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Everything posted by Nahm

  1. You have to zoom out of you to understand and finally see reincarnation. It’s among the last.
  2. @Anderz Something is nothing.
  3. @Anderz More so pointing which is not to concept.
  4. @Anderz When you say not two is a concept...there is you and that concept. But there are not two.
  5. @Anderz Yeah, I agree, seems to be the case everywhere. Nonduality is the pointing of ‘not two’ though. It is not a suggestion of one, or a oneness of reality, etc. Thus nonduality can not be a concept. Reality, would be the concept.
  6. @Anderz Nonduality as a pointing is ‘not two’. You and concept would be two, no? Do you suppose the scientists are including ‘themselves’, or maybe that what they’re sharing is only conceptual?
  7. I think I hear ya on the pointer, but how is nonduality a concept? Is that a “spiritual idea” in your opinion?
  8. @Forestluv That reminded me I buried a time capsule also. I think is was by the...Aw shoot. Nvm.
  9. @Anderz Reminds me of Sean Carrol. It’s as if since one is a scientist they are inherently separate from the no thing. “Mind” boggling how this can be missed at such a no-proximity-left ‘range’, isn’t it? Also curious, are you saying nonduality is a concept, or are you saying the team of hardcore scientists are?
  10. @Anderz In a nutshell, is he saying that since he, time, space, matter, & thought arise of the graph, which is whole & no thing...that in other words he’s making it up? “Information” = no thing?
  11. @Anderz Thanks that’s interesting. Do you see either as more or less fundamental in regard to the thinking and the information?
  12. What worth could suffering really be said to have other than the realization of what it is? What if you received a gift in the mail today, wrapped in an unrecognizable wrapping. Possibly from a remote country, completely unrecognizable, maybe even from another planet or race. Touching it, and feeling as if it’s maybe even from another time or dimension, perhaps outside of our entire cosmos. A wrapping paper that is barely like ‘paper’ at all, so mysterious that even the implication of what could be inside the wrapping takes your curiosity through a ride of every corner of your mind. A motionless wrapping with an apparent malignant power so hauntingly unseen & yet all pervasive that to refrain from unwrapping it wrenched your body and mind with waking nightmares of fear and horror which piece by piece crush every dream and hope you once held for this life. Just when all is lost and there is nothing left to lose nor live for, when death itself is inconsequential and at worst welcomed...imagine then unwrapping that gift only to remember you sent it...and laughing at how funny you are.
  13. @Anderz Do you see information as a noun, or a verb?
  14. @Bratcat How has daily morning meditation been going? What is coming up, and what is being done about it, if anything?
  15. @An young being The expansion of the universe is only apparent, so it can not go away or increase.
  16. To see what is true. To recognize the falsity of the mind dualistically labeling the infinity of feeling, and thus liberate of the suffering of ignorance, misinterpretation, misidentification & misunderstanding. To know the true nature of the mind & self, and to consciously create rather than reactively create emotion. To transcend the paradigm locks of perspective & self limitation & self doubt, to self realize, and effortlessly create the life you actually want on all accounts.
  17. You’ve got a bogus belief that doesn’t jive with the actuality of reality.
  18. Cause they’re roommates and J likes to keep it on the down low. ”Jesus and me” Netflix 2021.
  19. @zeroISinfinity I’d make a life of gold. Always up to who though.
  20. If some thing comes from some thing, that thing comes from some thing, etc. Thinking is relative. Some thing can only be the appearance of nothing. In the same way, sanity can only be the appearance of infinite unlimited intelligence. Like a script within a script, sanity’s required in the movie, but believing in it is delusional.