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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @StarStruck “My intellectualization” is one thought. One thought, repeatedly believed, a belief. It is like armor, or a protective mask which seems to hide judgment of this that he she it me etc. But it doesn’t. The discord of judgement is felt every time the thought(s) is focused upon. Your discord isn’t someone else’s problem. This is not possible because ‘problem’ is no more than one thought you as awareness experiences. Intellectual, judgement, and problem, are beliefs. The root belief so to speak, is value. Entwined with the belief, ‘identity’. The last person in the whole world one should manipulate imo, is their therapist. Kudo’s for seeing one though. Many don’t get that far so to speak, in letting go. There is nothing wrong with you. Therein, there is nothing which stands to be beneficial from ‘someone understanding you’. It amounts to “agree with what is discordant for me”, which equals not letting it (whatever is discordant) go. Source already and has always understood you. That is all which could ever truly be said to be needed. Already. Two cents… next therapist you see, don’t walk out with that belief. Committ to not leaving there without having emptied entirely of that discord.
  2. Un-secrecy, un-suppression, un-value, un-purpose, un-meaning = un-shame for the human win.
  3. You have to believe the very first thought (in separation), to then believe the “outcome” “true result” “right”. Imagine what you’re describing is seen in a movie. All of it would therefore not be actual, but of the movie. Similarly, thoughts. If you typed your op word for word backwards, it’s equally as true, or right. See the ‘depth’ of justification?
  4. I’d put how you feel right now, and how and what you are consciously creating right now, first. Sounds like your life purpose has become a condition, a contingency, upon this right now happiness. Sounds like it is also being used to create discord with your family, whereas without that pressure expression & communication might be easier, and feel more readily available, less triggering. “I’ll be happier when…”. That when never comes. Thoughts about feeling in a future are false. Feeling is always & only ever now. All thoughts about, arise only ever, now. Happiness is always now. Clarity (in regard to what you want to create) therein. I’ll be happy once I attain x, y, or z. Don’t let your whole life go by in that concept. What you want can simply be, what you want. You can have it, be it and experience it, without any unneeded pressure upon yourself of a purpose.
  5. You’re missing that your expression in response to her asking about how you feel is what is groundbreaking for you experientially. Expressing has brought up a deeper belief, about woman, and the belief in “problems”, which resolves in feeling, or, understanding the emotions ‘behind’ the continued holding of the beliefs. This is being projected onto her, and really onto woman in general. Notice the conflict in perspectives, you could solve your problems too, and you can definitely let go of the perspective there are problems too. Problems & solutions are thoughts. Thought does not resolve thought such that the result is feeling better. That is rumination. Emotional expression does. I’d look for a therapist who can help you see the conflicting perspectives more clearly, and who can help you to express more deeply & understand the emotions. (Not go round & round with you in thought(s)).
  6. This is belief, that there is a you or ‘separate self’ in the body, which could leave the body. Again, I’m not against psychedelics, but this is a belief, the activity of thought. I’m all for responsible breakthroughs trips, but the thought activity will resume until meditatively addressed. If there were a magic pill, I’d (and many, many other people so to speak) be handing it out all day everyday. As well, nothing taken personally I hope.
  7. @BipolarGrowth I don’t think you mean to, and I think it’s a yet seen having bought into authority & conjecture therein, but you’re kind of (dangerously imo) glorifying the falsity of awakening”s” primarily via the conjecture / belief in “levels”. (Not in regard to you if you will, but generally speaking…) It is not a triumph or achievement to do such little introspection & honest expression, that one requires ‘hundreds of awakenings’. This is misinformation in regard to awakening, as these are substance experiences, which do not increase “one’s levels”, “baseline consciousness”, or “add up” to being anything other than aversion, thought attachment, or, monkey mind (as in you are not your thoughts / you are not a monkey). Of course, this is just an observation & opinion. Nothing personal meant whatsoever. In this view if you will, this is all unchecked ambition brought into spirituality as if there were a competition or something. Much love for ya here & I hope you know & feel that as Well.
  8. @ZenSwift Understood. I can only suggest consideration it’s not about death or conjectures of conceptualization of death in the first place, and this is stuff you heard and seem to semi-believe, and plan to find out about, and that in truth it is aversion from regular aspects of life in the Maslow’s pyramid sense. But with respect, sincerely, you do you and I wish you well and safe travels.
  9. Truth. Conceptualization. (Self referential thoughts aren’t true). To get off the ‘roller coaster’ of self conceptualization, the emotional scale. Let go of ‘makes me’.
  10. It’s not quite that ‘life is suffering’, it’s the initial acknowledgement that there is suffering. The ‘cycle’ is not actual, it is conceptual. Cessation is the end of suffering. Cessation can not be thought / thought about, which is indicative of nothing. Even if someone said the most perfect words, it would still be amiss on your part to believe the concepts arising ‘in’ you, vs tasing the actuality for yourself so to speak. Also, boredom is an emotion, if you will, a human emotion. Process is a concept, a human concept. Cessation is the actual end of suffering, the actual ‘taste’ if you will, or enlightenment. Cessation is not an experience, nor awakening experience(s), nor the thought activity of states, levels, etc. Cessation can be pointed to but not actually communicated with words. Meditation. Expression. Understanding emotions. Careful not to immediately assign that to Nahm. The website (and videos) were created only after cessation. No money is made. Nothing is gained. There is no ‘ask’ at all. Cessation is the entire inspiration, and the entire point of the sharing. Of course, with respect, as this is received it amounts only to some dude’s opinion, and that is really the beauty of ‘it’. There is enlightenment, there just aren’t any enlightened people.
  11. Doubt is an emotion. It’s not applicable to what you’re hearing, only to what you’re thinking. If value & slavery doesn’t resonate with you, you can choose to think differently. Acknowledge that in this way of thinking you do end up experiencing disappointment & overwelment. Don’t suppress it, that is how you ‘keep yourself down’. Lift yourself instead. Not true. You can deceive and manipulate and make lots of money very quickly. There are countless stories of those who have done so available online. Also, the outcomes of having done so. By acknowledging and honoring the guidance you are receiving, emotions, in regard to those beliefs. Feels discordant, because it isn’t true about you at all. Seems paradoxical, because it’s a matter of humility, bringing yourself down a peg so to speak. Opening your mind up to the possibility that, you are not right. Just believing discordant thoughts, and choosing to ‘be right’ over how you feel. By embracing & understanding emotions and the guidance for creating therein. You have more than enough energy. Opportunities come to those with resonating attitudes. You can be humble and open minded. You also don’t have to remain ignorant in regard to what you are feeling. People who did precisely what you are inquiring, in one way or another did just that. They ‘got out of their own way’. By ‘reaching’ for more aligned (better feeling) perspectives. What has been done before has not been done by you. What has been done before actually, only, creates more opportunity for you to do what you want to do. Consider, why in the world would a perspective which feels terrible, be believed to be accurate or true at all? There must be some misunderstanding at play. Hopefully it will, and you get a phat buyout check. Also, a creator would have learned, and would create another. But you’re ruminating and putting the cart before the horse here, and it is self defeating and feels as such. You’ll then know just what you want to do next.
  12. @Amannl3in You can do whatever, already. You have been doing whatever all along. You’re doing whatever right now. Discord & alignment is felt. It applies now. Has nothing to do with anything other than, what you’re thinking. If you think discord is because of others, that is what you’re thinking. If you think it’s because you’re not enlightened, that is what you’re thinking. If you think you’d have to have no desires, that is what you’re thinking. If you think your parents pride matters, that is what you’re thinking. If you think you have to make an effort, that is what you’re thinking. Friends, job and a family is what you want. Therein, that is what feels good to you to focus on. When doubt arises, you believe it’s about you and or them, while it’s an emotion you experience. Doubt comes & goes. You do not. Ignorance comes and goes, you do not. Emotion is guidance, as to what you’re thinkin, what you’re believing, what you’re focusing on. Guidance is of creator-creating-creation. You’re creating, always, effortlessly, intrinsically. And this you are always feeling.
  13. @Amannl3in You don’t have to. You get to. Always up to you. Consider, mind filled with problem perspective - where oh where can solutions arise? See this in direct experience. Fill a cup with water. To the brim. Then add more water, and see what’s happening. What is is what is. Averting helps not. What will be however, that is in your hands. It feels much better to express that you are frustrated, than to hang around in overwhelment. The Immutable Laws. You experience. Preference arises. Focus on wanted. It will be. This will repeat, again & again. Dreamboard makes this incredibly obvious and lovingly effortless.
  14. Not found anywhere in the tools. Maybe underestimated those in dian’s and there particularity with the tools.
  15. @Zeroguy
  16. @Amannl3in Follow up questions for clarity are allowed. In short, let go of the mental constructs you’ve already innocently adopted & adheared to. Vs trying to ‘figure out how to solve the discord’. If you don’t wanna look deeper into anything you’re experiencing though, that’s ok. That’s private.
  17. Both, for the path of least resistance win. ?? Teachers teach limitations & shortcomings,a new how to fix. Nothing is cessation, and so like a mirror, limitations and shortcomings are quickly realized to be conditioning, beliefs. Inoo. @tlowedajuicemayne Feel the resonating or not, of sincerity, listen there in, but never follow.
  18. Unconditional. Even “God” is going way, way, way to far. Let alone all the thought stories, falsities, misunderstandings and conjectures which then ensue (discord). Let go to get back (alignment). A change in churches and therein faith was witnessed in this lifetime. Churches were about communion, about your knowing and feeling of unconditional love, and the joy of the unfolding of your understanding in this communion. But alas, man can be greedy via thought attachment, or “self” centered thoughts, and church was essentially infected with human ambition, on the pillars of; meaning, purpose, and value. And it seems to have become more of growing a business than about anyone else. Three cups rockin, peanut long been lost. And of course, isn’t working, as in, ‘numbers’ are down.
  19. The addiction is to thoughts. Thoughts which don’t feel good, to you. Aversion, avoidance of understanding the emotions you’re experiencing often sounds like “something is wrong with me”. You’re constantly focusing on the discord of the thought. You can’t ‘fix a yourself’ because there isn’t a you & a yourself. You could fix a door, as there’s you & a door so to speak, but there is not a you and a yourself. Yourself is already perfect. It’s discordant beliefs which feel, discordant. (Not ‘something which is wrong with you’) You can let discordant beliefs go, because you can pick how you feel over what you think, and focus on aligned feeling thoughts accordingly. Emotional misinterpretation diminishes the experience of focus. In communion focus in more than ample. It’s miraculous really. Literal magic. You’re not numb, you’re attributing the discord in feeling to other than what you’re thinkin, and how you’re thinkin. When you choose to start changing that, you start realizing you’ve never been numb, just transitioning from suppressing to expressing emotions. Suppression is narcissism’s bread & butter of control. Let the past be actual, passed, gone, not present. Let how you feel now be related to how you’re thinkin, now and clarity & focus ensue. Momentum builds. This is all because what you actually want, is to feel amazing everyday. You can. We all can. Come clean with yourself so to speak. Express. You’re not numb, you’re feeling the emotions on the lower end of the scale. Acknowledging this already feels better than suppressing this - and saying “I’m numb”. You’re not disassociating from anything but your own emotions, by claiming ‘numbness’. Narcissism is deep suffering my friend. Let them be them, and stop focusing on them so seriously. At all really. Attention only feeds their manipulating. That’s why they’re doing it. If you don’t feed them attention anymore… they resort to not suppressing anymore. Narcissism always involves two sets of rules to abide by, one for the narcissist, and another for everyone else. It’s projection of ignorance & suppression of fear, via control. It’s a lifestyle, and there is no length a narcissist won’t go to control. The narcissist attempts to control everyone & everything, as not to change any of ‘their rules’. Always yours. Thus a narcissist employs, utilizes… guilt, shame, belittling, demonizing, defamation, isolating you, etc, and essentially holds themself up as always ‘higher’ than everyone else, to control. You can notice this somewhat easily by noticing the conflict in what they say. One day x is true, next day x is not true. When you begin to express and understand emotions, you begin to see for yourself that how you are feeling is because of how you are thinking and what you are focusing on. Then, simultaneously, you realize this is true for every one. Then you see narcissism with compassion, you realize there is great suffering and great emotional aversion in their experience. You also see no one can help them with this. Only communion with source and acknowledging arrogance, vanity, pride, ambition, all ‘self’ serving mindsets etc. They’ll then seem to you like grown ups that never really grew up, and perpetuate this believing in fear, keeping it alive in their own experience by projecting it rather than understanding it, rather than refusing to acknowledge communion, refusing to stop manipulating themself by pedalstooling themself (self image thoughts addiction) and instead liberate via no longer defending a separate self, and instead expressing earnestly. That’s not really your problem because it isn’t your business. Let them work it out with source themself. There are lots of channels and videos on youtube about understanding narcissism. There is more than ample information of clarity available. Don’t ‘fix yourself’, educate yourself. Explore new perspectives & thoughts - which resonate - which are aligned. For clarity most specific to your situation… notice… without narcissists around - who’d be spreading the message of the existence of fear, and manipulating you such that there is something wrong with you that needs to be fixed or improved, and that they have or are the solution, etc. “Around” is contingent on you giving them your attention. It’s also an option, not to. Let that “message” point you straight to truth, to the love within. Feel & know the love that is, by feeling the discord with what you hear, what narcissists tell you to think. Wish them well, think, know, believe - they have a source they can commune with just like you. Bending the spoon is impossible. - The current way I live/ experience my life is not a life worth living Emotion will make the difference. - Nothing I do makes a meaningful change It is like vacuuming the floor, but with the vacuum plugged in now. Now, there is change. Same ‘motions’, just plugged in. ???
  20. Ideals are thought activity, conditions held. which settle in meditation. That’s the beauty of it. Even ideals can go.
  21. @How to be wise Happy New Year guys!