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Nahm replied to ardacigin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Pell I agree with where you’re coming from, but I’m not intending to imply an “instead of”. We can also include the other options out there to be experienced as well. As a more concrete example, I experienced meditation daily for many years, then massage, then tai chi, then psychedelics, then writing about feelings, then contemplation, then yoga, then a few different meditation techniques, then self inquiry, then reiki, then jin shin jyutsu, etc, etc. -
@Prevailer My bad, I meant, you, are awesome.
@Prevailer awesome.
Nahm replied to AdamDiC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@AdamDiC Great report, solid insights. Also, never take 3.0-3.9 imo. Trip prior to or beyond the chaos, rather than aiming to bath in it. -
@Prevailer if you ‘have’ thoughts, are you separate from them?
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Nothing. Acceptance is not a causation. Acceptance is itself you. The thought, ‘time’...slippery slope. But not really, because it’s a thought. Impatience is the result of a belief in a “future “...also just a thought. -
⬆️???? @Ingit Then.... Notice everything on that paper that you don’t want, derive from it what you do want, and write that on your dream board.
@dimitri ♥️ What dreams may come. ?
@okulele Welcome. It’s just self referential thinking. Note the difference between the feeling - creating...and the thought about one’s self as a creator, in terms of overthinking and “creating” a self image. The great news is you can’t not be a creator. The “catch” is, you can’t believe you are the (human) creator. Or, more simply, create like a kid whom ‘what other people think of me as a creator’ never occurs. “Like holding back vomit after a night of heavy drinking” The thought is judgmental of a “musician”. The feeling is saying “no! You’re the whole gig!”.
@Prevailer The thought of myself...in contrast to...myself is aware of thought. Without the thought ‘two biological computers’...that which is being referred to as duality, is no longer “known” as such, and that which is being referred to as “autopilot”, is actually manual, or, “creation”. “Biological” is a survival paradigm write off, for a creation / creating actuality.
@fork Yes, this ‘algorithm’ though is reality as it appears. Knowledge is the limiter, the ‘duper’, not the actuality. The actuality doesn’t have an answer, it is the answer. The “meta=cognition” of knowledge, is the transcendence of it, the seeing through it, the recognition of what is appearing. ”Screen”, is a thought. That (“this screen”) is perception. Notice the thought “screen” is a word we learned. A label. But the actuality, is perception...(and a thought...”screen”). Notice the thought “knowledge” is a word we learned. A label. This will eat itself until ultimately you logically arrive at the relationship between the Big Bang, reality, and ‘you’.
What “error”...? When you think a thought about yourself / reality, which is not true, it doesn’t feel good. So you choose a better feeling thought. It’s “working” flawlessly. You’ve never experienced being two. You just haven’t inspected the stories repeating in thinking, about a “you”. We do that to avoid feeling. Here’s an example from someone I talked with recently... Their “problem” was with being / feeling alone. They’d been focused on this & suffering for a very long time. The thought was “I don’t want to be alone, ever”. The feeling was fear / anger, and then shame / guilt when they judged their thinking & feeling. Feeling, is one. Thinking, is twoness (opposites / duality). They were focusing on the thought (duality)...”alone”, so they didn’t feel. It sounded a bit like...”rather than feeling..I’m just someone who doesn’t like to be alone”. They believed the fear, which they were actually making up, was basically “out there”, or, “just how I am”, or, “just how it is”. The thought “alone” was a ‘write off’. A way to not feel the feelings. We talked, they felt the feeling. They experienced tremendous relief & clarity, and were very pleasantly surprised to feel what the feeling was telling them all along about themself. They realized, the feeling was responding to the actual thinking, which was fear of togetherness...fear of rejection...self judgement. They found the feeling was telling them that the way they were ‘thinking about what other people think of them’ never felt good. They realized none of the thinking there had any truth.
Nahm replied to Justincredible76's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That reads like an ad for Reiki classes. Read the books, but, you can’t experience that in a book. -
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 What if you had laughed knowing it was just a dream? What “prevented” that...what’s the worry? Maybe the dream is uncovering that for you to inspect and see through. The reason why you cannot be an “object “, is because you are already you. If you were an object, “who” would be the subject? Clearly, this is getting ridiculous here, as you are already the subject and object. That is the only logical possibility. Unless you believe a thought to the contrary, but still, you are the awareness of a thought. If more clarity is desired there, simply “find” the separation between you and a thought. -
Nahm replied to Llight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sexual attraction is the opposite of thinking. -
I overcame self referential thinking and no longer had social anxiety.
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
?♥️ -
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Inliytened1 *She. -
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Finkle may be Einhorn, but Einhorn isn’t Finkle. -
Nahm replied to billiesimon's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Survival might be in Minecraft, but Minecraft isn’t in survival. -
Nahm replied to ardacigin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@karkaore Ya, pretty much. TL:DR 2g’s Shrooms. Not to imply the practices are not useful, or that discipline is not to be valued. A toothbrush & a bar of soap have value too, but you can also drive through the car wash. -
Nahm replied to ardacigin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ardacigin I understand, thanks. -
Nahm replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That. Is. Great. Can you relax, take some deeps breaths, and ‘get down in there’, into the nuance of feeling...and... Bring to mind, the sheer shittyness of their behaviors, and how it made you feel....and just kind of note how the feeling itself...feels? Then, consider the perspective “I also have some skin in this, I’m judging them too” ...and just note, in feeling, if the feeling feels better, more releasing / relieving. Note, this , what I’m proposing here In this “exercise” if you will, has nothing whatsoever to do with any current thoughts, logic, perspectives, or beliefs. Only looking for the feeling. Just trying to feel the feeling, a bit more nuanced. How does this feel.... “I’m afraid of suffering like I see so many people doing” Compared to (only the feeling) of this.... “What if I’ve misunderstood suffering, just a bit, and the nature of it, is that we each create it, or don’t, for ourselves? What if my seeing their suffering, is actually my keeping of my own judgement of them going, which is, “my” suffering?” In terms of determination, in living the life I want to live...is the way I’m looking at people...resistance...or inspiring me? And ....”Maybe, I hold a belief of what death is, but have never actually seen, heard, anything of it whatsoever. Maybe there’s some fear of death at play here that I could inspect if I wanted to. It might even have something to do with ending up in arguments, when love is, well, love”. A contemplatable question suggestion....”What’s the feeling difference, between ‘being true to myself’, and needing to be understood?” “Maybe, just maybe, I actually just would enjoy being understood...and maybe, my friends and family have more in common with me already, than I’ve noticed lately”. And maybe even...” Damn. I can really appreciate the forgiving, accepting, loving side of each of them. Maybe nobody’s perfect after all.” When you re-read what you wrote there now...how does it compare, in feeling...to this... ”Maybe me and them are actually both suffering from the same thing...overthinking, and self referential thinking patterns.””Maybe I’m feeling a resonating with them, and it’s triggering me, because I don’t like how I feel about my own place on the path.” “Maybe I can take a few minutes, and write about the thought patterns and emotions, and I’ll get a better understanding. This might bring a richness to not only living, but relationships, which I’ve never experienced before. Could be exciting, much more than anything anyone should fear, or suffer over” Again, though we are reduced to words in this communication format, keep in mind, this is not an appeal to reason, or thought...only looking for how it feels. Does living change, when I put how I feel , before what thought I choose to share, or put any focus on? Likewise.... “maybe, I could take that a step deeper...and inspect....what is “luck”, really? Maybe there’s more to this “reality thing”. Maybe the feeling, is telling me something about my belief in luck, rather than that which I am wanting, and believe I ‘got’, via, “luck”. Maybe, if I see that, I’ll feel more at peace with any given moment...because I’ve seen it’s not about luck at all” Just on a “technical note”...keep in mind, that model is not demonstrated in “levels”, but rather, with a spiral which contains no separations. Not recognizing that everyone has a fundamental sameness, underlying all thinking...can result in me overthinking, in a “what’s wrong with me, why aren’t I like Jim, or Mike, or Pete, or, why aren’t they seeing things like me?” way. When I do recognize the simple fact that we’re all human, that we all share that most fundamental situation...then I begin to see that it is what thoughts one is choosing, and the momentum of having done so...which makes us appear to be so different. “That could be where I’m at on my path...and it would make sense, at least of the feeling, which has been arising in my social interactions.” Maybe there is much wisdom, a Wholeness found, in balancing my recognition of sameness, as well as uniqueness. That, or God fucked this whole thing up. But, do I really want eight billion Mongu’s here? Maybe all these “differences”, in how my peeps see things...shit...maybe, that’s a Beauty I can unveil. “Maybe I can ‘put a pin in that one’. I am liberating, and it is Good, real Good. I’ll reserve thoughts on how other people relate to my awakening for now...just kinda, take that off my plate for now, so I can rock this me thing.” ....comparatively...how’s the feeing of that? Delightful. Maybe there’s a stage on the path yet to be walked, the direct experience of what spiritual ego is. “Insight - delicious, I’ll take em all day long, yes please. .....wait...what.....why’d they stop? What happened? Where’d that magic feeling go?! The feeling, literally goes to our heads, and gets dualized / conceptualized in thought. Just notice these lessons in life, by recognizing the feelin of receiving insight, and the feeling of claiming it as mine. It will set you free there. If that seems ‘out there’...notice there’s One breath, right now. The walls do not separate the space in actuality, the walls in in The Space. We’re all breathing that same One Space...and as fast as that space is inhaled - boom, dualized by a pair of lungs, and furthermore by the divided hemispheres of the brain. The sneakiness can never ‘be beat’. It is always right under, right above, and right behind, our own nose. How does that one thought, which arises only now....feel....now? What healing for the body have you experienced thus far on your path? What are six or seven you’ll go try this year? (You will never “beat” the sneakiness) Which is to say, there will never be a human being who feels good, while focusing on a thought which does not feel good to them. Ever flown on an airplane? -
@Lento Have “you” been “out of the bubble”? @Trox097 “the house is empty”...Love that phrasing.
@Monad It sounds so simple, for a well developed intellect, it borders on near-absurd, but I can relate to the facets of your life quite a bit and I’d suggest filling up a dream board with everything you want. Everything you can possibly come up with from from the place of genuine Goodness. It takes a little time, but it reveals how everything you’ve got going falls into the ‘turquoise’ vision if you will...perfectly falls into place with ‘where you are’ these day. Godspeed on your creation. ?? Best of “both worlds” ?.