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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @arlin This might be helpful for you.
  2. @arlin Be careful with your words & attitude. This forum is not your dumping ground.
  3. If you develop skills and talents, there’s no issue emotionally speaking. If you create beliefs about any lacking or short comings, there is resistance because it is simply not true about you. Identifying as the parkour-er rather than enjoying the experience won’t sit well. When you watch the videos you once loved which inspired you, they are now being watched through the filter of the beliefs you’re holding about yourself, turning wine into water. What was fun & exciting, appears serious and pressure inducing. Your unconditional inner being can not ‘go there’ with beliefs which are limiting conditions about who you are. To turn this around, start a dream board. You will see in writing everything that comes to mind that you are wanting in this life, how perfectly all of your experience including parkour fits with everything else you are wanting for the future. Prior to actually doing this, it sounds a little ‘too good to be true’. But it does ‘come together’. The difference between having your life dream visually in front of you vs rolling around in your mind is substantial and positively life changing. You might say a change like going from a rollercoaster to smooth sailing. Motivation itself is transcended and inspiration of your source is known. It is delightfull. This will inevitably coagulate and you will be dreaming, realizing, and experiencing things you have as of yet not even thought of.
  4. @WHO IS Right. So why would the news that they never cease to exist be a problem for them? Why would they ‘shoot the messenger’?
  5. @Javfly33 Yes. Very insightful. Stick to direct experience like you are there. Something not present, need not be added to what is. Thought. Perception. Feeling. See these are separate. Much later, see they are not.
  6. Love you! Well, it’s a thought in that a thought is expressed to communicate this, and a thought of it arises in the recipient of the communication. But internally speaking, if you will...if there is suffering, love is teaching. No belief is in play, sans the one contrary to truth, to love. The discord is felt. The ‘teaching’ is then, “let that bullshit go & just love”. Side does not feel another’s discord. Just as one does not feel another’s thought. One joins them in it, or does not. One may be conscious of this, or not. One offers love, that they may join them - or not. One is conscious of that, or not. There is no objective reality, contrary to thought & perception mixed. Reality is a one player game. There’s a quote from The Buddha, something like... ”If someone gives you a gift, which you refuse - to whom does the gift belong?”
  7. I’d consider one of the “shoulds” you mention, could be that you “should” have a my mind, and a my subconscious mind. Who says this, but people believing in the same? The veil is paper thin, if at all.
  8. @mandyjw Sounds like marriage, in a nutshell. ?
  9. @traveler My sentiment would be to drop the entire outward subject-object story, and focus on the actual story that is her living & life. To accept where she’s at, in the literal sense - the room, seeing, hearing, feeling, breathing. And to accept you can choose, going forward. She does not “come from darkness”. There is one source and it is unconditional love. She seems to be consumed with fear, which is to say, deeply believing many thought which are not true about her or reality. Darkness is a duality, and duality is only in thought. What’s she’s in dire need of, is love. In believing those thoughts, this story of hell, darkness, entity’s, etc, she’s perpetuating the discord she is feeling. She needs insight as to how she’s creating it. The reason it feels so terrible, is the love that she is, is not resonating with any of the thoughts - because they are not true, about the love that she is. There is nothing ‘out of the picture’ with respect to now. Everything ‘needed’ is direct experience now, is itself the examination of what is, in direct experience, now. One might insist the past or future is present, and that one, that person if you will, stands to feel tremendous relief in realizing the untruth of this. It can be understood that one “feels” they are avoiding “facing” events in their past, but has recontectualized this and projected it onto an entirely different situation (the terrible story). Likely severe trauma in her past, and many ideas of who she really is created to ‘make sense’ of it. Profound coping, and an almost total lack of inspection of the thoughts and feeling experienced. I feel for her, and if you know her, send her a link to my website. I’d be happy to talk with her.
  10. @EternalForest Can I go behind the curtain? Yes. (Go’s behind curtain) Hey! There’s no curtain! -Becomes curtain- Wtf? How’d I do that ? Can I go behind the curtain? Yes. (Go’s behind curtain) Oh yeah! That’s right! The “curtain” is the finite mind. Can I become a curtain though, and see into other curtains? Yes. You’d have to see what’s behind, what’s behind all the curtains. However, reading minds is not as fun as you think it would be. Which is why you became the curtain that you became. Telepathy is best, felt.
  11. Sometimes it gets so bad we can appreciate help.
  12. Psyche: “make visible, real” Delic: (root; dyeu) “to shine; as in sky, heaven, God”
  13. And now I feel y’all. So gosh darn good.
  14. I feel like the tug of war is counterintuitively won in letting go. I feel like diet is more important than psychology. I feel like talking about love with anyone who forgot. I feel like that is impossible. Except I can do it.
  15. Thought given precedence, feeling a distant second, we believe in assertion. Feeling given precedence - thought a distant second, chosen in alignment with feeling - there is no assertion. The greatest teacher of this, is suffering. The liberation of this, is understanding. Understanding arises in letting god.
  16. @Light Lover Desire is itself electrifying. Such is the electromagnetic field, itself of the grand unified field, love. Create! ? Dreamboard! ? It’s easy!
  17. @Peter124 Let conditions go, and you see you are already free. What is being experienced, is the alignment, or the discord, with thoughts about yourself, and feeling itself. I know it seems that it has to do with the relationships, with the turmoil of love & living. I know. It’s just an anonymous voice in the wind here if you will, but for what it’s worth, it’s saying you are perfect exactly how you are. To believe you need, is suffering. You are enough, already. Be mindful of the ‘blowing things up’ to such existential sizes. Choose the simple instead. Super simple. Go for a walk. Have solid release / cry. Watch a feel good movie. Take the time to self love. @LfcCharlie4 ? ♥️
  18. @arlin If a condition, that is, a thought which arises, does not resound in your being, does not resonate with feeling, can let the condition, the thought, go. This is the unconditional selfless grace of Godness. This is your true power as creation, you can let go. Counterintuitive, perhaps for now, but truth is being discovered nonetheless. Let it be easy, in willingness to let thoughts in discord with feeling, go. In choosing a thought which does resound, you create, you fill the body with Good, with love, with self-love. Do so, and what is known, is that God is as unquestionable as will - and in doing so, fear has no presence, no home, and it simply is not. I love you, you are deeply loved, unconditionally, precisely as you are, however you are, simply because you are. Everyone goes through this similarly. Hardly anybody inspects it though. Hence widespread anxiety, depression, big pharma, ego, etc. Madness. It is ultimately due to forgetting who we are when we’re born. We experience and try to ‘make it’, and weave an idea of who we are for necessary confidence, esteem, etc. All themselves, creation of love. A point comes in life, because we’re actually unconditional, the idea of who we are begins to be seen as, conditions, which do not resonate in truth. This is suffering. (“Conditioning”). Throw your conditions, your beliefs & ideas of you, into the ocean of unconditional love. That is your power, to do so, if you choose so. The reversal of this is basically what the path is. We learned in the past, to adjust our feeling, to who we thought we were, but it did not feel Good to do so. We then reverse this, and put feeling first, and we realize it is love & guidance, the ‘true self’, ‘source’, and was all along. Love & guidance was always within you, and that is why conditions, limiting beliefs, never felt, Good. There were times, in our innocence of not knowing our true nature, that we listened to thought instead of feeling, and we named the discord felt, “fear”. We created the belief, “fear”. There never was such a thing, the feeling of discord was believing a thought (usually about ourselves & our future) which did not feel good. We kept the thought, and labeled the feeling, “fear”... But it’s love. Innocent, unconditional being. It is not seen, unless you see it. It is not heard, unless you hear it. It is always felt. It is you. In love, understanding of all things arises. Love is inseparable of, identical to, understanding.
  19. @Peter124 Lack is a thought, made of infinity. Divinity is a thought, made of forgetting. Desire is creation. Forgetting is purpose-full, not accidental. Through the looking glass, one can not forget on purpose. Thus, there is purpose. Love, laugh, and create. Take nothing seriously.
  20. @AminB501 Yes, I’m saying seeing what’s going on in you is insightful to being able to see what’s going on in the individuals in the groups you’re studying. The truth isn’t in ‘something you’re studying’.
  21. @AminB501 If there are “deceivers”, then you’re kind of screwed, because you may or may not come across one again, and you’re at the whim of chance. If you separate the behaviors & actions, from who they really are, it is not possible to come across “a deceiver” again. You would see their self deception a mile away. This points to self discovery, honestly, conscience, and feeling, on one’s own behalf, rather than attempting to resolve thoughts about other people with more thinking about other people. That, is inherently self deceptive. If the event with the band feels terrible to you, inspect your own direct experience of what’s going on. Let go of trying to resolve “the deceivers of the world”, and notice it is not what they did or said which results in the terrible feeling, it is the thought about yourself, which is not true, and therefore does not resound in your being, does not resonate. Don’t label the feeling, discard the belief. You might see their experience as the same. That they are holding beliefs about themselves which are not true, and it does not feel good. They behave from ‘fear’, which is resolved by more deeply knowing themselves, which means inspecting feeling, and honesty, ‘sorting out one’s conscience’. @kieranperez ‘s post here is incredibly brave & insightful in this regard.