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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @TheUniverseIsLove Whats the only ‘thing’ you can’t remember? What’s the only ‘thing’ you can’t forget?
  2. @Dumuzzi Ya got a lot goin on there my man. Lot of projection, confusion, and accusation. Again, just asking questions about what you stated (op) no worries.
  3. @Chumbimba Can you see, even if initially or a little, that the feeling is in regard to the thoughts / perspective, rather than the content, or what the thought are about??
  4. @Dumuzzi No not at all, but thank you. Just asking questions about this thread you made. No worries if you’re not interested. Love you. @Aaron p Godspeed.
  5. The questions were about what you said previously & op. Why do you think I’m trying to find something? Why does structure and meaning come up? How is it there is something behind Oneness? How could I experience an it ? Why does that idea come up? Is that what you think is being said? Wouldn’t illusory imply there are no vibrations? If there are vibrations, would they still be illusory? Why would I think that? What is “everybody else”, other than the thought? ‘That’ is what was being pointed to. In what way is ‘it’ and “outside force”? How is it artificial? How is that different from the gods you mentioned? Are they illusory? Vibrational? Individuals? How you you fit into all this?
  6. @Raptorsin7 All of the time. Notice how you’re already ‘going into’ thought narrative about doing the practice, which is intended to focus on stomach breathing, relaxation, other-than-thinking.
  7. Focused away from stomach breathing, upon thinking... thought narrative about the practice itself is being believed. Then another about how this isn’t good enough for me, I can’t simply be myself, love myself, love my world, and do what I actually want to. That’s how much the stomach breathing meditation works! Soon enough, there is no longer the believing of that thought story, which is what doesn’t feel good. Life unfolds as the story you tell. You stand to change your entire perspective & attitude, and therefore life, by ‘doing’ nothing. The being you’re looking for, to feel better, is ‘doing’ the breathing. Not ‘you’. “Meet” Being at the breath. “Both” of you be conscious of it.”One” of you is actually just thoughts. “One” of you already is ‘that’ consciousness. Tell that story. Switch the theme from it’s definitely not this for sure no doubt this sucks, to, it actually literally is this. You could tell that story all day long. It’ll likely be a pleasant feeling of being conscious, aware, mindful. Stomach breathing meditation works. There is great emotional & tension release in realizing all the narratives one’s been believing and sharing.
  8. What’s separation & distinction, other than thoughts? What’s unity & oneness, other than thoughts? How does mind not equal consciousness, other than thoughts?
  9. What about the apparent dualities above. You becoming God, some thing that requires, I remind myself, some thing I can’t wait for... What’s that other than thought?
  10. How so? How is duality in mind? @Aaron p Where is duality other than in thoughts?
  11. Where did that (the entire explanation) actually occur?
  12. @NorthNow You’re story telling now. The one about the ego.
  13. @Dumuzzi @Aaron p Where is duality - other than thoughts?
  14. You’re believing there is ‘something which can be shed’, and calling that ‘something’, ‘the illusion’. If ‘something’ is an illusion, it can’t be ‘shed’, because it’s not actually ‘something’. Only a thought, a belief, then is created - that there is a you which could ‘shed’ ‘something’, which is ‘illusory’. Because there is the belief illusion is a thing which could be shed, there is a belief in a you which is shedding it. Upon those beliefs (something to shed & you), there is the belief In ‘how that shedding is going’, and thus the claiming which perpetuates the beliefs...”my” enlightenment. But there is no ‘you’ which could ‘become’ enlightened, nor is there a ‘you’ which could ‘shed’ a ‘thing’ which is illusory, and therefore not a ‘thing’ in the first place. Then there is a belief that if you understand enough concepts, the ‘you’ would ‘be more enlightened’. But all concepts are illusory, marked by the very word, noting you are conceiving ‘them’. Notice, ‘you’ ‘yourself’, are no more than an idea, and as such were ‘conceived’. In believing there is a separate you, there is the belief this ‘you’ could have ‘things’, which are also separate. One of those ‘things’, is “an ego”. ( “my” ego - my ‘thing’ that I have). There’s no ‘you’, in the sense, you are not a thing. Therefore there is no ‘ego’, as a ‘thing’ ‘you’ could ‘have’. It’s just beliefs. In the believing of so much non-sense (what doesn’t feel good), and the lack of inspecting the beliefs, another belief is created, that of the ‘my ego’ being ‘the one’ at fault. “My ego” being “unstable”...”even though I haven’t done any substances in almost a year”, as if that ‘you’ were a ‘thing’, which could ‘do’ ‘things’ like ‘substances’. “It’s” quite mentally stressing “ - what is “it”? Fifty pounds of circular beliefs. In an attempt to compensate for the false beliefs, another belief is created - that there is “complete awakening”... or...”my ordinary life”. “Ordinary life” is a belief, an attitude, a perspective - a way to pretend there is an identity, via claiming “my ordinary life”. “ I “ “am the separate one, who has a “life”. Another belief, which contributes to the veiling of what is in actuality pure ineffable magic, and even that is saying too much. Since the stress & tension can’t possibly be simply do to not focusing, and choosing the better feeling attitude, thus experiencing the unfolding of everything desired in this life experience, etc - it must be that ‘you’ are ‘lacking something’. Another belief is then created, that there is ‘something’ which ‘you’ are ‘lacking’, ‘understanding’ of. But understanding is the actual you, which is right now understanding. There is no separate self, no person, no human - “understanding”. The belief at play, is that there are ‘things’. Then another belief is”does it matter?” “It” = you. So do you matter? Apparently. Only, apparently. You = Nothing. Nothing is potentiality, appearing as “matter”, which appears to be a “you”. @Raptorsin7 If I told you I was looking for ‘person’, you might say “dude, that’s ridiculous, because you are a person”. If you told me you were ‘looking for happiness’, I could only tell you “dude, that’s ridiculous, because you are happiness”. Happiness can never be found, ‘it’s’ what’s seeking. There is only the inspecting of beliefs which boil down to ‘you = a person’. Beliefs are ‘tricky things’, because you’re doing it, and choosing to, and pretending you’re not. (It’s my life, it’s them, it’s the situation, the circumstances, it’s how I am, etc, etc). That you are aware you’re doing this, is the suffering. Were you not aware you’re doing this, there’d be no suffering. If you were not happiness - it would not be possible to experience what is referred to as “the suffering”. It is literally because you are happiness - that some thoughts & beliefs about yourself don’t feel good. Many beliefs, for many people, are “I don’t particularly care for x, y, and z about myself, but I’m working on acceptance, I’m working on my life, I’m working on my self, etc, etc”. There is the common belief, that it is “x, y & z” which are the reason for the ‘not feeling good’, but I’m ‘working on it’, etc, simply isn’t true. There is not a you & and it. The reason for the ‘not feeling good’, is because the belief ‘you’ are a ‘person’ - is not true. It is believing “I am separate (as a person)”. The ‘not feeling good’ is perpetuated by believing arising thoughts, “about me”. Meditation = relaxation, and is the relief for thought attachment. Yoga & breath-work are for releasing the energy / emotional misunderstanding, ‘from the body’.
  15. @sausagehead Goodness teaches us we are creating reality, in the same manor identity is an empty outline, a dent.
  16. @Godhead ??
  17. No. You’re conscious of thoughts. That there is ‘something’ you’re ‘unconscious of’, is just a thought you are conscious of, nothing more. If I was cutting my fingers off, and said to you “I want to bring an end to this suffering!” - the only thing you could really rationally say to me, would be “then stop cutting your fingers off”. What if I replied “I’m not doing it!” You could only say, “uh...ok, sure”. What if I said “but I’m doing it unconsciously!”. You could only say, “uh...alrighty, but, surely you are aware of the suffering, yes?” It would be at that point that I could not contest that I am aware of the suffering, and I am aware I’m doing it. The only question would be wether or not I would begin to listen to the suffering. You are creating them. You are ‘causing’ them. You are doing this. How it is you are not noticing you are doing by the usage of labels. You’re not yet noticing you believe your own labels, which you have labelled yourself with. What you are calling “insane feelings, panic attacks, anxieties” is not something true about you, it is true about your experience, which you are creating. It is no more than beliefs you hold about yourself, which are not true, and therefore do not feel good. Ask yourself, how long have you been telling this story about you? How long have you believed these labels to be true about you? When will you consider that the reason those labels do not feel good, is simply because they are not true? What are the beliefs about yourself that don’t feel good, which you can let go of / stop repeating / believing? For the arising of understanding & clarity... when & why did you begin this? Including yourself - who can you understand, who can you forgive, who can you accept as they are? Including yourself - who can you love? And a contemplative question for you... what stress, tension, trouble in life...what situation or circumstance - is more powerful than the love within you? Is the love within not powerful enough to understand? See that it is. Is the love within not powerful enough to forgive? See that it is. Is the love within not the true you, which has been dragged through the mud of labeling long enough? See that ‘it’ Is.
  18. I’m not ‘getting to’ anything. You ignored the advice and I’m pointing that out. Always up to you. It’s just advice after all.
  19. @The_Searcher That something is wrong with you is a belief, which is missed by jumping to psychedelics as a solution. Nothing’s wrong with you. You don’t have to focus on thoughts which don’t resonate, don’t feel good.
  20. @Someone here You ignored #2. You’re believing arising thoughts & conceptualizing about yourself and a world instead of being loving now, so to speak. #1 & #3 are for that apparent dilemma. You are not in a perspective, you are aware of perspective. Stop settling for perspective. #1, #2, & #3 are ‘for’ that, but it’s always up to you.
  21. @EnlightenmentBlog ‘You’ as the subject which could be irritated or saddened by objects, or experience bliss, is the subject-object, separate self perspective. Eckhart is not experiencing bliss. Nahm is not experiencing bliss. These are thoughts. Meditation is ideal.
  22. @Someone here You’ve already ignored the advice. No worries, it’s just advice.