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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @electroBeam Exactly. It’s ‘old’ thought & beliefs, about me & the world, ‘resurfacing’, and getting recontextualized in more falsity.
  2. Don’t wanna go down that road man, it’s rough and unnecessary. Whatever perceived shortcomings you have going on in life are the experience of the relativity between what you want to be creating and what you actually are doing with your days. Any ‘shifting’ or ‘projecting’ that feeling / situation onto God / God’s face is arguably the worst trap one could create on the path. Mending relationships as you mentioned likely relieved some karma and cleared some conscience. Continue in that direction, bringing that honesty, humility and willingness to yourself & your life in regard to what you really want to create, do and experience. If it gets overwhelming, remember, it’s just for the experience of right now. If you put any future moment ahead of, or as a higher priority than enjoying the actuality of now, you’ll feel it. Let it teach you relaxation from suffering, joy from delusion, presence from conceptualization. If you do so, all of the days of this life will be like those “next days” you mentioned, and then some, infinitely.
  3. @NorthNow What are some things you like, that you want to experience in this life?
  4. What if you meditated daily and no longer believed the appearing thoughts? Would you still believe this?
  5. @John Doe The first question would be what is it which you are really wanting, honestly, at this point in your life. Maybe it’s spiritual, maybe not, idk. What’s the priority for you? Why do you want it?
  6. @Applegarden ? I hope there’s some peace felt in seeing it came and went.
  7. @Applegarden No offense I hope, but I don’t really resonate with the perspectives you’re suggesting. I feel everybody should explore freely and love & live to the fullest.
  8. @zeroISinfinity If what you’re thinking were true, if it was what you want, it’d feel great.
  9. @Applegarden I suppose one’s liberation is another’s dead end...? Not exactly sure what you’re asking.
  10. @Spiral Wizard States only appear to come and go. Meditation is you. You never come & go. You never reach a “state”, anymore than you walk, talk, move, or think.
  11. @wavydude You are literally talking to yourself. About yourself. Convincing yourself. Creating yourself. Truth is so spontaneous, so good - whatever you say and create right now - is always up to you, as there is only this now. You are Being. Being this now.
  12. @VeganAwake That was great man. Clear and to the point. ??
  13. The duality is that the good feeling is coming from people, things, objects, experiences, etc, until it is noticed that it is not. Then it seems rather obvious that it never was.
  14. Deeply beautiful message there. The “problem” is that it’s true, no? Lol. The “problem” is that Truth is “too good to be true”. But it’s The Truth!
  15. You = good. It’s not a matter of ‘good enough’. You are what good is. Feeling, honesty, some inspection, and the willingness to let go of what doesn’t feel good. The answer to that is feeling. When there is the experience of being aware of these thoughts, notice you are aware. No thought could ever describe that which is aware, of the thought. No thought about you could be true, because you are already the awareness, of the thought.
  16. I’ve experienced that a few times as well. The ‘traveling’ aspect has been arbitrary in my experience, but the disappearing of the body mind has been experience many times voluntarily via meditation. I’m not sure if that’s something you’re looking to do. I recommend it, it’s mystical, fun & delightful, ime. Like a ‘full reset’ of reality. In regard to making sense of it, if the materialist paradigm is shattered, and I believe it is, then ‘making sense’ would no longer point to what is logical, rational, computable, deducible, or other facets of “material”. So that it shattered the materialist paradigm, is how it ‘makes sense’. Almost like someone breaking out of prison, and asking how it makes sense, and how it makes sense is that they are no longer in prison. Hopefully that makes sense.
  17. Ditto! ? ?
  18. @capriciousduck Sounds like you haven’t considered you can take time for this when you want. Might seem like insights ‘just come’ and you gotta ‘catch em’ while they’re hot, so to speak. But you will find, choice applies, and you can choose, make time for this. You can even pick a topic or subject, and relax, and insights will come. Careful not to make a duality of it though. There’s no issue with using something like voice to text, to ‘capture’ the insights that ‘just come’. Recording & explaining the insights can also deepen understanding, and insights begin to coagulate as epiphanies and revelations arise. The main thing, imo, is enjoy it in any case. Also, btw, every human experiences only one thought at a time. So the thought “my thoughts, or my thinking, is disorganized”, isn’t ‘true’ per se, because it itself, is just one arising, appearing thought.
  19. @Dumuzzi There isn’t anybody thinking here. Totally seems like it, I’ll give ya that. Thinking doesn’t interfere with anything, it’s you. ?
  20. Nice... but on that one point...wouldn’t that imply two? Brahmin, as it were...and something which could ‘move away’ from ‘it’? Perhaps there is not an understander.
  21. @Dumuzzi The sentiment in the questions was an offering of sorts, a prompt perhaps, that you might inspect and see through the narratives. If you’re interested in seeing the dualities at play (thought), you might contemplate them.... “becoming a God”, “all Gods having a light & dark side”, “Shiva being a manifestation”, “one can not exist without the other”, “ultimate evil”, a “Goddess of war & love” which “ I work with”, that you have ‘comes to terms’ with “your dual nature”, and “grew to accept the Truth”, “like a God”, “my dualities”, “our dualistic nature”, “I became nondual”, that “we are weak as opposed to Gods”, “opposing natures...male-female, good-evil, solar-lunar”, “that happens in Truth”, “both our sides working in unison”, “potential Gods”. “agreed prior to our incarnation in this”....”form”, “higher being”, “god-man”, “with the Gods” “One type of energy - a fusion of opposites” Or not, as well. All the same. ?
  22. @Gadasaa If my wife & I are watching Forrest Gump in the ‘living room’, and I claim there is literally a separate individual present, “Tom Hanks”... and my wife says “no, that’s a screen”, who would you say is ‘more accurate’?