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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @JayG84 If time did not exist, and you were watching a movie, you’d probably think time was passing and existed. If it was then remembered that time doesn’t exist, intelligence & love would still be present. In realizing you only thought time existed (cause of the movie watchin) time would not be regarded as a relative sense, but rather as relative thinking. As there is awareness of this “relative thinking”, there appears to be, awareness. With time being relative thinking, this awareness of relative, would have to be not-relative, but yet, exist. What exists which is not relative, exists in any and all possibilities, except not existing, and therefore would be existence. So existence would be most’re reading about existence. Which I would think would make you wonder...what if that movie you’d watched, since there wasn’t time, was actually a frameless potentiality screen, appearing as a layer-less probability of waveless color & motion. Again, that’s if time did not exist. As always, up to you.
  2. @Zabuloon Just sit with a pad of paper. Write down what you’d like insight on, and meditate. Once the thought clear, you’ll receive the insight. You’ve been doing this, and only this, all along. Now do it consciously. The edibles may have played a role in clearing the mind. Maybe not, just thought it was worth mentioning. Ultimately though, you’d have only believed they did.
  3. ”Never ending pain is a waste of fucking time.” - Phil Anselmo
  4. Hellz yeah. ?? Can’t wait to see what you create in this life.
  5. @Leo Gura Ha! Nailed it. When you finally get what the hell Leo’s been talking about.
  6. When you realize it’s all pure magic and you’ve been humaning. When it’s infinite love pouring through all that appears from here on out and you know it. When you realize you ‘did’ all this. Realizing you are the truth. When the ‘why’ of psychedelics ‘clicks’ and you’re bout done with this fear bullshit. Realizing “good & bad” are thoughts made of Goodness. Realizing uncertainty is made of Infinite certainty. First actual glance at what shadow work is. The beauty of infinity.
  7. @Matt23 How are you thinking about it, when those physical reactions occur? How do you want to be thinking about it, as in, what is the best feeling perspective you can come up with after taking some time to feel through perspectives?
  8. @capriciousduck The belief at play is judgement, and it appears to be acting as a “divider”...experiencing via the belief that there is one ‘you’ which is judging a second you / ‘yourself’. Frankly, everybody else has a life they’re living, and nobody’s judging you. No need to “judge yourself”. It’s better to be aware you’re doing what you want to be doing. There’s no reason to feel bad, you can continue doing what you you want to do. You inevitably will. Take a ‘step back’ and notice what you’re talking about - what you’re focused on. Notice it is subject, and more specifically perspectives, that don’t really feel good to you. Feel your way to better feeling perspectives. Listen to some YouTube inspirational teachers. Write down what you want in an affirmative manor. That is, don’t include words about anyone else, or what they think, or any negative beliefs about yourself. Start noticing you’re doing that, and let it go. There is no shortage of focus or energy, just an opportunity to notice how and what you’re focusing on. Then you will feel better and more creative.
  9. @ivankiss An eight string!? Man you are not messin around!
  10. “I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t, then why would I say I am?” -Eminem You are living the story you are telling. You are living it as the you of the story you’re telling. The iron is hot right now! It’s the time to strike. You definitely know what you do not want. Flip your own script. Write a list of what you therefore know you do want on a dreamboard. You will see the story you actually want, and it has (in this moment right now) already began ‘coming’, and will continue to do so. It’ll weed resistant thoughts / self doubt / total bummer ness, right out of you effortlessly, in letting them go. Side note, holy shit if I could be 23 with your wit, intelligence, diligence, make 35k online..psh. Forget about it. That money did not come from a world separate of you as it may seem. It came from your dreaming, from your focusing. It’s a amuse-bouche, it’s not even the appetizer let alone the dinner. It’s reality saying “look what you’re capable of!”. You totally got this. Take over the world. Crush this dream. Infuse it with what you really want, and watch what happens. Here’s an example of a kid who knew what he wanted, and started with a single video on YouTube. He’s doing ok.
  11. @Matys In thinking a lot (too much imo) about what other people think or might think, you’re missing the obviousness that it’s all up to you and the only point is your experience. It can be relieving to realize you’ve never once experienced what anyone else is thinking, or if anyone else is thinking at all. You’re already completely absolutely free, and there are billions of people and countless advertising channels and outlets. The benefit of the large numbers is you can do whatever you want and some folks will resonate. In a conversation about this once, I challenged someone to think up the most ridiculous thing that no one would ever be interested and buy. They thought of “a jar of farts”. They googled it, and indeed it was listed on EBay, and there had already been bids for it. You’re good to go. ?? Also, desire is that of wanting to know the wholeness of self. It appears in countless forms and pursuits. So, what people most desire, is consciousness, though most seem not to realize this nor use the forum’s common vernacular. Do your ‘raising consciousness thing’ man, and perhaps aim to make it assessable to the “muggles”. Off the top of my head sts, there’s billions of people who would probably like to realize opposites is the nature of concept, of thought, not a facet of reality, because as @mandyjw has pointed out to us, there is no opposition. And here’s an example of how this is utilized to bullshit us / ourselves / ourself... “whatsoever your heart desires bruh” THIS!
  12. lol. All hugs are imaginary anyways. Not so much the love though. But the hugs are none other than the love. ?⭕️?
  13. @Nak Khid What is ‘your’ understanding of the relationship between meditation and the mind, and therefore human and world? How do those relate to each other (if at all)?
  14. Yes, this. Let your words be an after thought of feeling. Allow that feeling of the reaction without reacting in thought or words. Just witness that. Within it is the arising of the understanding, which pairs perfectly with your courage in forgiveness. What other say is no more and no less, than what others say. What is a ‘threat to your ego’ is defined by, and thus experienced by, and therefore is always up to you. In ‘witness’ or ‘observer’ mode, this is more deeply seen & known, until it is ultimately realized you are perfectly safe, no thing can ever actually hurt you. Keep letting go, keep seeing the tangle and in your nonreaction keep seeing the effortlessness of the untangle. It needs no work from you. In nonresponse, the goodness of your being, the understanding that you are is more and more realized as this peace, this presence.
  15. @zeroISinfinity Take two of these and call me in the morning. Be sure to listen closely as not to get any wrong ideas. Only a fool would come this far only to start over. The healing is in the pain. The perfection of the imperfection.
  16. @zeroISinfinity Hearing only lost in the siddhis, alone in the heals, such a plea falls upon the deaf and blind. I am no one’s carpet ride.
  17. Tool is love indeed. ? Feelin that. ?? How bout this sneaky little Pete....who’d of ever guessed... “You know where you are?! You’re in the jungle baby!! You’re gonna die!!’. ... an Ode to Shiva and the monkey mind of “reality”...