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Nahm replied to EternalForest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Could be said the freedom lies in discovering the ‘dealing’ is too, the impermanence. Seriously, it would be easy to miss. -
Huh?! How so?
@Raptorsin7 ♥️??
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Relaxation isn’t intense. You might want to review other techniques. It’s is a very common thing, the ‘no pain no gain’ kinda of approach doesn’t work. It doesn’t feel good. That is all that is needed to know it is not helping. It’s just for you. Nowhere to get to, nothing to solve. Totally, entirely for you. “Ego-backlash” is a very helpful pointing term, but as a write off it is dangerous. When I read it, it reads “not doing inspection work”. Initially, sure, but on going...some easy, basic thought inspection might be called for. The hardest (impossible) way is ‘in your head’. The easy way is in front of the head, on paper. Huge difference. That would be a thought to inspect. I understand what you’re saying, but it’s a write off. (I’m being harsh to draw out the point...) ...”Oh it’s not me, it’s around me, around the body and mind”. (Sorry ?) It’s thoughts like that, uninspected, which are the “problem”. When the write off is ripped away, only feeling, and one thought at a time remains. Actual Now. Presence. Being. Then it is delightfully seen, there’s no “problem”. Never was. Once it is seen how you’re doing it - you’d have to do it literally in a very purposeful effort to even try to go against feeling to do it. I predict you would not be able to, because the laughter would be too much. Bruh. The heavy handed self judgement here. Come on. There’s no “negative thoughts”. Thought is only, thought. It’s not bad & good, positive & negative. There is only how a thought feels. That’s it. “Negative thought”....IS...a....thought. How does that thought feel? Not good. Pick the opposite thought. How does it feel? Good. For self referential thinking...do the work, put the time in. It’s simple & easy...unless you avoid it. That’s suffering. Use a dry erase board, write the thought. Circle the nouns. Pretty soon you’ll realize you are not any of the nouns you wrote. You are the awareness of it all. Try to thinkin...awareness. You can’t. Because you are awareness. Awareness is aware. What else is aware? Nothing. Aware, describes, awareness. Awareness, is aware. Awareness is aware of, a thought. That thought could be “me” but you are awareness aware of a thought. That thought could be “my” but you are awareness aware of a thought. That thought could be “I” but you are awareness aware of a thought. If you choose to ‘pick the good feeling thought’....the body will release stored misunderstood emotion. If you’re fearing that, don’t. If you have direct experience of it, you know emotional release actually feels great. If you haven’t experienced it, but feel fear of it - notice you are fearing what you have never experienced. The fear is entirely ungrounded and unjustifiable. There’s no such thing as “active mind”. That’s one thought. Like a book, you can recognize it is a book, and you can also read it, go into it, get submersed in it. That doesn’t mean it was ever more than, one book. Try to find this active mind. Try to point to it. You will find it is literally just one thought at a time. (And attachment... or acknowledgement... of the actuality that it is a thought) How can you plan to “soon realize there’s no prisoner” while you are believing & expressing the very story of a prisoner in a prison? When the thought arises “now there’s moments of active mind....” - that is one thought. It’s not true per se. It’s a thought. A book is not “true”, it’s a book. Even a book about a true story, is not true, it’s a book. I know I’m being a bit over the top, and to continue that theme...from now on, “makes sense” means, Makes sensation / makes feeling. All Knowledge is a fancy capitalized term for “all the shit in the heads of humans that amounts to nothing”. This whole universe is for you. It’s for nothing more than your experiencing of it, right now. And only, right now. That’s it. When you feel good, right now, does everything not “make sense”? -“Isn’t it so?”- Every single human being is the center of the universe. Google / YouTube it. Important fact most people apparently don’t know. ♥️ -
I agree with what zero said. Go through that list, which is great btw...but go through it with the fine tuning of nuance and phrase each line in good feeling. Example... “I do not judge others”. There’s very little feeling in a double negative like that. (Not + judge) So “I love others” feels better. Notice in feeling, that it does, feel better. Imagine the momentum of feeling which builds in doing this with each thought, as each one at a time thought, arises. Momentum reaches new places of nuance. Then, drop even the words which...don’t even feel good to begin with. Which feels better... “I am free of insecurity, guilty, shame, fear“.... or I am freedom. I am thriving. I am giving. I am loving. I am Love. You don’t have to have any curtains words in thoughts, so to speak. Clean that house out like Zelda Rubinstein. Then say, I haven’t even begun the purification yet, and be delighted by the notion of infinite feeling, continuing infinitely. In terms of psychology...the momentum begets squeaky clean purity. Utter emptiness. Nothing happening. The space of the entire universe - empty, vast, perfect stillness, perfect peace, bliss of the mind. In terms of feeling....M’F’n LOVE. Unabashed, unfettered by thought. I’m talking about FULL SEND Love - not a thing in it’s way. Resistance free, Infinite Reality, Actual, Love. If you need help with a trigger of release...watch The Trials of Gabriel Hernandez on Netflix. Don’t turn it off. Watch the whole thing. Notice any judgmental (feeling evasive) thought. Let it go, let love replenish the emptiness it leaves.
That is awesome. What’s the other option? ⬆️ That’s an example of what it’s describing. ➰ Good. Luck. ➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿➿
Nahm replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The trouble with “This” is that it is a word you learned so it’s keeping the cognition of the mind active inherently by proposing it. You’d have to realize it’s a word. “It’s This” is great for the already realized to recommend...but then of course, it simultaneously reveals a “lack of full realization” in it’s very usage, a “half baked enlightenment”, if you will, which of course, is it’s perfection. The second “problem”, is that when people simple say “It’s This”, they know what they really mean is, “It’s Me”. Add “no self” in there, and the listener may be adding decades to their path. The anti-thesis, or anti-usage works in exactly the same manor (it’s inherently dualistically divisive). One is referencing “This”, to, you, knowing you are attached to the word, “This” (and the world) and therefore it would not be helpful to say “It’s Me” - to you, so they say, “It’s This”. It’s sort of like answering with “Fuck You” (without the “there’s no you”). Then, in your triggeredness, which is immediately followed by the realization they haven’t actually said anything that could justify triggering you...you’re left in a contemplative (and not knowing) state. Which again, is perfect. If you’re going to attempt the rare “counter” “outer world” awakening, at least use neti neti. Or practice meditation until your mind is calm enough to practice self inquiry properly (without attachment). Ya might realize, and therefore not even need self inquiry. Every One’s untangling is unique (because it isn’t, sorry, lol) Or cut all the shit by inspecting thoughts on paper. Or don’t. (Sorry..this is just an expression of the counter for your benefit, and not) Maybe instead, write that question down, and question if “paper” is a thought, or a thing. Then, if “thing” is a thought, or that. Then forget the question because it’s inconsequential. Instead, question the “me” in your question, that you wrote...which you are looking right at. -
Yep There’s what’s referred to as the relative view, and the absolute view. There’s a lot of paradox with those two views, until they collapse.
@IJB063 Scrutinize direct experience. Godspeed ??
Nahm replied to Hypnofrik's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The “inner Kriya”...the choice. Beautiful ❣️ Total agree with Mandy. Wake up, meditate; relax, deeper and deeper, feeeeeel....Wake Up again! -
Nahm replied to Meditationdude's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Attention to what we’ve been inattentive to is power. -
You acknowledged it’s your belief....but then wrote it off without continued inspection at the end there. You are aware of “the biological imperative”, as you call it. Therefore, you are the awareness. You are not a lion either, so stop pretending to be or think like one. The human is unique in a much bigger meta picture than you realize (see prior note about continuing the inspection). Also, you’re speaking of having offspring, which you do not. Speaking from non-direct experience is delusion, no offense - I trust that’s relieving if taken in honesty. Your idea of unconditional love is not actual unconditional love, but is literally made of unconditional love. To realize this, you’d have to stop taking that you have an idea - for granted. (And maybe begin to inspect taking that there is a you for granted) You’re making this too easy! That is “why not”. It’s your belief. Are you thinking someone else could realize the Truth...and somehow you would? Keep inspecting. Don’t settle for your own write offs. To go deeper...notice the arising thought....the reactional thought (conditional thinking)....and before speaking it, before typing it....notice if it feels good or not good...to you. If it doesn’t, consider...do you think it’s going to feel good to anyone else? No. But.....why’s that ? ? Notice, what is being spoken of here....is your Unconditioning. Everything you typed IS your conditions. Do you see it? Great post! ??
Nahm replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity Indeed ♥️ Sooo magical in fact, so to-good-to-be true in fact (but it is True! = The Miracle) is that there is no past, there never was. It’s a thought. That, IS, this, Now. Where the “problem” “was” is actually, Now. This. Where the healing is, IS, Now. God, Flush thy body like a toilet. Infinite Healing! “Catch” that contrast, that resistance....right out of the gate, immediately notice in the feeling of even the slightest of discord...and pause to inspect. Learning that fine tuning.......ohhh ohhhh OHHHH!!! Most delicious experience!!! “I’m resisting something here. Universe is Unconditional, so it’s giving me exactly what I’m wanting. So, if there’s discord...it must be at ‘my end’. It must be that it is arriving, right now,... Right,.... Now. What is the expansion here? What is it I’m resisting? What is the way I “ I “ want it to come...and what is the Actual, Mystical Way it is coming - right in front of my face, here, ...Now ?” Mad love. lol! AmIright?! Madness! ? Your Beauty is Madness!!!!! Your Intelligence is unthinkable!!!!! Soooo Good!!! Your Love is Infallible!!!!! ????? @TheAvatarState New record in thread hijacking, or the mystical way of our infinite healing...? Sorry and ??♂️ @zeroISinfinity ?♥️?♥️?♥️?♥️ Soooo this! -
Nahm replied to Bulgarianspirit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Bulgarianspirit Beautiful video! Subscribed, thanks! -
Nahm replied to Meditationdude's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I’d write down what you want in life. -
Nahm replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@jimwell ? Ordering Elliot Roger’s books now, thank you! @Inliytened1 ?♥️ Viva Le Resistance! -
Nahm replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity ? This outta get a laugh out of ya..... What you need to do is by a “Human Existence Board”. Then, write everything in life that you would like to hammer into place on it. Write everyone’s bullshit on it, and and everything in the past that you don’t want to bring forward into the future...write that, in great detail. Really focus intensely on each thing that you do not want. Then, make an identity column (this is key) and label and memorize who you are, as defined by everything you’ve ever experienced that you are 100% certain you do not want in your physical material world. Because there is no higher power, no infinite intelligence, because - as science has been telling us for centuries - this experience is no more than a blip packed in between a real past and a real future, you need to assert everything you want from anyone else onto them. Just keep demanding they change on a continual basis to accommodate your desires as they unfold. It’s all meaningless anyways (so be careful not to be deceived by “feelings”). Just make sure you are thinking as hard as possible, figuring everything out -before proceeding. The universe is not gonna just “provide” what you are wanting. It would be deluded to even consider it has been all along, and that you can let go of “resistance” that you’ve been “holding”. Most importantly, do not give money to the charlatans who “preach” such a message, and claim it to be “Truth”. You gotta be careful, and make sure you have all the proper dualities in place, all the right beliefs, when it comes to doing what you have to do for income and just to remain at contentment, or you will not make it in this dog eat dog real world. It makes me angry even having to tell people this, and I hope that one day (in the future, never now) you can fully realize this anger also. One day you will get the law of assertion through your fat head, and you will be able to talk to people just like this, and feel terrible about it. ?? We will begin our petition & movement to remove turquoise from the spiral dynamics model, replacing with black. -
Nahm replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity I hear you and understand exactly what you’re saying. Let any remaining dualities go. You can ask anybody anytime, you can love anything anytime. You can’t deny (or not) “human existence” if you’re not already holding it as a duality. it’s just a thought. -
Nahm replied to TheAvatarState's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@zeroISinfinity ?? -
Nahm replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@mandyjw Of course. -
Nahm replied to Victor Mgazi's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you say “I’m aware of”, (Evil, God aware of me, me aware of God) it just sounds semantical then, but isn’t....is that what you’re saying? That you are ready know how you really are? If so, ????♥️. If not, it’s beliefs (thoughts repeating), and those ‘semantics of the mind’ would be what to inspect. “You” could root out the belief of the “ I “, as there is no ‘separation’ sans that. Again, unless that’s just semantical. ??♂️ Then “you’re” all set. If you’re interested in continuing to inspect, and that first paragraph I wrote is understood...where is the “you “? -
Nahm replied to Heaven's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Heaven I know it’s a bold recommendation...but get some body healing / releasing things on the calendar. Don’t be the guy who says at his retirement party, “I wish I’d had a more comfortable chair”. Don’t let ‘shit to do’ get in the way of your spirituality, your healing. That’s your life source. The foundation of all of it. Sorry for the rant. ? -
Yep. Absolutely. Try to consider the universe is doing just that. And this, is how it’s coming. Notice contraction, and choose relaxation. Notice rigidity, and choose flexibility... “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.” - Bruce Less Sounds like nihilism from over conceptualizing. All thought no feeling is no fun, been there. That view is only due to your current outlook. It will change more than you know. You’re looking though, and finding what you’re looking for. Most people on the form get exactly what you’re going through. Keep expressing, ask questions...find your way to new ways of looking at things. Be as open minded as you possibly can. There’s millions of people who “get it” too, more ‘linked’ every day. If you ever want to talk, just pm me. Maybe you’re being called to some time in nature, to relax & reflect...called by your intuition. I’d make step one doing that. Then, afterwards............................. I believe you’ll see the calling was to connect to intuition...and step two will then be clear. Gotta slow down and notice - enjoy even - the unfolding of it. The now of it all. Get to know feeling. It’s Good. The hunting & foraging life could be your calling, but I’d get that much needed nature time in before I reconsidered it, from a clearer state of mind. It could be that you have a calling to help individuals raise their consciousness, rather than going head to head with what they’re creating. If so, you will likely be realizing some gifts within yourself soon. Shit you’ve never thought of or experienced. Get that relaxation & connection with nature in man.
Nahm replied to Mongu9719's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To slow you down. To relax. Then they just, show up. -
Nahm replied to Heaven's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Heaven ‘Reminding’ is more thinking on top of the already un inspected thought activity which is the veiling / ‘forgetting’. Don’t add, subtract. Also, notice how sneaky thought is, in holding back the purification of the body. Some people will focus on a thought that doesn’t feel good to them for years before letting it go, and releasing from the body. That belief ”I identify with the false self again and lose it”...I’d scrutinize that to start. It’s a ‘cover up’. What does not come and go, can not be lost.