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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Unemployed What would the purpose be - for you? Close that authority window, before it gets too cold.
  2. @Joker_Theory “Seeing” is a thought. Was there “seeing” in last night’s dream, or was there only dream? Was the dream ‘made of anything’ ? What is a problem, without separation?
  3. It’s the uninspected thought at play. “Object” is a thought. “Object” is not a “thing” perceived. “Thing” is a thought. “Seeing” is not actual, sans a thought. ‘Inspect’. Find the ‘edge’, the separation, between seeing, and the knowing of seeing. Find the separation between knowing, and awareness. Find the separation between knowing, and “the known”.
  4. Playing guitar & singing for no one at the moment, and it appears to be working.
  5. @VeganAwake That’s awesome! Love to hear back from you too.
  6. Ya, Yahweh...a word for God some time ago. ”And why, oh why, are we so in denial - when we know we’re not happy here?”
  7. Every moment is a clean slate, a fresh start, the new beginning IS - always. You are loved. You are always forgiven, you can always forgive. The story we tell is the story we’ll continue living. The dream board is a great way to get your wanted story in front of you. Can’t know what it will taste like until you experience it, that is, don’t think making your dreamboard - experience it. Daily morning meditation. & Be. Create! You are a creator. It is high time thinking is replaced with insights, direction, creation - create it! We just create them. Marry this to feeling - to what you want. Always up to you. These are suggestions based on what changed my life and filled it with the love and happiness of being & creating. Clearly... more thinking is not needed nor helpful. One tiny step at a time, and that is enough.
  8. Seeking can begin & end, what is found cannot.
  9. @mandyjw It is pretty Gnarly. I re-member when, I re-member, I re-member— when I lost “my” mind There was something so pleasant about that place. Even ”your” emotions have an echo In so much ”space” And when you're out there Without care, Yeah, I was out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Favorite version. God bless Corey Heuvel. Such a beautiful soul.
  10. I hear ya. It’s like how a present is just, better, when it’s wrapped. It’s fun to unwrap, but then, we keep the present, and pitch the wrapping paper. Imagine giving someone a gift so good, they just forget about the wrapping paper. Forget the past, you are the gift. You are here now. Ok...admittedly ‘ball busting here’....but no. Don’t go the ‘wisdom route’. I get what you mean, but it’s not “wisdom” - it’s feeling. Even to label with “wisdom” has already created that foundation of something which could should or must be “caught”. It’s sneaky, I know. Imo, the world will soon awaken to two things; death was always a a belief, and wisdom is the same. As a reference, wisdom, sure. But as ‘that which you don’t have & must acquire’, I’m calling bullshit. Love & wisdom are identical, and you are made of this. I would suggest thought has not become a substitute for experience, but for feeling. That’ll change the understanding of the angry friend scenario. It’s not about having or not having the evidence that he is or is not angry at’s about recognizing it is your thought which does or doesn’t feel good to you. Then, there can be the understanding that he is “in the same exact boat”. His anger, is his discord between his thought, and his feeling. In any case, the experience is actual. In any case, you are the magic. Only magic can pick a more aligned thought. Do so, and reality responds in kind...and your friend’s gonna think you’ve got some ‘magic wisdom’. There is no wisdom ‘here’. Only the reversal of the relationship between thought & feeling. In feeling, I am you, you are me, we are One. In feeling we are edgeless, immeasurable, infinite. Thoughts, preferences, alignment and or discord...that’s infinitely unique...and downright breath-takingly beautiful. That, is creation. Your presence, is wisdom. Your presence, is love. You are Being. I know. It can be easy though. Purification is effortless. It is the fundamental reality, that all your concerns and tensions be carried aware by an unseen and all-loving ‘energy’. “Give it to God”. Let go. Trying to get the past back is suffrage. This is feeling saying, here, now, that is enough, that is the magic. The trip revealed now. The trip did not say “hey look at how if you can focus a whole bunch on the past you can feel great! Don’t notice those trees now don’t notice those kids playing carefree now”. Thinking you should know more than you do, be somewhere you’re not, feel some way you don’t - that is suffering, and it is only found in thought. The body is reality, and purification is always the Gift and the order of the day. A single tear will change the world.
  11. Because there is no separation. ‘Connected’ is already the case, already the truth. ♥️ Even if there’s a belief to the contrary...even then, the belief would be felt, and as such, let go of.
  12. No body is in this reality, already. Living & death is a dualistic thought, and that is all that it is. It is not found in perception nor feeling. Quite the opposite in fact. What a sense of humor you must have, given your phenomenal hijacking of yourself, with the dogmas of heaven & hell.
  13. “My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb, and all I remember is thinking, ‘I want to be like them’. Ever since I was little - ever since I was little, it looked like fun...and it's no coincidence I've come - and I can die when I'm done!” Maybe I'm crazy Maybe you're crazy Maybe we're crazy Probably
  14. Thought you might like this...regarding self inquiry / inspection work.
  15. @billiesimon Very understandable. Decontextualize the entire landscape: ”Self inquiry and confusion - is this progress?” Scrap “progress”, and bring “realization” onboard. No one is “progressing”, there is nothing to “progress” towards. You are already complete, whole, and perfect. When the “aim” is changed to realizing this...this is the same as saying....realizing what is already the case, what is already actual. The love known on the trip is still present, identical to and synonymous with “now”... ever-present, eternal. Love does not come, love does not go. Thoughts - come & go. Simply notice, via relaxing, ‘allowing’, observing, seeing what is already the case. Scrap “confusion” and bring “seeing what is already the case” onboard. There is no longer the potential for “confusion”, as that is recognized to be a thought. The feeling of confusion, so to speak, is saying “let the thought go!”. What is “it”? (It is a ‘write off). There’s no “It”. “Self inquiry” is not an “it”. “Self inquiry” is a thought. Let the thought, go. Concepts arise, of you. Let them go. Sneaky thoughts arise, of you. Let them go. ‘They’ arise of you, like the drops of water at the very top of a sprinkler arise of the sprinkler. “The ride” to the bottom, is simply in letting the focus of “the top” (thoughts)....go. You might consider self inquiry to be exactly like: ”Don’t think of a pink elephant” <— that thought won’t “cut it”. It’s not actually helpful, because it is still focusing on “a pink elephant” is just sneakery...or, focusing on the absence of a thing, which focus wise - is still focusing on the same ‘thing’.
  16. @billiesimon Feeling is feeling, not any who. If you boldface any I’s, me’s, my’s, I’ve’s, Leo’s, character’s’, myself’ your can be insightful and revealing of the very thought activity which is veiling feeling with a bunch of ’who thoughts’. The thoughts don’t hear a Horton - Horton hears “the who’s”...or...awareness is aware...thought - is not aware. I’s, me’s, my’s, I’ve’s, Leo’s, character’s’, myself’s <—— those are thoughts feeling is aware of, those thoughts are not aware.