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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Meta-Man Your gif’s have been killin me! ? You got the gift! But that one literally had me hunching over laughin. ??
  2. “A burning desire for TRUTH is essential to success in this. Don't let people confuse you with talk of how "desire is bad", "seeking is delusion". No! Seeking is essential to breakthrough. Don't burn your ship before you've crossed the ocean! That would be foolish.”
  3. Skepticism is scrutiny of information for accuracy, validity, & truth. Cynicism is judgement, and is in opposition to self investigation. It is abiding in and developing acuity in aversion to self discovery & counter productive. If one’s intention is self realization, assessment & critique of anther person is an inherent derailment of one’s own intention. It’s an unnecessary addition of complication & confusion which bears no fruit, making the path more difficult.
  4. Don’t do that anymore. Let it be theirs. See they are creating it. Has nothing to do with you. Unless it does, then just apologize. Do this wether you are empathic or not. Spiritually speaking, this is very much a gift. But you’ve got to own that gift, and exercise compassion & understanding for others, rather than mirroring.
  5. Rather than make anything of it, more so, let go, relax about it, casually feel your alignment & discord in the present, just as it comes. Your ‘inner being’ has always been guiding you to truth in this way, is now, and always will be. As ‘work to be done’ it is not as much in figuring things out (though it’s fun for some like us), as it is in acknowledging the presence of ‘the work to be done’ in one’s life, relationships, ambitions, desires, opportunities to apologize, to forgive, to embrace what we have rejected, to understand. Also, though it sounds very dualistic in words, be sure to apologize to yourself too, perhaps ‘to your inner being’ if it’s more fitting, for things you’ve done in misunderstanding. Forgive yourself for all you’ve witness which you’ve said & done in misunderstanding. At the very core, you are pure and innocent, absolutely...and life is just, you know, too short to carry the weight of such burdens. I think it’s agreeable to say that it goes away, but perhaps more specifically, there is a natural order to this, in that one is done creating it, when one is done creating it. It’s very much a no lose situation. Like emptying the mind makes a space for insight to arrive, emptying of the sense of separate entity makes space in which this love arrives.
  6. Can’t say I would disagree, but it can also be spontaneously experienced (infinity / not knowing). I studied the heck out of quantum mechanics for a few years, just out of some sick twisted interest to understand reality, and was quite pleasantly supersized by infinity / not knowing. God=earth. Yes, but that’s the same as saying there is no enlightened person. Just Truth. You are the creator. All distinctions are yours. There is alignment or discord experienced in every arising thought. This ‘part of the journey’ begins with believing thoughts, in spite of feeling. It’s innocent. It’s done via conditioning, and general ‘getting by’ in the world. The ‘next part of the journey’ is listening to feeling, and letting go of all reoccurring thoughts (beliefs) which do not resonate in feeling. One becomes more and more sensitive in this regard to one’s thoughts & beliefs, in regards to shedding them, and adding any. At the same time, as one see’s one’s own alignment & discord more clearly, one see’s this is going on in everyone else too. So one is no longer moved by the words & actions of others, when it is in discord. One knows all too well the other pays the price of suffering, and that is enough. I would also say this is to ‘get in touch’ with one’s passion at a very deep level, which ultimately becomes a profound desire for communion, for the sharing of this passion, and one is inherently com-passionate of the plight, collectively, and for every “individual” in recognition they’re in the same boat, even though they exist as one’s of thought, perception and feeling. This whole convo is in that mindfuck “space” between sane and crazy, no?
  7. Not trying to be riddlerish, but... it’s what is most fundamental, the absolute bottom, when nothing else remains. (And then of course yes...very much ‘on top of the world’ feeling) Yep. Comprehending is not a helpful word for this imo, but Knowing....yep. I would say all comprehending is more something God appears as, or is. Comprehension implies a comprehender and something being comprehended. The word “Being” comes to mind as possibly more of an acute “pointer”.
  8. I mean this is the way that feels great. When ego is recognized and understood, that is thinking and we rolled ourselves yet again. It’s what we do, in a way. When there is nothing, then truly the ego is known, in that there never was one. (Which of course sounds incredibly egoic and I wouldn’t blame you or anyone for volleying this back that I have fooled myself. It’s a great joy in either case) It’s recognized when it’s not the case. The ‘how’s’ of it only feed back into the thinking of it. The order of thinking & feeling. Yes, it doesn’t exist outside of human psychology. Sounds like we’re already on the same page here. Yet in the ‘reversal’ power is known. Perception is your projection. It is the light. The ‘pointer’ is there is no distinction in that regard. That’s what’s so damn funny. Distinction = creating.
  9. You’re just to Good to be True my man, thus Karma is a bitch.
  10. If one relies on duality (thought) darkness would appear to be the absence of light, rather than made of it.
  11. @zeroISinfinity “The words she knows..the tune, she hums” ...and a hmm hmmm from Ted Knight, no? Kapow to the feels. What fools are we.
  12. I’m referring to what infinitely is being, if you will (language barrier is strong here). The tangling is every belief such as physicality, identity, reality, etc. In untangling, you could say inspecting & realizing those in the finite sense, you realize entanglement in the quantum sense is a funny thought about yourself. Siddhis, etc, are “here”, in the same sense, “here”, is the space between the thoughts, directly experienced, self-recognition. Questions and answers expand, but can not “do” what direct experience & feeling can - can not ‘go backwards’, ‘toward the source’. No personal offense please, but talking & thinking about an ego can be discarded, so that a much ‘bigger’ consideration may begin. I say this specifically with respect to this inquiry of infinity, and in the knowing the magnitude must be met in embracing “i fooled myself yet again” with the entirety of the concept of “ego”. A certain death, a certain depth of purification arises, not to be avoided any more than the pain & contrast of life is anything short of miraculous beauty. It is because there is no body, that the body never lies. Thinking is leading that body, that infinite intelligence. Hilarious, no? Reverse it, and it is known, re-membered - Known - that it was already reversed once in infinity forgetting. Might be helpful to write down your understanding of the power of now, of love, of being, crumble it up, go outside, and burn it. Give it back. What to “do”? Begin to leave the ‘understanding’ via thought more, and see the actuality of understanding. It is all-apparent in the living, in your relationships, in your desire, your dream for this life. Not-two, you and this life, not-two. No mistakes, no accidents, no coincidences, you simply can not get it wrong - but this points to a sort of free fall into death. These are just pointing to what can not point to itself. Take it easy on me. Just a hollow messenger. Flowers, rainbows, unicorns, music, mending, offering, sacrificing, healing, loving & making love. Beautiful useless lists could be the way. More practically, seek out and incorporate, transcend, all paradox. Seeking, thinking, believing, knowing, being... such experiential distinctions are Everything. Con-mf’n-viction is king, might be a half assed pointer. What distinction separates humor and honesty, perhaps is another. Hoosiers, if you haven’t partaken, a solid, solid pointer. ? This apparition speaks this truth plainly.
  13. @Arzack The struggle is the maintenance of the stories. I’m not trying to go to personaltown in a hurry here. I have the luxury of speaking from a place of having been wrong and ate it a million times.
  14. @Arzack Did you experience this hunter gatherer period? If not, it’s an assumption, a thought about a past, about a history. Direct experience is right here right now, without a story, without a history. “Maybe I'm too focused on darkness/hopelessness right now, but you seem to be too focused on the opposite.” There is no darkness / hopelessness. That’s a write off. Let go of your stories about reality, to directly see it as it actually is. If it’s helpful, and I actually mean this, keep shooting the messenger. You’ll feel worse in doing so, and it will bring realization to the surface so to speak, more quickly.
  15. Include yourself in that. When ‘you’ are entirely untangled, you are the infinity which appeared to appear to itself, that which tangled. Same for the understanding (untangling) of reality. For the direct experience of infinity, you’d have to be ‘outside of’ (prior to, transcendent of) finite.
  16. @Arzack You might be tripping up on the term attain, and using the thinking like “reincarnation” to support the tripping. Uncover your write offs. Remove all that is assumed rather than direct experience. Of course humility is the return to truth. The contrary makes for rough tripping & unnecessary filters upon life experience making understanding & manifestation slow & difficult. Let it be simple, and it is.
  17. @Ya know There is no finite. Forgetting = appearing.
  18. @Joshi3 I think we are saying the same thing. I’m suggesting a means, you’re saying just transcend duality. Maybe one leans to self realization, and the other no self realization.