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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Those thoughts arose from a source within you. Let em go, and clarity, insight, ‘solutions’ if you will, and a ton of amazing feeling arises...just like the thought did. That there is any difference, is an example of one thought which can be let go. The ‘trick’ is - let go.
  2. Real and unreal, as well as death, are exactly as is appearing...thoughts, and not even.
  3. @zeroISinfinity As to love without muddying posts. Be easier on you.
  4. @Mert Your op is essentially which one of us knows the truth, yes? (Of self / objective world & finite mind) Seeing the humor here?
  5. @Alextvvv ?? Seems integral, seems there are facets...yet amounts to no more than experiential appearance. Just an interpretational word of caution there / what was intended by “how it might sound”. ❤️
  6. Well, if you say so. You do create your reality, and you can’t get it wrong.
  7. @Matt23 How do you feel when you think about what you want to do, in comparison with how you feel when you think about what you have to, or are supposed to do?
  8. @DreamScape That there could be a point and wondering what it is, is what you’re creating.
  9. That’s not a phone. Not even a ‘that’. ‘Phone’ is a thought, a word you learned to label with. Notice the sensation is you, and in believing the thought “phone”, you believe the experience to be “you holding a phone”. That “the phone” is not you is a belief. I’d be careful with minimizations of yourself. Applying a word / thought like “only” has profound implications.
  10. @WhatAWondefulWorld Yep. I said ‘seems like’. By everything appearing, earth too. Everything is everything. Everything is nothing, and nothing was said either. Don’t earth me bruh! ?? You’re the whole shebang. Just because thoughts arise, and you believe em, and express em, doesn’t mean they’re anything more than an appearance, nor that that is occurring elsewhere, for anyone. @Someone here Even occam’s razor would dictate there is only you and no occam’s razor.
  11. @WHO IS @Someone here Seems like you’re on an earth, in a universe, moving, talking, walking around, etc. How do you know you aren’t actually everything else...everything but ’you’...thus making it appear there is a ‘you’, which is moving, talking, walking around, etc? Every single thing you could check, would be more of that which is fooling yourself of the inversion. The more proof obtained, the more deluded you’d be. As a thought arises in response to this, even that - is what’s being pointed to here...and not even.
  12. @zeroISinfinity ? ”White holes”... a term likely coined by a caucasian. Love you best man.
  13. @James123 Funny how black holes, from the ‘inside’, are referred to as ‘the singularity’, no?
  14. Oh, you wanna dance ’buddy’?...let’s tango Cranky because of that forgiveness video. Aftershocks of bringing on surface worst in me. Such appreciation for Leo, impossible, but he’s done it yet again. Purification is divine, finally letting judgement go, not fooled by thought clingery this time. Will do things I like, that feel good to me. Magician I am, Will a laugh at my nonsensical ‘self’, I will. Yeah it is but she doesn't drink it and I feel like shit every time I drink it now. Because I want to cut that addiction but I am unable too. Then I will have zero addictions what kind of life is that. Quit & addiction are thoughts owned by a fool. Living in time, patience & love rule, tortoise always wins in the end. Love is first, last, everything. Yeah it's true. I am freakin G and having hard time with it still can't accept it. Unacceptable, unbelievable, unthinkable, unimaginable. You are within G, G is within you. Loop or circle, you are that choice. Yeah but I am all alone where is fun in knowing that. Lots of people find problems with love, so I call them my relatives. Love is love, not a single thought more or less, as all thought is dual and carries it’s catch. Where I would choose to drink coffee (but hope she never finds out) in some coffee shop in Eugene with my best man. Long way to go It is already done. I am sipping the coffee loudly & obnoxiously, telling her how delicious it is. Dreamboard is no joke. You are this. Believe in yourself. Feeling is the authority. Impermanence comes and goes. Comes & goes are thoughts. Yeah I do, feeling perfect and complete but not happy and sad af because that's not how I see people feel or experience. But that's just me I guess. Hung the sword, washed the earth clean, gave your own son - still you persist in judgement. Feeling is the only king. You’ve no chance. Give up the fight to win. My commie best man. Everyday is holiday not just christmas, easter, new year's eve etc. Tonight ‘I will sleep’, tomorrow I will remember you for the first time, and I will smile.
  15. @Evil Raccoon Meh. I simply recognize you, that’s all. I see your zen power. Your true nature of generosity & reciprocity, giving, loving, empowering, healing, sharing, charitable & selflessness, sincerity, humility, and inclusion. I see when a thought doesn’t feel good for you, you wisely choose it’s opposite, thus exercising the influence of the force. I know there is no match for that, so I just don’t attempt to win.
  16. @Evil Raccoon Your preference is essentially for entitlement & payback, getting yours, for harming people, taking from people, minimizing people, hurting people, having more than other people, positioning yourself as better than other people, and rationalizing, reinforcing & justifying this, by using like minded people for your own gains. Maybe the opposite is true though, hard to say. Your life & choices say it, and I don’t know anything about you.
  17. I am cranky, and I’m seeing why...I’m seeing The New. Coffee is awesome, change is easy, I am free. I know what I want, the nature of twoness, of thought, will always be sneaky, because it is for creating & I am a powerful creator. I want to do what I want, what feels good to me, it is clear, it is perfect, knowing this is wonderful. If I could choose - I would choose that I am free to choose, every time. Were it possible, I’d experience without becoming it, without forgetting myself. I am ok right now, I’m laughing about the facade of time & age right now, I live in peace right now - I appreciate the set up which makes it so.....every morning is Christmas, every day a gift.
  18. You can blame the music for preventing growth, and you can realize the music is giving it to you in your transcendence of perspectives. Maybe you want inspiring music. Maybe this is nice to know about oneself. Realizing one doesn’t relate any longer to the old, is the discovery of the new. Music is itself untouchable unseeable transcendence. Every note, every word sung, is this.
  19. That beautiful change in perspective from wanting everyone else to know how bad it is to making it good.
  20. @SamueLSD Counter-logical perhaps. Intuition says there’s no such thing as ‘negative feeling’ as it’s source is of course infinite love. I believe in practices, meditation, inspection work, etc...but the most profound ‘practice’ I’ve experienced, is a few days for me. Just regular ol’ ‘peopling stuff’, activities that I simply prefer. Good feeling to me, stuff. I know people who ‘push through’ their whole damn life, never knowing, never feeling, intrinsic inspiration, the arising of pure love & magic within.
  21. Notice I said it’s a belief about yourself that you can inspect & ‘see through’, and you’re telling me I said something else...that’s it’s illusory, that it’s not real etc. This is attempting to control me via spinning what I’m saying to be your narrative. It’s just not, sorry. When you attempt to control, you isolate yourself via the perspective of separate selves. Rather than humbly inspect this behavior, you’ve labelled the feeling. But the feeling is your savior, your guidance, your very lifeline of love. When you are willing to listen, you begin to liberate moving beyond this stage. When you pretend not to hear what someone says, and instead tell them what they said - you’re reinforcing your belief, which doesn’t even feel good to you. It is understandably difficult for you to talk to someone who sees the belief for what it is, and simple says, no thank you. I feel for you, and offered some words & sentiment in hopes it helped you consider a different perspective. I hear you clearly, that you are not interested. That’s ok, no worries. If you change your mind and want to talk together, just let me know. Yes, definitely inspect & understand it. Don’t ignore what’s going on with you. Remove the label, and see what’s really going on. Ego is a write off. I don’t believe you’ll progress talking about it. It’s popular, it’s widely supported, but it’s a label. Yes, I’m aware this is not “the normal way of seeing such matters”. Labels are like hoods of cars. Look under them to see what’s really going on. Be willing to ‘get dirty’, be willing to feel. Sometimes “freaking out” is someone expressing some pent up emotions. It can be healing, releasing. Also, sometimes it’s not. Especially when directed at another. I’d choose freaking out and feeling the love that I am, over calmly suffering any given day. “Mental addiction” is a covering label. It covers the simplicity up, of one thinking to avoid feeling. Love is labelled, feeling is avoided, “fear” “addiction” “depersonalization”, etc, are the labels. It’s innocent, it’s truly not your fault. Literally. You can not be expected to understand what you do not understand. But your can inspect what you do not understand, but this requires your acknowledgement within yourself - that you don’t presently understand. I hope you can hear that through any arising deflections or reassertion of existing perspectives & beliefs. You’d have to at least consider, that I’m sitting here loving you, not judging you or wanting to be right about this conversation. I just want you to know your self, the love that you really are, and feel the peace and happiness that is present. Notice the world of healthcare at large is driven by money, not helping anyone. People intrinsically want to help each other, but that their income - that help - is funded, are so they are captive. I am not. I can tell you what I feel to be the truth, and I don’t give a fuck what anyone says. Sometimes of course, I’m wrong af. So it’s always in any case, up to you to ‘save yourself’. You have to flip that script for yourself. Put your well being above all. Wanting a better life is fine, great, Awesome - no problem. Allow no thing or thought to hold you back. One of the most common themes around is the shifting of the fear of living to one’s fullest potential, being open & loving in relationships, being humble, being exactly at everyone else’s level, simply enjoying the experience, and realizing one’s dreams... - matters of the existential, hiding oneself away by literally believing one is right, and above others in any way. When one isn’t seeing this, one employs many labels, and tells others what they said. Consider, for one who listens - there is no need to tell anyone what they said. No, I’m telling you - that you are telling a story about yourself, your life, this world...and you are experiencing that story. When you choose to be humble, open minded - and tell a new story - you’ll see that you experience that story. It’s fucking amazing, but you gotta see it for yourself. This means experiencing some karma. Misunderstanding is let go, it empties out, and understanding can arise, and fill you up. Understanding = love. Gotta see that for yourself though. Thought’s about it won’t do. That’s highly arguable. In one way, yes, of course, obviously. In another way, if we had some conversation together, you experience the difference between our views on things. This presents you with new options, of new ways of looking at things. The choice in all cases, is always up to you. Please keep in mind, ‘how I am’, ‘how I feel’, ‘where I’m coming from with what is said here’ - 100% projection. That is not to say it’s fault, or something you’re doing. Reading these words, in comparison to seeing each other, hearing each other... these are two very very different experiences. I am happy to chat anytime, but I have no interest in any ‘going back & fourth’ with words on a page, because it doesn’t really help you, other than baring the potential of your choosing something new, something different, to heal, to love, to let go, to ‘see’ anew. I know how that is. I did it too. It’s a ‘can’t win’ game man. Gots to love you. For what it’s worth, a place is uncovered within, where you’ve let quite a bit go, and you, in hindsight - can actually love & laugh about this. No offense, that likely ain’t gonna be today, but that day can come. It’s a tricky thing - you can never ‘get there’, but it can come to you, if you let it. Here we can see that we can see things from ‘each others’ point of view. You are kind, loving, understanding, forgiving, accepting, and an all around solidly good & well intending person. You want nothing more than to be the living expression of the true love that you are. We are exactly the same.