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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Rahul yadav Freaking beautiful man. ??
  2. @Adodd I know that feeling. In hindsight, it was purification. I described as a ‘rewiring’ sensation, in the exact same spot. Not sure there’s any explaining it, but it worked out to be just fine. It was as if a new part of the brain there was activated for the first time, filtering falsities out of mind with truth. I never considered the ‘spiritual’ or ‘nondual’ vs ‘physical’ aspect of it.
  3. Remember other things in your life that you thought were a ‘big deal’, but upon more experience, they weren’t. Remember how great that feeling is. Same thing. Feel the feeling of knowing that, then talk with someone.
  4. “The Truth is everywhere!” -Thomas Penrose ?
  5. @Victor Mgazi There isn’t consciousness or awareness. They are thoughts, words. Like “mirror” is a thought, and perception is perception. There’s no perception “of a mirror”, there is awareness of a thought, “mirror”, and awareness of perception. “Consciousness” is a thought. “Awareness” is a thought. There is no awareness or consciousness in perception. “Perception”, is a thought. “A thought”, is you. This is already the DIRECT experience of God. If you are looking for ‘the absolute’ experience, as in, without relative, without appearance, that is ‘triggered’ through one of, or a combination of: practices, letting go / surrendering, self inquiry, psychedelics, retreats, healing modalities, life events / ‘the lightening’, etc (typically). The theme is Suffering, and Healing. I’d focus on the one you naturally gravitate to, rather than the one(s) you don’t have a good feeling about. ‘Later’, that might change, but now is now.
  6. In this specific case, I’d say it’s to realize thought is limited, in that it is dualistic (all twoness). The realization all thought is opposites. Codependent relative distinctions. Transcendence of, or collapse of paradox (twoness) is collapsing back into, Oneness. It’s the realization the seeking game is perpetuated by the believing of thoughts about ‘me’ / ‘others’, ‘past’, and ‘future’. As that is seen, from that vantage, “thinking’s” purpose ‘becomes’ (already was/is).....whatever you say it is. But that is it’s ‘purpose’, rather - it’s brilliance. One thought at a time, from which to choose. The quality of it, the clarity and power of it, - of the appearing thoughts from which to choose - is not separate from feeling (not thought about feeling - not emotion)...feeling (sensation, or, that-there-is feeling),... intuition & ’the body as an antenna’, ‘known as’ a greater, more expansive love, understudying, and intelligence. Only relative factors, which are arising and appearing in unison with, “you”... “matter”. So go to the root, feeling. All thought is “itself”, relative, appearance. ’Use’ feeling to ’think’ better. If you want to get wet, go to the lake. If you want to drink coffee, go to Starbucks. If you want feeling, where can you go? Relaxation, letting go, surrender, purification, love, compassion, understanding...? Isn’t it true? ...“Isn’t it so?” A you can not understand because the actuality is it’s a thought, rather than a separate entity. A thought is a thought, a thought can not be expected to understand, it is already itself infinity, just as is ’a rock’. Understanding ’arises’, of only one source, precisely as it commonly appears. Understanding is never appearing from a separate source.
  7. @Raptorsin7 The thinker cannot be seen through because there has never ever been nor will there ever be such a thing as a “thinker “. Creating is noticing this. A single arising thought is precisely as it appears, a single arising thought. A single thought arises, “I am the thinker“, if believed, now everything that is creating is limited by this belief.
  8. Nobody’s thinking. There’s one thought arising. That’s it. That’s the whole show. One of those thoughts might be about there being a thinker, but there isn’t, that’s just a thought.
  9. @Victor Mgazi Just look at a mirror until you realize it’s a mirror. Are you in it, or are you it?
  10. @Ibn Sina “Taylor Swift Is A Whining Feminist Man-Basher In Latest Music Video ‘The Man’.” - The “Judge”.
  11. @SuperMilkbox A thought about you is not true. Feeling tells you this. In continuing to ignore feeling and believe thoughts about a “you” are true, you suffer. Creating another label / belief about you, only serves to continue to avoid feeling. Don’t fall for it.
  12. @Javfly33 Let every arising ‘answer’ go. Especially “This”. The word is separative in it’s nature.
  13. @Mongu9719 What is the purpose of forgetting where you put your keys?
  14. @Nate0068 Why are there clocks? Why are there calendars?
  15. I understand. May seem like word salad, but I can not be in the moment, because nonduality. Nothing. It’s a conversation, like an episode of Friends. What do you figure is being searched for? I don’t experience that ‘either way’ factor really. I wouldn’t say I do care, no. Idk. That didn’t occur to me. How is it you feel I’m ‘fighting my self’? I apologize if I came across that way, it’s not what is experienced ‘at my end’. The intention of my replies was a pointing to what is prior, and to what is a priori, rather than to “counter” or “argue”. I honestly am experiencing an interesting conversation. I don’t feel any arguing or countering. Indeed. You’ve got to remember though, I don’t hold that belief to begin with. If I express that is not my experience, if I point to that there is prior to, am I “arguing” / “countering”...? Seems like all Neuroscience is not an entity which moves or accepts. Also, a theory is “of the two computers” as you might phrase it. Again, I’m pointing to that being a priori. That is also “of the two computers” / duality. Of course there is disagreement. If one has not “gone” prior to duality, one lives in arguing / debating / theory. The actuality of ‘their theories’, is your thought. Just like... “evolution”.
  16. That feels good when I read it. Feel how one thought at a time feels. Thank you for sharing that one. That thought does not feel good. It’s because it is not true about you. The rest is in admitting to yourself, that “I’m a pessimist” ... isn’t true. It never was. Feeling told you this the very first time you thought it. It didn’t feel good, and doesn’t now either. Nah, it’s because you’re believing that thought...which doesn’t feel good...because it’s not true. Ya, I “get it”...are you getting what I’m saying? One, though, at, a, time and how it feels. Notice the sneakery of believing a thought. Not true. & Not true. What you do experience is emotional reaction. What you want to experience is emotion creating. Look to see that “responsibility” has always actually been “response-ability”. ??’re letting go of one arising thought. You can’t let go of ‘you’, which is really good news, as you are the greatest ‘thing’ there could ever possibly be.
  17. @Prevailer That’s how sneaky thought is, with regards to sleep. Notice, that wasn’t sleep, it was a thought. What is aware of ‘these states of awareness’ ? In perception, that is seeing & hearing...can you point to “decision”? Can you point to “spirit”? Can you point to “soul”? Can you point to “2 biological computers”?
  18. What is aware of the change? What is aware of the decision?
  19. ⬆️ This is the activity by which consciousness veils itself. (Thought...belief...identification). By ‘seeing through these’, linguistically for communication, “you” “become more conscious”. You have to notice the reference is ‘said forwards’ about what is already ‘backwards’, or, has already gone ‘within itself’. You might say there is a meeting in the middle, realizing there never was a middle. “What you seek is seeking you”. - Rumi
  20. @Prevailer Expand & incorporate, rather than do away. That’s still thinking (dualistic). Also God / flesh, or God / spirit is dualistic.