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@Galyna It was just so worth repeating.
Nahm replied to freeman194673's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No. Pursue what is best for you. Take advantage of every resource available. I didn’t say it’s an illusion, nor that the beliefs to be dropped are mental illness. If this advice isn’t resonating, or is superficial, just ignore it. My apologies. I sincerely wish you the best. Wanting to get rid of something is fear. See what it is, which you fear, and there isn’t fear ‘there’. If you say you can not find the motivation and are caught in this downwards spiral to hell for eternity, and I say you can - you win, because it’s, well, you. This can’t really be furthered in text, the form of communication is too limiting. If you ever want to skype just let me know. Might be helpful to you, might not. We are ‘worlds apart’ so to speak. Those ‘worlds’ coming together could be powerful for you, but it’s not going to transpire in text alone. Again, I wish you all the best, and suggest you pursue all resources. -
@LfcCharlie4 It is when we are most lost, that a most profound finding is on it’s way. God clears out space in such mysterious ways. Going to sit now for twenty minutes or so, holding the intention of love & healing on your behalf. Receive if in the mood for it, otherwise know it is in your vibrational credit. ?Much love here for you. ?
@mandyjw Holy shit, yes, Sail. Totally! If interested, watch this version, with the sound turned all the way down. Watch the process the girl on the left goes through. Very insightful imo. ‘Get’s somewhere’ words & sound can not.
@Jo96 Sometimes it’s more effective to express all that arises appearing to prevent concentration. As mental distractions arise when you desire to & attempt to concentrate, by default you’re aware of them. Write them down over a few days period. You’ll essentially have a list of ‘your’ karma and attachments to body, mental patterns and identity. Inspect those to understand and see through them. Be more open minded than you have thus far, and be patient, loving, understanding, and forgiving with yourself and others. You’ll likely free yourself of things like guilt, shame, hypocrisy, dishonesty and denial, and it will be more worthwhile than can be imagined before doing the inspection work. You will also likely reveal to yourself ways you’ve been avoiding doing such an inspection & compensating for it. Be prepared to discover fundamental, foundational misunderstandings about yourself & your world / reality. Look for cultural, psychological and environmentally influenced beliefs & views you adopted in regards to how you think about yourself & others, and how you relate with other people in your relationships. Much of what is thought to be known in thinking / thought at the surface level ‘cover’s up’ what is going on in emotions. Researching defensive mechanisms and the development of coping mechanisms can be most informative & fruitful. Such discoveries can appear to be scary or intimidating at first, but keep in mind they’re equal to the burden of distraction and stand to be let go & thus greatly liberating. If beliefs arise, to the contrary, that is, that ‘you’ have a problem with concentration, trace it back to when & how it started. Again, be sure to write on paper rather than trying to understand & ‘figure it out’ in your thoughts only. The emotional scale is an ideal tool for this, if you utilize it properly (give it a google). The key is expressing emotions. The key to that is ultimately forgiveness.
Nahm replied to Dylan Page's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Verdesbird Easier to see where it’s actually coming from. -
Nahm replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sleeping or lucid dreaming. -
None of that’s true about you. (?). Overall (this post) ...misunderstanding is moving up and out! Yes!!!!! Understanding follows. Let it all out. It’s all views of the ‘separate self’, all beliefs about you, going bye bye. None of them are true. Emotion out, feeling arises (love). Thought try’s to thwart the whole purification. Seriously - make a mantra of “I am the sneakiest being in all existence”. It is surrendering to the fact. It’s a way to not get caught up in thought during purification. To not ‘hold on’, or justify with logic, reason, identity, etc.(Sneakery!) Let the love that you are love it all right outta ya. No ‘going to the past’, no reinforcing the separate self. Don’t even “do” the love - get to know the cork & it’s nature directly! That’s not true about you. That situations stress you out is deflection, projection, blaming. The stress is the result of believing thoughts which don’t feel good to you. Inspect em / let em go. The first time you believed thoughts about yourself which were not true, it did not feel good. Feeling had your back so to speak, but you believed the thoughts anyways. You continued doing it, continued ignoring and not listening to feeling...and...labelled your inner being... “anxiety” ?. It still loves you. It’s unconditional. “If a thought arises about myself which does not feel good because it is not true....I’ll just still be right!! Wait...that doesn’t even make sense though. I know...I’ll label the feeling as wrong...I’ll call it ‘anxiety’.” “Yeah, that’ll work...I can invent driving anxiety, city anxiety, etc. I can be “sutpid” even...but atleast I’ll still be right!!” “I can just label my inner being all kinds of ways!! That’ll work!!” “And when a virus starts killing everyone - I’ll thank my inner being for it.” “This all makes perfect sense!!!” ? No! It’s LOVE. I love talking with you...but then again...I’m not judging you. Let the thoughts & beliefs about yourself go already sister!! Because you’re labeling love - “anxiety”. Old habits die hard, I know. Slow down. Inspect one thought at a time. Check with your inner being, feeling...each thought. Start over, with the training wheels of feeling. You sneaky. A baby born, given food, clothing & shelter - but not love - dies. Do you wait until you’re dying of thirst or hunger to drink or eat? No. Do you wait until it’s running down your leg to go to the bathroom? No. Do you wait until you’re blanking out to love yourself and let the repeating of thoughts which are in discord with feeling go? Uh...jury’s out. You’re not combining pain with thoughts. Not possible. It’s a deeper delusion to avoid feeling, which turns out to be the transcendence you’re seeking. You don’t have fear - it’s a made up label, like “social anxiety”. Fear doesn’t exist. You believe it does...because you ignore feeling. You’re the one telling the story that you’re living. You’re a free creator...and if you really want to...you can even tell, believe, and create a story about you and your world....with “”fear””. Doesn’t mean it exists. It’s the misunderstanding, of yourself. No ma’am. You’re flawless. That a belief, to cover the beliefs of the rainbow of anxieties you’ve invented. Go directly to pain. Scrutinize it. Don’t avoid it. Woman up already. You’re a powerful creator!!! Universe it trying to help you laugh about this. What are you, some kind of adult, grown up? What’s even going on over there?! No! Sensation is sensation. It’s presence! It’s “now”. It’s Being. It’s love! There’s no Mandy!!! That’s a word scribbled on a paper. A meaningless sound. “Mandy’s” not alive! Here’s an insightfully titled video which misses the point. ??? (jk, jk) There is no source of bad. What you’re attracting is out-of-synchness...because you have bogus beliefs in your vibration. Appreciate the guidance of pain, and it is utilized properly. The body is an antenna of sensation / intuition. Allow it’s use. Best-friend-it. Maybe do that vagina - mirror thingy or somethin. ??♂️ No trying. Let go. Cork floats. “Trying” is sneakery. A narrative. No! You’re NEVER thinking. Though arises. Effortlessly. Pick on, create, effortlessly. Source got you covered all day. It’s source saying, “stop this nonsense and come here right now!” Never justify thinking about the future. There’s no future. It’s THIS! Now! It’s right “in front of you”! “Illusion” is a write off. ?
I struggle with some emotional problems like jealousy, performance anxiety, unworthiness. I try to see the mechanisms behind them, and replace them with rational ideas, which can help me to improve myself in a less neurotic way. But nevertheless, i feel same crippling feelings again and again. What can i do? You can not feel, feeling, anymore than you can think a thought. Feeling is feeling. Thought is thought. Feeling is never wrong. Listen to it, and let the thoughts go. The feelings are far from crippling. It’s labeling feeling, and believing the thought - which is false, and is the suffering. Jealousy is seeing someone else having, doing, or being something that you want. Instead of believing you can’t, take your attention off them - write what you want on your dreamboard and watch it come as you let resistant thoughts go. What you want, is what feels good - to you. Getting what you want out of your head and in front of you, on the dreamboard, feels good. It is naturally inspiring. It uproots beliefs about yourself which are not true, which feeling has been telling you every single time the thought arises. Performance anxiety is labeling and thus a way of ignoring, feeling. Again, feeling tells you the thoughts are not true. Unworthiness is the same. It is ignoring how terrible such a thought feels, and labeling yourself. Imagine if you stop labeling, write everything you actually want in this life on a dreamboard, and discovered feeling guides you, as reality becomes exactly what you wrote on your board.
Nahm replied to freeman194673's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@freeman194673 Connecting with reality = love & truth. Disconnecting with reality = Ignor-ance of feeling & holding beliefs about yourself. “I have depersonalization / derealization” & “I have porn addiction” are beliefs. A psychedelic would ‘peel these beliefs away’ temporarily, thus, you’d feel more ‘connected’. Also, you can inspect the beliefs, see how & why you created & identified with them, revealing why you’re choosing this behavior, and thus feel more connected. The feelings that were suppressed will arise, and if you let go & relax, they’ll purify out of the body & mind. Misunderstanding will ‘exit’, and understanding will arise. If you continue to tell the story of your disempowerment, you’ll continue believing about yourself, that which is not true. Not-true = doesn’t feel good. What is true about you, is love. So another approach, would be to love yourself, love porn, love yourself using porn, love every actor and actress you see in porn, appreciate the work that they do, and thus root out your own beliefs and judgements. Ten years of ignoring feeling can leads to all kinds of beliefs, but a belief, is not true. You can believe those things about yourself, but they will never actually be true. “The truth shall set you free” indeed. The initial reaction to reading this will likely be combative, that I don’t understand, etc. “Sit with it”, see that it passes, and that you are fine. Don’t fear feeling your feelings, sit and experience feeling. When you do, to the extent you do, what’s revealed is the beliefs, and that the truth is always that you have nothing to fear. One can not ‘get rid’ of what one is unconsciously creating, but one can certainly become conscious of one’s creating. -
@mandyjw Should I do that thing where I copy your whole thing and write a bunch of things?
Nahm replied to Brivido's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Brivido ♥️ Thanks for sharing! -
Nahm replied to Hugo Oliveira's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
...And since thought labels thought thought, of course then, there isn’t. -
Nahm replied to Rilles's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Osaid 5’s the most accurate. -
Nahm replied to Hotaka's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@LfcCharlie4 No integration. -
Nahm replied to Hotaka's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It’s pure bliss. Can’t be achieved. Focus on relaxing while breathing from your stomach. Don’t add to that, don’t question it, simply do it. -
Nahm replied to SamueLSD's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
‘Because’ infinity. -
Nahm replied to Dylan Page's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Don’t pin it on the world. You won’t get too far that way. Inspect it within you. See what it is. The more pain the better. -
Yes it is. Let go bro. ❤️
Nahm replied to freeman194673's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@freeman194673 Make a dreamboard. Put focus on what you actually want. Better to express desire than suppress it. Very “stressful”. -
Nahm replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam I meant, you don’t have a billion dollars either. There’s no control to lose. -
Nahm replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@electroBeam It might be helpful to relax, and inquire & articulate a bit, what it is to be in control. It might turn out to be like losing a billion dollars. -
Nahm replied to Hugo Oliveira's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The difference is (a pointing) thought & realization, awakening. But ‘no thought will do’ in self inquiry, so don’t attempt to realize anything, or awaken. That would only be more thoughts. Recognizing the witnessing awareness is not possible, nor is focusing on it, or being it. No arising thought can ever answer the inquiry. It is “the ego” which arose as the thought, which is the question about other people, breaking free from ego, and an ah ha moment. Part of self inquiry is discovery the ‘level’ of sneakery in thought. Awareness of yourself as awareness, and a flip point, are also just arising thought.