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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @electroBeam Real vs imaginary is thinking. Veil. Another such “barrier”.
  2. The “trauma” was in not relinquishing the thought, the belief, which was in discord with the truth, which you are. You can inspect beliefs, and realize you create & perpetuate the trauma. You don’t have to though, and you don’t need to trip to do this. (That would only be adding another belief)
  3. @electroBeam No man. It’s just what’s already the case. What is, can’t be worried about. If you’re concerned about it...that ain’t “it”. You don’t become infinite love, you are infinite love. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi ”Me & other people are alive”, is one such barrier.
  4. @effy01 And yet of course, in your sincerity, you’re awakening. ??
  5. @Serotoninluv Interesting. For me it’s a lot like 5meo.
  6. @Serotoninluv What about taking a pee? Lol. Only wholistic pissing now?
  7. @Raptorsin7 No idea if this works for you, but I was quite vehemently instructed never to cry as a kid. So I just think of how much suffering my folks endured, how terrible that ignorance must have felt. I can cry at my command anytime now. Lol. Very useful. You’ll be able to also, so, yeah, look forward to that. Bitch. ? Oh, what also works is not directing any emotion to anyone else. When we own it, no anger or hostility at all toward anyone. Then it comes out inevitably. That’s all anger is anyways.
  8. @Rodrigo SIlva ?? You’re confusing letting it out, emptying the body, letting go of beliefs....with perhaps some horror movies and ignorant things people say about hell, demons, etc. That’s all absolute bullshit. Scrutinize direct expereince...see what you’ve been believing, and what’s going on where you are right now. Look around. None of that hell stuff is actual. It’s fun, cool. Think White Zombie, etc. You may have, in some subtle ways identified with it, and be “getting something out of it”. An example that comes to mind (not at all about you)...I have a teenage cousin who is “goth” & “fuck The Man” to the hilt. His whole life, friend circle, etc. Fine by me, but he can’t connect the dots as to why he “can’t get a job”, “can’t find a nice girl”, etc. His beliefs & perspectives of the world are false in the sense - as if he isn’t choosing for himself how he looks at things... but he isn’t willing to realize this quite yet , cause of the letting go ? ♥️ of it, and cause it’s more about what an overbearing control freak his mom was / is...which is her loving him by trying to make sure he doesn’t endure the same suffering she did...from her dad...who neglected her...of course his mom was...yada yada.
  9. @zeroISinfinity Make threads. Ask questions. You’re definitely in the right place. Anything is done one tiny part at a time. You got a tendency of blowing things up to biggest possible picture, and ya end up making up weight / pressure. Then you feel overwhelmed and create beliefs about yourself, and sometimes loath in it. One little change, one little task, each day. Remember the hair & tortoise story? There’s a profound point in it.
  10. @zeroISinfinity Not knowing is the ideal place to begin the dreamboard. Breathe and relax my care bear buddy. While you may be worrying, reality is not. It’s only loving you more. All’s well, you know. Enjoy the ride if you momentarily forget, that was your intention to begin with, and it only results in more ‘remembering’. “Get your hands in the clay”. We’re all just going to die anyways. Allegedly. Apparently. This love’s imminent. ? Also, let’s hijack less.
  11. @zeroISinfinity Well, “clear”, as in, empty, nothing...ya. It’s pretty accurate, and literal. Also just words.
  12. @zeroISinfinity I like venison actually, but nothing is as delicious as clarity.
  13. The “opening of the third eye” could be said to be seeing reality as it is. This would be the same as saying, ‘realizing how you’re creating suffering’. The body & spirit are very literally loving the shit out of you. The “tension” is resisting it, via utilization of believing thoughts, and holding beliefs which never jived with you in the first place. Be open minded, and willing to let go beliefs about yourself & reality which are not serving you. ♥️ As an exercise helpful to releasing & the arising of understanding, you might write about how you feel. Inevitably, the past will come up. Then consider writing (your best will always do) from the perspective of the people involved. Understanding & compassion will arise. This is but a means of self understanding, self acceptance, and self love...and the tension in the head will vanish.
  14. @Seeker_of_truth Just a perspective, but I’d drop the perspective that people are more or less awake. It’s potentially self reductive & sneakily limiting of one’s purview, and can lead to creating beliefs to be dropped later in self realizing & the actuality of authority. There is no one left to claim wakefulness, that’s just kinda how it ‘works’, that’s what unity & wakefulness ‘points to’’. I’d keep the perspective of that matter entirely relative to yourself. Every answer you want can arise within you (all understanding does already) in the emptiness where the question was...albeit in an unfolding manor. But there’s much to be seen in that. It’s a story, a game. Letting go is like the most powerful thing ever, because all does come from a perfect all knowing source within. It’s great & fun to chat & share, but careful with subtle self diminishing beliefs, as they only add more path. There is no mountain to climb, you started at the top not knowing how you got there (“here”). It’s more about deconstructing reality, self, & identity, & letting go of beliefs. Desire naturally abounds. Also, take into consideration, the immeasurable value of the opposite of everything I just said. Transcend in both, ideally, to see from “above” it. A dreamboard can be a real game / life changer in regard to what you’re pondering. When it’s all in front of you, rather than reeling in the vortex of mind potentiality, a larger slice is taken in from a completely different vantage point. The ‘work’ to be done today is infused with the spirit, and the desire - and knowing of - the dream life you’re creating as it is unfolding. Amen. I’d suggest the key is seeing the biggest picture of all your wanting. More trivial short term desires just fall away as the inspiration of the broad view fills ya up. Food, just as an example, becomes incredibly trivial relative to creating, living, and being filled, with being. Something that might be worth contemplating for a few’ve never actually known that anyone else is thinking - let alone what they’re thinking. Even if someone is telling you what they think to your face, you don’t know. We’re sort of born of sneakery. Quite innocently, but, don’t take my word for it.
  15. Truth = Happiness. Every one is looking for the same one. Can’t be what you believe you need, just a word of caution. That ‘society imprinted beliefs on you’ is also worth letting go. Just an opinion here.
  16. @Matteo I found singing & playing guitar and or piano, though there is the ramp up of the learning curve, to be pretty solid. In singing properly (breath control & feeling the registers) while playing even basic chords, the sense of self just naturally fades into fun & expression. It’s also an organic break from any ‘thinking about what other people think’ or self referential thinking, striking a chord in confidence, relaxation, and esteem in an effortless, under the radar manor. The connection / understanding of the value of breathing from the stomach carries over through out all activities in the days as well, as awareness of perception & feeling is the indirect and effortless means of less thinking. A word to the wise...some are interested, some not...but watch out for the false thought of “I just can’t / others just can”. If one ‘puts it in front of oneself’, one learns over time. Keep in mind, you simply, literally, can not ‘get it wrong’ (that’d just be a thought to let go of). Song writing, regardless of any perceived “quality” of it, is an excellent means of self expression, and inherently develops emotional intelligence. Not to mention, there’s other musicians out there, and it’s fun as hell to ‘jam’. All great for clearing facades of “seriousness”. Sing
  17. Dualistic thinking, tension & contraction, and love derived of relationships, or infinite intelligence and unconditional love flowing through your body & mind. Tough call. One would know for oneself by the discord between thought & feeling. Buddhism also teaches how not to have desire. There’s often understanding in practice that isn’t known in just the consideration of it.
  18. Easy! You feel the resistance of thoughts which aren’t true. Let them go. Nobody said you have a free will. That’s a thought. Now, say I don’t have a free will. Say it real loud. Notice what happens. Nothing. Intuition saying you’d love to throw something at me right now. ? ”How can I drive and be the one on the back seat at the same time? “ Easy! Use your feet.
  19. @Galyna If you would just read everything you said on this post, and notice you are the one saying it. When you say it - it is so. Well, if you say so. Seems to me you grasped it a long time ago. Surely you notice “free will” is a thought, and “no free will” is a thought. That’s it. That’s all there was to “grasping it”. It’s just thoughts. Are you expecting a “free will” to walk in the door and say “here I am! It’s me!”. All thinking is dualistic. How do I suppress my desire? Easy, existential rumination. How do I stay asleep? Easy, claim there’s an ego. But how do I get what I want? Easy, it’s already the case, acknowledge resistant thoughts, and let them go. But how the hell do I let thoughts go? Easy, focus on perception & feeling instead. But that won’t solve anything!! There wasn’t a problem. But I want to know what to do! That arises in the emptiness where the rumination was. But how am I supposed to remember it’s easy!? Amazon. $11.94. (Also, suffering, resistance, tension, stress, etc. The button’s just easier, imo)
  20. It’s a thought about being, like “time”. Eternity yet to recognize itself. “Person” is a thought about being, like “human”. “Totality of perspectives”, is a perspective. “Human” is a thought. You’ve never actually seen a human. One who creates an enemy only divides oneself. If one has no interest in self realizing, aligning in intuition, liberating from suffering, there’s no issue in one believing one is two (both). Prior to ‘favoring’, one is believing in what is not actual.