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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. @zeroISinfinity When relaxation, letting go & being fine with whatever sensation is, inevitably dogs & conditions are not. A doer must do, a nanogram less is bypassing the nonograms of “suffering”. Love can not be risked as no one has it, yet the more you give it up the more you have. Mario with princess, Mario without, game remains the Same. Trust is more cleverness. Or is it less. Up to who, trust is like a cannibal stranded alone on an island, naturally eating itself on it’s own damn time. The world has no skin in that game. Loneliness is dream cleverness, alone is the perfect punchline. Insufferably funny. Or is it. ‘I’ dunno. Odds is nonsense like devilry is sanity. When love is certain what more could be needed to live in uncertainty. When living in uncertainty what more could be needed than the certainty of love. I am going to search online now, for face slapping telegram messengers in your area. I will order one, and in the comments section for the note I will type best. Of. Both. Worlds.
  2. Crazy True. ? @Jonsey Frustration, tension, stress, worry, doubt, anxiety, depression, etc, are always teaching Now. You’ve been on the path since you were born.
  3. @supremeyingyang All very ordinary, really.
  4. @supremeyingyang No. I share info with clients in calls to the degree it is useful, but am not really interested in sharing personal information as such online.
  5. @supremeyingyang We’re all living the dream my friend. Yes, when you start a company, you get to decide the name.
  6. @JayG84 Yes, I’d say intuition is feeling / presence / now. I think it’s good to listen to advice & perspective cognitively to expand one’s own perspectives and frame of reference, but to listen to intuition in terms of feeling, and to always ‘hold’ intuition / feeling in the highest regard in comparison to what anyone says. Trust is a tricky word. A way to say this...maybe... for one who abides in feeling, there really is no call, need, reason, or desire to think in terms of trust. But yet, for one who is not established in feeling / intuition, trust is paramount. Bit of a stages of life happening when it comes to trust, all relative undoing until it is absolute ‘non-doing’. Feeling good is feeling good, so no issue. Inspecting feeling bad is worthwhile if it’s a repeating “stickiness”, yes. If a better feeling thought can be picked, in a non-bypassing manor, that seams the simple obvious way to go. These topics, trust, intuition, feeling...all very intermingled. Takes a while to have clarity with it all.
  7. Yes. Yes, but fear is made up vs being a thing that can do anything (second-guess). There’s truly no ‘getting it wrong’. There are not multiple paths to go down, only what you want. You’re creating it out of nothing. There is instinct, or in spiritual terms maybe ‘picking up someone’s vibe / intentions’. This is all entirely subjective though. Just sharing an understanding, view, perspective.
  8. @JayG84 My guess is your friends and family do ‘understand’, or resonate at a more intuitive less cognitive level but are scared to death what would happen if their routines of distraction were interrupted. The real fear is of what could’ve been, what life had been like had you not went. The ‘path less travel’ indeed is all the difference. You are a true hero my friend. Godspeed.
  9. That’s a good description of what I’m doing these days. Experience wise I’ve created multimillion dollar companies, which I manage via delegation, and awakened. Untangling mental blocks is my favorite hobby.
  10. Are there...individuals? If they would “put you in your place”.....are there “they’s” & “you’s”? What’s the distinction behind that they could, but you can’t? There are enlightened individuals (?)...and you are not “one of them”? It’s hard to keep up with all the separate selves sometimes. I think I’m going full reversion; solipsist materialist from here on out.
  11. @Twega I’d suggest it’s a matter of inspection rather than trust. As an example, have you noticed ‘book’ is a thought, not perception?
  12. Same ‘reason’ one would hold closed a door to a tsunami, because you’d drown.
  13. @Kiko Simple common honesty & inspection can change everything. Is a belief different than what is true? If so, what is the belief... and what is the truth?
  14. @Winny “ I “ is a thought. Same for thoughts about an “ I “, like “days”, “awareness”, etc, etc, etc. Let thoughts come & go without reacting.
  15. What definition (connotation) are you working with for ‘enlightened people’?
  16. @Gone Focus on presence. Consciously breathe from your stomach and feel it. Tune into seeing & hearing. Let thoughts of ‘you’ ‘feeling’ go, and feeling is.
  17. The “way out” is actually, “in”. The “way in” is letting the narratives go. When we see the believing of thoughts “is the problem”, and no longer do, the body naturally releases, and it is readily seen there is only ever a problem as created and defined by oneself. The key is the fundamentals, diet, exercise, daily morning & afternoon meditation, expressive writing, etc. Trying to decipher this or that self etc, is one of the narratives. “It’s” not tricky...”I am tricky”. When thoughts are no longer believed, it is revealed there never were “parts”. It is none other than infinite love & perfect peace, which arises as the thoughts, stories, narratives, etc. ‘Presence’. Always present, here & now. Never in a thought story of past or future, or “my selves”, always abundantly readily available now. Only seems to not be the case via believing the arising narrative.
  18. @rav Great to hear. It’s your world. You should be relaxed and creating what you want in it, imo.
  19. That’s what you believe truth feels like? That’s how it feels to be genuine?
  20. @Inliytened1 Much appreciated, but that question was more for our solipsist friend.
  21. @rav Would it make sense that it feels that way simply because it’s not true?