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@decentralized Great! I’ll send you a message.
You mentioned you’ve done this before to them as well. How did they react or respond to this? Were they upset, did they dwell? What specifically did they say, and if they did dwell and resent you, for how long?
How do you know that this is addiction vs what you want? And if this isn’t what you want, what is it that you do want? How do you know porn causes suffering? And if there is discord which arises when you attempt to think about what you do want, which emotion is felt?
@decentralized Still available and would love to help. If you’re interested just let me know. No cost.
Nahm replied to SonataAllegro's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No one has access to it. No one is separate from or not, it. Everyone & everything already is it. The “access” would be in recognizing and relinquishing the conjecture of “levels” & “highest levels” as, “access”. It’s a conceptualization heard and believed, the ‘fall out’ of which is the belief unconditional love is in a future or in the right experience, or combination of experiences, which lead to the right level. These are just ideas, beliefs. Admittedly, these would have to recognized for what they are and rightfully discarded... but it can not be said in truth, in honesty, in accordance with conscience, that there is anyone who is without and thus needs to get, “access”. There is no suggestion here to take what I’m saying as truth. You are what’s so beautiful. You are the love that is. This is realized in understanding what you’re already feeling & experiencing, which in large part is a letting go of those conceptualizations & conjecture. If interested, watch some videos on Schrödinger’s cat. In short, alive is a thought, and dead is a thought, and you are nondual. All thought is dual, twoness, this or that, up & down, yada yada. Reality or experience, is nondual. Contrary to popular belief, thought appears in, as, reality, and can never define reality. Alive & dead are thoughts, and are no exception. But again, even that suggestion to look into Schrödinger’s cat is oriented to the conceptual. I suggest inspecting & understanding the emotions you are experiencing is the direct route. I’m available if you do take interest and have any questions. One relief of inspecting direct experience is the discovering there is no experience of inflicting suffering & death. Kind of a bold statement, but suffering is directly experienced in the ‘yours’ sense, and never on behalf of any other thing, person, animal or entity, and is directly related to thoughts, beliefs, and misinterpretations. Again, ‘living beings’ is an oxymoron, a concept, a thought believed. Also again, there is no implication here that love is ‘gotten to’ at a ‘level’, but is just prior to the beliefs (conceptualizations). Love is fallen into, allowed to arise within, and is not an achievement or attainment in a future. Even subtle judgement like ‘ugly’ can veil the truth, love. Such a thought can be believed such that it seems objectively true, when it is subjective & private, and basically opinion. That which is being thought to be ‘ugly’, very literally is the beauty and love that you are. Again, it’s allowing. Not figuring out, not the right experience, etc. Though it is relieving, it is indeed most humbling, but that there are humans, any separate individuals or selves in any real way, is only a belief, and is not true. That is conditioning, and that holding of that belief is how the conditioning is handed down and perpetuated. I hope you deduce, if not in what’s said here, in the vibe, that this is not meant personally. The primary belief is that you are a human. The secondary belief is that there are multiple humans. The third belief is that some are good and some are evil. The conclusion is to be alive is to be evil. But the conclusion is founded on beliefs which can be inspected and realized to be, beliefs. Nothing is unconditional love, you. No implication here this must be realized or accessed in a future. To be clear, I am saying this is what already is, and is felt as such, without exception. Nothing is appearing as reality, as in everything. Nothing is neither random or determined, as these are once again, conceptualizations of unconditional love. Random is only a thought, determined is only a thought. While the actuality is ineffable, and can not be thought, as in thunk. My suggestion is inspecting conceptualizations, conjecture & beliefs and dispelling them, falling into & receiving, actuality. The ‘good news’ is that all there is, is, our infinite self, which is good and is perfect… and beliefs to the contrary. Without exception, the discord is felt when these beliefs to the contrary arise, and again, I’m suggestion inspection of that via utilization of the emotional scale. It does work, but only as direct experience. It’s utilization does not require any effort. When it is said ‘I need to honor what I see now’, it can also be noticed beautiful and horrible, in this usage, are thoughts, judgements, conceptualizations of perception, and thus are not ‘what I see now’. It is what I think now, and it is discordant, and it is suffering, and there is cessation from this suffering, and it is letting go of these misinterpretations & misunderstandings. Which is to say, letting go of discord and suffering. Also for clarity sake, there is no implication here that there aren’t beliefs and concepts to let go of ‘to see reality as it is’. Only that there is no ‘work’ to do, no effort required, no thing in need of being attained or achieved, no means of special access. It’s only a matter of inspection, emotional understanding, and letting go of every belief that doesn’t even feel good, to you. It is entirely possible (see scale if interested) that you experience the emotions of blame, hate, rage and or anger, very rightfully so - but confuse the experience of these emotions, with the thought that you are separate. -
Nahm replied to SonataAllegro's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This whole apparent alive situation is made of the unconditional love you are. It is not evil to be alive, it is simply impossible. People do some horrific stuff for sure, no question. But it boils down to conditioning, and essentially wether we perpetuate it or self realize and don’t. But it’s also perfect if we don’t. -
Love where you’re coming from. Is this possible in an authoritarian platform?
Just stopping by to share two things, lots of love, and that helpless & anxiety are conceptual. Not emotions. For the win, understand what you are feeling, vs believing the conceptualizations you’ve been believing. Ok three things, believing the conceptualizations vs understanding what you’re feeling can most often support a hypochondriac like mindset of one way or another “something’s wrong with me” which “needs to be fixed”. This mindset (imo from what I’ve seen - not specific to you) results in dis ease, and therein, getting sick / illnesses a lot. I love you please don’t throw anything at me. ? We are in a time when our immune systems and well being are paramount, that’s where I’m coming from and hope that’s how it’s received.
Have fun everywhere you go, everywhere you are, not least of which when you’re alone. Has nothing to do with other people or specific locations or environments. Fun is greater than all of these. There is no fun anywhere without you bringing it. Imo, don’t do anything, don’t be tryna add anything. Just have fun. If there is resistance, its self referential thoughts, which are resolved by understanding the emotions you are experiencing. As a bonus, everyone at every party is also experiencing these ‘pesky’ emotions. There is much much connectivity and inclusiveness inherent in understanding emotions. Much more is ‘seen’ and much relaxation ensues with much understanding.
Ok with who you sneaky devil! Isn’t the real interest why they don’t call again & what can be done about this?
Nahm replied to Illusory Self's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This is what I’d call ‘Basic’ meditation. It’s pretty much what you describe. Two cents, if one isn’t able to sit with a straight spine, however one can sit or lie down will do, but if one can it is worthwhile. Inevitably the body starts emptying and any symmetry is ideal for this. Similar to body loads & releases in trips, and standing with arms out stretched, shoulders rolled back, palms open, etc. But in terms of cessation, the returning of attention to feeling breathing from the stomach is imo the way to go. -
Nahm replied to itachi uchiha's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
A high quality man is good for “politicians”. -
Nahm replied to SonataAllegro's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God bless ya. ??❤️ -
‘Deep rooted issues’ is a concept, a thought, which arises only now. That isn’t feeling, that is an interpretation. Feeling is now, and is of the interpretation. You are not feeling a past, you are feeling your own interpretation. That also is a concept, a thought, which arises now or not at all. What you want is to feel amazing all the time, and you can. The interpretation, which you believe is true, specifically about you, actually isn’t. This is why it feels discordant, to you. The feeling amazing you seek is present now, and only now. As you mentioned, you tried getting it from everyone and everything, and that did not pan out. This is because you are the source of feeling amazing. Like a cork held underwater and let go, amazing feeling arises of it’s own natural accord. This is not something you can do. You must learn how to ‘get out of your own way’, and feel that the cork, the true nature, arises within naturally. To ‘get out of your own way’, is to let the habit of conceptualizing go, and understand the emotions you are actually feeling & experiencing. The emotional scale. The old habitual conceptualizing will arise, simply focus again on the emotional scale. Express each emotion simply & earnestly. It is not complicated, there is no ‘big aha’. Each higher emotion feels a bit better, and momentum builds as you go up the scale. When you’ve expressed each emotion up to contentment, you’ve let the cork go. If you aren’t truly feeling at peace with this moment as it is (contentment), honor and express what you are thinking and feeling, and go to that emotion on the scale, and proceed upward again. Then the cork naturally arises as hopefulness, because (from the direct experience of using the scale) it is now realized you can use this scale anytime you want. In going forward with your life, this is good to know because there will be challenges, there will be difficulties. But - there will be the scale, which you can use to help you ‘empty’ by expressing, and thus feeling, contentment. You can do this anytime you want. This makes the outlook, thoughts of the future, optimistic by default, and you feel eagerness in knowing this, and joy and freedom in experiencing this.
Keep inspecting.
Be knowing what you are wanting, and be getting ready for it (her or him) to show up.
The more the emotion of doubt is understood the less there is doubt or that “it”. (There is no “it”. “It” is the experience of the emotion of doubt.) Beliefs in the way will empty. You can’t see this because you have not the direct experience. Yet, I hope. ??
‘Hope’, ‘Life isn’t magical’ & ‘helplessness’ are concepts, not feeling(s). The feeling would be in regard to how those thoughts feel. The help, hope, and magic, would be in noticing this.
Not sure what you are talking about there. But you don’t know that. You think or belief that. You don’t really know. They might think or believe that, but there is no actual direct experience of it. Nonetheless, that’s a great orientation though. It sheds light on what you really want, which is not to be understood, but the feeling of being understood. You could inspect that. Is there a ‘feeling of being understood’, or is there the thought of being understood, which feels good? That ‘seeing eye to eye’ very likely involved expressing, and not expecting.
@Happy Lizard Sorry… I should’ve said human race, or mankind.
Nahm replied to Vibroverse's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Vibroverse Oh then yes, thanks. Indeed. This is infinity. -
Therapy isn’t confusing. It’s for expression. Therapy is experienced as confusing, like any other relationship, by trying to make people do anything. Doubly confusing, if the trying to make people do anything is really, so you can feel better. Doubly, as in, expressing in therapy is the very means to feeling better. Therapy isn’t about the therapist understanding you, it’s more about you understanding yourself, so to speak. There has never been and never will be one understood by their parents. It’s impossible.
Nahm replied to Vibroverse's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Idk what ouroboros means, but yes, there’s consciousness appearing as the thought objects. There’s no objects. -
@Happy Lizard Not “shame for the human to win”. The human race ‘win’ is, no more shame.