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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. It’s, ironically, for everyone else’s benefit.
  2. I hear ya. It’s been particularly interesting seeing people try these sessions and classes for the first time, and experiencing the subtle nuanced yet unmistakable energy flow directly, ‘right out of the gate’. There seems to be correlation with intention and how the moment unfolds, more so than applicable talents or development of any individuals involved. There’s a bit to learn, but overall it’s discovering something one has been able to ‘do’ all along, but just, didn’t know. I haven’t experienced or seen the unhealthy energy side of things, but I have seen people’s perspectives change pretty dramatically, pretty quickly. The ‘energy’ just ‘says’ & ‘does’, what words can not. Just a downright cool thing to try something new, and experience things like feeling ‘palm energy’ and hour or so later. I could see where the more ‘mind oriented’ visions of past lives, precognition, clairvoyance, the ‘deeper’ stuff ties into some daily meditation and general well being. One particular thing I find amazing, is how these practices reduce overthinking, and ‘blow up’ (in the good way) other daily practices. Even just a itsy bitty glimpse, of how much ‘sense’ loving & healing makes of reality, can crank up the benefits of even meditation. For anyone who’s practiced meditation, and maybe had a trip or retreat or two, it can really be a cohesive experience, tying it all together, if you will. Yeah. Kind of a sweet little relaxes and focuses on healing, or even ‘already healed’ on behalf of another, and indeed a ‘higher power’ reveals itself, with the body basically serving as a ‘point of focus’. Perhaps the greatest facet, is that everyone involved experiences love & healing. It just tends to ‘getcha’. Thank you ?? ??♥️ It’s hard not to love. ☺️ Thanks. Yes actually. In the first reiki class energy is usually first experienced in the palms and tuned into more by feeling them together, and ‘making a ball’. Can’t necessary ‘explain’ it, but the ball energy is also felt in connection with crown chakra. Thanks. I would say it’s a very direct way of seeing more of ‘who we are’, and perhaps that there is a making ‘sense’ to reality itself, often previously unseen. It’s hard to say wether that could be said to be purpose, or connection / unity, but perhaps they are one and the same. As far as ‘breaking out of the matrix’, yes. I’d say that is exactly accurate. I recall thinking how great it’d be if there were somewhere one could go, where mystical experiences, loving & healing, and fun like mined people are sharing these common interests. I distinctly remember being in the reiki class and realizing...oh, it’s this. Lol. Of course this stuff can never ultimately be expressed with words, but it was a very life changing visceral ‘coming back to the relative’ so to speak, ime. Only to find of course, the delight, that there isn’t any. Such a wonderful ‘bridge’ from ‘self’ transcendence, to collective consciousness, and even ‘beyond’. Who’d of & healing ‘unlocks’ an understanding of what the heck quantum physicists are talkin about. Wild. ?? I hear ya. We all do, imo. All in this together, no doubt.
  3. @kag101 Fair enough man. Sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention. I wish you well.
  4. @Prevailer A belief is a repeated thought, just hurly burly output of the “two computers”.
  5. @LfcCharlie4 ? I had to google it just to figure out the losing goalie’s name. I googled “football” and “goalie”.lol. Learned a lot for that joke. ....not a consummate “sports guy” obviously.
  6. @Visionary Synchronicities off the chart today. Just passed Ederson on my way into therapy.
  7. @Patok If I may, what was the key takeaway for you from the movie?
  8. Book of Thomas is pretty solid.
  9. Can you elaborate? Are you saying you’ve seen God & the devil...fighting? Are you saying this is happening within you? Are you saying there is you, God, and a devil, and they are separate entities, like, fighting over you or something? Where did you first hear of this? (Unless you’re saying you are visually witnessing it or whatnot).
  10. I’d start with where it most literally occurs...and sort assumption from direct experience. Using paper rather than ‘in the head’ is most ideal. It’s much easier to sort out what is seen. I don’t have a link with info, but essentially this is what I do, and there’s a link in the signature below to my site. Happy to help here or there so to speak, in any case. I think you get where I’m ‘pointin’ too. My idea of you is no more accurate than my idea of truth. Ideas are ideas. “It” is you. Understandable. There’s a sort of ceiling of communication in this format (words / the forum). Psychology is as it appears though, it’s one thought. Just like “toilet” is one thought. That, (points to “toilet”) isn’t a toilet. “Toilet”, is a thought, a word learned.
  11. @Shadowraix Admittedly being challenging here...sorta...but paradox is only something in duality, in thought. It’s not a ‘feature’ as in actual. ?
  12. I didn’t say ‘we’. I don’t know if you mean that in an ‘off the cuff’ way, or if you are saying you actually believe there is a God and a Devil, as ‘other entities’, having some kind of cosmic battle or something of that nature.
  13. ? My ‘ball busting’ would be to let self reference go. Thoughts of me, myself - even as Source - indirectly, reinforce a ‘sayer’ or ‘separate self’. *This might very well be over the top ‘ semantical on my end, due to the nature of this typing / language medium here.
  14. @zeroISinfinity Let me know if I should bust balls with more nuance. ???
  15. This gets into a ‘heated’ place conversationally and that is not my intention, but... there is no such thing as suffering. Please note, I say this in a specific way, in a “pointing” if you will between pain... & suffering as in mental anguish, misery, the “no pain no gain” perspective, “becoming”, etc. It is very much like realizing who the devil is, and why the story is so ‘famous’. Well...yeah, in the sense, I’d have to be an over the top ball buster to argue with that. But at the same time, what is psychology, other than one single thought arising at a time, Now. No psychologist has ever found a “mind”, in the same sense no physicist has ever found “matter”. Yeah, that’s kinda where I’m coming from here. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s not of value to learn, but duality (thought) can also be it’s own quicksand. An interesting note...all this “ego” “work”, etc, etc.....”ego” (from what I understand) one word, coined (or made popular) by one man. And as crazy as it might sound, that is literally all that it is. Might take many views, but the double slit can “cut through” all psychology. But of course, as I’m saying this - these are just thoughts, opinion, which could be said to only be “psychology”. Imo, thought is only for creating. That’s it. One at a time to choose and create. Apparently. Feeling is “where it’s at”, where intelligence “is”, to the extent little to no psychology is needed. Unless there are deep enough beliefs, identification, attachment, etc...but even then, it’s often innocently used directly and via enablement, to avoid purification, which is none other than feeling. An interesting question maybe (op wise)...where is suffering found - other than in one’s own “psychology”.
  16. If it seems like there is a “devil” it is because one has yet to realize it is one’s self.
  17. @Verowilleswissen That the undesirable feeling is about the external world, rather than communicating to you regarding only the one single thought arising, right now, will keep the “fear” alive. Listening to the feeling, and writing on paper (out of your head)... you’ll discover you’re making it (fear) up. It’s an emotional misunderstanding. You are in control of this, and a belief to the contrary will never resonate in feeling. Carry on long enough, and feeling, the source of you, will sit you down and wash you clean. It’ll take you out of your rush & hurriedness, and practically force you to let thinking go - and shift to perception & feeling. I’d suggesting letting the term “panic attack” go, and making a dream board. See what you want in life in front of you.
  18. Did he legitimize suffering? Doesn’t sound like someone’ who knew who he was. Sounds like a ceiling of duality / psychology, rather than self understanding.
  19. @SoonHei Shrooms+Zoo Keeper ??. Elephants never the same.