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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Pilgrimage of Self WIll do. Thanks!
  2. @Galyna You’re in control of and responsible for your actions.
  3. The root cause, is quite literally The Root Cause, the source of all that is. It’s not the being smart which is problematic, it’s the claiming of the intelligence. It’s the “you think you know something” of it. Nothing “wrong” with it per se, but it will trigger a slight feeling of guilt or shame. This is because you do have an inner being, a source, and it is ‘the real you’, and it is the true source of love & intelligence. It is so infinitely intelligent that it is a literal not-knowing. It wants to be with you in all things. It’s looking out for you in all things, “from the inside”, the heart, from feeling. In regards to love & intelligence, it does not desire separation by comparison, or any pride derived as such. It desires togetherness, inclusion, and acceptance of all creation. When you claim knowing things, it can’t help but remind you of the truth. You’re transcendent of “knowing things”. You are bigger than that, love is bigger than that, By innocently making yourself to feel bigger, it results in feeling smaller. You’re intrinsically great. Crazy, but that’s why it doesn’t feel good. You can check for yourself now if you want, by noticing the feeling response when you say... “I am the smartest man of all”............and then saying “thank you, for this gift of life & intelligence, and I’m sorry about all that shit before, I’m gettin it, take it easy on me, I’m learnin as I go.” Intelligence is a gift and a curse until it’s tamed. It arises, we claim it, then inevitably suffer (cocky-ness rubs someone the wrong way, blows an opportunity or relationship, holds us back from what we desire, etc). But that’s how we learn. Use it for good. Your good, our good. Just use it in alignment, in the name of goodness. If you get tired of the rollercoaster, meditation is the middle way. Clarity is what’s ‘needed’, and there is an ocean of it in meditation. From the middle, it’s all clearer. There is love within you, which can be expressed, given - and in kind you experience and realize more of it. Give it to an ant, to your coffee cup, to the sun for coming up again. Notice it, appreciate it. Try to give all of it away, every last drop. I triple dog dare you. And receive it, from everyone & everything. Open yourself to love from all. I dare ya. I don’t think you can do it. I don’t think you have what it takes to receive this love. We’ll see. ? Every finite mind is perfectly unique, and as such, every one has a void, which is perfectly unique as well. The void is like a gap, between the source, and the person. It is the forgetting of the true infinite self as it becomes, ‘you’. You can close that gap though. It has only to do with aligning your thoughts, with feeling. The trouble with being smart, is we think we know it has to do with circumstances, other people, our past, our parents, our kids, our friends, our friends girlfriends, our wives, our bosses, our bosses bosses, our neighbors, our president, rich people, angry people, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Doesn’t work that way though. Alignment is just thought, feeling, & source (pure goodness). You’ll remember.. you’ll remember this. I know ya will. When you wake up in the mornings, connect in feeling, connect with your source...then proceed. Cold water on the face, go outside first thing and appreciate that shit, tell somebody you love em. Whatever your thing is, just appreciate & love, first thing. Just in case...for future reference...purification is good. It’s the most desired outcome of the soul searchin. Nobody knows just how it will start. Could be anger, could be envy or jealousy, could be a willingness to express vulnerability, could be realizing ‘that’ person acted from love, and did their best, who knows. In any case, should you be blessed enough, lucky enough to receive this love, to be ‘washed clean’ - stay out of your own way. It’s from the heart, and it’s for the body and mind. Set smarty pants aside. No thinking is needed, nobody needs to be roped in. This reality is made of healing, and it is just for you. Try to keep it simple. The absolute root cause just, doesn’t have a root cause. It just is. But the answer to every ‘why’ in my life, has been love. It’ll wash it all right out of you, if you let it, if you don’t outsmart it.
  4. Well that’s a first. You’ll be alright man. Listen to feeling. If what you’re thinkin, what you’re focused, doesn’t feel good to you - pick what does. Pay more attention to actuality, to direct experience. Notice, you have no reason to fear aliens, you’ve never encountered them. Logically speaking, if there are aliens and they could reach earth, or appear to us...they’re way ahead of us, and could already have done whatever they wanted. But they don’t, because they are more intelligence than one who would fear them (no offense just making a point). Intelligence is inseparable from love. Even Bashar would likely tell you, you’re afraid of your thought about aliens, not aliens. That thought doesn’t feel good, because it’s not true. It’s a smokescreen, preventing the body from releasing, and having a cry fest or two. I’ve had em, their delightfully worthwhile. Nothing to fear. You might say it’s how these fears are released & seen through, and you move on in conviction, confidence & inspiration, damn near reborn. Don’t let anything get between you and your nature. Fear of the dark is pretty easily curable. Just stand in a dark room tonight alone, by the light switch. Turn it on, and look around, see that everything is totally fine. Then turn it off, and notice nothing actually changed. Flip it on and off as many times as it takes, until you’re laughing about how you were afraid, of nothing. Also, take a good look at your space, whatever that is, a bedroom, house, apartment, etc. Is Are there pictures, paintings, photos, of the nature you love? Is there a dreamboard with destinations & photo’s of them on it? This might not be realized yet, but each of us are dreaming this experience. You’re getting precisely what you’re focusing on, and that is reliable, it will continue to be the case. Surround yourself with wanted. Fill your head from your heart, with wanted. Speak of wanted. Imagine wanted. Share wanted. What you want, is what feels good to you. What feels good to you is what you want. Notice these are the same damn ‘thing’, it is desire, creation. Get on board with what you want, and you quite literally get on board with creation. There is not creation....and you. You are not separate from creation. When you make that inner choice, to express what you want, the entire universe is aligned within you, all of creation, all that has ever been and could ever be, is within you, creating. Don’t underestimate the power of a single thought, a single choice, of what you want. You were designed & born to do this. The past is passed. You’re here now. This is the present. The whole damn thing is for you. The entire cosmos, is for you. Let go. Have fun. Look those monster right in the eyes, and laugh at them. If you do, sincerely, I can assure you they’ll laugh back. Just call their bluff. There is one entity, and it is love, and you are it sir. Behaviors & actions, are not the entity. Let go, forgive, accept, love, understanding, and start livin.
  5. @zeroISinfinity You’re making an easy thing difficult. Get back to basics, fundamentals. I’m a “householder”, that suffice?
  6. @zeroISinfinity Talk to somebody. At the very least, rent Hoosiers.
  7. Consciousness is of course you, and infinite. What is infinite can not lose nor gain. You, consciousness, is the experience of this, but also is fooled by the experience. When you believe consciousness, awareness, is something other than you, it seems there are levels of “it” in relation to ‘you’.. Precisely as there are not-two, you are not actually experiencing high & low awareness. Intelligence in the body is experienced (ah ha’s), then the claiming of it occurs again, via the fore mentioned dualistic belief. Consciousness creates (is) experience, of itself, by itself, for itself, and thus veils itself with it self, as the activity of thinking. “Super self conscious” would be no mind, samadhi, rather than self referential thinking. Consider self=consciousness, rather than a separate self who is “self conscious”. Those are only thoughts. You are not-two. The thought activity, as well as the activities you’re doing willfully (but claiming are low conscious) are intentionally veiling yourself, from feeling & knowing the love & truth you actually are. It can’t be said to be a “problem”, as it’s what you’re choosing. As you said, this has already been seen. That bucket is not holding water. You’re just trying to hang on to insights. Log them in an electronic journal of some sort, remain empty. The flow of insights will resume, and due to the feeling of it, you will experienced the miracle, the rockin of the path, and will have no inclinations to personify ego, consciousness, insights, awareness, etc. Presence is simply being without voluntary thinking, on behalf of the indirectly created ‘separate self’. This is precisely what is desired. It is desire “itself”, ever-known. Express, rather than conceptualize. Any expressive interest or activity will do. You can not forget on purpose. You can let thinking go. Memory is just sexier, more enticing thinking. It adds to the experience. Give’s it depth, and kind of an added ‘bonus’ game imo. There’s no being less or being more. There is being you as you are, or ruminating in self referential thought to suppress the body & mind from releasing, and love, passion, understanding & compassion arising. Welcome the full experience of feeling. Explore every square millimeter of it. There are some clever twists and turns, such as the lasting joy lying prior to sadness & sorrow, and bliss lying prior to anger. (You had to make it somehow or this experience would be lame). Express and release, all you want is truly within, not without... you be like this, effortlessly ruling your galaxy all day long. You’re believing oil & water mix there, with the desire & fear. They won’t, which is exactly what you are experiencing & discovering. You’re creating fear, so you can’t possibly integrate it. I would contemplate what “integrate” actually means to you. What “second thing” do you figure you’re integrating? Where exactly are you believing fear is coming from? If you’re going to believe in believing, at least make it love, or empowerment. I’d let go so the real deal can fill ya up. Just an opinion though. You might find there is but one source, and it neither contains nor offers, fear. Trust in yourself, only, believe in yourself, only. The sounds point, the entity is you. There is a paradigm of trust at play, veiling what you are wishing would arise & transpire. You’re making up the idea consciousness is coming from someone which you are making up, and you’re believing your own story. I’d so no biggie, but you are suffering and not seeing how you’re creating, and I’m convinced you’re interested in seeing how. (Just reminding you, as again, you said you experience pure consciousness, you, already) Fine line between helping you see that, and more “levels” and an “education” needed so you can reach yourself, which you already of course, and actually know you are. In this way, by your own choice, you are literally creating the very “frustrating exhales”, the veiling, you desire to be without. Creating the very resistance that simply does not resonate. You might be “hypnotized” as you say, and on the rollercoaster, but you indeed are creating & choosing it. There isn’t, and it doesn’t. That “it” does, is a thought. Solidity never happens. It’s you appearing to yourself as yourself. You & I and every other, experience one single thought at a time by design. There is not a “huge schematic of thoughts”, that is a thought. Believing it, or not. To avoid feeling, you’re creating outrageous models of what thought is, which has led you to create the belief the feeling is separate. It is not. What lies ahead is not known, but is you - not knowing, so it doesn’t matter ultimately...just appears to. Drop notions like “hardened thoughts” asap. That’s one thought, about “hardened thoughts”. That trunk is connected. So connected in fact, there are, not-two. Knowledge is not overridden, it is overriding, but you are choose it to. Let it go. It is never coming. Ever. Nor is anyone else ever coming, who could give it to you. Enjoy the hide and seek, until you don’t anymore, then start doing the inspecting, so you understand what’s going on here (‘in’ direct experience) Just start. Write out the absolute smallest step you could do each day. Seeing it linearly like that changes everything. What once appeared big, challenging, and revealed to be within your control, enjoyable, and even effortless. A dreamboard is a hell of a way to experince yourself. TLDR: Put “progress” as a higher priority than enjoying this moment, and life will not make sense.
  8. What you want is already on it’s way. Just notice resistances and let them go. It’s about getting out of your own way, not how anything has to come to you. You’ve assumed the one won’t be the first one. Be open. Wherever it could be said she comes from, reality, that’s the real one. Pure magic. Highly convincing.
  9. It’s precisely what you called it... “when any need to think was dropped”. You didn’t ‘expose yourself to it, you dropped the need for thinking. Thinking on behalf of the belief there could be a need for you to think, can be completely let go. It’s not that it has ever been needed, it’s that you’ve believed it was. What you’re referring to as a state, was being without holding the belief there’s a need for thinking. It has nothing to do with interacting with reality. Reality is being. Only has to do with the attachment to thoughts, specifically thoughts about a you which is other than being. Roll your sleeves up and get into reality. It’ll teach you not to attach to thought. Also, appreciate how sneaky thought can be. It might be best just to admit you’re the sneakiest being in all existence. Veiling yourself with your self as thoughts, which are about yourself, is pretty sneaky.
  10. No. That is monkey mind. That’s what the practices are for. Unconditional love....and “you”. Yes it is. Yes. It’s far less effort as it’s far less resistance. Asking what it’s like without monkey mind is like asking Hugh Hefner what it’s like living at his house. You just have to go there and see. Another thought about it just won’t do it justice.
  11. Awareness is aware of that thought. Rather than ‘answer it’, notice it is not a legitimate question. You’ve never experienced being two, always one. Why would you believe there is a you and also the awareness you’re thinking about? Let the thought go. When self inquiring, let every thought go. Feel. Expect an answer in feeling. Have conviction in the expectation. It is your right to know who you really are. The logic behind letting every thought go, is in part, to break the habit of reactionary & self referential thinking, of expecting answers in thinking...and just feeling. The mind will only continue deceiving you, doing things like changing the word awareness to focus.
  12. @innerchild Sounds like you’re ’bringing it up’ with practices, but not letting it ‘out’. Time to start getting your time’s worth out of them imo. Notice thinking of past or future, and bring attention back to what you’re seeing & hearing, and the feeling of your breath, and all areas of the body which are touching a chair, the floor, etc. Use the practices you mentioned for the body to release, and the focus, energy & sensual levels will increase even more. Your psychic practices will be kicked up a notch. Emotional intelligence is also an inevitable outcome. It is love, goodness, & understanding which is waiting to flush. Don’t minimize, release. Let go. Life’s not fair and people suck sometimes. Doesn’t mean you owe anybody anything though. Doesn’t mean you can’t see the distinction between who we really are, and behaviors & actions. Let it out and let it go. Our only option in all matters is just getting back up and going forward. That’s the whole schtick really. To speed up the process, express yourself. A journal, song writing, poetry, simply writing on a pad of paper about how you feel right now, or talking to someone about it. Almost any expressing about how you feel about it will benefit you greatly. All of this is helpful and ‘works’ imo, for anyone desiring to self discover & move forward with the life they want to live. Truly, a single thought about what you do want can be the most powerful event of your life, and yet can seem so, ordinary, going unnoticed even.
  13. @Vipassana Awesome! You’re right on about the twenty years. How did you acquire that depth of appreciation and recognition of this, seeing as you haven’t had twenty years to meditate yet? Did you grow up with meditation ‘around’? Any of Leo’s video’s in particular that struck that chord perhaps? A book or two? Certain videos or teachers? Thanks! It’s really rare and made me curious.
  14. @Moment This reads to me as “progress” indeed, purification. Many struggle with something you did not, which imo is key. You didn’t involve someone else, you didn’t ‘go into thought stories’ about it. You finished your meditation, and went for a run. A different way to frame this up - the body is infinite intelligence, but the mind thinks it’s running the show and most often get’s in the way, with thinking, which slows the body of it’s cleaning out. I would take this as nothing short of a tremendously good sign. The universe is made of healing, and knows just what to do.
  15. It’s because you can’t conceptualized enlightenment by projecting it onto anyone else. In assessing the monk, you veil yourself more.
  16. You could start with your belief that the thoughts are yours.
  17. Tried that one, but felt like I was rating the exercise.