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Nahm replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
♥️?? Love you! -
Nahm replied to StripedGiraffe's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@StripedGiraffe Really great. Beautiful. Thanks ?? -
Nahm replied to StripedGiraffe's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@StripedGiraffe Just infinitely yes. What a delight. -
@28 cm unbuffed ♥️??
Thinking about other people is a sneaky state we all go through to keep our feeling inside, to keep it from pouring out in a series of solid cry’s. But we don’t now that’s what’s going on because it’s ‘too close to home’. We bury the feeling growing up to cope and deal with whatever the environment is, to do our best at surviving & thriving in it, to make sense of it. Then later we start to recognize somethin just ain’t feelin right, and it’s the idea of ourself we created in that coping & just to get by and live around certain behaviors & actions which don’t resonate with the heart. From one perspective, it is not a fair thing, to have to experience the outpouring of feeling which was tucked away, a heart which was ‘covered up’. I mean, it’s innocent, because we had no way of even knowing we were doing this. Then, from another perspective, it’s completely fair, a perfect balancing, if you will, because when the idea’s of who we are pour out via the waterworks...it begins to be felt & known that it is the real you ‘behind it’, washing all that pain out, and the ‘real you’ turns out to be the greatest. True real love, realer than real. This whole thing can keep us going back to the same old places in our minds, try to ‘figure out’ & solve’ to feel better, but all that was ever called for is letting go of the thinking...and just feeling. This is the good news. This is because you were always the love. Always absolutely just, good. Maybe imagine a box called “unconditional”. Then imagine shoving conditions in it for a few years nonetheless. It can be done, but that box doesn’t hold conditions really, it’s truly unconditional. At some point that box just gives out, and it seems like all is lost when all those conditions start falling out. Like we’re losing who we are. But then you start seeing you were the box the whole time, not the conditions in it. Not the ideas it created. And the box is Good. So Good. Then there’s another layer of sneakery our minds do, guilting and shaming ourselves for the ways we coped, the thing we did to get by. But it’s the same thing going on. An old habit. Just more thinking, innocently, unknowing, keeping some feelings protected. Keeping the deeper layer from pouring out. Trying to keep that box together some how. As you mentioned, it is indeed all caused by one thing you can not see. Our own thinking, and our own love. What you can’t see is that you’re fucking awesome, and totally, completely, wholly, innocent. It truly is not your fault. Maybe an apology or two is in order for some healing, maybe some forgiveness too. Maybe not, idk. But ultimately it’s the same damn unseeable unhearable thing that breaks every single one of us boxes. It’s just, love. Without any explanation at all, it’s just love. The “problem”, is there’s just much of it. It’s everywhere all the time...but we again, we can’t see it, and we can’t hear it. Everyone we know could be singing this to us like a damn choir, and we just can’t see it or hear it. Life tends to get louder man. We all let go at some point ya know. Nobody’s gettin outta here alive, so to speak. Life’s saying you gotta relax, you gotta enjoy this ride or it don’t work. You gotta let go. But we’re raised to be tough. So we are. We ‘dig in’ and hang on, in spite of everyone sometimes, in spite of life itself sometimes. It’s cause we don’t know, because we’re innocent. How the hell are we supposed to know we’re unconditional ya know? Nobody knows who they are when they’re born. We’re all born as a total free fall, completely at the whim of whatever seemingly rando person or persons we are. And those people don’t know who they are. So basically we’re born into a mess. That’s the adventure of a lifetime though. That’s the first half of any book, movie, song, or speech. That’s humanity. We’re all fucked in this together lol, but that’s the shocking beauty of it, the miracle, the impossibility. But here we are it seems, we all have each other in this adventure. We’re all in it together. Letting the conditions go, is letting our barriers go - but that is to more deeply realize who we really are, and that turns out to be the feeling we were lookin for all along. It is good. Really good. So good, we start our own little metadventure of seeing what reality is, what’s really true. Hearing what we weren’t before, seeing what we weren’t before. Inspiration, inner guidance, senses in the body we didn’t know existed. Connection with body & mind we’d never imagined. Inspiration, knowing, readily seeing the details play out a bit more, rather than sweating them. Feeling the ease of knowing a bigger & more visceral vision, that we’ve never seen before, never felt before. Inevitably, in our own way, we help with the ‘mess’, in understanding it, in simply being who we really are. Just you being you, minus a few pounds of conditions. When that box breaks, there is tremendous release and an incredible & lasting relief. Thus the mind is at ease, and is more & more connected with the source of all that is, love, creativity, spontaneity, intelligence, peace, magic-ness of the ordinary day. A wonderful and deeply personal change is experienced. There’s less & less reactionary thinking & voluntary thinking when it comes to what to do in life, and more & more desire, inspiration, and just ‘knowing’, via feeling, rather than computing. None of it is our fault, and we’re no messiahs. We’re just innocent, and that’s kind of impossible to comprehend from some places along the journey. That’s the whole point, the whole message of any “messiah”. The love that is, all the love in the world, is yours. You are the source of it. So we have to heal ourselves first in these matters, then if we’re interested, inclined, we can help others. It truly doesn’t matter. But there’s no value to anyone in ‘going messiah’. Any guilt, shame, etc...we each literally made it up in an effort to make sense of what we experience. Unfair fucked up stuff happens, no doubt, but we have to inevitably let go of the armor we created to make it through, when we intuitively know it’s no longer serving us, but weighing us down. There’s just a really, really great series of releases, and just letting go. Clarity & understanding then arises, always. Seems kinda backwards how that works, but that can be understood too, with enough letting go. Trust in yourself, let go, you are so good. Sooo good! And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again lol...a dreamboard can change everything, it can change your life. Out in front of us is a whole new way of seeing, what’s out in front of us. Given this is a dream, it’s the most practical thing one could do. If you’re thinking too far out ahead, and not feeling your best, look thinking & feeling the exact opposite way, and act from that reversal. As an example...today, only write down “see about acting”, and let that be enough. You’ll feel good, even with that one step, because you’ve taken the wheel. It’s now headed in a direction of your wanting, synonymous with what feels good, to you. Then the next day, google whatever you feel the next step is. Maybe acting classes or online lessons, maybe auditioning for parts, seeing where & when they are. Then, let that be enough. Allow ample time to feel good for having down it. Let it be enough. Then, the next day, schedule a class, or a couple auditions. Then, let that be enough. Feel good about it.
Nahm replied to Max1993's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Max1993 Welcome to the forum If infinity = unlimited in any way, infinity can appear as any imaginable creation. But if infinity is consciousness, it already knows itself as that which it is appearing as. So there would be no possibility of any experience, as every apparent creation is conscious it is consciousness / itself. -
Nahm replied to Peter124's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s a lovely post and I feel ya, & I hear ya. However, you have not realized Nonduality, and you’re simultaneously creating problems for yourself unnecessarily not only with respect to this (nonduality) forum, but likely in your life as well. To claim to be a disciple in the name of anyone or anything, is to speak via the method of unaccountability. When two people do it, wars are started in this manor. Say what you like, but as yourself, you will find you are entirely accountable as such in any and every case. If you are of nondual awareness, if the Bible has ‘decoded’ before you, please share from you, from your heart, rather than under any false pretenses. There are many passage where Jesus cautioned of this very thing. And you might also want to google Jerusalem to see what’s been going on there ever since. -
@Anna1 Feelin that. ?
@dimitri ??? Love you!
@Anna1 I meant the over the top singling-out-ness was getting awkward. No qualms with the brotherly love. ♥️
Nahm replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Eren Eeager ? Infinite being is the sneaky one. -
Somebody know’s how to pick em! A belated congrats! ??♥️
Nahm replied to Arzack's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Then why are you saying this to “someone” silly pants? ♥️ The collapse of self & other is the true knowing of Love. Some call it “satchitananda”. Great story though. I’d pick teachers more wisely. The best one or two are superior to “dozens” speaking from a whim. The banter & ‘checking in’ of it is appreciated sir. There’s no better teacher however, than your own profile, and every unanswered question therein. You might even aspire to and attain the glory of the sacred moderator position. ? Too much? -
Nahm replied to andyjohnsonman's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Medi means middle, meditation is the middle way. Unconditional love inwardly, creation for togetherness outwardly. To be ‘in the middle’, is the unification of what appeared as two. Memories are a trick of the light, arising within you, same as all creation. The richness memory ‘brings’ could be said to be of the brilliance of yourself, and your limitless-ness. For one to assume “life” is other than that of human & memory, is to assume there would be a physical reality remaining upon one’s ‘death’.Seeing through memory, one is imortal, invincible, unstoppable in awareness of the falsity of immovable objects. Depicted perfectly imo, in the seen in the matrix in which new see’s the hallway walls for the matrix they always were, “defending himself” slowly, casually, enjoyable, with one arm (and that is saying too much, as you yourself created the word & meaning of meditation, due to the fact there is no “middle”) Imo, this is a fantastic conveyance of the feeling of Memory-less-ness. There’s a certain not-giving-a-fuck-ness vibe in that keyboard patch & riff in regard to the inevitability of departure from the fact others will continue to believe you are their memories of you. Life indeed can always “start up new”. In truth it can do nothing to the exception, believe in memories as we might, in our own suffering & peril. Memory is the exact same as the light deemed “perception”, which is not “in front of you” ...”now”. In short, notice you’re aware of those memories. Thus they are of you, and a second order of your purity, the tongue which can never be tasted. You’re creating them via vibrational proximity of now. Thoughts attract, the mind is fooled by a distinction between a “thought” and a “memory”. Notice, you are the creator of any and all distinction. You’re in control, even when you believe you are not, you’re the one believing you are not, a controlling of the narrative of “control”. Trust in and inspect, the discord. It never lies. The mind is a prophetic liar. Hence “ox”, rather than “mouse”, or “bunny”. It takes time, until time is as transparent as the memories of it. The link is that there is already, not-two. There’s a whole album about where “you’re at” (imo). “Can you feel pain inside? Can you love? Can you cry? I wanna run through your wicked garden, heard that's the place to find you. But I'm alive, o alive now, out of the dark that blinds you”. If you dig that, be sure to contemplate “sex type thing”, a mind bending play on advocacy of rape, in an courageous effort to untwist our paradox and see through it, to heal from our place of non-denial of self, in understanding, compassion for all others without exception. -
Nahm replied to Eren Eeager's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Great thread. There’s meta-sneakery, if you will, too. “This or that” is also a profound sneakiness. Using the very duality one is creating of oneself, to thwart one’s self & experience of life. Such as one discovering a new desire within for a change in life accordingly, but fooling one’s self into believing there is an ‘either or’ situation, rather then acknowledging the obvious answer is both. Recognizing the perfection in the blend of contrast & apparent opposition, calling upon one’s very source of unconditional. Realizing there is no better experience to be had than that of burning the midnight oil in thriving, in passion, even occasionally passing out, in the unabashed alignment of one’s desire, one’s own calling. Meta instinct literally comes to life. Also, meta-manipulation. Maintaining a facade of unconditionality to serve the conditions one is still believing one is holding. Possibly the nastiest karma there is to be experienced, synonymous with the manifestation of ‘smell’ in it’s absolute directness in suffering. You might say when it walks into a room, even then ‘unconscious asleep’ know there is a smell of significant discord, wether understood or not. Such might even be why prayer was invented, and how “exorcism” was coined and believed to this day. Then there’s sneakery of one using one’s idea of the collective conscious. Then there’s infinite sneakery. -
Nahm replied to Arzack's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
In-deed. ♥️ This, no? -
Yes indeed. Words & thoughts appear via duality, twoness, opposites. The smoke & mirrors of it, if you will. ‘You’ got it. Integration can be a subtle perpetuating of conditioning that you’re the person rather than the entirety of the experience. (And even that is saying to much) Even the word transcend can be used in sneakery if misunderstood to be a ‘forward movement’, or a relative ‘attaining’, rather than a letting go of conditions. Truth is so good, we just let conditions & limiting beliefs go, and truth naturally is and is more & more realized, felt, ‘lived’, by & in & of itself. There’s no actual duality of doing & being, only an implication via the thought. The light on the wall is entirely free and spontaneous, and is not separate of the flashlight. “Control” can be “used” as a duality too, but is just words, like you said, lol. This is a tricky one. It’s sneaky because we think there is fear, we believe that it exists. We create the idea of it quite innocently, in forgetting our true nature, to “make sense of things”. Then we believe fear, is a feeling. Fear is thought in discord with truth, not a feeling. There is one source of feeling, not-two. There is one source existing, not-two. The key is to consider that fear is no secondary thing at all even, and it did not & can not “grip you”. What you experienced is the conditions you created, that you’ve been holding, that you were still holding in that experience. If you were to travel to the sun with conditions, and the sun was unconditional, the closer in proximity you got to the sun, the more you’d be aware of the conditions. If you assign those conditions, how they feel to be more precise, to the sun, or to theory, or to anything other than the realization of you’re own holding of the conditions you created, they’ll not burn away. It is we which “grips” it. The sun is not terrifying, it is innocent & pure, realizing, accepting & understanding one has obstructed one’s own light, is just hard to see and acknowledge at first. It’s a complete inversion of experience. You’re doing incredibly well, no rush. One of the greatest things about love, is that it doesn’t ‘work’ like everything in experience. The more you give away, the more is experienced. Such is the relationship of desire and love. “Things”, experiences, visions, dreams, hopes...these are permission slips, trivialities, just so that we may experience the reality of the sun, just to revel in it’s shine. This is simply to be yourself. “And every now and then if I focus I can still feel my body dissipate like smoke if I focus hard.” Likewise, there’s a great insight to be mined there. Focus is not of the physical, it’s not a doing. “You” is inseparable of what focus is. Sometimes it seems all the world suffers in a misunderstanding of this. Trying to get the brain to do in a harsh manor, what only the alignment of thought & feeling can & is already naturally doing. Maybe we don’t need more therapy, more pills, more strategies, just less conditions, more acceptance of the perfection in variety.
Thanks! Love you. ??♥️
Feelin the love. Much appreciated. Getting awkward.
Nahm replied to Nevillizer's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nevillizer With love man, ‘problem solving doses’ reveal it’s all you and that is why it’s all Good. ? You know. You remember. ♥️ We forget, and start believing there’s a “problem to solve”. -
Nahm replied to WHO IS's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes! -
Nahm replied to WHO IS's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@VeganAwake When folks awaken they realize everyone is them, so to speak, as they realized who they really are. If one checks with teachers to validate authenticity of their own awakening, it’s absolutely safe to say, ”that ain’t it”. Don’t stop short man, it’s unbelievably worthwhile! -
♥️ Really great to hear! To your question, I would say when the benefit is being felt & realized, and you’re naturally inclined to continue it. Also, when it is seen that it is serving your aspirations and dream for your life.
Yes! They can be entertaining, and they can keep you dialed into and aware of the delightful synchronicities of living. No. The potential issues would be more like addiction, excessive attachment, or using sex to avoid responsibilities, or more relative to your post, avoiding your path / self discovering. Notice how it feels, when you think about these things. That’s the key. If you’re judging yourself, it doesn’t feel good. Enjoy all that life has to offer - again, notice how thoughts feel. Attachment transpires mentally. Desire, wanting, preference, creating, are typically no problem. The belief you need something to be happy, happier, or to be a better person, that is a form of suffering. Live! Have fun! That’s why ‘you came here’! ♥️