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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Sick Boy You don’t want to work in the corporate environment, and are creating a belief against it. This is happening because you’re focusing on what you don’t want, which is not a good feeling thing to do, and you’re making up a thought story to support ignoring the feeling. It seems like some kind of pickle. It’s not, at least, not an objective one. Start visually seeing what you do want on a dream board. Don’t think about how it will unfold, just write it. It will unfold. Try to notice, you chose and focused on everything right up to this very minute reading this. What you’re focusing on, you’re experiencing more of. Get what you want in front of you. Focus on that, because it feels good. You’re doing the same thing regarding girls. You’re believing thoughts about a future, outcomes which do not feel good to you. But it is the believing in the future which does not pan out to feeling good. There is no feeling in a thought. There is no feeling in a “future”. There is abundant feeling present here now. So here now, use feeling to let go of thoughts, about “the future”. To compensate for ignoring the feeling when it comes to’re creating thought stories about yourself. “This doesn’t feel I must be X”. Instead, let the thoughts go, and listen to the feeling, feel the feeling. Then pick thoughts about what you want, with regards to girls (or anything else) and it will be in your experience. When resistant thoughts arise, notice and listen to feeling, acknowledge the resistant nature of the thought and let it go. Pick a better feeling, more aligned with your feeling & board (what you want) thought. Be careful what you’re putting in front of you. Notice the choices with regards to the environment you create for yourself. Ask yourself if it is conducive to what you really want. If you claim there is “spiritual seeking in a modern world”.. It Is So. Careful how you frame reality up, if at all. And keep the fitness going, simply for the feeling of doing so. Enjoy it.
  2. There’s really no such thing as a “bad” feeling. It one thought, be believed about feeling. But the thought is not true, and that is why it doesn’t feel good. Essentially, the thought does not feel good, because it is judging, feeling (you).... recognizing the judgmental nature of the thought, judging your can recognize that she is doing the same damn thing. Just let her. Mind your thought & feeling resonance. Yes. YES! ??♥️
  3. @SQAAD The content of a thought implies a “past”. The actuality however, is there is one thought, Do you recognize this actuality? Do you recognize that “many times” is the content of one arising thought, but the actuality is that it is one arising thought, arising, now ?
  4. @Preety_India You’re right. Seems obvious now, than you.
  5. @SQAAD If you put the thoughts aside for a there any suffering in perception (seeing & hearing), and in sensation (the feeling in the body) ?
  6. Both. My wife and I support each other. That’s precisely why we do not require each other’s support (we already have it / it’s a given / relatively you might say, we made this commitment to each other). It’s honestly hard for me to even grasp the experience of putting her in a position where she feels she doesn’t have my unconditional support. But then again, I don’t require it. You might be assuming responsibility when this topic comes up in the household, rather than a more present, actual, response-ability. Calmly discuss, and play it all the way out. What exactly is the “problem”? Our commitment is for life, not the fruit of that “other” tree. The wizard reveals the lion lyin. “I'm finding it incredibly difficult to relate to people without them being a perfect mirror of all my hidden unconscious psychological stuff” Wild how ‘right in front of us’ it is, no? Ohhhh it came round again....The son of man can’t be the reason.
  7. @tsuki Hi! I’d suggest only ‘working with’ your arising thought, and the resonance of it with feeling...alignment or discord, feels good or not thought at a time. If the thought is about her, notice how thought is ‘sneaky’...and don’t got to that ‘place’ where you’re trying to incorporate her thought / feeling, into your vibrational work. Down the road, with a consistently high vibration, I might suggest otherwise, but I would keep it as simple as possible for a while. You do you, and let her do her. My feeling is that it’s still to ‘sticky’, there’s still some healing & release for each of you to experience individually. It’s all most worthwhile when you ‘come back together’ so to speak. Though your heart may be in the right place, when ‘someone else is bringing you down’’s actually a subtle judgement of your own which doesn’t feel good to you. Look for the the direct resonance of your thought & feeling. Allow everyone else to fully feel their resonance of thought & feeling, even if that means they are angry, or sad. We can all help each other in healing, and yet the ultimate lasting healing is within each of us. That, and more and more of that, is what you individually, and her individually, need to discover. Then, ...”togetherness”...will be an entirely new and unbelievably awesome experience. In short...if she wants to express...just listen. But if ‘where you’re at’, is “she’s bringing me down”...there’s more thought / feeling work for you to do. She isn’t bringing you down, your thought about her doesn’t feel good, in the sense you can’t pretend you are responsible for her resonance. Someone in the “you’re bringing me down” mindset, is not helpful to “the one bringing me down”. Nothing “wrong” with it...but it’s still in the “all about me” mindset. Work through that and you’ll emotionally be like Neo when the hallway turns to code, and the agent doesn’t stand a chance (of holding out from “This Love”).
  8. It’s the fabric of the dream in a sense. Don’t rule any out over some thoughts, or perception. It’s all you. Even the emotions. “Seasons don't fear the reaper Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain... we can be like they are” You might be off to see the wizard.
  9. Some info on this thread that might be helpful...
  10. That’s like asking “how do I instantly manifest something?”. It’s uncovering what is already the actuality.
  11. @Rilles An absence of understanding. “When you believe in things, that you don’t understand - you suffer. Superstition ain’t the way.” -Stevie Wonder
  12. @LfcCharlie4 Ok, but you wouldn’t have to do any of that stuff if you heard what I’m saying. You’d make so much money it’d be sick. IN your knowing how impressionable people are, and that we’re each creating our own reality, and that there are beliefs out there, in God, you could literally just say you like, got a super power from God. Everyone you’re talking to wouldn’t know, because as you know they’re holding beliefs about who they are. The real beauty of it would be that the falsity would be unfalsifiable. You could literally tell people exactly what you’re really doing, and they would still believe you.
  13. @LfcCharlie4 No I’m saying this respectfully in your favor. It’s obvious you ‘know the truth’, know who you really are so to speak. So you can see most people don’t. Since you know there’s no actual measuring could just write a book with like, a ‘measuring system’. Then you could basically just invent a word for what you have that moves someone up that system, and sell it. Imo, it’s genius. All those people “selling” their time wouldn’t stand a chance.
  14. @LfcCharlie4 I agree totally, but at the same time, the love is yours. You own it. Nobody else does. Since it’s yours, you can sell it if you want to. Just name it after yourself, and use some words that nobody knows. You’ll make a killing man.
  15. “What distinguishes science or religious, etc. "beliefs" from everything here?” Obvious, or no?
  16. @Ibn Sina Might find a different perspective here. Gotta really listen between the lines though, to feel that silence / sound.
  17. @VeganAwake LMAO yes, it was humorous with your comment, because of the loop. Same thing though, yep.
  18. @VeganAwake ? I can’t stop laughing because of the “loop”.