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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. That thought can’t actually be about eternity, because you already are eternity, and you’re kinda...awesome. It’s witty, charming, funny, inquisitive, loyal, honest and loving. That’s just a thought, arising now. You’re also sneaky! It’s not like he was mic’d. It’s a parable, a story. The point is that it’s ok if you lose your faith. God’s got your back unconditionally... “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”. (The Holy Spirit returned to Jesus) God tried forbidding Adam & Eve, flooding the earth, and ‘sending himself’ (Jesus)...we’re 0/3 on the judgment scoreboard. The whole point is don’t judge, just live - create. It’s a lot like “Only you, can prevent forrest fires”. Nothing confusing about that...unless we judge. God also said, that if we do - we’re on our own with it from now on. ? “When they find it, they will not say here it is! Or there it is! For the kingdom of heaven is within you”. Even when all hope and all faith is lost - still - even then - don’t judge yourself! ♥️
  2. God so funny I can’t even stand it sometimes. When I’d get man in my twenties I’d be all “God damn it!”. Now I’m just like “dang it”. Mostly when I forget something important.
  3. I’d listen to some YouTube videos by Dr. Joe Dispenza. What he did “couldn’t be done”, but he did it.
  4. @Red-White-Light Yes, you can share.
  5. @dimitri Right now there’s no influence of a past whatsoever. No residual carry over of any thought or belief of any kind. There is only peace and unconditional love abounding. It is always right now. Unconditional love, without condition....
  6. @dimitri Ahhhhh haaa haaaaaaaaa! ? OMG SO FUNNY!
  7. Right now there’s no influence of a past whatsoever. No residual carry over of any thought or belief of any kind. There is only peace and unconditional love abounding. It is always right now. Unconditional love, without condition....
  8. Nonduality isn’t a teaching. It’s not something one could stop at. (No paradox)
  9. Sounds like we’re both talking about Truth. Can what was be said to be real, now? That, for some, might flirt with a definition of insanity. Some say it’s reality is a thought, now. Just an interesting contemplation perhaps. It brings to mind the book analogy, and attachment. Truly glad to hear of your healing / healed, feeling better-ness. ??
  10. For sure. Just recognizing it is an idea, as you said. Not sure what the right way is, or if that is, but helping resonates deeply. I think I get what you mean when you say “this” reality, and maybe that is what you can offer. I see innocent being who may or may not want help. I see that “I” have no capacity to help, if I see sick people who need help. I’m not implying at all that what resonates for me should resonate for you though. Hope you don’t take it that way. Not trying to bust balls...but I assume you mean basically, less suffering, more feeling better. That’s “it”. It get’s difficult to actually define insanity / mental illness. If you care to, feel free to. I’d be interested.
  11. @Arcangelo You have the ‘power’ to shed resistance & change what you like. There’s a ‘magic’ in practical ways, and the willingness of nonresistance. @lennart It feels amazing. Like what you described in your op, all the “time”. When you say ... “but”.... and then something which doesn’t feel good to you...stop and notice it doesn’t feel good...and choose to stop saying it / reinforcing what does not feel good. ♥️
  12. Right now there’s no influence of a past whatsoever. No residual carry over of any thought or belief of any kind. There is only peace and unconditional love abounding. It is always right now. Unconditional love, without condition....
  13. Also....consider, when you say you want to create new might kinda mean you want as much clarity of mind as possible. Until it isn’t / doesn’ choice, and the overall health and well being of the body play the biggest role.
  14. If a thought arose...”I’m going to get a hamburger & fries”....I can ponder...”what is the opposite thought?”...”I want to eat a salad and a vegan protein shake”. Thought is dual, opposites. That’s the whole story on thought ‘picking’. That ’picking’ has a momentum to it...after ‘picking’ the healthier thought, well being abounds....insights ‘choices’ arise. That’s already a thought chosen. Seriously. If a thought wasn’t picked, nobody would know. When a thought doesn’t feel good, stop and ponder it’s good feeling opposite. Momentum builds with this, feeling and thought align. Beliefs and identity (limitation) get seen through. Not joking - I’d simply listen to Abraham Hicks all day. Don’t look at it like you’re “solving anything” though....just....changing the momentum. There is also no-mind to consider, that is, literally no thought. With practice this can be turned on and off at will. Meditation; focusing on breathing relaxed from the stomach, will lead to this. Throughout the day, ‘listen to the silence’. At any point in the day, just stop and listen to the silence. Even in a crowded room - hear the silence. Also, binaural tones on YouTube are designed for this. I heard listening to a constant tone takes the attention, when all attention is not on thought, it’s the same as there aren’t any. You can also shift to perception & feeling, with all attention, and thought just disappears. But this includes purification. One can not suppress emotion, and somehow quite the mind to this extent. Consider many (but I can’t say all) more extreme scenarios like OCD. I’ve talked to countless people “with OCD” only to discover it is extreme emotional suppression from a trauma (usually) which has been identified with, never inspected & released, and a doctor essentially (in innocence) prescribed / & write off the patient.
  15. @Raptorsin7 A thought appears, indicative of reality, appearance. A thought is within awareness, indicative of appearance in Reality (Actual Reality / You). A thought is a thing, as in, it is relative, it is appearance, in it’s content. Notice as you read “green hippo”, a thought simply appears as such. A thought is not a thing, in the sense, the actuality of it, what it’s “made of”, is infinity. So it’s of course not literally the same one thought changing, but you could say it is I guess, the same infinity appearing to change, appearing as this thought then this other thought. But you are not appearance, you are Reality, Infinity ( & the appearance therefore) A ‘new thought’, is a ‘new to you thought’, an insight. Experientially, it’s in this order.... Source (one / unconditional love)...appears as twoness (thought / duality / opposites...diluted unconditional love)...and there is the experience of choice of thoughts, the quality of which is the momentum of the experience of choosing. So in short, don’t look to ‘create new thoughts’, you can’t. You are the arising thoughts. Look to undilute, via, momentum. You might ‘mantra’, whenever a thought arises....”that’s unconditional love”. The thought could arise, “murder everyone”...and you could choose it. Notice, given the thought is infinite being, how shockingly unconditional it is. Also, you wouldn’t choose that thought & action. But, with enough relative momentum...people do. There’s relative justice...but notice, in terms of unconditional love - not one single thing happens to them whatsoever. That is shockingly unconditionally loving - and the evidence if you will, that there isn’t anything else. So anyways, the love is the thoughts. ?
  16. @Arcangelo ? I see whatcha did there. Nice. @lennart I’m sure it goes by many names, but I refer to it as the inspection work & purification. “Judging and insecurity is back”... - ....”A thought which doesn’t feel good, arises, now”. Negative thoughts really are just one single thought arising now, which doesn’t feel good. We learned to listen to the thoughts (conditioning)... then we unlearn conditioning, by ’listening’ to feeling. When a thought doesn’t feel good, inspect it via putting feeling first. The emotional scale is a great tool for this. The root of us all is Unconditional Love, and it is very much “alive”, infinite, and present, and will clean out any negative thoughts - if feeling is put first. (The alternative is ‘suffering’) There is also the ‘path’ of duality to nonduality. Look for the Twoness (me+other, me+world, me+”myself”) in each arising single thought, to see the mechanism of believing-thought-suffering. Judgement. - Judgement of another is inherently false (me+other), as with scrutiny of thought, perception, feeling...and the inseparable knowing of them...there is no duality. It then makes sense (sensation) why judgement is nonsensical. There is also self-judgement (me+myself). Such as: ”I get so angry at myself“. The exact same thing applies, as there aren’t two of “ I “ and a “myself”. So this won’t resonate in Truth-Love either. I refer to that as self referential thought...thought about a “myself” which is actually only a thought (not an actual self). Insecurity. - Same thing going on. When ’run through’ either the dual - nondual filter, or the feeling first doesn’t hold up. Ultimately the key is inspecting until you realize - you created all “negativity” thoughts, and are continuing to do so - BUT YOU DON”T HAVE TO. The same is true for self-judgement, resulting in “insecurity”. Mixing perception, self referential thought, and suppressing created a belief, an idea of you. When this is seen, you could continue to do so...but it would be equivalent to cutting your hand with a knife. You simple wouldn’t, because of how it feels, and because you’re aware you’re doing it. So it could be said the name of the game, so to speak, it realizing how you did it, and how / that you continue to do it. As you do, the infinite love of God will clean it all right out of the body (&mind). The body is always in “purification mode”, there’s no “on switch” (though the first five minutes of the movie Up are known to trigger non-resistance well). This is why some people feel hurried, in a rush, everything is a means to an end, etc. The body is purifying, thought is suppressing.
  17. @lennart Yeah you could say it’s the end of all negativity, and also that there’s no enlightenment and there never was any negativity. It was always a thought rooted in innocence, never asserted. For anything to be “negative” has to be judging it...believing it’s not themself. Some even judge themselves, but their actually not, that’s also a thought, rooted in innocence. As in, one can not be the awareness of a thought, and the “me” content of a thought. (Self referential thinking). Hence the age old “Don’t eat from the tree of good & evil...but from the tree of life”. Life knows no duality. You might say “negativity” boils down to the actuality of “doesn’t feel good”. The “trick” realizing it is your thought which doesn’t feel good, not perception.
  18. There’s an unspoken comparison to a “normal” which Is relative thinking. In the sense I think you’re referencing and inquiring, the world by & large is “sane” but if most “sane” directly experienced “insane” (in the breakthrough sense you’re referencing), they’d realize they had it backwards the whole time. @Keyhole Not saying I disagree...but everyone believed the world was flat, evolution, the earth was the center of the universe rather than each person, and that there are separate selves, etc, etc. Growing a toe back is a matter of manipulation of ‘the relative’, which is itself consciousness. I don’t have missing toe direct experience, but I also don’t see any reason it’s not entirely possible. It’s at least somewhat interesting that animals without egos (God) naturally ‘do’ it.
  19. No idea really ? Maybe small manageable amounts at first, and then you’ll know. Thanks for the disclaimer by the way! lol @Raptorsin7 ♥️??