prick. If so, albeit a blissed out fool. Is the half circle the point of focus, or the full circle? In one there appears to be a Nahm, in the other there is not. Notice the inward vs outward ‘movement’. At 9:20, that “in a box reference...”...she doesn’t realize, it’s literally actually true. This “box” is becoming in accordance with her consciousness, so to speak (inseparable). Check out the movie What Dreams May Come. Great example of how this plays out, and what one can do relatively, and can not do, for another. It really points out the potential of group think, as ...“couple think”....? On his behalf... (9:40) “makes it hard for me to sleep...hard for me to focus...and it does make me jealous”. A good example of ignoring the message that is the feeling, and believing “the facts”. If he were to inspect, just that one thought & feeling...ohhhhh, everything begins to change, trajectory; awakening. ...10:25 ish, she mentions the feeling, embarrassment...and immediately writes it off to the assumption she is “the female”. Had there been inspection, there would not be “embarrassment” anymore. 11:00...”when I finally look at myself in the mirror...I’m like (makes disgusted face)”. How many ‘woman’ are living this way, every single day? The suffering is, well, outrageous. The love is greater. Always, always, always. When / if the perspective/feeling arises, that what is being stated here is unfriendly and harsh towards him, as in critical and unkind… remember what we are actually talking about here. There is no him. There is no him to defend. There is no her. There is no her to label. There is just a lot of overthinking to continue pretending that there is. All of the overthinking, is ‘movement’ away from, feeling. The distinctions are something they are creating, but they do not realize this. I’m hoping you see it, and if they read this, I hope they see it too. It is Good. If he began the inspection and healing work, “he“ would absolutely love the discovery. I know it is probably practically impossible for the majority of this not to come off like I am ripping on them, or judging them. They’re lovely, I love them. I know them like myself. It’s just commentary that is heard or unheard, and all the same.
  18. That is already the case. There is no death. So someone seeing there is, is already seeing an illusion. If there is no death, there would not be the thought “if I die”, nor “just killing yourself”. You could say those thoughts, are the illusion. If someone is aware of those thoughts, they are already aware of an illusion. No longer believing those thoughts, they are no longer seeing an illusion, but the actuality of Self. Just a thought...pull up Genesis, and read it. When it says “in the beginning”’s not talking about The Big Bang, or some ‘past’’s talking about your beginning. Don’t assume there was a physical universe already, which ‘you’ were born into.
  19. @Anton Rogachevski Are you able to now see this thread as your own invitation to do the work?
  20. @mandyjw So sneaky indeed, that there’s no such thing as “a paradox”. ♥️ “Teaches us how to have no desires”......whhhaaaattt?!
  21. Great opportunity to contemplate enlightenment, vs self realization.