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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. Guy walks into a bar, bartender tells him about the highest perspective.
  2. @krockerman My experience is part of the whole. A drop in the ocean. The “fact” that I am looking at it. The claim is logical. Just doesn’t make sense.
  3. @krockerman I’m looking at it. That does appear logical. Doesn’t make any sense though.
  4. So you’re saying there is this “infinity” huh? What’s it like?
  5. This is a group project the three of you are working on? What exactly are you telling people about then? What’s the content, the actual words? That is the belief at play. That isn’t true at all, you believe it is. It justifies your ideologies. But feeling is saying, no, no sir. Wow. You you you. Ok. Maybe everyone else could have some too? Perhaps you could share? ? Seems like you’re claiming the whole damn experience imo. Well on your way to solipsism. You know, McDonalds says their food is good. Up to you though.
  6. @krockerman 1 + 1 is pretty logical, no? Not. Two.
  7. Subjectivity, the sneaky transparent lens.
  8. @krockerman You’re writing of nonduality with “logic”, and you don’t realize you’re doing it.
  9. @assx95 Nonduality, implying “not two”. So, is there a ‘you’ working toward ‘something’? Is there a ‘you’ which ‘took on ideologies’? Aren’t they as they appear - your own ? How could an ‘us’ experience not two? Ultimately, who’s belief is this climbing up stairs concept?
  10. @Rasheed Mind’s awakening to that there are no coincidences, this paradigm can be let go that a new more expansive than coincidences paradigm is known.
  11. Religion is so good at weeding out the ego, that it doesn’t even realize it’s believing in “religion”. Impressive, imo.
  12. @Raptorsin7 Hard to hold those beliefs while sleeping?
  13. The most common alternative in this world appears to be staring at a television.
  14. @Eren Eeager Spirituality points to what is appearing to be morality.
  15. @Chumbimba Read a bit online about the difference between pain & suffering. That misunderstanding is the problem. “Letting go of our suffering is the hardest thing we will ever do”. The Buddha
  16. @Kalki Avatar Beautiful. @Chumbimba Keep letting go. That’s how you ‘ground in reality’.
  17. @Marten That’s the ‘stuff’! Excellent share, thank you! ?