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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @Someone here Nobody could really know. Maybe one day there’ll be a book explaining it. Maybe you’ll even write it. But then, that would mean the thoughts weren’t delusional, had use, and weren’t a distraction. That’d be a tough challenge for you I think.
  2. @Someone here “Why” is a thought. You left the backdoor open. I sneaked right in lol.
  3. As you noted, maya samadhi is a concept, which is another word for a thought. “Body” is also a thought, a word you learned. So you’ll find clarity rephrasing the question...”Is thought less or more conscious”. Furthermore, “less or more conscious”, is also a thought. The nature of that thought, is comparison. Without realizing, the very infinite consciousness sought is being reduced to “finite”, as “individual separate people”, which are being compared. As you are not separate of infinite consciousness, experience is reduced with the veil unknowingly added, of “I am separate”, or, “I am a finite object”. You can check this in direct experience by attempting to perceive (visually speaking) ...a thought (to verify it is only a thought). If there is interest in freeing of the unseen matrix of thought attachment, daily morning meditation, self-sincerity, continued inspection, and the fundamentals of well being are the way. Consider ‘inspecting awareness’... Propose the questions, “am I aware?”, and “am I aware that I am aware?” Then, look in direct experience for something else which is similar to this awareness. Look for anything which is ‘just like’ the experience of awareness. Look for where this awareness begins & ends, look for the actual ‘edges’ of ‘it’. Be sure to note any arising thoughts, are thoughts. Specifically, notice if thoughts, as labels of “things”, are being believed or not. It can be helpful to replace the labels, with made up words, to break the pattern. For example, in perceiving a lamp, ‘re-label’ with “hrebzs”. This helps the realization that “it” was never “a lamp”, as “lamp” was only ever, a thought - rather than the actuality of perception. Just as “body” is a thought, “dead” & “space” are no more than thoughts. These are beliefs based on an assumption that ‘matter’ is inert, or alive-less, sts. Again, notice there is awareness, and there is feeling. Consider that thus far, innocently & effortlessly, there has been a ‘pairing’ of the thought “my”, with awareness & feeling. Again, look for ‘edges’ of where awareness & feeling begin or end. Look until there is satisfaction with the inspection. It might begin to dawn that every appearing thought is made of the very consciousness the thought seems to be about. In recognizing the futility of “thinking about consciousness”, a new appreciation and inspiration for the practices & inspection of direct experience might arise. What appears to forget, forgets to appear, and what appears to be finite, can inspect the actuality & nature of it’s infinitude, thus remembering.
  4. @upstream Might be time for some downstream ease & letting go. This came to mind... I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder Most of us only care about money makin' Selfishness got us followin' the wrong direction Wrong information always shown by the media Negative images is the main criteria Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema whatever happened to the values of humanity Whatever happened to the fairness and equality Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under Gotta keep my faith alive 'til love is found Now ask yourself Where is the love? Where is the love? Where is the love? Where is the love?
  5. @zeroISinfinity When you realize there’s no distance from me to you.
  6. @Johnny5 Appreciating the opportunity to clarify...No, I definitely would drop all of the content of focus (pasted above) and of the op. Has Nahm done psychedelics.... Psh. Shit bruh.
  7. Post awakening, self doubt. Post awakening, truth & effortlessness.
  8. @Johnny5 Interesting. Not exactly related, but this popped up.... @upstream An analogy...if it’s helpful... You might be looking to the tripping for resolution, to ‘resolve’ or ‘solve’ or ‘fix’ something. In innocently & honestly not realizing there is no ‘problem’ present, only the believing that there is, You might be making surrendering / letting go impossible without realize what / how you are doing so. Which might be like a movie seeking resolution from the screen. The “resolve“ is in the letting go of the movie (hell, fear, possession, etc) rather than believing there is a problem...which needs to be resolved...and expecting nothing to “resolve it”. The screen doesn’t have any resolution, relatively, it is being all “problems” and “resolutions”. Maybe more simply said, just freely willingly ‘give it to God’, rather than believing there even is a problem, and expecting ‘God’ to solve it. If this ‘lands’ or ‘clicks’ at all and you’re your day to day, look for opportunities to feel any arising tensions with a coordination to beliefs life is inherently hard, difficult, unfair, etc. Let the thoughts / perspectives go and feel the well being response in feeling. Letting go, just how good it feels right now - vs because it would “solve” anything. Also, help me out, I’m curious what thought arises....7g’s 4x & ego death (and I believe you) in the world are you still believing in hell, fear & death? What’s going on ‘there’?
  9. @upstream If you retrace where all these beliefs in a soul and hell etc came from, and understand why those people or person chose to believe that, your odds of no longer focusing on it and recreating experiences like this go way up.
  10. @Michael569 I don’t stop and mention it, so I’re a gem dude. The genuine article, a gift that most authentically keeps on givin. I learn from all your posts and appreciate the time, effort, insight and knowledge you bring. Thank you sir.
  11. Hey, not everybody has time for this stuff. ? Meditation, going and meeting the wizard, etc. Busy world, limited time. So little to do and forever to do it.
  12. Are ‘you conscious of’ thoughts?.... Now try and think consciousness.... Doesn’t appear to work that way. “Everything” is like time, in that the actuality of it is that it is ‘your’ thought. Side note...”Bert” means “bright”.
  13. In what could be called “the state of no-mind”, there’s still what is being called “consciousness”, wether in regard to “infinite mind” or “finite mind”. That’s half ‘true’ and half ‘false’. There is no “mechanism of change” sans the implication of a thought. Nothing is existence. Time is “your” thought that there is “time”, and nothing more.
  14. @ethanb121 Sorry to hear, and also that is beautiful. Sounds like you got the very insight that you needed to get. ??
  15. @dimitri Now that there is self realization. Beautiful my man, just beautiful.
  16. When you realize there is a Santa in reality and it’s you, but then also realize that means “Santa” was a trap.
  17. Not-motion. Sequence-less event-less-ness.
  18. Thinking about how to get back to the awakened state while its scratching your chin.