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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. It’s all Good and all beautiful in my opinion. Catapillers and butterflies, so to speak. Keep buildin that cocoon. And when it feels timely, or natural, intriguing...continue inspection. It does ultimately all “resolve” / is One...but if enjoyment, loving the experience of now is lost, there’s no point. There’s some highs and lows, no doubt, but that is It as well.
  2. @ivankiss Indeed. “The tongue can’t taste itself”. ?? The “challenge” is not so much in seeing that it can be understood that way, but that it is being explained that way.
  3. “Ime”, it very much is, and as such there is no duality, and this is why those who experience the absolute (linguistic duality sorry) have no issue whatsoever using the word ‘Absolute’.
  4. @ivankiss Of course. Some guys like beer & football. Illusion is real, that’s why it’s not illusion. Nothing wrong with it.
  5. @ivankiss You’re right on btw. A bit yet to fill in, but you’re spot on with The Light & the light. Genesis is the most beautiful explanation I’ve seen for it, though my gut says your book will be better, clearer, inspiring. I think you got the ‘decoder’ / third eye, enjoy...and of course, have compassion for ignorance. “Illusion” as you elude, is a. HUGE write off, typically contingent on an ego thinking the ego is ‘psychological’. “All the worlds - a stage”, is a helluva stage. The meta, between “knowledge” and Not Knowing.....balls of steal Ivan. ??...Good for you. ♥️ For what it’s worth (Nothing lol) just opinion....but there’d be much more clarity & insight on this meta, with Light, dark, light...then involving ‘absolute’ / consciousness. Just a thought for ya, that’s all.
  6. Dualistic thinking is not the same as intuition & insights which arise from feeling, which arises of self-love. Try to notice the nuance difference between voluntary thinking aka ‘figuring out’...and the allowing, the natural arising. All me / not me, ego or not’s all voluntary thinking, One trying to resolve Two, when there aren’t two to begin with. None of that thinking is necessary. It is self referential voluntary thinking, and as you said, there’s no ‘doing’. You’ve recognized it conceptually, and are beginning to notice you’re still doing it, imo. Relax, never rush. Let the body release everyday. Siddhis and such are in this nuanced distinction of experience. As of course, is oodles of well being & self-love.
  7. @Flowerfaeiry I get the sense you experienced ‘the flip’ from seeming to be your idea of you, to ‘actual you’ prior to thought & ideas...and are waffling in a limbo of that you dream bigger than you have before, and are bravely pursuing your dream. As if you ‘touched the true self’ but can’t seem to move forward with your dream and “get it back” at the same time. Perhaps it feels like having a pretty solid idea of what you want, having all the ‘right’ intentions, and doing all the ‘right’ work, but an almost constant or at least too frequent back and forth-ness in the life experience. A sort of “I did the work, I know what I want - now where’s that great feeling...where’s source !?!” Ever notice the stark difference between “someone who has a dream in them”...and someone who is practical, materialist, serious, calculating, etc? Living is itself experientially completely different contingent upon this ‘dream within’. This is because life is actually literally a dream. Complete alignment as such, is literally living a dream. So many self beliefs & thoughts are shed, so many discord’s are aligned in this. Another way to describe this experience, if I’m in the ballpark of it, is in-between cultivating motivation (self referential thinking) and intrinsic inspiration (alignment, feeling, enjoyment, effortlessness). Depending on your connotations, it might be helpful to see this as a sort of karma purgatory stage on the path. A ‘tough down’ occurred, a ‘glimpse’,...but without understanding the next stage of karma purification, how to go about that stage, etc. Self referential thinking flys under the radar until there is acute awareness of how you’re perpetuating & recreating it, and then it ‘clicks’. Such thoughts (about you) are in discord with feeling (aligned you), and the discord kind of ‘burns up our energy’ so to speak. When it is ‘seen’, there’s some purification, and a tendency to focus more intensely on thought stories & self referential thinking (thoughts about past, future, and ‘self’) as a sort of last ditch backlash. If this is not resonating, just skip it. If it is, have a look...might be helpful / useful....??... Since you have only ever experienced being One (never Two)...the thought story “I’ve been fighting myself” no longer makes sense. Feeling tells us this, with the feeling of being in discord. Often, people mistake this feeling, for confirmation that a thought about them is true...and that is what they’re “fighting”. Unfortunately, this is how the guilt & shame are created. When it is realized the feeling does not feel good, because it’s message is “that thought about you is not true”...then there is alignment, and self referential thinking begins to taper off, and emptiness / no mind / clarity ‘arises’. Not to mention lots of amazing, very spacious and ‘blissout’ feelings. Likewise, “I haven’t been doing the things I know I need to be doing”...this thought is about an idea of you, an idea of a past, and specifically an idea of a separate self, separate of some other being or entity or authority which is being used under the radar as a measuring stick to compare yourself to. The thought also implies a ‘future’ as the ground for what you “need to be doing” now. This is the ‘thin veneer’, or ‘the paper thin veil’ which “robs” us of the pure joy, and power, of Now. Further...”It’s not good to push myself”. Sounds harmless & probably like I’m being semantical, but these thoughts are the energy and awesome emotion zappers. They tend to repeat all day and take up precious space of clarity, ease, and the intrinsic guidance of intuition. They also have an undesirable effect on relationships, and potential relationships, as one is living as if there are three in the relationship....actual you, the idea of you, and your partner. (Four, if the partner is doing the same thing). It makes for all kinds of confusion and emotional rollercoastering. “Then, I spend lots of time mad at myself”. I hear you & I get it. However, what is yet to be noticed is this is a thought story, about a “self”. You are not an idea of you. How can you actually be mad at “yourself”, when you literally are the very same One getting mad? Feeling is saying “ am right here.....I am not what that thought is about. I just love unconditionally, so these conditions will never feel aligned.”
  8. Yep. You’re definitely onto something. There’s a whole meta-how goin on. Absolutely loving the sharing man. ??
  9. @ivankiss One way to point to ‘the magic’ of it, is that there is no causation, mechanism, difference, etc.
  10. @mandyjw We’re a perfectly stubborn God indeed.
  11. I don’t think she’s closed minded at all. You can ask her. Give her a link to the website. She will not entertain it.
  12. She never did the inspection work and still perpetuates “an ego”. It’s a simple belief really. Love to chat with her. She won’t though. See? Wild, no? That is the belief. It’s just un inspected self referential thinking. I find this to be very common at yoga places. Usually (forum wise) the ‘head’ awakens, and so there is much talk about awakening the ‘body’. At yoga studios, there is most often the reverse, yet no one there but the same ‘birds of a feather’. Yes. It’s the “trap” of how amazingly delightful it feels upon awakening the acknowledgement of the ox at all. ??‍♂️ Often in such environments, there is a frowning upon psychedelics, void of the inspection work as to why they feel that way. They feel that way because they’re doing the same thing, just with yoga after yoga after yoga after yoga. ( inspection work...”ego returns” inspection work...”ego returns”...)
  13. @QandC Do you find a distinct separation between you and perception ? Where does perception end, and the knowing of begin? Where does the knowing end, and perception begin? Don’t just think about it conceptually, look now in direct experience. What is “sound” but vibration? What is an “ear”, but vibration? What is a “tree” but vibration? What is a “thought” but vibration? What is “reality” but vibration? What is vibrating? Clearly, you, as you can not be found. Unless you believe the vibration (“thought”)... “I’m separate...non-vibration, ‘physical’, apart from the rest”. Such is the tree, which falls in the woods.
  14. @Preety_India Sounds like a sitcom... “God & his psychologist Ralph”.
  15. @Jo96 Yes daily meditation is cumulative in many beneficial ways (google it ). This is just one person’s words / opinion for you, I recognize that. Given that, my suggestion to you is meditate daily, and write about feelings in a journal, and start a dream board. Also, never listen to anything anyone says, which does not resonate with you in feeling. If it feels off, or “bad”, or “evil” to you, or discouraging, or ignorant - listen to your feeling which tells you so. Often people are consumed by the emotions they are suppressing, which causes thinking to go into overdrive-compensation mode. Essentially, making up stories of reality a hundred different bizarre ways, chalked full of assumptions, rather than allowing purification / releasing suppressed emotion, and thriving in life. “Hell” isn’t a real place, it’s suffering / the perpetuation of ignorance in terms of emotional intelligence primarily.
  16. Belief in God is belief, belief there’s no God is belief. What’s being said kind of forum-wide, is you can literally find out. The Truth is of course, unbelievable.
  17. @LfcCharlie4 Love the Rupert video, but in my opinion, you don’t need any ‘authority backup’ like that. Maybe you’re implying I do ? Not sure. If so, thanks for lookin out for a brother. ?? I was just pointing. I too experienced the ‘true awakening’ you refer to, without psychedelics. I’m saying there are awakenings deeper into Self, not what you are calling ‘experiences’, any more than what you are calling ‘true awakening’ is an experience. It’s infinite, not binary. In a way it’s more about that than the involvement of psychedelics, as Rupert continues to reveal with each talk. Venturing into Self more deeply doesn’t imply any lack of knowing of Self. Sorry if you somehow took it that way. Exploration doesn’t imply any need. Just a relative thought...but maybe teachers are discovered when teachers are thrown out like maps. I wasn’t talking about 5meo btw.
  18. @electroBeam I agree. But there’s no enlightened people.
  19. It’s ideal. Life goes by pretty quick. Staking what is wanted in the most prominent location ‘says something’, and naturally encourages the focus on it, and the living unfolding of it & ongoing additions to it. Exactly, well said...and very kind of you.
  20. It’s about feeling & expressing the emotions, one at a time. Write down any resistant thought, and revisit it with each emotion. Feel for jealousy. Maybe... “Do I sometimes feel jealous toward people who maybe have different situations, incomes, partners, pasts, things I want to experience, etc”. Then feel for hatred...”Do I sometimes feel hate, due to unfairness perhaps, etc”. “Does this leave me feeling discouraged sometimes...” and so on. But, remember to apply this hypothetical explanation to your specific thought. It can be very helpful for letting thought slow down, and clarity arise. Very beneficial for life, as well as using the emotional scale. The slowing down makes just about everything in life easier and more enjoyable. Textbook will do then. When you can, pick up a dry erase board. I’d write anything and everything you come up with that you want in life. No, on the expecting it all the time. Write it, and it is already on it’s way. Notice resistant thoughts which arise, and use the scale. There was never a separation or disconnection. It only seems so. As a broad stroke, it is in seeing through beliefs we are holding about who we are, that we discover who we really are. Just as is shown on the scale, there is a direct correlation, between feeling great, and ‘reconnecting’. Keep in mind, there is no separation, now. The nuance of those connotations are different for each person. I would roll with whichever feels best for you. Typically, trust carries connotations of relationships with people, and ‘receiving mode’ is a bit more suggestive of A new relationship, if you will, with the source of you, and reality (one & the same)