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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @VeganAwake OMG dude, wife & I just had to go in different rooms to stop laughing so hard at / with this gem. ??♥️
  2. @Espaim Write that money on your dream board and is it done, it is already appearing. Don’t think ‘how’, just notice it as it appears & buy the course. An investment in yourself is priceless. Saying this from a vantage point, not direct experience, but I’m highly confident there isn’t a human on this earth who could produce a better life purpose course than Leo.
  3. Determinism & no free will can not equal a you which works real hard.
  4. @JayG84 Ya, that’s kind of the mystique & beauty. That she belongs to no one, so to speak.
  5. This might take a bit to be seen, but in the same sense thoughts arose about something being impossible, and then thoughts arose about it being doable...thoughts arise about there being a doer, and thoughts can arise about there not even being a doer. A way to point to the difference...if one is thinking there is the thought “thinker”, similar to “doer”. If one is aware of thoughts can not in truth be said one is “doing the thinking”. This could result in a heightened love & enjoyment of the experience of music and ‘playing’ guitar, free of the thoughts of a “doer”, a “musician”, and achieving “perfection”. Again, also, for one, achieving ‘perfection’ of a craft could be what one finds most exhilarating. I’m just saying there’s an apparent spectrum, many ways of seeing things. I don’t know if Mozart was frustrated learning piano, or relished in the thrill and beauty of it. Probably had a lot to do with how he thought of himself as a musician, if he did think of himself as a musician, and if he even identified, or thought he was a separate self at all. This will sound nuts until you directly experience it a few times, so to speak. But, try alternating thinking and understanding. Imagine it’s like a space that only one can be in at a time. Same with learning a song or a part of a song on guitar. Again, let that marinade. Insights might ‘pop’ outta nowhere. Well, there’s no true meaning, though some concepts point to what is true. The term “drama” is (unless someone actually likes it or is using it in that manor) is inherently ‘false’. One could question, “what’s with this drama I’m experiencing?” And inevitably be without it for the duration. God damn it I’m just gonna say average person’s attention span is not even close to the three minutes a hit song fills. It’s not even ten seconds. Most people are not even actually listening to the words really. ? You can use this knowing of this to your advantage so to speak....”When I’m feelin stuck and need a buck I don’t rely on luck because - the hook brings you back”. This applies much broader than just to music. There’s seven billion people. You cold do just about anything and hundreds of people will dig it. Put your heart into it, and a million or more is highly likely. So you might, sometimes, be overthinking music, in terms of songwriting, and other facets as well. Most people go for three chords, a hook, and some truth. There are some who can appreciate ‘perfection’ in musicianship and or song writing. In either case, it’s all The Perfection. So enjoyment is king, as it is the ‘connection’, to the very Perfection (of our infinite being). The quicksand it getting lost in the matrix of thought. “Chasing meaning” works just as well there imo. Yes, there are no separate selves. It’s only apparent, implied. Don’t take my word for it though. ?
  6. @Gustav If there were levels of truth, that would imply one level is ‘truer’ than a previous level, making the previous level not the truth. That could go on for a while apparently. Be mindful of what you focus on, as reality is becoming accordingly.
  7. @JayG84 That didn’t really happen. It’s an example, like that song, pointing to the other end of the spectrum from seeking perfection. It says something about thought attachment and the average attention span Good for a musician to know, if you will. Things might be easier & more effortless than they initially appear.
  8. @Gustav Truth is peace of mind. Literally infinitely nothing happening.
  9. @4201 That’s awesome man. Yes, it ‘works’ like this...If you’re not getting the cosmic joke, then the joke is on you. (It’s funny because this is a dream and there is no you.)
  10. @JayG84 It is. In trying to perfect the catastrophe we seem to miss it is already the masterpiece. I remember this stage. I sprayed lighter fluid on my guitar, went outside, and smashed it on a tree. Can’t say I regret it, released a lot of pain, and saw through the drama, but the important thing is your realizing of the hook at play in this place, even now as you’re reading this it is. It’s quicksand for a creator like you, and all musicians know there are no musicians.
  11. Intelligence = consciousness = knowing = perfection. These can’t be created, realized, let alone found in music. Music is itself the imperfect expression of this. Music is where silence seeks itself, it’s where we look for this. The music itself is all we find, as music reminds us this can never be found, it is already this, a celebration of all of this. The work of doctors & lawyers is called a practice, in recognition there is no perfection in this place. There never will be. It already is. The beauty is that there is no beginning or end, and ‘in between’ is life & the art of living. Music says what silence can not, silence says what music can not. This is just how this is. What do you really want to say about this ‘middle’? Write it down. How does it really feel to you? Sadly minor & diminishing? Augmenting your way through the setbacks & sevenths? Realizing it is all major, and dominating as such? It’s all up to you.
  12. @Free Mind You are so deeply believing the thought that you need help to feel better & live the life you want, that you are missing it is actually only the thought which is not resonating with who you really are. Explore the practices of letting go... breath work, meditative walking, and writing about how you feel come to mind. Release, let it out. Have some good cry’s. It ‘washes yourself of yourself’. Understanding arises. See the obviousness in your own words. See that your perspective, your worries, are not accepted by the body, nor truth, nor the love that you really are. Let. It. Go. The greatest punchline ever told, is that everything has been fine the whole time. ? There is no value or use to you in prolonging this set up. On a more personal note, I’d watch Billy Elliot. See a human free himself. I’d also watch What Dreams May Come. See the difference the effortlessness of focus creates, when you point it at the thoughts that do resonate, that do feel good to you. That is how you create what you want, and the entire universe is waiting ever so patiently for you to choose to do so. See for yourself. No one else can do this for you, which is perfect, as again, there is no effort involved. The effort, is in the going against the grain, in denying to yourself you are designed to love, create, and have fun. Notice, you can not be both serious and sincere, and pick one, and do not waver. Notice there is quite literally no opposing force, no one stopping you. Take it slow, be patient with yourself, and for God’s sake, love yourself with everything you’ve got. You have no idea the miracles that will come of it. You will though. Believe in yourself, and you will see it with your own eyes.
  13. @Mjolnir I would review your meditation techniques, and look for a complete rethinking of what it is and what the intention of it is. I’d take everything you’re trying to solve and figure out, and begin noticing there is a theme to it, and it is bringing the past into the present, which is dulling the vision for the future. This moment is this moment. Awareness is awareness. Are you aware? Are you aware that you are aware? Do you see that there is no past here, but only thoughts arising about a past? Are you focusing on those thoughts? If so, this is what is meant by ‘identifying’. No thought about you can ever be true, because the shockingly simple truth is that you are the awareness, aware of the thoughts. You are always prior to the thoughts, never what they are about. What they are about, is creating, living, choosing what you want. Blow your environment up with the thoughts that feel good to you. Hang pictures, write on walls, Play that music the second you wake up everyday. Splash cold water on your face and go outside. See this world, appreciate it. It is all for you. Karma is a real ‘thing’, not one single person escapes the inevitable equanimity of who we really are. So let them go, give them to God. You be you now. Don’t think about feelings and emotions. Think about what you want to do, to experience, to create, to be. Think about what you like, and what you love. Express the love that you are to everything and everyone. Feeling will shine for you, through you, of you. You are this love Mjolnir. No thought about you is true. Just be you. The creator that you are. Create.
  14. I believe what you are on the brink of discovering is that all experience is relative to each person, and thought only comes in the one flavor, relative. You might imagine someone coming to earth from another planet. They’d need a suit and a spaceship of some sort to get here, to get into this place. But then they could leave that ship, and put down that suit, and explore the world, and more & more discover what they love, and who they really are. Those two tend to become one. If you don’t quite know what it is you love most yet, or what you want to do...consider making a dreamboard. Instead of a swirl of relativity ‘in your head’, your unique interests and desires are in front of you on the board. I can’t possibly overemphasize the difference the vantage point can make in clarity and life. I hope you can find some peace and comfort perhaps, in just acknowledging to yourself, ‘this is a stage, it’s natural, this is the part where I take off the suit, and see who I am, and what I want to do in this place’. You are not relative to you, clearly, imo, you came to create in your creation. And btw, your sincerity smells like roses. It’s refreshingly beautiful. Thanks for that. Godspeed.
  15. @WaveInTheOcean Great ‘work’! Enjoy! ♥️
  16. Honestly, I‘m not convinced anything I say is hard to understand. Yeah for sure dude, like, totally.