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Nahm replied to TDW1995's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@TDW1995 “My mind” is a thought. -
Nahm replied to TDW1995's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@TDW1995 Nice. I think it’s that in reality part that might be questionable. What if “reality” is in you? What if ‘my computer’ was a calculation on a tablet, which is made of wifi? -
Nahm replied to Leightonm's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No. Action’s a belief. (So’s death & the idea of you) -
@dimitri ?? Thanks! Coming soon.
@dimitri It’s called “Ask & It Is Given”.
Nahm replied to crab12's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In the sense, meaning arises in you. Whatever “absolute perspective”, “the human perspective”, “universe”, “reality”, “ego”, “personal you”, “right”....mean to you, is only what it means to you. Nonduality would imply there is not a you and a meaning. There is learning what a word means, like cup, and there is ‘learning’ it was never “a cup”, as “cup” was a word you learned. -
Nahm replied to VictorB02's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@VictorB02 Great insight. ♥️ -
Much in the same way fear of rejection is behind social anxiety, though it is often experienced dualistically as a fear of being alone...some people mentally assign the feeling of fear to the truth of conspiracies. In any case, nothing has ever been bettered by rejecting it and hiding it away. The apparent ability to relate to people who are at a stage prior to yours, is the fear of ending up back there. Consciousness doesn’t work backwards in that way. The next stage is letting that idea go, and finding you truly have the vantage indeed. Kind of a ‘if you love it, set it free, if it returns, it is yours’ thing. It’s a paper thin line between remembering or maintaining an idea, and realizing your consciousness has expanded. Ultimately, infinitely, and yet, not at all. There is a feeling of urgency, of impatience, in wanting to ‘tell people’ what you think, but not doing so. This is great. You’re noticing the thought doesn’t feel good to you, and recognizing it wouldn’t feel good to anyone else then either. That patience is present, as you are aware of this. Meditation & writing about feelings can release more beliefs, eradicating the impatience, and expanding intelligence & emotional intelligence. It could be said the result is compassion, and no longer experiencing the ‘I don’t know what to say’. The emotional scale is key for this. On the anxiety note, it could be nutrition and or body brain chemistry induced, but I would also consider the notion that it is not “my” anxiety, like you might think of “my” car, but rather, you are creating it over & over and can inspect how you are doing so, and inherently, effortlessly, no longer do so, no longer create that experience. Ultimately, if you are ‘on the path’, it is away from separative perspectives, and a return home via inclusion & unity (rooting falsity out of the mind / uncovering the “separate self”). As such, this is inclusive of all the facets you shared, including the anxiety, which is that which you are seeking, and unfortunately for now, that which you are labeling and missing.
It’s funnier when the comedian keeps a straight face.
Judgement & isolation are harsh teachers.
Nahm replied to crab12's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@crab12 You’re conflating. The absolute “perspective” can’t be deduced from the relative perspective. It’s important to note the mixing for the sake of clarity...noting the flip of the reference to “you” in the questions. It flips from “you all that is” to “you are a person” in your perspective, rather than “in the world”. The ego isn’t something ‘found in brains’, it’s the universe. It is like a riddle answered by there being no riddle. -
One of the most messaged questions is which dry erase board should I get. I think it’s mentioned in this thread, but it seems worth mentioning again. Imo, the ideal would be an approximately 3’x4’ doubled sided board on wheels. They’re a bit pricey, but the second side is ideal for inspection work. In terms of what I’ve found to be most ideal, I would also paint a wall or two with chalk paint. Also, in response to another frequently asked question...The marker is reality, the dream board is reality. It is blank. Then is it full. What was not there, now is. As such, you create reality ‘right under your own nose’. If you have any trouble with “understanding how” you’re doing this, consider finding the exact examples of how you are not, and inspecting them on the back of the board. Consider an approach in terms of zooming in, and zooming out. From all you ‘wanteds’ on your board, clarity and visionary arises, one small thing on the board, can be ‘zoomed into’ on the chalk paint wall. A personal example...an idea for a next book arose from the coming together of things on my dream board, and a chalk paint wall is divided into columns for chapters. I never ‘sit and write’. It just comes as it comes, and I add it where it goes, on the wall. A reminder from another common question...use a pad of paper for writing about feeling to develop emotional intelligence via direct experience. Use another pad of paper to write everything you do not want. Then derive from that what you do want, and write that on your dream board. When resistance is experienced (one thought, and it’s resonance with feeling/source) use the back of the board to inspect the thought. It would, imo, be extremely expediting & helpful, to print and tape the emotional scale to the inspection side of the board. Write down the resistant thought, establish (name) the emotion, and feel for the next higher emotion on the scale. Allow thought to change freely in accordance with the feeling. Notice how thought & perspective change, in accordance with feeling. Notice how you have been and are now, creating emotion, of sensation & thought / perspective. Then begin doing consciously, on purpose. (Warning, purification & Amazing feelings ensue). If you want to really cut through it all...print & tape the yin yang symbol to the inspection side of your board. Label your current perspective as the yin tear drop shape, and write I’d down. Then write down the opposite perspective, and label that as the yang tear drop shape. Then look at the dot of yang in the yin tear drop shape, as ‘that there is always a little yang in every yin”, and write that perspective down. Then look at the dot of yin in the yang tear drop shape as ‘that there is always a little yin in every yang’, and write that perspective down. Two great realizations inevitably arise in this practice. In having written down these four perspectives, you have transcended any identification with your initial first perspective, and have expanded your mind applicable to all things for having down so. Second, you will now be ‘seeing’ from the perspective of the circle which the yin & yang and dots, appear to transpire within. When you hit ‘resistance blocks’ along the way, write about feeling, and go experience healing modalities, ask them many questions, & love your body.
“But I think I'm still tryin' to figure this crap out - thought I had it mapped out, but I guess I didn't. This fucking black cloud still follows me around, but it's time to exorcise these demons...these motherfuckers are doing jumping-jacks now”. ? ?
@Maxman Dream board. Your answer will arise from all your unique wants, derived of all your experiences of what you do not want. At the stage you’re at, you must see this and flip that script. Don’t attempt to do this in your head, or on paper. Thinking like this: This is indicative of the ‘learning what you don’t want phase’, and you’re trying to use these faculties of mind in the what you do want phase. It won’t work. You can not experience the answer in the same mindset in which the question arose. All of creation reflects this truth, inseparable from your own life and choices. A hypothetical example of what can arise...a reiki practitioner takes two classes, and experiences a few session. They heal themselves, which is a fantastic ‘aside’. Like anything, practice & experience are key. However, this amount of time relative to income sources / other avenues, is shorter by years. Where I work, one of the new practitioners works two hours (two appointments) a day, five days a week, charging sixty dollars per hour. She went from the idea, to making money, in one month - because she understood that don’t want, vs want thingy. That’s $600 / week, $31,200 / annual. There is also a massage therapist ($80 / hr), a life coach ($80 / hr), and yoga instructors who are at about the same place in terms of money / time, with income potentially fluctuating more due to charging less per person for the class. The healing of these modalities is relative to each individual. One option is all of them. In that healing, the mind opens up, more than what could be imagined prior to the experience. That, combined with the vantage point of the unfolding, via the experiencing of the dream board...inspire inherently. Such a person could open their own facility, charge self employed practitioners rent by room, and make six figures....healed...and assisting others interested in the same. Keep in mind, this is just a hypothetical example. The intention is to collapse some dualities between income, healing, passion, and calling. “I don't want to get so caught up in survival when freelancing that I don't get money and even time to work on my life purpose.” Then choose a better feeling, inclusive, thought. That is a duality, as in, it is ‘yours’ and yours alone. You will not find these things in any sense you can point to them. Seems like it, but though thoughts are ‘things’, a thing is not your thought of it. Also, the people mentioned here, write their own schedules, take weekends, holidays, & vacations as they choose, and do not have a boss.
I sometimes wonder which word has been diluted more...consciousness, food, or God.
Nahm replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mongu9719 You won’t be able think your way to what you’re wanting to ‘see’ in this regard. You haven’t yet recognized what’s being said. Thought is ‘made of’ consciousness, self. You can try to grasp water all day, but it will continue slipping through your fingers every time. The rock, is pure consciousness, and has no need for reasoning. The experiential resonance with the absolute source of you...feeling & thought resonance, is ‘your vibration’. It’s only possible because everything is pure consciousness, therefore, ‘it’ is not possible. An AI is pure consciousness too - ‘consciousness’ can be linguistically and medically useful as a reference in the way you are asking, but the term used another way refers to what is prior to experience entirely, & prior to thinking. Soon, average intelligence and wakefulness will be such that the word ‘consciousness’ will no longer be used in ignorance of this. It’s important not to conflate, but at the same time to notice correlation between the path of an individual, and the path of mankind. SD’s is not a ‘process’, it is a conceptual model used descriptively, to assist in expanding understanding cognitively. Surely we can derive processes of it, but it is not to be internalized in any concrete way, as not to identify with stages, wether self or other.. Rocks & animals do not have egos, so they don’t have beliefs. In noticing the tendency to project ‘humanness’ / thinking, questioning, onto animals, we uncover a wonderful opportunity to see this transpiring in all our relationships. -
Nahm replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mongu9719 Consciousness is prior to your thoughts, and what your thoughts are ‘made of’. Rocks & animals are consciousness, they don’t believe they are separate. -
Nahm replied to VictorB02's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sounds like you experienced intuition & the vibratory nature of reality when you were takin it light & easy, having fun, and venturing out. I’d keep that in mind most. Then it sounds like the twoness of thinking split that sweetness and created an apparent duality...”if I can positively influence, that must mean I can negatively influence”. You can’t though. Only positively. That is how we each create fear. Other people might have beliefs that resonate with yours & match frequencies with you, and of course they might mirror expressions, tones, and body language, even thought patterns, but technically you’re not causing a lowering of their vibration. There is one source and it is good. There is not a source of “bad”, that’s duality / judgement / ignore-ance, at the surface-thought level. It’s not getting any ‘electricity’. On the “self obsession” ...’the force’ is a fictional reference to what is actual. Letting thought go indirectly by putting all attention to perception & sensation might be a useful progressive exploration. ”I can manipulate the environment even though that was not what I was trying to do” ...“Unintentionally in control of manipulating”. Those phrases don’t make logical sense, but come from intuition (feeling&thought), prior to dualistic “thinking”. There’s a paper thin line between being conditional, and unconditional being. Sounds like you went back and fourth on that line, so to speak. Maybe you are instinctually receptive at the vibratory level. You might be surrounded by muggles and not have realized it. I wouldn’t close the book on “introverted” just yet. “Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.” ― Stanley Gordon West -
Somebody in human history had the balls to call bullshit, bullshit.
@Roy You definitely sound like someone who got their shit together to me. Congrats. As you said, attitude is everything.
Nahm replied to Justine's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We innocently, inevitably create our own suffering. When the willingness to heal arises, it’s followed by the purification of all those things we filed away via our ignorance of who we are. It’s the rough part of the movie, but has a great ending. In a broad stroke, it seems the extent to which we rejected ourselves, we love & heal ourselves. Can also be rough, but the loophole is we can help each other. -
Nahm replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Victor Mgazi Beautiful man. -
@Prevailer Amen to that. I was asking if you were sure about that. That God is infinite.
You sure about that?
@Prevailer What do you mean when you say you fail miserably?