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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. It’s all ‘in the head’, thinking, perspective. Letting go is always the “answer”, the way. It is ‘that way’, because one never ‘has’ anything to begin with.
  2. @Schahin Be sure to include yourself in the inquiry.
  3. @Schahin It might not be logical, but I believe it does make sense.
  4. Those angels are these angles, those points of you, are these points of view. Just, Miracle, and we are that, we are it, & it is this.. We are each other’s angels, exception-less, every One, all “little children”. To take appearance to be other than self, is to believe in “the man” as an actuality, in negation of the miraculous angels, a stark hypocrisy of one’s own peril, a most profound discord. Notions to the contrary would of course seem to follow the “man” who thinketh it to be so, as the’ man, de’ man, de’ mon, would appear to “be” everywhere e go’s. Such an “evil” is no more than seeing “life” completely backwards, yet love is infallible and does slive through all appearance - sans of course, it’s own resistance. The infinite plight of “the finite”...maybe. Maybe not though. Like going on vacation but fixating on work, letting go is. Every road & path, in any case, in every appearance, leads to the loss of all, and the love of all. Love our vacations & scary movies too, we do. lol. Rest assured, the demon is as real as the man & the ego, and letting go, the releasing of resistance, is always the way. If you get too lost, you’ll have a panic attack, and a renewed appreciation for breathing, for immediate surroundings, renewed sense for this living and experiencing, & likely a profound respect & gratitude for the enjoyment of it in any and every case & situation, not to mention the thoughts of focus & creation unfolding in kind. The body speaks always patiently, quietly in a whisper, yet will ultimately be heard in spite of shenanigans. If we all get lost, something will occur which has us all sit and reassess just wtf we’re creating here, and what our deeper intention is, was, & will be. No gentiles & hebrews, no sinners for messiahs, no self & other. A celebration of innocence & redemption, the end of fear...less a scapegoat we create. Perhaps e go’s further into the discord, demonizing the profundity & beauty of the nature-self, with a scape-bat. Of course. The one who‘s seeing is only in feeling. Of course. “It’s right outside your door”. - Zach De’ La Rocha Rocha: (Portuguese; literal) "one who is from/of the rock".
  5. @mandyjw That’s not true. ? @electroBeam Unconditional Love within...togetherness, creating & experiencing without - Twoness (choice) made of Oneness (?). Losing self in creation, finding self within...the rollercoaster to the middle way of solace & consonance. Thought is just a spontaneous running script for creating experience. I love you so much I literally can’t even stand it. Feels like I’m going to explode in some meta loud way. @zeroISinfinity No! More questions more creation! Lol. Can’t lose my man. ♥️
  6. @electroBeam ? “The mid?‍♂️dle way”. ?
  7. @Average Investor Marketing when this book is done.
  8. @Average Investor Great thread idea . Some ideas that came to mind...for those that haven’t, take Leo’s life purpose course, go try a yoga class, reiki, energy work, a retreat, etc. Can’t go wrong investing in yourself. Potentially ife changing stuff!
  9. @VeganAwake You’re cutest when you’re alpha. ??♥️ @Inliytened1 Appreciating you my man. The efforts, insights and the love.??
  10. @Max1993 It’s so sneaky, that it wasn’t even being sneaky.
  11. You are what’s choosing to believe this. The “you” which you’re thinking about, is an idea, not you. This is self referential thinking. It doesn’t feel good because it’s all false. There are not two of you. This can be very hard to see & realize if you have been repeating the belief which does not feel good over and over... and expecting to somehow feel good. Ultimately, your beliefs about fear & death are just, wrong, and humility is called for. You don’t really know what you think you know, but you haven’t realized how arrogance & humility work yet. I feel for ya and hope this is helpful, albeit not pleasant, to hear. If so, inspect why it’s unpleasant to hear, by inspecting your beliefs. This is what the whole forum is working with & on btw.. There’s nothing unique about you not inspecting your beliefs / how you are creating your suffering. It’s because you’re free. Free to hold beliefs about yourself & reality which are not true and therefore don’t feel good to you - but you don’t have to. You can investigate and discover the truth. Yes you can. Anyone can. YOu’re just holding beliefs about reality and how it works, which are not true. Trust the sensation in your body which tells you this, rather than tuning it out to uphold your beliefs. Your belief of absolute nothing is a belief. You haven’t experienced it, you’re believing you have. Feeling tells you the truth about this - but then you’re believing something is wrong with you to disassociate from feeling too. Listen to it instead. Let go. “Observing” feeling ? Feeling is feeling. Just, felt. Not observed. That’s a belief which is derived of the self referential thinking. You’re believing there is two; an observer, and feeling. There is not-two. This is another sneaky way of disassociating from feeling - by “being the observer” instead. Doesn’t feel good, because it’s not true. No it isn’t. That’s not possible. It’s a belief being used to disassociate from feeling. That’s self referential thinking. You are one. Look at your direct experience. There is not an I which convinced a myself. You’re only believing the thought, now, or you’re not, now. It is that simple and in plain sight. Write it down & inspect it until it ‘clicks’. Do the work rather than ruminating the same not-good-feeling beliefs over & over. Feeling, of course. Fun, self discovery, and a million more pleasant experiences. But - if you believe “something’s wrong with you” or “you’re broken”, you’d have to let those beliefs go. Then you will be feeling clearly, and though you fear feeling now, what you find in being humble, honest & brave with yourself, is that the fear was unjustifiable. It was only a belief, a false belief, and feeling has only ever told you this, every single time you repeat the false beliefs about yourself. You labeled it “broken”. This is like some calling something terrible, and then asking you “why don’t you wanna be with me?”. You’d be like, “uh...cause you’re calling me terrible names.” This is what you’re doing to yourself. Don’t have to though. When you choose to love yourself, everything changes. Don’t be afraid of crying, of releasing, of opening up, of journaling, talking to someone who loves you, who you trust. If you are, or have, keep doing that. You’re not really aware of that at all. Looking at only this post that much is clear. Feeling is always telling you these beliefs about yourself are not true. There’s no reward for suffering, and it is never found in the outside world, only in one’s own persistently & insistence they are right, rather than admittance they are believing things which do not align with their inner being, with truth, with feeling. So do something of meaning & substance. Is a mediocre life what you really want? It’s because you know you’re beliefs are just beliefs, and feeling tells you they’re not true. Intuition is telling you the truth. Humble on down and start letting go, and listening. Choose to. Let go. Let the body release. Honestly, truth, indeed does set you free. You have - more precisely, are creating, emotions. Denial is like a band aid on cancer. Let go of the beliefs which are not serving you. You’re more free than you could ever imagine through the filter of the beliefs you’re holding. Don’t assess things while holding those beliefs. Let them go, then have a look around. Read up and understand how you’re creating them. You don’t “have them”, you make them. If you don’t like how they are feeling, inspect the beliefs, release them, and create & expression sincere feeling rather than emotions; like passion, understanding, compassion, enthusiasm, eagerness, love, etc. You’re describing it perfectly well in this post, just not willing to see it yet. Hang in there. You will, and it is wonderful. All there is, is Truth. If you hold beliefs which are not true, you’re definitely going to feel disconnected. But if your would just listen to the feeling, and maybe shout out “I’m completely wrong!” A few dozen times, you’d change your entire experience. Nobody can “jump in there” and do these things for you, no matter how much you suffer or recreate false beliefs and emotions. Acceptance of this is key. That’s just a belief. There is no problem whatsoever. You’re just believing there is. Point to the problem “in the room”. Where is it? It’s that the thinking, and the beliefs, are not true. That’s all it is. You’re doing it. Don’t crucify the messenger. We both know this is true. One of us is admitting this, and therefore not suffering. Every one of us experiences loss. Not everyone assumes what they believe is the truth. That’s a painful thing to do. That’s a belief. You can’t take feeling off. You can only pretend that’s true, and suffer for doing it. Don’t be afraid of feeling, of releasing. It’s not your fault. This is seen after letting go. It is not your fault. You’re pure innocence and Goodness at the very core, the truth, of you. You’re just holding all these beliefs, these veils, these filters upon who you really are. You don’t have to. Consider watching Straight Outta Compton today. For realz. You need a dose of how to not give a fuck and live your way. This is your life. It’s not about resolving it with other life’s. A tough lesson to learn indeed, but it is true. There is zero suffering of any kind in the afterlife btw. Also, when we think of those who have passed on, when we think of the best of them - they are resent. Within the room within us, assisting, guiding us, loving us, wanting us to let go, and simply enjoy this moment as it is. When we hold belief to the contrary of this - we separate ourselves from them. When we deny our unconditional love for this very moment, we can not connect with those who are swimming in it, loving it, trying to share it with us in each and every moment. That’s just using thinking about pain & suffering together, to pretend you don’t know the difference. Let the thinking go. You’re tricking and fooling yourself with your own beliefs. There is pain, there is loss, there is mourning...but the mental anguish of suffering is difference. It is an arrogance which can be seen through and dispelled. In that same vein, all pain can be transcended too, but only in love, as that’s literally what it is. Can’t think about it though, gotta love yourself, and everything, and every one. You have the power & freedom to do that right now. Instead you’re focusing on precisely what feels terrible to you. Let go. This miracle of life never stopped. You created and are holding many beliefs which are not true. Seriously, have someone slap you hard across the face. Someone trustworthy of course. Not being sarcastic. It works. Odds are, every relationship in your life has been “slapping you across the face” for a while now, but you’re not hearing them. A slap across the face is much more readily heard. You got a brother or sister I could talk to about this? Trust me, she’d be down with it. ? Yeah ya do. Every one does without exception. That love ca not be “arrived at” though, it IS, and is felt & known by letting falsities, beliefs that are not true and don’t feel good, go. You’re mistaking thoughts and beliefs, for feeling. Logic is logic. Feeling is feeling. Pretending otherwise is suffering. You gotta choose to love yourself in thought, in allowing feeling, and in your actions and choices. No one can do it for you. I have someone you could talk to, today even, who experienced the “same” loss, and about the exact same age. Just say the word. Love you, only wanting the best for you. Bout to meditate and beam some reiki your way. Hope you let it in. ?? “What is this?” It’s love. This is the Truth. Reality is made of love. It is pure magic, love is magic. ?? This is what he realizes, of relationships, of living, of life, in this song...yes, it is total Madness, but it is indeed love.
  12. That might be the thorn. There might be a deriving of time from apparent change, but perception is not apparent change. Apparent change is dualistic, and of thought, which is “itself” the consciousness, and thus can not be thought. Imagine a man made of clay, asking where the clay goes when “he sleeps”. To have a lucid dream is to realize One is Sleeping. Lucid?
  13. @lostmedstudent It’s sounds like you’re trying to justify the fear & anxiety with the belief in death, via thinking... and feeling is not joining. Thinking is dualistic...”there is death, there isn’t death”. The path is not figuring out which one is right, but recognizing the ox, thinking itself, as the smokescreen of twoness that it ‘is’. It’s how one fools itself...’twoness’. Investigate & scrutinize direct experience. If feeling is in accord with what I’m saying here, break “death” down, scrutinize it, see that it is a facade even in logic & reason. Take ownership of the idea of it you created. Everyone else believed it, so you went along with it, naturally. Stop and inspect it. What was it you believed? Did anyone who told you...know Truth? Did anyone really tell you...or did you assume it? Everyone experiences loss, everyone mourns. Not everyone transcends their own idea of “death”, because that would mean they’re not the identify they’re attached to. Most look everywhere and take or belief anything, instead of inspecting. Go a layer deeper than you have thus far in investigation. Rather than justify it by supporting the case made by thinking, look to see through it, by supporting your own case for feeling. Google / Youtube things like “does the brain produce consciousness”. Do practices. Research them. Try a few feeling / awareness in the body practices. Try some breathing exercises. All roads are for release & relief. Investigate & transcend the duality of thinking there is “death”, rather than continuing to think about it. The belief you could cease to exist is never going to resonate with the core of you, with that-there-is-feeling, because that is existence. The belief is the discord. This tends to stir up confusion between beliefs of identity & attachment (thinking), and meaning, passion, happiness, pleasure & purpose (feeling). The answer to questions like “would I still be able to enjoy x if I was not believing in death...if I was not ‘separate selfing’ that there already is not a separate self. You’re already free. You’re already doing whatever the heck you want, even is that is believing you are not. “We” is how our own creation is experienced, and there is not-two. The path is a backwards feat as the identity, like all reality, is Being, creating by forgetting. So the “answer” is always letting go, which is the same as saying, you just being you.The “answer” is always letting go of the question. The “solution” is always letting go of the problem. These are only a happening of thinking. Just you, as you are, however that is. No baggage of the past, no facets of identity derived of duality, like guilt, shame, insecurity, unworthiness - nothing which does not ring true in feeling. The resistance is loud & clear it seems. The body is infinite intelligence. The mind thinks it’s running things. Listen to the body. Care for yourself & love yourself. Get resistance out of the way for the body to heal. If eating cleaner is a solid opportunity for example, but it’s triggering...reframe that “triggering” as the body releasing. Let go. What you’re thinking fear is, isn’t. It just simply, isn’t. Just because you’re thinking that way, doesn’t mean it’s true, doesn’t mean feeling will go along. What’s not in your direct experience, that which you could worry about happening, or coming across your path, is ‘uncollapsed’, ‘uncreation’. Terms like “a state of every possibility” doesn’t begin to do you justice. Pure innocent infinite love. These words though are just like saying the ocean is very wet. You gotta let go and see. Tears are not really separate from the ocean in perception...only in thought. It’s like you put on a sensory body suit and a vr helmet, but forgot you did, and then claim it is ‘my state’. But it gets heavy after a while. We get tired of carrying it, and start let it go. Acceptance & forgiveness are for the acceptor & forgiver. Probably the most profoundly life changing thing anyone could do. Acceptance & forgiveness are understanding, which arises within us as knowing our being. Transcendence is not a climbing or achieving, it is letting all that does not serve you go, and being, the same being which all who ‘pass on’ are, and all ‘yet to come’ are. Never “gone”, the love within us what whole time. What a joke - depending on how you look at it. If you bring conditions on a trip to the either have a “bad trip”, or you met with the ineffable master. Wild, but which perspective you employ is up to you. You’re that free. I vote you cherish the realization of how much you’re carrying, and you start letting it go. The term “integrate” comes to mind. Don’t name feeling with labels like anxiety, fear, etc. It’s love misunderstood via the ignore-ance of truth, of listening to one’s own feeling, in spite of all idea’s about one’s self. Integrate your seeing of this suffering from your trips. Listen to that Truth, even, and especially, if you didn’t like what it said. Crying is good, release, and then smile and carryon. Understanding arises on it’s own accord when you empty as such. Thinking does little.
  14. Just write on your dreamboard, “ice cream cone and some super glue” and watch that mystery manifest right before your eyes. It’ll all come together like magic. You will see. @traveler Safe & loving travels my traveling traveler friend. ??
  15. @andyjohnsonman Because infinite and infinite is not an experience.