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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @DevOcean That’s awesome man! Yes, that’s the ‘default’, so to speak. Notice the thinking at play in framing the ‘safe’ space of therapy, and the ‘other than the safe space’. You are the safe space. Perhaps the the ‘standing of contrast’ is that of thought / belief, rather than feeling, which is the safe space ‘itself’, and knows no contrast.
  2. Not. Two. I doesn’t mean anything because I is a thought. What is not two can not think a thought, anymore than feel a feeling.
  3. @Amit I think the insights you might be looking for (op) are in noticing the usage of single & plural with the different facets you’re contemplating. That and you can’t have perception.
  4. @BipolarGrowth “...the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?” Daily morning meditation until you are no longer believing the content of arising thoughts. You’ll begin to see these things you’re talking about aren’t things at all. It initially seems like there are separate things, and meaning is a separate thing. There is less over activity of the mind via meditation, and the applying thoughts to perception is more readily seen, and seen through.
  5. Don’t hold your breath waiting for nonexistence man. That can go on for lifetimes.
  6. @Elton By loving them you heal yourself and see & close your gap. Ask @mandyjw about this. She’s mastered it really.
  7. @TheUniverseIsLove I started working full time when I was 13. Hard to say if this stuff went on in my childhood home or not. If you don’t like the channel, change it. The universe doesn’t want, it’s unconditional. That’s why you’re here. You’re all ‘it’ wants.
  8. @ivankiss ? @assx95 ‘Breathe purpose’, even. Meditation, every morning, without exception. Emotion arises, energy in the body to be released. Write about how you feel, now. Not about a past or future, a self or another. Take no thing for granted, nothing is hidden. Thoughts are things. The only trap is believing your own mind, which is not a thing, merely the claimer that there are things, and not even.
  9. @DrewNows If Zach De La Rocha forms another band that’d be a sweet name for it.
  10. @mandyjw Well everything’s funny now. Neat how the tradition of capitalizing the first letter in a sentence hides the usage of pronouns. Good you’re home btw. Beautiful ‘thing’. Individuation is funny.
  11. @mandyjw Just some ‘cheater’ who’s got it all backwards.
  12. That’s you playa. You are the pure Goodness this place is. The dreamscape is actual, yet all for playing.
  13. @Raptorsin7 And ideally lightening the mood there.