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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. That’s lovely. I’m not saying don’t do that, but if you want you can notice you’re doing that as an answer or remedy for the very suffering you’re denying. That would require self honestly in seeing that you are suffering, that there is ‘that which being in nature’ is the solution to. In truth there is no such thing as not your true nature. ‘That’ is you. You’re believing you’re the one who goes out into nature and puts his / her mind at ease, the individual separate human self, and all of ‘that’ is “this other thing”. There is a stage where one fools oneself in such manors, and there is a stage where one inspects the actuality of suffering, and of “things” & “that”. The suffering is attachment to thoughts, while you blame the state of the world not realizing your illusion, by not inspecting the nature of thoughts. Because you believe those things exist, you believe the suffering is at the fault of those things. This is a stage of avoidance of inspection of the truth. Try to notice the deep seated belief that someone else could, should or would prove to you that we are all one. See the shortcoming in that logic. If “we are all one”, you are that one, and thus there is no one else which could prove this to you. Inspect or don’t, always up to you because you are creating your reality. Sure, but that’s not actual. It’s awareness completely duped by the “if” of the finite mind. The actuality is the sun’s temperature is perfect, thanks to you. But you have no idea of this at all, which is in some ways very funny. There’s no argument, you misunderstand, assume & project that there is someone else present here arguing with a you. That’s a belief, which you are creating as you go, without inspecting and realizing you are. You are creating “this”. Not a “my consciousness”. There’s no such thing as consciousness. See if you can notice the opposite perspective is equally true, by noticing the defense of an idea / concept, which isn’t a thing to begin with, and thus can’t even actually be defended. Because it’s not actually a thing, it can not be random or orderly. Try to notice the “stuckness”. Random and orderly are thoughts. One can not think perception, any more than one can perceive thought.
  2. You know by not knowing, yet the not knowing is the knowing. Literally, what is consciousness or higher realms, or encountering lower consciousness perspectives, or a lower self. One might begin to surrender shades of megalomania, or simply put, self judgment. Sounds a bit like a materialist separatist mindset of believing in states and individuals.
  3. The 5meo of tear jerkers...
  4. @Raptorsin7 Well I’m just making shit up on the fly.
  5. @Jed Vassallo Please keep me in the loop when your book is done. I’d love to read it. Sounds right up my alley.
  6. Open mindedness isn’t changing beliefs, it’s no longer believing your thoughts, and inspecting as to what’s actually true. Open mindedness is a metaphysical term, not just psychological. Empty the cup of beliefs. It is presently jam packed full. When you’re talking about psychedelics, the mind, consciousness, subjective, objective, God, yourself, etc, you’re talking about your beliefs. In not realizing this, you’re creating a sort of ‘master big picture belief’ about an ‘unimaginably infinitely complex objective reality that happened to produce beings of consciousness like us, but can not be known subjectively’. All of these beliefs only serve the single belief, that you are separate. All suffering arises from that one belief. All limitations appearing across all facets of your life arise from that one single belief. Everything you’ve talked about in this thread can be known and understood completely, but it’s all in the actual inspection of the screen and projector, so to speak, not the movie. It’s the most worthwhile endeavor, and requires actual open mindedness, inspection, and self honesty regarding beliefs. You could start with the belief that experience is in parts, which could be ‘random’ or ‘in order’. Or just ignore what’s said here. That’s the real beauty of experience, you’re creating it, so it’s always up to you.
  7. Don’t believe thought stories about awakening & chasing enlightenment. Love is The Truth and is always present, now. (1) If when you talk about yourself and or your life, it’s “depression, anxiety, anger, self doubt, frustration, worry, boredom, jealousy, blame, resentment, overwhelment, insecurity, guilt, shame, fear, despair, disappointment, dissatisfaction”, etc. And (2) When you talk about enlightenment, it’s “real happiness”, “the answer to my problems”, “when I’ll be happy”, etc. Your main belief at play is that there are two. Number 1 has no truth to it at all, zero, and that’s why it feels terrible. Stop repeating that story, or you’ll continue creating suffering. Don’t analyze it, don’t figure it out, don’t give thoughts about it attention at all. It’s dilutive of feeling to continue focusing on what doesn’t feel good, while expecting to feel good. Number 2 is the truth, which is you, and that’s why it feels wonderful. Stop repeating the story about it being some other thing in the future, or a thing to figure out, or a thing someone else could or does have... or you’ll continue creating suffering. Don’t think about it, don’t strategize about it - relax, feel the body, breathe from the stomach. Be present in seeing, hearing, breathing and feeling. When you’re complaining that you feel is that you are complaining, which feels terrible. The attitude of “I don’t feel good enough”, is why you don’t feel good enough. The perspective that “your life sucks” is why the experience of your life sucks. By the time you’re speaking such, you’ve already believed & repeated thoughts about yourself & life which are not objectively true, but seem true subjectively to “you”. Speaking it reinforces and recreates it. Meditation every morning is great for relaxation and allowing reactional living via attachment to thoughts & retelling the same story of unwanted, to dissipate. Instead of believing the thought narratives about yourself, others, the past or future, remain present with feeling & breathe, and release emotion. Don’t believe any thought story about releasing emotion, it has nothing to do with thinking. Get out of the way so to speak, so the body can release. Don’t think & talk about how. Silence is most honest & clear. There’s nothing for “you” to do. There is only for “you” to do less - to stop talking about yourself & your life in ways that don’t feel good, and are not aligned with what you want. When “you” do, or rather - when You no longer do...happiness & love is very obviously ever present. “It” always was - You always are. Yoga is very good for breath-work and the allowing of releasing emotion from the body. Neglecting the body as such, is suppressing emotion, and insures over activity of the mind in a million and one attempts of thinking, to feel better. Feeling can not be thought. Feeling is guidance about thought. Thought is for creating the life you actually want, and contributing to the general well being of this place. Don’t continue poking yourself in the eye with it, use it properly, in it’s proper place of creation creating.
  8. @Raptorsin7 (1) When you talk about yourself, it’s “depression, my life’s so bad”, etc. And When you talk about enlightenment, it’s “real happiness”, etc. (2) Your main belief is that there are two. Number 1 has no truth to it at all, zero, and that’s why it feels terrible. Stop repeating that story, or you’ll continue creating suffering. Don’t analyze it, don’t figure it out, don’t give it attention at all. It’s delusional. Number 2 is the truth, which is you, and that’s why it feels wonderful. Stop repeating that story about it being some other thing, or you’ll continue suffering. Don’t think about it, don’t strategize about it - relax, feel the body, breathe from the stomach. When you’re complaining that you feel is that you are complaining, which feels terrible. The attitude of “i don’t feel good enough”, is why you don’t feel good enough. By the time you’re speaking, you’ve already believed things about yourself which are not true. Things about being not good enough, unworthy, etc. Speaking it reinforces and recreates it. Meditation every morning is great for transcending reactional living via attachment to thoughts. Instead of believing the thought narratives about yourself, release emotion. Don’t believe any thought story about releasing emotion, it has nothing to do with thinking. Get out of the way so to speak, so the body can. Don’t think & talk about how. Silence is most honest & clear. There’s nothing for “you” to do. There is only for “you” to do less - to stop talking about yourself & your life and those who love you and care about you in ways which does not resonate with your being. When you do, or rather - when you no longer do...happiness & love is very obviously ever present. Always was. Yoga is very good for breath-work and the allowing of releasing emotion from the body.
  9. @AlwaysBeNice I mean there’s no religion.
  10. The self help stuff you mentioned. You said it ‘worked’. Take a minute to remember what you did, and implement it again. That’s a way to go about things, if you need a way to go about things. But there isn’t anything you need to do to feel better at all. You’re believing there is, because you have beliefs about yourself which aren’t true, and therefore don’t feel good. Reality’s an unconditional mirror. You’re getting what you are wanting, and feeling how you are wanting to. It’s always up to you. There are no laws, nobody else has a hand in it. When you’re ready to let bogus beliefs about yourself go, you will. When you’re ready to stop being afraid, or to address your fears, you will.
  11. Yes, in the sense it feels good. Do that. (Lovingly drops a Hoosiers call back)
  12. @Galyna Meditation quiets the activity of the mind, and leads to the “permanent state” referred to as no-mind, samadhi, and satori. I use quotes on “permanent state”, because it is not a state at all, it is who you literally actually are, an infinite being, unconditional love. Maya, is the believing of thoughts, which perpetuates the delusion of believing this place is physical and you are a separate physical person in it. The experience of no-mind is not an experience at all, it is that of pure silence, absolute love & bodily sensations of bliss, all day, everyday. There is no such thing as “body”, nor “days”. There is only infinite bliss. Thought is the activity of consciousness, which is infinite love appearing as thoughts. As such, consciousness appears to veil itself, like clouds appear to veil the emptiness of the sky.
  13. Had sessions with someone who said that too, almost word for word. He’s a park ranger / tree marker in Oregon now, and he’s one of the happiest people on this planet. Apparently.
  14. Feeling calmer and more clear isn’t enough for you? Infinite Being is calm and clear. That is what “you’re” seeking. You felt Infinite Being. Drop your entitled attitude and selfish expectations. I love, that’s why I say this. Not trying to make you feel bad, trying to wake you, snap you out of this shitheadedness. NO - you’ll just feel better and better the more you do so. There’s no “click”. Feeling better not enough for “you”? Again, I love. (Slaps face) Do whatever feels good to - but for the love of God stop believing thoughts like “I’m at the end of my ropes”. Wake. Up. Dude. You don’t have to believe thoughts just because they arise. Monks have lit themselves on fire without flinching, and you’re “at the end of you ropes here”. What the fuck are you even thinking my man? Wake up! Again, I love. (Dumps bucket of cold water on you) Seriously. I can’t even. Just, no. With love my friend, so what. Man up. Stop whining. (With an odd and risky love I say this) This IS the dream - you’re free - you can do anything - and what you’re doing - is complaining! ? (♥️)
  15. @Chumbimba You wanted emotion purged from the body, and this is it. Don’t believe these narratives the mind throws out. Express how you feel. Write about it. Stay focused on feeling, and understanding feeling. Making it about anyone else only adds a layer of unnecessary turmoil & confusion. Write a short story about it. Write letters to people in your past. (Don’t mail em) Expression is the key. Be angry if you’re angry. Cry if you can, release. Talk to someone, anyone who is a decent listener, just so you can talk and express how you’re feeling. Emotional expression is like marbles jammed in a garden hose. Gotta let em flush out. The peace of mind and understanding is the water behind the marbles. It does arise. Don’t avoid feeling, go to feeling, explore it fully, understand it, breath into it, and breath it out. Breathing deeply from the stomach resets practically every system of the body. Stop listening to just one influence. That’s an error, doesn’t matter which person you picked. Imo Leo is arguably the most open minded guru around. No offense man, but, you gotta realize you and Leo are not in the same stratosphere as far as life, the path, perspectives, awakening, however you frame it up. Not saying anyone is better than you or ahead of you or anything like that at all, just saying be smart and put what you actually need for where you’re at in front of you. And don’t fall for your own bs. If you can type on this forum, you can “research” on YouTube. Take a minute to formulate what you feel you need, and search it on YouTube. My hunch is that you did not have a strong figure / male role model growing up, and are struggling with that. Don’t underestimate the fundamentals of yoga, meditation, etc. There’s good reason these practices have been around practically forever. If you don’t have someone to talk to, let me know. It seems you’re really struggling and I’m a bit concerned for you. If you’re interested in an easy going conversation with a normal mostly boring guy, let me know, pm me. Could talk tonight.
  16. Because there is a bogus (negative feeling) belief about yourself which is not yet recognized. The mind repeats it, analyzes it, scrutiny’s it a hundred different ways trying to bring about better feeling. This is fruitless, because the focus is still upon that which does not feel good. The only resolve is letting it go, over and over. Think of how critical Gordon Ramsey is about wether a dish makes it to the pass or not, wether it goes to the customers or not. You need to be that on point with nipping any thought which does not feel good to you in the bud, immediately choosing the opposite, better feeling perspective, and or doing things that you like, that feel good to you. Things as simple as going for a walk, which you should be doing multiple times a day, to get some air and clear out the mind. When you do, put all attention on seeing, hearing, breathing, and feeling. This indirectly takes focus off thinking. There’s nothing whatsoever for the mind to do. There’s nothing to solve. The overactivity of the mind is functioning preventatively to the body releasing old emotion. You can not ‘fall for’ the narrative, the thoughts, that the mind generates. You must focus on seeing, hearing, feeling, breathing, and allow emotions to pour out. It will, don’t fall for believing any thought narrative when it does pour out. This is only about feeling & release. Thinking has zero to do with it, but will try to ‘get a hand in it’ every step of the way. Be strong with this intention, yet fluid and flexible, letting thought comes & pass. Focus elsewhere to do so. By what I mentioned above. There are facets of identity / separate self still attached to, and those are the thoughts coming up. Do attempt to ‘change beliefs’, let them go. Beliefs never solve beliefs. Truth is the Remedy. Awareness is curative. There are however, oodles of thoughts about you which do point to the truth of you. You are loved, infinitely. You are capable of loving, infinitely - with no end, and no bottom. You are cable of loving yourself without end or limit, (though that doesn’t make sense linguistically), it is true. You are formless in truth, and thus, immeasurably flexible & fluid. You are perfect as you are, and you are absolutely innocent as you are. Not one single thing needs to change about you, you are absolutely perfect, as you are. You are not bound to any idea or plan whatsoever, you can change anything, and can do so in alignment with what feels good to you. You do not have to be, think, or feel as anyone else suggests. You do not have to have concern whatsoever for what anyone thinks or says about you. You are a living breathing limitless potentiality. The worries of this day, or this stage do not define you, and will pass. You will feel your potential, as you let go of focusing on things (and thoughts are things) which do not feel good to you. You are taking the profoundly beautiful message of the dream, and honing in on the emotional variance, rather than the content, or getting the message. The dream tells you life is awesome and amazing. You’re ‘telling the dream’ how terrible your life is. Stop volleying with God, you will not win. Let the shithead perspectives about you and your life go. None of it is true, none of it is in the direction of Truth. Sorry for that language you know I love you. Yes. Don’t think about this. Don’t poo poo it. Just do it without thinking. Keep a dream journal next to your bed. When you wake up, write the nuts and bolts of the dream down - and then drop it completely. Don’t give it a second thought. Then, later in the day, when the emotional response to the message of the dream has fully calmed, and you are clear headed...then go to the dream journal, and read what you wrote down - without projecting emotionally on it. Hold the perspective in mind... “The dream is saying - this - (whatever the content points to) is ok - everything is ok! Stop worrying about this!” Don’t “analyze it”. Take it like a message from a 5 years old. Be lighthearted and innocent enough to hear it. We don’t sleep. Sorry if that sounds shocking at all but it’s true. Sleep is a facade, completely illusory. The dreams are not happening during the night ‘while you’re sleeping’ - they are the product of infinite being, perfect peace, Oneness - reappearing as ‘you’. When you wake up, notice you are immediately ‘coloring’ or projecting onto the message of the dream. You need to do a complete 180 on that and listen to it. The ‘dream’ is occurring as you are waking up. A simple way to say it - you’re going from perfect peace - to resuming all your bogus beliefs, and you don’t like how it feels, so you’re projecting it as “my life sucks”. No, it doesn’t. You’re just hyper aware of how terrible the beliefs feel. Let them go. Your life is awesome, even if you can not see it right now, it is. You’re awesome, even if you can’t see this right now, you are. You’re simply getting and experiencing more of what you’re focusing on. Many years of repetition of negative self beliefs have a momentum, and have distorted your experience of this place. Stop expecting immediate results, you need to feel one thought at a time, and choose to reverse this. Feeling will never align with thoughts. You tried like a champ, and it clearly ain’t gonna ever work. Start aligning thought, with feeling. Do tons of good feeling, relaxation oriented activities. Meditation, yoga, exercise, clean eating, clean reading, etc. If I may - lighten the fuck up and stop acting like anything serious is going on. It’s not, and that joke will always be on you. Don’t be a sucker, be sincere & lighthearted. Again - be flexible, you can change anything about your life - first though, relax, and let thought that don’t feel good to you go. Stop ‘falling for it’. While I’m preaching (sorry) - drop the narrative about “getting to happiness”, and psychedelics = “getting you there” / awakening, enlightenment, happiness. YOU ARE THAT. You ARE the happiness you’re looking for. I’m not saying don’t take them, I’m not saying do take them. I’m saying let the story that they will make you happy go. All that narrative is doing is reinforcing that “you’re not happy”, “that you need fixing”. It’s an immature narrative of avoidance perpetuating the sense of a separate self. All the clues you could ever need, are sensation. A perspective doesn’t feel good to you - drop it like it’s hot. You “don’t know what to do to feel better” - drop it. You don’t need to know, you don’t need to do anything. These are all stories the mind is spewing, which awareness is falling for. Just say outloud - “I don’t know, and that’s perfect”. Again, I love you, this community loves you. Stop dipping a toe on the slip & slide of thought which does not feel good to you. You put a pinky toe on it, and three days later you wake up in the ocean of it. Nip it at the bud. Master that, and you fully realize emotional mastery. There is never a problem with the world or who you - only, ever, and always - it’s a thought, which doesn’t feel good to you. The past is not a problem, the future is not a problem, who you are is not a problem - - - it’s the resistance, the contraction, the tension - and you can let it go.
  17. @krockerman Only logically speaking, which doesn’t makes sense. Try to make sense, as in, sensation. Use infinite logic, if you will. Create it, produce it.
  18. @assx95 What is believed to be a thing looked for is itself only a belief there are things, and one who looks, at things. Inspect. Look at a thing. Find the separation between the object, the seeing, and the knowing of the seeing. What separates these? You’ll notice thoughts arise, such as “things”, “objects”, “seeing”...notice the thoughts, and look for the separation between the knowing of the thoughts, and the thoughts. What separates these? Then consider dreams, and the knowing of them. Look for the separation. What separates them? What is the literal actual separation between the dream state, and the waking state, and the knowing of these? What separates these? You’ll notice thoughts arise, such as “I do”, “me”, “one is this”, “the other is this”. Notice the thoughts, and look for the separation between the knowing of thoughts, and the thoughts. What separates the knowing of the dream state, from the knowing of the waking state? Give consideration to perception. If you can not find separation between objects, seeing, and knowing, nor of the dream state, waking state, and the knowing - what is perception? Notice thoughts arise, and look for the separation between the thoughts and the knowing of. Then look for the separation between knowing, and the I, and the myself. What separates these from knowing?
  19. @OmniYoga Relativity. Side note, ‘your subconscious’ is telling ‘you’ reality is an unbound pure & free creation.