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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @ValiantSalvatore From what you’ve experienced so far, I’d write specifics about what you want on a dreamboard. Then I’d do whatever you enjoy, letting it go from mind altogether.
  2. Open the front door… And watch all the ‘thoughts in perception’ blow away with the wind (also not in perception).
  3. @snowyowl That’s a thought. It’s assumed. Find it in perception. @The Buddha Source is a thought. Source of thought, is a thought. Source of mind/thought, is a thought. Group of them is one thought. Like the thought ‘a hundred thoughts’ is not a hundred thoughts, but is one thought.
  4. @snowyowl I agree it does seem like that. Also, the I thought is, a thought. Consequence, is also a thought… and so on… self-preservation, is also a thought.
  5. @ValiantSalvatore Vision, or visualizing, can also & is most often the activity of the finite mind if you will, which isn’t quite the same as knowing and affirming what is wanted, and then letting it go entirely such that it can be, or ‘fill in’, manifest, appear. In & upon the recognition “visioning” is still activity of thought / finite mind… it is clearly seen there is no paradox. There is simply that you are creating, and how it ‘works’ if you will. Running a very strategic system and approaching the process strategically, in my suggestion at least, are the same. Likewise, ‘working conceptually to understand the concept’ is really rumination, which is really aversion. It is thought activity which is completely unnecessary and is much like vacuuming a floor not noticing the vacuum isn’t plugged in. A label is not understood meditatively, a label is let go all together. Imo, this is allowing the ‘forrest’ (that which you desire) and exploring it (actually experiencing it) and is not not conceptualizations about it. This is the fundamental root. ‘Failures’ is only the activity of thought. Try to point to ‘failures’ to see that it isn’t a thing at all per se, but an opinion. I realize this is shocking new information but I recommend addressing the doubt using the emotional scale, such that, that which you are desiring is cleared to appear.
  6. Yes. God, so to speak, is well aware of exactly how God is being this place, or if you like, experience. Look to the inward direct experience so to speak, and not the concepts, knowledge, hearsay, conjecture, etc. When the so called finite mind is slowed until without activity, ‘this’ is literally seen, just like your home can be seen from the inside, but also from the outside. No ‘thing’ can do this or help this seeing.
  7. It might sound crazy, what I’m about to say. It’s an alternative to meditation similar to a psychedelic. In the same way electricity doesn’t actually ‘travel through wires’, consciousness does not ‘travel through selves’, nor ‘selves’ through ‘time’, nor are there ‘selves which can alter consciousness’.
  8. I suggest you don’t have any issues, and are focusing on a very complicated strategy, and are getting what you are wanting & focusing on, which is the experience of much complication and a sort of looping deeper into strategizing. Those you seek to attract might not be doing the same. They might not be looking for issues & complexity and strategizers. They’d likely love you though.
  9. They all, without exception, experience thought attachment, which is and is the perpetuation of the ‘traditions & doctrines’, which is aversion to, of, away from, the Truth. It is fear of cessation / end of the thought attachment / monkey mind, activity of thought which is ‘the separate self’. Turns out though it’s pure bliss, for no one & every one. Incredible honesty! Nice. Also, I is a thought. And that would be thought attachment, believing there is an I, and this I is or is not necessary. Meditation, emotional expression & understanding. This is opinion & suggestion, and is not any implication of making a doctrine. Only the light can ‘bring’ the light. Only the light is the light - and not a single thought about will do. ‘Profound insights’ is still thought attachment. The desire for, points to ‘the ego‘, or ‘separate self’ (which is only the activity of thought, and attachment therein).
  10. When we sit & relax instead of using or doing something to feel better… there isn’t “something from our past faced”, there is misinterpretation expelled. Then clearer more aligned interpretation - understanding - arises. And that is the natural pleasurable feeling which is actually desired. Framing of unwanted, such as “I don’t want to do or want to quit x, y or z” doesn’t work. Discord is felt because focus is on unwanted. Framing of wanted, such as “to naturally feel fine & happy”, does work. Alignment is felt because focus is on wanted. Wanted = what feels good to you. One can focus on what does not feel good and attempt to force, manipulate, or ‘push through’, but it doesn’t actually work long term. It is what keeps one reaching for the substance short term. Connect the dots as to why witnessing hypocrisy is intensely discordant to you. And focus on what you do want, rather than on others. See that the substances are utilized for one to hang on to discordant, but identified with, misinterpretations. Sitting & relaxing, the body naturally & effortlessly lets misinterpretations go. The true liberation sought will never come from or be the result of substances, my Good, Good man. ? “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” Jesus
  11. Give daily basic meditation and using the emotional scale a try. ??
  12. What was going on at that time? Some kind of hostility in the environment, maybe a move, a divorce, changed schools… something along those lines.
  13. To keep it simple. Are you experiencing an I which is agitated? Can you point to this I somewhere in the room? Or is there an experience of agitation?
  14. @Terell Kirby Thanks. It’s funny how often humor goes unnoticed.
  15. @Raphael Right now, when you acknowledge that agitation leads to pessimistic thoughts, do you feel a very slight relief? The relief would be from sincerely acknowledging & expressing this. That ‘expression’ could be literally as simple as, “yeah, it does, and yeah, I do experience pessimism / pessimistic thoughts”. (Careful not to overthink expression. Keep it as simple, easy, and effortless as possible) Put slightly differently, it feels better to experience pessimism (thoughts that some things might not work out) than it does to feel the more immediate bodily discord, of agitation… yes?
  16. @Raphael Right now the direct experience is of agitation. Right now there is no direct experience of a you, which is agitated. Do you see this to be true, right now, of your direct experience?
  17. @Terell Kirby Well let me kiss the fam goodbye before you ‘shut off the mind of God’. Gimmy like ten minutes.
  18. @Raphael I’m not talking about concepts about your life, or anything that ever happened. I am talking about right now, and only right now. Do you understand this?
  19. As it wasn’t said, yet seems so, it is a conceptualization of what was said. There isn’t per se a mind which can be shut off, that is also a concept. (When direct experience is inspected all narratives are dispelled.) Embodiment, conscious effort, and courage… upon cessation… are ‘reality seen as it is’, conceptualizations. That someone could embody concepts, or that somebody is against concepts, would be more conceptualization. Godspeed. ??
  20. That would be an inclination, or thoughts about things not working out for you. That is pessimism. (Ego is a thought. Ego is one, thought. There is not an ego which has thoughts.) If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, it is (imo) best to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Boredom is experienced now, or not at all, isn’t it so? ”A lot in my life” is a thought, yes? That is not a feeling, that is a thought, yes? That is also not a feeling, but a thought, yes?
  21. Ever experience knowing you have stuff you want to do, and knowing & feeling you have the energy to do it, but yet not having the focus or inspiration and thus, not doing any of it?