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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. This is likely going to initially sound nuts, but I experienced depression and was diagnosed manic depressive, around twenty five years ago. What I found...there’s no such thing as depression. It’s a ‘write offs, a cover up. It is simply not in love’s nature. It is the experience of denying self-love, and believing in thought, via beliefs, and identity. That is precisely the reason it does not feel good - because the thoughts & identity are not true. Society is just so out of whack currently, and though doctors & psychologists are doing their best with what self-understanding they have to work with, if you will...the root core of the situation, is in naming / labelling feeling in error, in misunderstanding reality & self, the infinite love that you are; “depression”, “anxiety”, etc. It’s basically a bypass, and a jump to pills and or conversational mental masturbation further perpetuating identities which are false, unbeknownst to the participants...which skips right over & negates understanding the relationship between thought & the sensational guidance of...sensation - which could not be more “hardwired” into you - is you. Making a dreamboard sounds simple, and it is simple, but profundity is simplicity. The seemingly simple act of writing everything that comes to mind that you could ever want in this life on that board changes the entirety of the experience we call life. As it is realized more and more readily that you are creating, the delicate inner game of giving attention to resistant thoughts, or aligned thoughts, really shines through. The wanting changes as the intrinsic desire of the universe is recognized as your very own, creation, creating. Sit, relax head to toe, breathe from the stomach. Do this for a couple minutes. Then imagine that hug. Imagine it’s another month of quarantine...the anticipation...the excitement. Imagine seeing then seeing her, more beautiful, radiant and loving than ever. Imagine the electricity in the air as you two approach one another. Imagine that first contact of the hug, the natural instinct of fully embracing her, and her you. Imagine that ‘all is right in the universe again’ feeling. The peace of it, the peace of mind of it, the connection, the undeniable visceral righteousness of love of it. Begin to notice this feeling arises within you. Hug all you like - big fan of it here, loving relationships as well. But don’t make a duality of the love. As much as it appears some one, or some thing is needed for that happiness, that feeling, that love - it is but a trick of light, of the mind. It is within you always. It is the inalienable constitution of spirit, if you will, inseparable from whatever it is you call, ‘you’. It is also inseparable from the ‘immune system’, and brother, it will thank you for self-love like a gift that keeps on giving. Dial into this present, the gift is for you.
  2. There is recognition of being, in knowing, in feeling, if you will. It would seem like IQ plays a role, but beyond that ceiling it is seen that it does not. “You’d” have to “go” beyond that ceiling to recognize this. Otherwise its a “paradox”.
  3. If you’re inquiry is ‘at the level of psychology’ it makes sense, and yes thoughts arise after it is realized there’s no ”ego” / “individual” to be found amongst the rest of the psychology / thoughts. At the meta ‘level’, no, it no longer makes sense when it is realized there’s no body, or brain, physicality or psychology transpiring, and thoughts no longer arise. Not in the conceptual sense “it never happened”, or “the separation never occurred”, but more specifically in the sense there is no such thing as a universe.
  4. ?? Anything which transpired that is experienced transcendent of thought & perception, what she said and what you heard & saw, can’t really be attributed to “her”. In the relative sense, she is spending her time in the name of / work of healing, but what transpires in feeling, what the word reiki points to, is not some thing she “does”. I acknowledge this is probably not the course of thinking you’d like to hear, but it is the course of liberation from the state you described being in for the last year. The untangling to be done, if there is any to be done, must be done in how you’re looking at the whole situation. Generally speaking, she was a “permission” slip, and a channel of love. Purification within you is what I’d say is more truly at play. There is something ‘in identity’, to be released. Yes it can. In the vein of what’s been said, in that understanding, I am happy to do some long distance reiki on your behalf anytime you’d like. Much like the appointment with her, you simply sit, breathe and relax. Or lie down if ya like. It would be very helpful imo, but we should try to be on the same page with the purification being in feeling, as in that’s where it occurs, as a release of old from the body. The caution is not to ‘go into a thought story’ about it. Thoughts that arise are of the very facet of identity which stands to be let go. Thinking tends to play the role of a ceiling, cleverly holding onto it at every turn. We are infinitely sneaky. Not sure respect is the right word, but, it’s really important to recognize and respect that in one’s self.
  5. Thanks again. Feelin the love. ? Also deeply appreciating this ‘place’, Leo’s amazing work of art, and all the Mods as well who choose to spend their time sharing this love that is. Also appreciating the relationship of questions & answers, inquiries & realizations, a nature we all joyfully partake in here. Truly a miracle, experience is.
  6. @ravlondon Make a dreamboard full of what you want. Vision for your future fills you with inspiration, and the job currently held is emotionally reinterpreted as the means to all that you are wanting. It’s kind of a miraculous experience.
  7. @Chintan desai Point to the “after life”. Is it in perception? Point to it. Can you describe it’s shape, it’s color, etc? Feel “the after life”. Can you find it in feeling? Can you describe what it feels like? Perhaps it is only a thought, a belief. Retrace it. Think about from where you heard about it in the first place, so you can realize it’s just something you heard and believed. When that search, that inspection is through, you might stand to more realize that which you are calling death, or afterlife - is you, now, reading this. Don’t underestimate your own true humor & sneakery, akin to the infinite love that you truly are. For all you know, maybe the universe ceases to appear, and you - the regular “you reading this right now as you are, minus perception & thought about you - does not cease to exist. It can be helpful to contemplate the very word, non-existence. It’s like a fountain of clarity the more it is understood. There is a profound reason “laughter is the best medicine”. You are a creator. You are the’ creator. Create!
  8. “Facing the music”, no longer avoiding one’s emotions, is divine & ecstatic indeed, incredibly freeing & empowering. The pain body is not the source of this bliss, of this divinity, but the “veil” of it. The pain body is the emotions created in our misunderstandingS of self & reality. Love & understanding frees us of the pain body. There is a realization we reach, and that is how we have been identifying with the pain body. Meditation is like free falling into the ultimate fire of our source, of you, of unconditional love, all conditions are burned away. In this falling, in truly letting go - everything you do not want, everything that does not feel good, all which does not resonate with you, is burned away. Let it be Let it go. Watch out for the sneakery of thinking, attempts to ‘hold on’, to justify the feelings and thoughts that you don’t even want. Let them go! In returning to your true self, that which you never in truth, left - burn the boats. In the journey home, everything, every thought & every feeling which no longer serves you - which never did serve you - burn it. When a thought arises, tempting you back to that place which does not resonate in your being - light it afire. Visualize turning behind you as you’ve now returned to the shore of your all-loving & ever-loving self from your many journeys thus far, and lighting the boats a blaze. Smile, and watch them burn, feel the warmth. There is a psychological method in which a therapist develops trust with a patient, with the forethought and understanding that the patient will eventually explore the root experiences of stored emotions, of their pain body. Understanding arises in that the pain body was created in misunderstanding of past experiences. The idea on the therapists behalf, is that the patient will express these stored emotions, by basically venting them, or lashing out, onto the therapist, as if the therapist actually was the person in the original relationship, of which the patient created the emotions. Thus, freeing the patient of the hanging onto the pain body any longer. Understanding arises in the clarity, the clearing out, of the ‘old’ emotional blockages. The Emotional scale can be most useful in seeing this, and gaining understanding of the power of letting go & how it relates to the emotions we create & experience. The power of now (I don’t mean the book, but that which the message points to, - this, - now ) is as ‘real’ as it gets, and it’s quite shocking to become aware of the infinite levels of sneakery at play in thought, which appear to mask or veil the miracle of now. If, and only if, it resonates with you, that is, feels like “yes, this feels like the thing to do”...I would express all what you’re experiencing about her, if you go to see her again. Empty both barrels, so to speak. Don’t leave a drop of any of that which is not resonating within you. Don’t be concerned for her, it will only result in her feeling more of the bliss & ecstasy of being. That “something” might be a solid “clue” as to connecting what I said above. Something remaining, something identified with. Through ‘getting it out’ - expressing, understanding arises ‘behind it’ - fills in the space which was cleared in the expressing. (Reference the visual of the emotional scale, to see what’s being pointed to.) Also, I think you are at a much deeper place of acceptance, and Leo’s Authority video might be just the thing to shed the light. You might see that ultimately it doesn’t matter about the reiki lady. But again, if there is pain body to be released, and expression feels like the helpful thing to you, do that. You “win” ultimately in understanding, however you go about it.
  9. @SoonHei ? So kind! Much appreciated, thank you guys! ♥️ Happy to be here & be a part of it.
  10. Thank you. An offering of a perspective... That there is pretty much what’s referred to as ‘the joke’. There is no grandiose scope. That’s the punchline. Thinking there is - is -what “the ego is”. This is why “the ego” has never once, nor will ever once, actually be found. There’s no grandiose anything. So if suffering is present, if it’s known, you’re creating it, in precisely that way. If you get what I’m layin down here...look to transcend paradox, and see they cancel each other out. If reality is determined, The ‘first cause’ would have to be spontaneous. If reality is spontaneous, that in and of itself, would be being determined, by you. The yellow brick road of thought, only leads home to the wizard. So fuck all that, and feel this love. Time is short. And there isn’t any. Eat from the tree of your life.
  11. @arlin He’s God. Nothing less will settle. Put feeling first, and the insights of the universe will begin to reveal themselves to you.
  12. Yes indeed. Not tryin to get all up in your trip biz or anything, but it hit me, a few things you said which might have been hindsight recontextualized in duality, sort of ‘graying’ out some of the meta-insights. Things about responsibility, pain, ignorance, etc, and especially at the collective level. Then you mentioned trust, and responding in grace, acceptance & love...and ultimately pondering that why... This might be a mute point due to experiential expansion (the ‘we just are where we are’)...but in hopes in might ‘connects some dots’ back ‘here on the ground’...a “responsibility”, for “response-ability”, trust (cognitive) for feeling (visceral guidance). Mind like to weave a past & future into this, and imply ‘responsibility’...but in response-ability, There’s just what is, now, and it is for you. All is being, whatever ‘that’ is, is too being. So you quite literally can enjoy it all as it is, as you like. You simply can not get “it” wrong, no matter what, because the “it” is being. Love you and hope this finds you in the intention, intended. ♥️ That great way...’this is preferred’ - it is being. ‘This is not preferred’ - it is being. Can. Not. Get. It. Wrong. As there’s no wrong. All is being. Absolutely free. Absolutely. Miracle. Impossible, but Miraculous Beauty - Everywhere, Everything. Zero is Infinity. ? Ok done now.
  13. @Consilience Not sure how I missed this but man, great read and really nice to resonate with ya on the ‘collective zone’. ??♥️
  14. I feel like I should probably wear pants when I skype.
  15. @Hugo Oliveira You might like the book The Surrender Experiment. It’s packed with insight with regards to law of attraction as well. Speaking of, if you haven’t read Ask & It Is Given (and started a dreamboard) I recommend it asap!
  16. @MNR Mackey Appreciating your service and dedication. ??♥️ Keep on keepin on.
  17. @arlin If they can’t choose, because it’s “God’s will”...why would you feel bad?
  18. @arlin Hypothetically, what if someone was creating suffering via overthinking, and was told that with a clean diet and daily meditation, they could transcend all suffering and realize they are God, thus making sense of all of reality...but they chose not to, and chose to continue thinking in circles, trying to ‘figure it out’ instead...what would you suggest to them? Or would you not suggest anything perhaps?