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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Beginner Mind ?? No worries. It’s a funny thing, to me the other way seems like the efforting.
  2. @Beginner Mind Sure. I’m just not a fan of bypassing. Seems that when we do, that ‘same old problem’ just comes around again. I favor deeper lasting wakefulness & bliss, and the creating of the life one most genuinely wants. I’d go so far as to say anything less is bypassing...which is fine too.
  3. You might say self inquiry was a ‘parting of the clouds’, and inspection work is understanding how you are recreating the clouds.
  4. You’re attributing ego as a property which psychedelics create. Psych’s don’t create. Prior to the realization you describe, there’s the ignorance / experience of a person choosing. After realization, it is known there is no such thing as “luck”. So it didn’t play a role in either case. Yes. There is no hierarchy. There is no “Levels Of Consciousness”. Whatcha think of someone who fully knows this, yet says there is, writes a book convincing people there is, and then charges large amounts of money for sharing it? Also, how does that compare to someone who willingly, even passionately, shares this with you, and asks for nothing in return? Acknowledging there is appearance...How would you know the difference, if you haven’t directly experienced psychedelics? I’m not suggesting you do, only pointing out the difference between direct experience and a thought about it. Appearance? Yes. Huge difference experientially? Yes indeed. Imagine if I start telling you what it’s like to live where you live. At some point, a matter of seconds, it’d be pretty obvious to you I don’t actually know what I’m talking about because I’ve never even been there. Does this mean there is a hierarchy? Heck no. It’s all speculation. Direct experience is king. Not me, direct experience. It would make sense, if there was the actual experience of what is being talked about. It would make more sense that could be previously understood or imagined. To be clear though, I am not suggesting you take psychedelics.
  5. @Beginner Mind Have you written the thought out on a dry erase board, and applied the inspection model of: Thought, perception, sensation?
  6. @BETGR164128 “Why is life a dream and what does it feel like to know that life is a dream?” Because there is no finite in infinite. It’s actually you making the claim, not “spirituality”.
  7. Did you find irony in awakening and seeing that is all relative / what a person came up with? (The souls & levels, yada yada) @actualizing25 Just as a point of ‘data’ for ya, my awakening was prior to trying psychedelics also.
  8. Seem to be equating nothingness to a mental state. Intuition seems to be saying, that’s not quite it.
  9. By inspecting them. Anything sufficiently inspected disappears. They’re illuminated by you.
  10. @Beginner Mind That Happiness is ever-present right now. There’s some layers of beliefs, identify, a paradigm, a paradox or two, “covering it” like clouds in a clear sky.
  11. I can be a "problem" in an opportunity for a nuance of alignment. It's sneaky, but often a belief is "assigned" to "the I", and that belief, identified with, slips right under our nose. When I use " I ", I am referring to the I which all are known to be. And then of course, sometimes I and using the " I " for practical dream purposes...such as..."Who ordered the Sam Adams?"..."I ordered the Sam Adams". It's just useful sometimes. The more pertinent sneakery at play here to uncover, is in the usage of "I feel content". A feeling can not be felt. A feeling simply is, feeling. Just as thought can not be thought - a thought is a thought. Perception can not be perceived. Perception is perception. The 'trap' here, is that " I " get spoken of in that way, as if it were an individual being, inside the body. " I " feel content. Contentment is a feeling. A feeling is a feeling. There is no " I " required whatsoever, for there to be awareness / feeling.
  12. Indeed, it goes deeper. Happiness is a delightful trap though. Couldn’t blame anyone for hanging their hat there.
  13. @LfcCharlie4 Oh you’re fully aware of it alright. And the thought...”transmissions”. Love is none other than the silence you speak of. One everlasting transmissionless “transmission”. You’ve “Seen it yourself”...along with someone else taking credit for it. Gots to mind our sneakiness. That’ll be two fifty please, there’s a link below, just go to the donation page, thanks. ?
  14. Yes, this is much more thinking than is necessary. Write down a list of what you don’t want. Then write the opposite next to it, literally ...”What I want is________”. Write that stuff on your dream board so it is front and center. The overthinking will naturally digress and more feeling will arise. That’s still what you previously mentioned...the past...which is actually just arising thought now, about a past. Nothing is stopping you from focusing on what you want. And when life kicks you in the ass, still, nothing is stopping you from what you want. Just do the same thing, list what you now know you don’t want, and then what you now know you do want. This is self referential thinking. Not thought about you is true, as you are the awareness of the thought already. Read about investing. Google “how to feel comfortable about investing”. Think “you are a certain way” a trap. The identifying with thought (of past), trap. Feeling is telling you to let those thoughts go - they don’t feel good. But feeling is being labeled “depression”. Thoughts are being judged “depressive thoughts”. The “write off” being used, is “Procrastination”. Notice the usage of it... “In my case”. Identification with the past is being justified by identifying with it. Those thoughts about the past are not the past. Choose a thought about what you actually do want, rather than continuing to think about “yourself”. This would be listening to your own feeling. The natural offset, is feeling better and better aka more and more aligned with the undiluted, unconditional, source of you. Just nope. There’s no need to give any importance to self referential thinking, as none of it is true. Notice you’re using that, as the justification to “doubt your goals”. If you “just nope”, then you’re “just noping” that whole belief to. It only seems the way it does to you, because you’re believing it is that way - rather than letting the belief go. Getting all that you are wanting out of your head and onto the dream board simultaneously reducing overthinking (self referential thinking)...and it all starts jiving together naturally. It already all is a perfect puzzle, so to speak. You’re adding much resistance by believing thoughts which don’t feel good to you. “Get out of the way”...feel great...experience all that you are wanting. That’s not possible because you are One (not-Two). That “myself” is a thought, an idea. It is not a “self”. It’s a bogus belief, not worthy of any sacrifice of experiencing what is wanted in this life. No need to identify with depression. Notice the experience in terms of feeling, and beliefs. Listen to feeling. Allow perspectives to be liquid, fluid, every changing, ever-aligning - with feeling. Let feeling lead, and indeed guidance I in all matters is known. This mean you’ll be relaxed, feeling great, and enjoying life though (sorry?). Made up, made up, and made up. Some folks are aware of this. You’re projecting meaning onto. Practically everyone does. Nobody has to though. The self referential thinking, being believed, leaves a feeling of discord, with lack, shortage, limitation, etc. None of these are actual, other than to say, your actual beliefs. I am critical of myself. (You’re One, not Two). Continuing in believing to the contrary, feeling will continue telling you the Truth. Continue to ignore it, and that is suffering. Listen to it, and you will fell better and better.
  15. With meditation, thinking slows down and It’s easier to feel clearly & be aware of how we create anger, and therefore no longer would. Is that a benefit of meditation? Yes, relative to that you are already creating anger. Do you need meditation? Nope.
  16. @LfcCharlie4 Indeed ♥️ Psychedelic are sort of self correcting too btw, as far as any ‘for the “wrong” reasons’ goes. @fridjonk
  17. @Inliytened1 Damn! Well said. That’s tough to argue with. @LfcCharlie4 I hear ya on ‘now live the fullest life’, and for one that might be playing piano into flow state, for one that might be becoming a nutritionist in the flow of selfless love, for one that might be exploring psychedelics and getting mindfucked every which way possible. It’s All Good.
  18. I have a friend who says he doesn’t like the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks. He’s never tasted one. He “knows what it is” though.