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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Vercingetorix That is conceptual solipsistic thinking from the perspective of separatism, and can be let go completely.
  2. @Vercingetorix Look around now. Notice without exception all of that is by your choice. You are where you are because of your choices. Every single thing there is by you choices. All of it appears as such that you are thinking, moving, doing, but you are not. You are attracting, and pretending. Creating a dreamboard is conscious creating.
  3. @Someone here You are waking up and it’s awesome. 1. Consciously breathing from the stomach. Don’t strive to “reach levels”, let go of those thoughts. 2. Be loving now. Don’t strive to “embody”. Let go of those thoughts. 3. Make a dreamboard, write everything you want on it. Let go of thoughts about what your life purpose should be. In those three, you’ll begin to experience synchronicity and all will be revealed.
  4. @EnlightenmentBlog There are not two. There is no one experiencing bliss.
  5. What appears relative never attains what is absolute. That is, no one becomes enlightened, because there is no one.
  6. @NorthNow “Why is consciousness being embodied in this organism right now?” It’s not. @Artaemis You’re amazing. Fun’s back on. ✊?
  7. @EnlightenmentBlog There are not two, there is not really even one in a thing or form sense, there is only formless infinite bliss. Apparently this bliss is believing it’s a “thing” among “things”, apart from itself, and that “it” is ‘skeptical’ and ‘ not sure’. Maybe a simpler pointing...if you = existence, and it seems there is form & multiple entities, but you knew ‘who’ you are, ‘knew the truth’...would you ever for a second be concerned or worry about anything? If so, what? Why?
  8. @Vercingetorix From what I can remember your list was pretty much what I did. Loa comes to mind, maybe as an extension of what you already covered in ‘understanding’.
  9. Think about and imagine what you want, how you want it to go, how you want to feel. Feel how the thoughts and imaginings feel, as you do. Listen to that guidance within you, of feeling, of sensation in the body. Feeling is ever present, guiding, wherever you go. It’s not “in a future”. It’s now.
  10. It’s a cover up, so this all appears to make sense to you. Like the Big Bang. Oh the irony.
  11. Sounds like you started actually living, which is awesome. Then mentally attached love-feeling, to a person. Thus, broke your own heart in the not having of that which you attached love to. It’s pretty much a right of passage, most people do this once or twice. Most don’t look into it like you are, good for you. The social anxiety is a similar experience. It’s not a disease you have, it’s dis-ease experienced, via how you you think about yourself. The experience likely includes how you think about how other people think about, you. Notice thoughts about yourself which don’t feel good - and keep it simple...don’t believe them or focus on them. Focus on a better feeling thought, notice feeling is ‘itself’ resonating or not with thought. You don’t need her, or your friends to be happiness. You get to self discover, be happiness, and experience (adventure) with whoever you want. In this same vein...just some guy’s advice here...Never believe there is “something wrong with you”. It will never be true, and it will never feel good. It acts as a veil, a cover up... “can’t possibly just be this thought / perspective I’m focused must be ‘wrong’ with me”. You’re awesome. That’s the ‘problem’, lol. You can’t focus on garbage of the mind, because you’re infinitely awesome. Similar to how oil doesn’t mix with water.
  12. Leo. You. God. Nonduality....not-two. There is the direct experience, self-awareness, ‘right now’, of one (not two).
  13. @DevOcean You might say the psychological investigation reveals why I am being the way that I am being. While the meta-inspection of direct experience reveals what I actually am, and why all appears as all appears.
  14. @DevOcean Arguably, the most common way, is that of meditation-relaxation, what you might refer to as being the safe space, first thing every morning. As you go about your day, notice any why’s & what happened, in regards to ‘ending up not in that space’. What you will find, and it takes experience / trial & that it is not what is perceived which ‘takes you out of the space’. By perceived, I mean it is not anything that happens, or anything anyone says, nor where you are or what environment you appear to be in. You’ll recognize it is the thought, the perspective, about perception. You might say, about what is perceived. Then you will see the effortless ‘power’ of simple focus on thought, on perspective. The true profundity of choice. Sensitivity is more known, more present, as more care is given to how you feel, in the focus of thought & perspective. Though it is quite unexplainable, you’ll experience that which ‘is perceived’, ‘reality itself’ aligning, with thought & perspective focused upon. Inevitably another ineffable “shift” occurs, a “shiftless shift” the realization there never was anything perceived. Simply the realization you have always been creating, effortlessly, and the “contrast” was always apparent, in the manor of, a parent. The guidance of the perceived world, becomes miraculously re-known in Truth - as feeling, sensation.
  15. You’re not depressed, nor hating on them, nor jealous. You’re misunderstanding yourself. “I am still depressed and unable to do anything” is a thought which simply does not jive with who you are, and what you’re capable of - and that is what feels terrible. You’re vibrant, and you can do anything. If you’ve ‘wandered off to the “wrong” side of the tracks’...flip the script by writing down the opposite thought, when thought arises that doesn’t feel good to you. Inevitably, better and better feeling arises, along with insights, visions and ideas, because you are a creator. Write those on your dreamboard. This place is unconditional, and is always appearing as your conditions. Pick them.